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Poll: Wynne at 14%. Will she have to step down to save the party?

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How can Ontario continue on this path? 

Yes, the Ontario Liberals have promised to balance the budget in 2018 but I think we all can agree that this will be done with voodoo economics combined with this new cap and trade gouging that will do little if nothing towards lowering emissions but will continue to hurt all classes of people in this province. 

Even in the evil days of Ernie Eves, he knew enough to back off the selling of hydro one. 

Wynne raised the bar on corruption in Ontario politics and I am praying to whatever God that might maybe listening to completely wipe these individuals out. 


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On 12/20/2016 at 2:41 PM, PIK said:

Trudeau just gave the PS  5.5% raise

Yes, that is how it was reported in the right wing trash media. Of course they forgot to mention that was over the 4 years of the collective agreement, which works out to just over 1%/year which is less than the rate of inflation.

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2 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Yes, that is how it was reported in the right wing trash media. Of course they forgot to mention that was over the 4 years of the collective agreement, which works out to just over 1%/year which is less than the rate of inflation.

And the left wingers are low balling the cost of cap and trade in Ontario.

If it is such the right thing to do than why hide the cost in delivery Charges? 

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16 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Yes, that is how it was reported in the right wing trash media. Of course they forgot to mention that was over the 4 years of the collective agreement, which works out to just over 1%/year which is less than the rate of inflation.

Nice payback for the anti Harper campaign they did.

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On 12/26/2016 at 0:00 AM, Ash74 said:

How can Ontario continue on this path? 

Yes, the Ontario Liberals have promised to balance the budget in 2018 but I think we all can agree that this will be done with voodoo economics combined with this new cap and trade gouging that will do little if nothing towards lowering emissions but will continue to hurt all classes of people in this province. 

Even in the evil days of Ernie Eves, he knew enough to back off the selling of hydro one. 

Wynne raised the bar on corruption in Ontario politics and I am praying to whatever God that might maybe listening to completely wipe these individuals out. 


Yes, but this foolishness was started by mike harris.  So you going to vote out the liberals for enacting the conservatives plan? Ontario, or at least the gta, is a liberal progressive hot bed.  They wield the votes in large enough numbers where without being able to penetrate it, conservatives cannot win.  The conservative small government agenda, is directly contra the interest of GTA voters because large regions require good activist government, not "small and limited government" .  The only thing conservatives could do is to offer tax cuts to the upper middle class people, and you'd be talking elimination of provincial taxes to really get the votes.  Basically, they'd have to copy kansas style disaster tax cuts to really get the votes. 

Also the pc party is not progressive in ontario.  Wynne is grossly corrupt, but we got toll highways from the last conservative government and jon tory, the former conservative leader of ontario is bringing in more toll highways to toronto.  So how does a conservative government look to you?  More john tory style corruption, more tolls, more being nickled and dimed.

Wynne isn't winning because people like her, they just realize the conservatives have a platform of anti-middle class, anti-working class, and anti-poor agenda.  Further their history of racism does not help them at all.

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But Wynne has declared war on all classes. 

She has forced people to choose between food or hydro. 

She is declared war on doctors. 

Sneaky taxes. 

I didn't hate the Harris years because I am one of those people that want to stand on his own two feet. 

I work for a living and pay my own way. Wynne has taken a page out of Stalins book and wants all people to need the government to survive. 

It was the federal liberals that cut more out of health care during the Harris years than anybody

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4 hours ago, Ash74 said:

But Wynne has declared war on all classes. 

She has forced people to choose between food or hydro. 

She is declared war on doctors. 


Not exactly, so far, it has been limited largely to the rural poor as she stop subsidizing them. Doctors got a raise, it was much worse undr harris when they were having their wages, slashed and hospitals closed down and getting laid off and fired.


4 hours ago, Ash74 said:

Sneaky taxes. 

I didn't hate the Harris years because I am one of those people that want to stand on his own two feet. 

I work for a living and pay my own way. Wynne has taken a page out of Stalins book and wants all people to need the government to survive. 

It was the federal liberals that cut more out of health care during the Harris years than anybody


You are probably just living in the wrong province.  There is a reason why the provinces with the 3 major cities, are prevailingly liberal or left of centre. Conservatives don't even exist provincially in BC, lol. Your position is not the norm.  Most, Ontarians were not given free land from the government where they pay no taxes on.  They live in large to medium sized cities and thus are heavily reliant on government just for their most basic needs to be met.  Without large centralized government, a city can not run effectively.  Even in really red states like Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, the cities like Atlanta, Jackson, and Austin, Dallas etc tend to be comparatively much more liberal.


Standing on your "own two feet" works fine when the government gave your grandfather a free 120 acre homestead and you don't really need the government help.  But for a person who is Italian, coming to north york in the 1960s, there is no way you can compete effectively without government help.  It is grossly inconvenient, a pain in the neck, and very hard to do basic things like getting your groceries.  This is why the Italians in north york are so liberal, I know, I use to campaign door to door to them.  But even the farmers cry for help now and then when things go bad. So everyone wants small government, until they need big government.  We'd all like to pay no taxesbut get lots of services.

Everytime you have the developers building suburbs, they are really just building future liberal voters, because you want government to build a rail to cut your commute time from 3 hours to  1 hour.  It is the voters who want big government.  Its not possible to survive in these suburbs like vaughan, richmond hill, mississauga, ajax etc without a big activist government fixing problems.

I mean you can shift the blame, but it was the provincial government responsible for healthcare, not the feds.  It got really bad under Harris, people remember chritien favourably as a good government.  Canada's economy did well overall.


For conservatives to win, they need to become more progressive, and fight for the little guy, and lose their mean spirtedness.  Rob Ford was the only conservative I could think of that probably had any chance in that regard.


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Today is the day!!!

Mark it down that January 1 2017 was the beginning of the great Cap and Trade tax scheme of Ontario. A completely secret tax that will cost the people of this province even more money and really do nothing for the environment. 

But at least we can all feel better about it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/21/2016 at 9:21 AM, Boges said:



Dalton McGuinty had to step down as the Gas Plant scandal was heating up and Wynne stepped in and washed her hands of it. The stupid Ontario voters bought it. Well now that we have Hydro rate issues, and scandals associated with that. And nothing Wynne can say, or do, can really lift the stink of it. Certainly not another rebate that won't cover the impending hike associated with Carbon Pricing. 

The stupidity of the Ontario voter never ceases to amaze me, but it looks like this party's usefulness has finally run its course. A year and a half from another election, the time might be now to push Wynne out the door. Or will they just hope that fear mongering and Public Service Union support will win the day again? 

Then it will be replaced by another liberal party. Whether they are called conservative or NDP or whatever will not matter. Ontario needs a Trump to straighten out and to drain the swamp of liberalism. Ontario voters need to smarten up and needs to get rid of the crooked political party's that have been running Ontario into the ground with it's political correctness and multiculturalism, and stop trying to promote the ridiculous gay and other perverted life styles. 

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On the news , apparently some woman from?? got an chance to talk to Wynn for  1-2 hours and Wynn told her she is going to have some kind of help for people  and their hydro bills and carbon tax by the next budget.     My view, take away the delivery charges......mine was $70.00 last month and sometimes its more than hydro used!!

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9 hours ago, taxme said:

Then it will be replaced by another liberal party. Whether they are called conservative or NDP or whatever will not matter. Ontario needs a Trump to straighten out and to drain the swamp of liberalism. Ontario voters need to smarten up and needs to get rid of the crooked political party's that have been running Ontario into the ground with it's political correctness and multiculturalism, and stop trying to promote the ridiculous gay and other perverted life styles. 

Trump filed his last bankruptcy in 2014 when he started running for president.  He cannot even run a business, they have gone bankrupt 8 times, and his golf course in scotland is losing $30 million a year. The only government in Canada to run surpluses have been the federal liberals, not conservatives, conservative candidates use reckless tax cuts and privatiation policis.  And Trump is filling the swamp with Swamp monsters like ross wilbur, steven munichin, linda machman and jeff sessions.  How is multiculturalism running the province into the ground, you want to see a place run into the ground, go up north into drop fart Ontario where people aren't even on the electrical grid, multiculturalism is the only thing keeping Ontario from sinking into the dirt.  Niagara Falls is on the brink of collapse due to lack of multiculturalism.  With the falls, and casinos they have a huge advantage over Toronto, but lack of different cultures, people, and new cultures with money to develop it keeps it backwards and ready to go broke.

I agree with the gay and perverted lifestyle part.

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42 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

I'm honestly surprised Wynne hasn't stepped down yet. She's going to drive the OLP into the ground. She's to the point now of affecting the chances of everyone else in her party getting elected.

But who can replace her? 

Most of her cabinet is covered in scandals and incompetence. 

The entire bunch needs to be shown the door.   

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3 hours ago, cybercoma said:

I'm honestly surprised Wynne hasn't stepped down yet. She's going to drive the OLP into the ground. She's to the point now of affecting the chances of everyone else in her party getting elected.

Wynne feels she hasn't stolen enough yet, she is very power hungry, she ain't gving up the good life voluntarily, she'd have to be forced out the position in a primary, even mcguinty had the decency to resign.  She doesn't care if the party goes into the ground. Frankly, we need tax cuts, it wouldn't be a bad thing if liberals lose.

2 hours ago, Ash74 said:

But who can replace her? 

Most of her cabinet is covered in scandals and incompetence. 

The entire bunch needs to be shown the door.   

Only a back bencher can replace her, her entire cabinet except 2-4 ministers are tainted in scandal.

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On 1/19/2017 at 8:44 AM, hernanday said:

Trump filed his last bankruptcy in 2014 when he started running for president.  He cannot even run a business, they have gone bankrupt 8 times, and his golf course in scotland is losing $30 million a year. The only government in Canada to run surpluses have been the federal liberals, not conservatives, conservative candidates use reckless tax cuts and privatiation policis.  And Trump is filling the swamp with Swamp monsters like ross wilbur, steven munichin, linda machman and jeff sessions.  How is multiculturalism running the province into the ground, you want to see a place run into the ground, go up north into drop fart Ontario where people aren't even on the electrical grid, multiculturalism is the only thing keeping Ontario from sinking into the dirt.  Niagara Falls is on the brink of collapse due to lack of multiculturalism.  With the falls, and casinos they have a huge advantage over Toronto, but lack of different cultures, people, and new cultures with money to develop it keeps it backwards and ready to go broke.

I agree with the gay and perverted lifestyle part.

I am pretty sure that there have been many millionaires and billionaires who have gone bankrupt with some or all of their businesses. All you appear to want to do here is to make it a big deal about Trump because you don't like Trump. Otherwise, why keep bringing it up? The guy is still a successful business man. He is a billionaire, and he didn't get all of his money from sitting on his butt. JT they say has not worked a real job in his life. And why would he? He didn't need too. He got his money handed down to him from his daddy. 

Multiculturalism has brought in many people from many third world countries that are now unemployed and contributing nothing to society. The only thing multiculturalism seems to be doing these days is creating jobs for immigration lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats. Ontario has sunk in the dirt. The province is billions of dollars in debt because of so many useless programs and agendas that did nothing to help Ontario at all. The government is bloated with the it's all about me-me-me liberal politicians who know nothing at all as to how to run a real government.

I don't know how a city can be on the brink of collapse just because there is no multiculturalism. If it is on the brink of collapse that may be mostly due to the politicians that are running that town. They probably keep spending money that they don't have. I am pretty sure that there are different cultures and businesses in Niagara Falls. I never will blame the people for the problems that they have. I blame most of the politicians that do not have a clue as to how to run government like a business. Government "IS"the problem, and never really the solution. Get government off peoples back and Canada once again can be great. Rules and regulations and taxes is what is killing jobs. 


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I am pretty sure that there have been many millionaires and billionaires who have gone bankrupt with some or all of their businesses. All you appear to want to do here is to make it a big deal about Trump because you don't like Trump. Otherwise, why keep bringing it up? The guy is still a successful business man. He is a billionaire, and he didn't get all of his money from sitting on his butt. JT they say has not worked a real job in his life. And why would he? He didn't need too. He got his money handed down to him from his daddy. 

As long as people keep trying to lie about his record, I will keep correcting it.  You can call it whatever you want, I call it facts.  He is an 8 time bankrupt who inherited an inflation adjusted $1 billion dollars and had he just put it in real estate should have been worth $15 billion and he is not even worth $1 billion.  How can you be a successful business man by constantly declaring bankruptcy, his last bankruptcy was in 2015. He got all of his money by screwing over his investors and selling them false hope about his casino where he used junk bonds to fund and then used it to insider deal to buy his other failing business.  Trump was given all his money from his daddy, when his casino failed, he made an illegal loan to DJT.


2 hours ago, taxme said:

Multiculturalism has brought in many people from many third world countries that are now unemployed and contributing nothing to society. The only thing multiculturalism seems to be doing these days is creating jobs for immigration lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats. Ontario has sunk in the dirt. The province is billions of dollars in debt because of so many useless programs and agendas that did nothing to help Ontario at all. The government is bloated with the it's all about me-me-me liberal politicians who know nothing at all as to how to run a real government.

Without multiculturalism, the economy of the largest cities in Canada stop.  The GTA, Vancouver, Montreal, and then the whole place looks like fart nowhere country land with no jobs, no opportunities.



2 hours ago, taxme said:

I don't know how a city can be on the brink of collapse just because there is no multiculturalism. If it is on the brink of collapse that may be mostly due to the politicians that are running that town. They probably keep spending money that they don't have. I am pretty sure that there are different cultures and businesses in Niagara Falls. I never will blame the people for the problems that they have. I blame most of the politicians that do not have a clue as to how to run government like a business. Government "IS"the problem, and never really the solution. Get government off peoples back and Canada once again can be great. Rules and regulations and taxes is what is killing jobs. 

You wouldn't even have a city without multiculturalism, Toronto would just go back to having mud roads and no development.  Nope, ever been to Niagara Falls, its mostly white people, and mostly waspy, and they ran the city into the ground, no immigrants so it never developed, it just stayed a tourist town with no development and its population is fleeing because the place is collapsing.

The government isn't the problem, because without government, we'd not have basic services, we have a corruption problem which is inherent to democracy where candidates take funds from private people.

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  • 1 month later...

Things are getting rough for Kathy. 




The Progressive Conservatives are headed towards a possible majority in the next provincial election, according to the latest Forum Research poll.

In a survey conducted among 1,120 Ontario voters, 44 percent said they would vote PC while 48 percent believe the Conservatives will win the election in 2018.

Twenty-four percent would cast their ballot for the NDP while 24 percent would back the governing Liberals.

The Liberals would not only lose their majority in the legislature but, based on the poll numbers, they would fall to third party status with just 11 seats.

Hydro rates and a lack of trust in government proving to be the anchor around the government’s neck. Five in 10 voters say those two issues are the determining factors in how they would vote if an election were held today.

The data shows a complete collapse in Liberal support across the province except in the 416, where it is a virtual dead heat between the Liberals and Conservatives.

The poll also finds that Premier Kathleen Wynne is at an all-time low in popularity with just 11 percent.

PC leader Patrick Brown also saw his approval rating slip to 20 percent with 57 percent of voters indicating they don’t know whether to approve or disapprove of him.


Yeah Yeah, Forum Research Blahhhhh. FTR I hate all polling but I believe they do influence the electorate. So no matter how flawed the poll, it's still significant. 

BUT!!! 308 has the PCs with a huge lead too. 


If the Liberals get demoted to 3rd party status will they pick David Peterson's kid to run to follow their Federal cousin's lead? 

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I'm not sure  which way the next will go, a lot to think about because Tories will have to go deep cuts and even though Brown says he's going to change the wind contracts, there will be millions $$$ spent if he CAN cancel any of them and the media should be asking him those questions. It also depend who replace the Liberal leader, any thoughts?

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Even parts of Toronto are turning on Wynne. 




TORONTO - Support for Ontario’s Liberals is crumbling in the former suburban areas of Toronto, according to a Mainstreet Research poll.

While the provincial Liberals command a 42% lead among decided and leaning voters in Toronto, support for them outside the downtown area is wavering.

“Yes, the overall lead is still there in the 416, but really it’s only a lead in the downtown core” at 57%, said Quito Maggi, president and CEO of Mainstreet Research.

According to the poll, support for the Liberals in Etobicoke is 32%, compared to 45% for the Progressive Conservatives.

Wynne’s Liberals are also running in third place in Scarborough, where it is essentially a three-way split between the Tories, NDP and Grits (33%, 31% and 29%, respectively). And in North York, the Liberals only lead over the Tories by a few points.

All this “is pointing to major losses in the 416 for Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals,” Maggi said.



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  • 2 weeks later...

As much as I don't like Wynne and her fellow Liberals,I still think she will pull off yet another victory in the next election.And another majority at at that!

There are clearly way more failures than successes yet most voters can't seem to connect the dots.I wish I could be more optimistic.Voting NDP is out of the question for me and I am not totally sold on Patrick Brown either(carbon tax).

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11 hours ago, ironstone said:

As much as I don't like Wynne and her fellow Liberals,I still think she will pull off yet another victory in the next election.And another majority at at that!

There are clearly way more failures than successes yet most voters can't seem to connect the dots.I wish I could be more optimistic.Voting NDP is out of the question for me and I am not totally sold on Patrick Brown either(carbon tax).

I fear your right. 

The people of this province are terribly gullible when it comes to the lies the Liberals sell the people. 

Just this morning on my drive to work I heard the provincial propaganda machine talking about the hydro rebate. 

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They're getting their knives out! 




"There's a whole lot of people in the Ontario Liberal party who think that it's all over," Sorbara said Tuesday night in an interview on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin.

Sorbara said Wynne has not sought his advice but he would tell her that it is "extremely unlikely" that she will win the next election.

"You have to ask yourself premier, whether given that scenario, it's better to step down before the next election," Sorbara said. "The (polling) numbers do not lie and the ability to win the next election is in grave grave doubt."



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