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Palestinian and/or Muslim war crimes


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BTW During this time period where 29 Israelis were killed, Israeli forces and illegal settlers have killed at least 209 Palestinians, including alleged attackers and protesters, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

The US, Britain and Canada killed far more Germans than the Germans killed allies in WW2. I guess that means the we needs to be condemned for our cruelty and evil in not limiting ourselves to only as many casualties as we received. We also killed way more North Koreans and Chinese than they killed of ours. So once again we're clearly evil in bigguy's eyes.

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And yet you never do. Nor do any of the other Israel haters here.

Go fly a kite. Some here simply have no reading comprehension or long term memory, or only reads what they want to read. We have a situation of where if someone does not call something else out, they are apologetic towards it. Some threads I simply don't participate in, so what does that mean in terms of my view towards that certain topic?

Attacks on anyone is appalling. However the real thing is to understand WHY these things happen. And for those who want to discuss WHY, is met with, slurs, insults, long diatribes and the anti-semite card being dropped like a mic.

It's the same with most of these other threads relating to a large conflicts. There are those who want to discuss the whys and there are those who want to simply talk shit.

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We have a situation of where if someone does not call something else out, they are apologetic towards it.


It's the same with most of these other threads relating to a large conflicts.

Call out the wrong thing and they're apoplectic about it.

...climate change, economics, politics, the list goes on and on.

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No one on this thread justified any killings but Big Guy. Someone also needs to show Eye how to transcend puberty and evolve past terms like "hate each other's guts". The simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted terms he clings to unless justified by a disability are pathetic in tone and content.

Good attempts Rue, but looks like Jew haters are simply gonna hate!!!

I am my posts on this and other threads not at the haters but at the enablers. Those that have a problem with Israel defending itself from actions that no civilized country would deem tolerable, such as orchestrated knifings, car aimings, terror tunnels and the like are the ones we have a problem with. There is going to be no changing of minds of the haters.

And by the way I don’t consider you a Jew-hater.

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I have a small problem with what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians and Gaza. But that is up to Israel and those who support her.

I do have a large problem with Canada aligning itself with (what I consider to be) Israeli actions against a suppressed Palestinian population - actions that are making Israel very, very unpopular with the rest of the world. I also believe that Israel wants a war and is planning to ignite one.

I do not want Canada, or any Canadians dragged into having to defend a right wing extremist rogue Israeli government. I want no association with the current Israeli policies which are poisoning the Middle East.

You break it - you fix it.

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I have a small problem with what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians and Gaza. But that is up to Israel and those who support her.

I do have a large problem with Canada aligning itself with (what I consider to be) Israeli actions against a suppressed Palestinian population - actions that are making Israel very, very unpopular with the rest of the world. I also believe that Israel wants a war and is planning to ignite one.

I do not want Canada, or any Canadians dragged into having to defend a right wing extremist rogue Israeli government. I want no association with the current Israeli policies which are poisoning the Middle East.

You break it - you fix it.

With whom?

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Someone also needs to show Eye how to transcend puberty and evolve past terms like "hate each other's guts". The simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted terms he clings to unless justified by a disability are pathetic in tone and content.

At least I keep it brief.

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Those that have a problem with Israel defending itself from actions that no civilized country would deem tolerable, such as orchestrated knifings, car aimings, terror tunnels and the like are the ones we have a problem with.

No one blames anyone for defending themselves. This motive is a fiction whose only purpose is to mischaracterize and slander.

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I do have a large problem with Canada aligning itself with (what I consider to be) Israeli actions against a suppressed Palestinian population - actions that are making Israel very, very unpopular with the rest of the world. I also believe that Israel wants a war and is planning to ignite one.

I do not want Canada, or any Canadians dragged into having to defend a right wing extremist rogue Israeli government. I want no association with the current Israeli policies which are poisoning the Middle East.

You break it - you fix it.

Why do so many seem to have a problem with pro-Western countries sticking up for other pro-Western countries and peoples? Why is it that so many would force Israel to fight barbarity with both hands tied behind their backs?

It is patently obvious what the transaction is here. The Arab states fought four conventional wars against Israel. Most of the world grudgingly acknowledged Israel's right to defend themselves against another state actor. With those wars where the double-standard came in was the fact that the war was started by others and Israel was expected to return territories lost in those wars without giving Egypt-like peace guarantees.

The Arabs wised up and understood they could never beat Israel in a conventional land war So they turned to asymetrical war; knifings, random attacks through terror tunnels, bus bombings, Hamas missile attacks, pizza parlor attacks and the like. I concede that none of these are likely to destroy Israel as a state. But they take lives senselessly and needlessly. They injure Israel's economy. And most important no organized society would tolerate them. Even Big Guy, Eyeball and Gostacked as Canadians would never tolerate those kinds of attacks becoming routine within Canada.

Why shouldn't Canad stand with other civilized nations against the butchery.

No one blames anyone for defending themselves. This motive is a fiction whose only purpose is to mischaracterize and slander.

The usual suspects on this thread criticize Israel for defending itself. Is anyone among these critics really going to be satisfied with Israel remaining a recognized Jewish state within any borders at all, even pre-Six Day War?

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Why do so many seem to have a problem with pro-Western countries sticking up for other pro-Western countries and peoples? Why is it that so many would force Israel to fight barbarity with both hands tied behind their backs?

It is patently obvious what the transaction is here. The Arab states fought four conventional wars against Israel. Most of the world grudgingly acknowledged Israel's right to defend themselves against another state actor. With those wars where the double-standard came in was the fact that the war was started by others and Israel was expected to return territories lost in those wars without giving Egypt-like peace guarantees.

The Arabs wised up and understood they could never beat Israel in a conventional land war So they turned to asymetrical war; knifings, random attacks through terror tunnels, bus bombings, Hamas missile attacks, pizza parlor attacks and the like. I concede that none of these are likely to destroy Israel as a state. But they take lives senselessly and needlessly. They injure Israel's economy. And most important no organized society would tolerate them. Even Big Guy, Eyeball and Gostacked as Canadians would never tolerate those kinds of attacks becoming routine within Canada.

Why shouldn't Canad stand with other civilized nations against the butchery.

The usual suspects on this thread criticize Israel for defending itself. Is anyone among these critics really going to be satisfied with Israel remaining a recognized Jewish state within any borders at all, even pre-Six Day War?

There is nothing "pro-western' about Israel.

And a lot of "western" countries are forced to tacitly support Israel's right because of the level of the lobby combined with media bias outlets such as Fox News. Average American hasn't git a clue about palestinians let alone the sufferings they endure at the brutal hands of israeli governments policies.

Back to your question about the legitimacy of the jewish state. I do not think the Bibi government has any appetite for reconciliation with palestinians or the neighbouring arabs or moslem world. So long as they have the opportunistic approach of stealing more of the palestinian lands, blaming arabs and belittling their culture and religion for their own motivation it is very unlikely for israel to have peace with their neighbours..

Edited by kactus
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II do not want Canada, or any Canadians dragged into having to defend a right wing extremist rogue Israeli government. I want no association with the current Israeli policies which are poisoning the Middle East.

And yet you constantly call for us to align ourselves with Iran, a brutal dictatorship which is, by almost all estimates, far more responsible for the 'poisoning' of the middle east these days since they fund terrorists and militias across the middle east. Iran has worked to undermine the government of Iraq and cause splits between Suunis and Shiites. Iran has worked to cause the downfall of the Yemen government and helped fund guerrilas which have plunged it into civil war. Iran is funding and providing arms to Hamas, to Hezbollah and to the Syrian government.

But of course, you don't care.

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There is nothing "pro-western' about Israel.

And a lot of "western" countries are forced to tacitly support Israel's right because of the level of the lobby combined with media bias outlets such as Fox News. Average American hasn't git a clue about palestinians let alone the sufferings they endure at the brutal hands of israeli governments policies.

What about the suffering they endure at the hands of their own brutal Palestinian government?

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There is nothing "pro-western' about Israel.

That's like saying there is nothing orange about the sunset on a nice day.

And a lot of "western" countries are forced to tacitly support Israel's right because of the level of the lobby combined with media bias outlets such as Fox News. Average American hasn't git a clue about palestinians let alone the sufferings they endure at the brutal hands of israeli governments policies.

Who forces them to tacitly or openly support Israel? Does Fox News run Western governments?

I do not think the Bibi government has any appetite for reconciliation with palestinians or the neighbouring arabs or moslem world. So long as they have the opportunistic approach of stealing more of the palestinian lands, blaming arabs and belittling their culture and religion for their own motivation it is very unlikely for israel to have peace with their neighbours.

Not if it involves surrendering the State's Jewish and Western identity. Edited by jbg
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That's like saying there is nothing orange about the sunset on a nice day.

Who forces them to tacitly or openly support Israel? Does Fox News run Western governments?

Not if it involves surrendering the State's Jewish and Western identity.

That piece of land lies in the Middle East/ Near East not somewhere in Arizona or New York to claim it is western...That's from geographical standpoint...

Besides, a lot of jews argue that they have lived in Palestine for millenniums side by side with their arab semite cousins. If so, how can they be called westerners? Even if we consider Ashkenazis, eastern Europeans emigrating to Israel the modern Israel hardly resembles a beacon for democracy let alone a 'western civilisation' You cannot have it both ways.

Point still remains. You ask average Americans about Middle East or world affair and they will still struggle with answer....Coupled with that you will have news outlets like Fox News that capitalise on this and feed 'one sided biased stories' on arab/ israeli conflict in favour of Israel. And yes there are certain subjects in countries like Austria for example that are not even open for discussion (Austria is just one of many examples)

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That piece of land lies in the Middle East/ Near East not somewhere in Arizona or New York to claim it is western...That's from geographical standpoint...

Besides, a lot of jews argue that they have lived in Palestine for millenniums side by side with their arab semite cousins. If so, how can they be called westerners? Even if we consider Ashkenazis, eastern Europeans emigrating to Israel the modern Israel hardly resembles a beacon for democracy let alone a 'western civilisation' You cannot have it both ways.

Point still remains. You ask average Americans about Middle East or world affair and they will still struggle with answer....Coupled with that you will have news outlets like Fox News that capitalise on this and feed 'one sided biased stories' on arab/ israeli conflict in favour of Israel. And yes there are certain subjects in countries like Austria for example that are not even open for discussion (Austria is just one of many examples)

Islam isn't native to the region. Islam invaded and pushed all the other religions out...like it continues to do to this very day. The ONLY way Islam will suffer other ideologies in its midst is under the following conditions (as a whole):

1. Islam is a tiny minority of the whole population. Unable to force its will on society.

2. Islam is the majority and non-Muslims pay the Jizya...infidel head tax...in order to be 'protected' under Islamic Law. One lives as a second class citizen...or worse...see the Yazidis for recent examples.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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The usual suspects

Suspected of what?

on this thread criticize Israel for defending itself. Is anyone among these critics really going to be satisfied with Israel remaining a recognized Jewish state within any borders at all, even pre-Six Day War?

Israel can remain whatever kind of state it wants ... within its legal borders and within international law.

It's Israel's creeping expansionism outside it's borders that brings international condemnation.


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Suspected of what?

Israel can remain whatever kind of state it wants ... within its legal borders and within international law.

It's Israel's creeping expansionism outside it's borders that brings international condemnation.


Israel isn't expanding outside its borders. Stop making stuff up.

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I agree - If you consider the South Pole and the North Pole as Israel's legitimate borders.

The West Bank is technically part of Israel until your terrorist buddies make peace with Israel. Not before. Any sign of your Hamas/Fatah friends making peace with the hated Jews? No?

Why not? Waiting for another opportunity to attack?


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The West Bank is technically part of Israel until your terrorist buddies make peace with Israel. Not before. Any sign of your Hamas/Fatah friends making peace with the hated Jews? No?

Why not? Waiting for another opportunity to attack?


You are entitled to your opinion. It appears to be consistent with your other posts in tone, nature, assumptions and background. Fortunately, opinions do not necessarily reflect the facts.


Edited by Big Guy
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You are entitled to your opinion. It appears to be consistent with your other posts in tone, nature, assumptions and background. Fortunately, opinions do not necessarily reflect the facts.


So when Hamas starts another war with Israel, you'll eat your hat or something comical like that? Shocked that the Palestinians could ever do such a thing??

:D :D

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Israel isn't expanding outside its borders. Stop making stuff up.

The illegal settlements in the West Bank shows you are incorrect. And just because it is occupied, does not mean it is part of Israel.

Also this shows you were wrong with what the borders really are. If you consider the occupied areas part of Israel, then their border has indeed changed and expanded over the years. Undeniable really.

But whatever, apparently I've been informed I am a Jew hater. So don't take my word for it.

Also, Mufti.

Edited by GostHacked
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