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Palestinian War Crimes

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Yes he did.


No he did not and you as usual bait. You have no source to back up your position, you simply spew unfounded, unproven opinion trying to pas it off as absolute evidence. This topic was debated in past threads and you were exposed then as being inaccurate and unable to back up your claims now you repeat them again like some child refusing to provide an ounce, a shred of evidence. Its what you do. Bait.

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The thread of course is about Palestinian war crimes so why not try change the topic and make false, unsubstantiated accusations about Netanyahu, attack Jews, bait Jews, call Jews names. It enlightens the board and demonstrates the level of discourse Eye and Marcus and the usual anti Jews engage in using anything to do with Israel as their pretext two engage in anti semitic baiting and that is all their comments are.

They are designed to ridicule Jews who survived the holocaust, deny the Palestinian terrorist connection to Nazi Germany and try insult Jews for having survived the holocaust and moving to Israel.

Pathetic. Snively and to be expected.

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... attack Jews, bait Jews, call Jews names. ... the usual anti Jews ... engage in anti semitic baiting ...

ridicule Jews who survived the holocaust ... insult Jews for having survived the holocaust and moving to Israel.


There are antisemites who post here, Rue.

But not everyone who criticizes Israel is antisemitic.

Painting everyone with the same brush isn't constructive.

I believe Israel's hard line right wing has discredited itself and may continue to for a while, but Israelis already are and will continue to recognize the danger they are in - the oppressed becoming the oppressors.

The international backlash against Israel's oppression and disproportionate aggression is necessary part of that rebalancing - supporting more moderate and balanced voices within Israel.

And they certainly do need support.


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I believe Israel's hard line right wing has discredited itself and may continue to for a while

...and I believe that the Palestinian "hard line right wing" has been "discrediting" itself for over 50 years...with terrorism and "war crimes".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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The thread of course is about Palestinian war crimes so why not try change the topic and make false, unsubstantiated accusations about Netanyahu, attack Jews, bait Jews, call Jews names.

Indeed...thank you for getting the focus back on the actual topic...Palestinian war crimes. It seems that no matter what the topic may be, Israel's haters have to get back to their usual talking points.

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I believe that the Israelis have the right to do to Palestinians what the Palestinians do to the Israelis - and vice versa. But since they have a great advantage in weapons then the Palestinians should be given more arms and armaments (and maybe some good rockets to replace those wonky sewer pipe rockets) to make a more even playing field so they can defend their current lands and maybe take back that land that has been stolen.

I mean fair is fair - isn't it?

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I believe that the Israelis have the right to do to Palestinians what the Palestinians do to the Israelis - and vice versa.

How about everyone should follow the law our countries are signatory to. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions.

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How about everyone should follow the law our countries are signatory to. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions.

Pointless until the Arab's renege completely on the Khartoum Agreement...don't pretend it doesn't exist.

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The Palestinians are using technology for crimes against Israel:


It is against Israeli law for Palestinian "criminals" to communicate with each other - especially to thwart a midnight Israeli raid. It is also illegal for Palestinians to carry arms against the armed Israeli's.

"The Facebook page for me is a weapon; it's a weapon that they can't stop," D told Al Jazeera. "Our page has been hacked and shut down many times, but we aren't breaking any Facebook terms of use, so Facebook always reopens our page for us."

By the Palestinians own admission, they are using a "weapon" (facebook) against the heavily armed Israelis.

Another example of Palestinian War Crimes - shame on them!

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You can't back-peddle the truth. The Mufti was very much involved in the Final Solution being best buddies with Himmler and Eichmann. Heydrich couldn't stand him, though, and it took his assassination for the Mufti to really come into his own...building SS Panzer Divisions and such. Himmler had to issue a special order for Heydrich's office to show respect for the Mufti and his men...declaring Arabs Aryan. So he wasn't loved by all in the German corner, by far...just where it counted.

You almost tell it like you were there...your familiarity with all the players you've brought into play really brings to life the associations between you and Arafat and your uncles.

You don't give a rat's rear end about Israel, you don't like Nazis...maybe it was the declaration that Arabs are Aryan that gets your goat. As I pointed out above Israelis have reason to be concerned about the Mufti's use as a prop for denial. In any case he'd probably love all the attention you've been giving him.

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You almost tell it like you were there...your familiarity with all the players you've brought into play really brings to life the associations between you and Arafat and your uncles.

You don't give a rat's rear end about Israel, you don't like Nazis...maybe it was the declaration that Arabs are Aryan that gets your goat. As I pointed out above Israelis have reason to be concerned about the Mufti's use as a prop for denial. In any case he'd probably love all the attention you've been giving him.

Oh dear...reality offends you. Well...too bad.

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Terrorist "war crimes" are so pervasive for Hamas, they do not hesitate to include fellow Palestinians:

Hamas forces carried out a brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of “collaborating” with Israel and others during Israel’s military offensive against Gaza in July and August 2014, according to a new report by Amnesty International.


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Terrorist "war crimes" are so pervasive for Hamas, they do not hesitate to include fellow Palestinians:

Really, the behaviour of the Palestinian governments gives the lie to those who proclaim that their hatred of Israel is due to human rights violations. In every respect, the Palestinians violate human rights more than the Israelis do. There is no free speech, no free press, no freedom of assembly or association, and no freedom of religion within the Palestinian territories. And the oppression of those freedoms if enforced by the Palestinian governments. Their judiciary is controlled by the party in power, and torture and executions are widespread. Being gay is illegal in Gaza, and Hamas executed one of its own commanders for 'having sex with a man'.

And yet despite this none of those who infest this site and daily cry crocodile tears over real or alleged Israeli offenses against human rights have ever taken the least notice of Palestinian violations of human rights. They simply do not care.

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Grand Mufti much resemles current Grand Bibi today. So what?

You don't like Netanyahu because, as a Jew, he committed the worst crime possible...he fought back. A good soldier with an impressive military record.

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You don't like Netanyahu because, as a Jew, he committed the worst crime possible...he fought back. A good soldier with an impressive military record.

I wouldn't give Bibi any credit. Don't flatter yourself...But of course as one of his cheerleaders you would blow his trumpet. No surprise there. :rolleyes:

Bibi is one of the most incompetent, useless leaders of our time.

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I wouldn't give Bibi any credit. Don't flatter yourself...But of course as one of his cheerleaders you would blow his trumpet. No surprise there. :rolleyes:

Bibi is one of the most incompetent, useless leaders of our time.

I give Netanyahu the same respect as any other exceptionally competent soldier. Kicked your azz.

My favorite...history-wise...remains Heinz Guderian. As Monty Burns might say: 'Now, there's a fellow who could get things done.'


He was, of course, German. Giap would be another I admire from a military perspective. Neither whom you have a clue about without frantically Googling.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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I give Netanyahu the same respect as any other exceptionally competent soldier. Kicked your azz.

My favorite...history-wise...remains Heinz Guderian. As Monty Burns might say: 'Now, there's a fellow who could get things done.'


He was, of course, German. Giap would be another I admire from a military perspective. Neither whom you have a clue about without frantically Googling.

Netanyahu's respect ends in the garbage book history book as next to mein fuehrer a criminal.

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