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Our new Syrian refugee immigrants.

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A Syrian family is about to move from a Surrey hotel where they have been living since they arrived in Canada a month ago(no doubt paid for by the Canadian taxpayer)into a house. The father has been disabled since birth. His arms and legs did not fully develop. He have a 7 year old daughter that is blind. The family will receive $1400. a month from the Federal government(Canadian taxpayer).

One floor up is another family of Syrians The woman is 104 years old. Her son 63. His wife and daughter are full time care givers and look after five of their daughters, two are mentally ill, and are unable to look after themselves. They all need a translator. A services director for Immigrant Services Society of BC said it's important to remember that refugees are selected on vulnerability rather than employable or has skill sets. Just how many more of these refugees are unemployable, and are handicapped where they will obviously become a burden on the taxpayer and our medical and social services, and are allowed to be brought in?

So, this is how refugees are picked? Have a handicap and you are welcome. It is no wonder Canada is broke and has become a sucker nation for the rest of the worlds refugees and poor. Of what benefit are refugees to like those mentioned above good for Canada if they are handicapped and cannot work? They are a drain on the Canadian public purse. If one cannot contribute to Canada then they should not be allowed in. Tough love.

Canadians have to speak up and speak out and say enough already and enough of this foolishness must stop. We have to build some back bone and start using some common sense and logic, and dump this emotionalism and foolishness that is being perpetrated on Canada and Canadians by lawyers,politicians and special-interest groups who tend to make lots of money from this immigration/refugee scam. Canadians cannot continue to be the worlds keepers for all the refugees and poor out there. There are millions.

Source: Some of my information came from the Canadian Immigration Hotline.

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I wouldn't say Canada is broke, and if we were, it certainly wouldn't be because of Syrian refugees. That being said, I'll have to look into your information. I don't think they should be here, but evidently the majority of Canadians are more sympathetic than I, because they elected the Liberals and Justin who want more refugees (thankfully, they haven't been able to deliver).

If you think about it, Canada is evidently quite fine with refugees/immigrants considering how many haven't protested their massive arrival in the past 30 + odd years. We live in a country that is 20% or more minority, compared to Britain with a minority population of under 10% likely and there are huge fits of anger at the new-coming immigrants.

Canada just hasn't seen a patently popular political figure or party that is willing to be anti-immigration/refugee.

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So, this is how refugees are picked?

The Trudeau government had to beg and cajole refugees to come. It should come as no surprise that the people with the highest needs were willing to come.

But such things are typical left wing thinking: we don't want to be seen as mean so we have to pay to fix all the problems of the world. The practical result will be long time Canadians who need these services will be denied care because the government is wasting money on problems that it created.

Edited by TimG
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Just how many more of these refugees are unemployable, and are handicapped where they will obviously become a burden on the taxpayer and our medical and social services, and are allowed to be brought in?

So, this is how refugees are picked? Have a handicap and you are welcome. It is no wonder Canada is broke and has become a sucker nation for the rest of the worlds refugees and poor. Of what benefit are refugees to like those mentioned above good for Canada if they are handicapped and cannot work? They are a drain on the Canadian public purse. If one cannot contribute to Canada then they should not be allowed in. Tough love.

Ah ... yes ... let the weak and most vulnerable die in refugee camps.

That's the Canadian spirit! Lol


Seriously ... Where medical facilities and food are in short supply, of course the Red Cross chooses the most vulnerable first.

And you really should find out more about employability.

I believe they're just starting an inventory of skills, now that immediate settlement needs are in place.

Keep us posted.


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So, this is how refugees are picked? Have a handicap and you are welcome. It is no wonder Canada is broke and has become a sucker nation for the rest of the worlds refugees and poor. Of what benefit are refugees to like those mentioned above good for Canada if they are handicapped and cannot work? They are a drain on the Canadian public purse. If one cannot contribute to Canada then they should not be allowed in. Tough love.

Canadians have to speak up and speak out and say enough already and enough of this foolishness must stop. We have to build some back bone and start using some common sense and logic, and dump this emotionalism and foolishness that is being perpetrated on Canada and Canadians by lawyers,politicians and special-interest groups who tend to make lots of money from this immigration/refugee scam. Canadians cannot continue to be the worlds keepers for all the refugees and poor out there. There are millions.

Source: Some of my information came from the Canadian Immigration Hotline.

the "picking" you speak to is initially done by the UNHCR... keyed to those most vulnerable. Of course, refugees fleeing war or persecution are often in a very vulnerable situation irregardless of physical/mental infirmity - you've chosen to target a most narrowed category. Certainly, any country allied with and relying on the UNHCR has a prerogative to select based on its own determinations; however, you choose to conflate immigration with humanitarian focused refugee settlement... while presuming to imply all refugees fit your selected narrow targeting.

yes - there are, as you say, millions of refugees. Canada is initially doing it's small part in resettling 25,000 Syrian refugees here.

I cannot seem to find the source for this OP. Did I miss something?

for some reason the OP left this source out...


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Yeah, kinda ironic that the conservative movement is the 'traditional Christian' base when they hate all that is meak and praise all that is strength.

Jesus is turning in.... Something.

Edited by BC_chick
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The conservatives apply Christian morality and Neo-Crusaderism to mess up all these countries in the first place and to create all these refugees.

The liberals and others on the left then apply Christian morality to call to take in all the refugees from the places the conservatives have messed up.

So we are being ruined by the left and the right. Both are two sides of the same disastrous coin.

Edited by G Huxley
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It is Christian morality leading to the destruction of the west. It praises all that is meak and shuns all that is strength.

care to speak to how the broader 25,000 Syrian refugees are "destructing" Canada... how the OP selective narrow targeting of the example physical/mental infirm is "destructing" Canada?


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It furthers taxes Canada's resources and the environment.

that's your definition, your reference bar, your benchmark for 25,000 Syrian refugees... "destructing" Canada? A "destruction" you frame against a backdrop of "foreign/historical conservative Christian morality versus Neo-Crusaderism", versus, "a counter-acting western liberal/leftist Christian morality"? Really? Those 25,000?


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I sort of think I get what you were saying although it was worded very difficultly. I think Canada and its environment are worth defending tooth and nail for. If you don't think Canada and its environment are all that important, then that speaks of an incredible lack of values and an incredible lack of appreciation for what Canada really is, just how amazing it is and just how fragile it is.

Nature abhors a vacuum and Islam and others will gladly fill that vacuum with their own values/population.

As the great Islamic historian Ibn Khalidun wrote: civilization becomes decadent, then as a result gets overrun by outsiders, who have grown hard and tough in the world outside. This is the repeating cycle of human history.

Those that don't care for what they have, don't realize what they have and aren't willing to defend it, will be overrun and destroyed.

Edited by G Huxley
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This link confirms the OP... there is one refugee who is 104... Immigration Canada has allready said that generally speaking the needs of this population are higher than expected


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Canadians have to speak up and speak out and say enough already and enough of this foolishness must stop. We have to build some back bone and start using some common sense and logic, and dump this emotionalism and foolishness that is being perpetrated on Canada and Canadians by lawyers,politicians and special-interest groups who tend to make lots of money from this immigration/refugee scam. Canadians cannot continue to be the worlds keepers for all the refugees and poor out there. There are millions.

That ship sailed last October, when the Canadian people elected a pandering PMwho prefers the smiles and back-slaps at the U.N. to governing Canada effectively. We've had that same problem, since January 21, 2009.

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That ship sailed last October, when the Canadian people elected a pandering PMwho prefers the smiles and back-slaps at the U.N. to governing Canada effectively. We've had that same problem, since January 21, 2009.

How can anything get done when most Canadians I come across every day don't even talk about it. Canadians are so ill informed about anything that is going on in this country. For me, most will just listen to the pro-refugee/immigration lobby media. It would seem that they do not want to question anything that affects their lives or their wallets. I am afraid that the Canada ship has sailed, and it's on it's way to the bottom of the sea. Sad indeed.

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I wouldn't say Canada is broke, and if we were, it certainly wouldn't be because of Syrian refugees. That being said, I'll have to look into your information. I don't think they should be here, but evidently the majority of Canadians are more sympathetic than I, because they elected the Liberals and Justin who want more refugees (thankfully, they haven't been able to deliver).

If you think about it, Canada is evidently quite fine with refugees/immigrants considering how many haven't protested their massive arrival in the past 30 + odd years. We live in a country that is 20% or more minority, compared to Britain with a minority population of under 10% likely and there are huge fits of anger at the new-coming immigrants.

Canada just hasn't seen a patently popular political figure or party that is willing to be anti-immigration/refugee.

We are over 500 billion dollars in debt. I would say that we must be broke if we cannot pay off that debt.

It is the government, not the Canadian taxpayer, that appears to be fine with all the refugees and legal/illegal immigration going on in this country. The reason there is no protests going on is because the average Canadian taxpayer does not realize what is going on with all the massive immigration into this country, thanks in part to the lame duck media and politicians who do not want to tell Canadians anything about the amount of tax dollars that it is costing them, not to forget the taking away of some jobs from Canadians.

I myself am waiting for a anti-immigration/refuge leader in this country to come forth. Most if not all of our politicians or politicians want to be are just to politically correct and are terrified to say anything about it. They will be immediately be labelled racist and anti-immigrant by the corporation and the corporate controlled media whom it would appear want and are pushing for all this cheap labor they will get from all these new refugees and illegals.

Canadians will work but they want a decent wage. The corporations and many businesses don't want to pay a decent salary. They want cheapies.

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It is Christian morality leading to the destruction of the west. It praises all that is meak and shuns all that is strength.

Nietzsche, you've come back to the dead!

Btw, Christian morality also built the West. Remember that. If our morality was for everyone to praise selfishness and praise the strong for its own sake we'd still be a totalitarian monarchy, and a human rights nightmare like most of the non-West. Yes we've increasingly started to take it to an illogical extreme in some cases, but...be good to each other, it's called "civilization" aka "being civilized".

Taking in refugees has nothing to do with what refugees will do to benefit the host country. It has to do with helping other people who are fleeing war, risk of death, or inhuman cruelty etc. I have good friends whose families came here as refugees. They are contributing members to Canada and upstanding citizens. I'm glad they aren't in a third world commie prison being whipped and beaten.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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Canadians have to speak up and speak out and say enough already and enough of this foolishness must stop. We have to build some back bone and start using some common sense and logic, and dump this emotionalism and foolishness that is being perpetrated on Canada and Canadians by lawyers,politicians and special-interest groups who tend to make lots of money from this immigration/refugee scam.

Lawyers aren't making a lot of money from refugees, who are almost always quite poor. Bay Street immigration lawyers aren't racking up profits from refugees I can tell you that! There's much more money to be made by economic immigrants.

Canadians cannot continue to be the worlds keepers for all the refugees and poor out there. There are millions.

We aren't. We've let in very modest number of Syrian refugees (and many being privately sponsored), especially when compared to Europe. Germany has taken in 1 million asylum seekers, about 500,000 from Syria. Sweden has a population just under 10 million and took in 160,000 in 2015.

Turkey has 2.5 million Syrian refugees. Lebanon is only about twice the land area of PEI, has a population under 5 million, and has taken in 1.1 million Syrians.

The US has only accepted about 1300 this year, even after only pledging to take in 10,000 in 2016. Not much considering the Statue of Liberty stands as one of America's proudest landmarks, and has a poem etched at its base saying famously "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me..."

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Lawyers aren't making a lot of money from refugees, who are almost always quite poor. Bay Street immigration lawyers aren't racking up profits from refugees I can tell you that! There's much more money to be made by economic immigrants.

We aren't. We've let in very modest number of Syrian refugees (and many being privately sponsored), especially when compared to Europe. Germany has taken in 1 million asylum seekers, about 500,000 from Syria. Sweden has a population just under 10 million and took in 160,000 in 2015.

Turkey has 2.5 million Syrian refugees. Lebanon is only about twice the land area of PEI, has a population under 5 million, and has taken in 1.1 million Syrians.

The US has only accepted about 1300 this year, even after only pledging to take in 10,000 in 2016. Not much considering the Statue of Liberty stands as one of America's proudest landmarks, and has a poem etched at its base saying famously "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me..."

I wonder if the government took a poll on how many refugees a year should Canada take in with a count beginning from zero and say a count up to 5,000. I would be interested to know what the numbers would be acceptable to most Canadians.

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