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Another Terrorist Attack in Canada

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Terrorism used to be a real word... but now days its basically just become a universal epithet for anyone with dark skin that pisses us off.

Not to worry. That provides full time work for the liberals who will excuse any act of violence by anyone as long as they have dark skin.

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My point is that calling them 'terrorists' seems to depend on whether they are Muslim and say 'Allah'.

Then it's nonsense to say 'most terrorists are Muslim' ... because we only call them terrorists if they are Muslim.

It's not nonsense......and other groups are called terrorists when it's appropriate. Most "terrorists" are labeled in a national sense - Chechen Terrorists, Basque Terrorists, etc. The scourge of Islamic Terrorism is a blatant and overt quest for a regional Caliphate and ultimate Global domination under the banner of Islam.

You are a perfect example of what I posted previously:

......only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims. Why is it continually necessary to acknowledge the first - while ignoring the second? I guess tripping over ourselves so we don't "offend" anyone is the Canadian way - but calling anyone who disagrees an "Islamophobe" is pretty juvenile.

Edited by SunnyWays
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The man appears mentally ill. There is no diagnosis at this time and so no one knows if he is in fact suffering from a mental illness. Because we do not know that, the law can not know if the mental illness in fact existed it was of such an extent and nature that it would have prevented the accused from forming the intent to commit a crime and therefore be liable in a criminal court for that crime.

Because a weapon was used its considered an indictable offence no matter what the crown eventually chooses to pursue and one would think the accused will be sent for a psychiatric assessment.

No one knows if he acted alone or with others or was manipulated by others.

Until all those facts are known its premature to say anything other than the person involved is a visible Muslim minority and that may or may not be relevant to what he did.

As for Big Guy engaging in a clumsy and petulant attempt to exploit and misappropriate this unfortunate incident for his own politcal agenda, tghat peaks for itself.

My guess would be if he did as he claims hear Allah tell him to kill people, it sounds like a phenomena schizophrenics can suffer from where they hear voices they think are from God and yes when one has schizophrenia their hallucinations, auditory sensations may a reflect religious and cultural beliefs they were brought up with and that may not mean anything other than he's mentally iand not acting it out because he is Muslim but because the disease amplifies preexisting religious and cultural references and beliefs stored in his subconscious.

Some people hallucinate Jesus, others maybe Muhammed-we reference in our brain images we've stored up that were taught to us or based on our environment and then we store in our memory. Illnesses such as bi-polar disorder or shizophrenia or brain tumours or brain viruses, can re-activate memorie and have them come out in the symptoms.

There is actually a specific part of your brain where if you grown a tumour you can be prone to religious delusions and thoughts and if you were they would mirror and amplify the religion you were brought up on.

That aid what makes it more fascinating is that people with tumours and brain injuries have become able to speak other languages they were never brought up to speak or read or to show understanding of religions they never read.

There are cases of people who after strokes or brain viruses have had symptoms like that.

There is a lot we do not know about the brain.

Given the attacks around the world and last year in Canada yes people are on edge. Doesn't make them Islamophobes or anything else. The attacker is Muslim. Its a fact. Some attackers are black, others white, its an identification marker. Using it as such does not make such usage automatically Islamophobic. If its used to engage in negative slurs against all Muslims, then yes. That has not happened.

The real story here is about the victims and that they were able to take action to avoid deaths of themselves and this individual-that's the story and kudos to those soldiers for their evasive actions. They saved lives. That's the story.

Edited by Rue
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It's not nonsense......and other groups are called terrorists when it's appropriate.

In a world where protestors against climate change and oppressive government are called terrorists there is no shortage of nonsense and inappropriateness when it comes to the label and the way it's used and abused.

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It's not nonsense......and other groups are called terrorists when it's appropriate. Most "terrorists" are labeled in a national sense - Chechen Terrorists, Basque Terrorists, etc. The scourge of Islamic Terrorism is a blatant and overt quest for a regional Caliphate and ultimate Global domination under the banner of Islam.

You are a perfect example of what I posted previously:

......only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims.

Let's try this again.

Here is PIK's definition of terrorism:


16 Mar 2016

A guy screams about allah talking to him and stabs people. I don't care if he is nuts or not, it is a terror act.

It's a terror act because a guy screams about Allah?

Most terrorists will be Muslim if we define terrorist acts as those carried out by Muslims.

Others conducting violent rampages and mass murders are not called terrorists because they aren't Muslim.

I certainly hope you see the logic flaw there.

If you don't, I hope you don't have any responsibilities that involve identifying acts of terror. Lol


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Let's try this again.

Here is PIK's definition of terrorism:


16 Mar 2016

A guy screams about allah talking to him and stabs people. I don't care if he is nuts or not, it is a terror act.

It's a terror act because a guy screams about Allah?

Most terrorists will be Muslim if we define terrorist acts as those carried out by Muslims.

Others conducting violent rampages and mass murders are not called terrorists because they aren't Muslim.

I certainly hope you see the logic flaw there.

If you don't, I hope you don't have any responsibilities that involve identifying acts of terror. Lol


Don't really care about your interpretation of PIK's "flawed logic"......you seem to deny that......."only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims". As I said, you seem to be adamant in accepting the first, but completely opposed to the second. Is that accurate?

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Don't really care about your interpretation of PIK's "flawed logic"......you seem to deny that......."only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims". As I said, you seem to be adamant in accepting the first, but completely opposed to the second. Is that accurate?

It seems they have to be Muslim/say Allah to be called terrorists, so your second statement is rather nonsensical.

If they say "God" are they terrorists?

What defines terrorists?


Edited by jacee
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It seems they have to be Muslim/say Allah to be called terrorists, so your second statement is rather nonsensical.

If they say "God" are they terrorists?

What defines terrorists?

A person who uses violence or intimidation in the pursuit political aims.

Sunny acknowledged that only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists. Do you acknowledge that a large number of terrorists are Muslim?

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Tell that to the Belgium's that just died because of idiots terrorists which happen to be Muslim.

Many more Americans die from right wing Christian terror attacks than those perpetrated by Muslims. So what do we tell those victims? Is the answer to deport all Christian Republicans? If not, why is it acceptable to label all Muslims?

It's important to acknowledge that the vast majority of Muslims are not jihadists. However, it is also important to acknowledge that while religion in general is the mother load of bad ideas, Islam is currently the worst of the lot. Efforts to reform Islam are gaining momentum, but stereotyping all Muslims is just as unhelpful as pretending that Islam or religion has nothing to do with the problem.

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Many more Americans die from right wing Christian terror attacks than those perpetrated by Muslims. So what do we tell those victims? Is the answer to deport all Christian Republicans? If not, why is it acceptable to label all Muslims?

It's important to acknowledge that the vast majority of Muslims are not jihadists. However, it is also important to acknowledge that while religion in general is the mother load of bad ideas, Islam is currently the worst of the lot. Efforts to reform Islam are gaining momentum, but stereotyping all Muslims is just as unhelpful as pretending that Islam or religion has nothing to do with the problem.

Agreed on the Islam thing, but with regard to the Christian thing: I'm not saying you're wrong, (becasue I just don't know) but does that include 9/11? I would have thought I'd have heard. I remember Oklahoma, of course, but was that due to Christian beliefs or just anti government, like the recent Bundy thing?

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Agreed on the Islam thing, but with regard to the Christian thing: I'm not saying you're wrong, (becasue I just don't know) but does that include 9/11? I would have thought I'd have heard. I remember Oklahoma, of course, but was that due to Christian beliefs or just anti government, like the recent Bundy thing?

Right wing terror attacks in the US far outnumber the Islamic variety, happening every 33 days on average, but the death toll is quoted since 9/11. Interesting point about right wing terror generally being political and not religious though.

Right wing extremists who attack black churches, mosques, abortion clinics, gay couples and businesses, police officers, etc. often claim homosexuals are an abomination or they follow God's laws not Obama's or those of the state. Yet we as reasonable people can see there are both religious and political factors involved in their actions. We know that not all Christians are extreme, even if many of the reasonable variety also oppose equal rights for gays, blacks, Hispanics, women, etc. We also know that not all conservatives are extreme even if they oppose government laws, ownership of property, worker protections, health care, etc. However, we don't seem to be able acknowledge the variety of factors involved in any violent incidents involving a Muslim do we? A deadly dispute over a parking space is instantly labelled a Muslim terror attack and the closest mosque is vandalized and we have calls to ban Muslim immigrants.

Just like we do with Christians and righties, it's important not to paint an entire group with the same brush. However, it is just as dangerous to pretend that Islam or religion isn't a factor. That just gives more power and credibility to bigots and fascists while hampering the growth of reform efforts.

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It seems they have to be Muslim/say Allah to be called terrorists, so your second statement is rather nonsensical.

If they say "God" are they terrorists?

What defines terrorists?


I can't understand why you have such difficulty in grasping what defines terrorism and terrorists - especially in today's world......unless you somehow feel the need to be an apologist for their heinous crimes. One of the many dictionary definitions is :

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

... the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

... Acts of violence committed by groups that view themselves as victimized by some notable historical wrong.

And yet - you still deny this simple fact: only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims. Put another way - it is not one's religion, politics or beliefs that determine whether they are a terrorist - it is their actions.

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And in canada when you see violent protests ,it is the left doing the damage.. And we reproduce our own idiots ,we don't need to bring others in. But by the time the left wraps their little brains around this problem it will be to late. Almost to late for Europe.

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Right wing terror attacks in the US far outnumber the Islamic variety, happening every 33 days on average, but the death toll is quoted since 9/11. Interesting point about right wing terror generally being political and not religious though.

Right wing extremists who attack black churches, mosques, abortion clinics, gay couples and businesses, police officers, etc. often claim homosexuals are an abomination or they follow God's laws not Obama's or those of the state. Yet we as reasonable people can see there are both religious and political factors involved in their actions. We know that not all Christians are extreme, even if many of the reasonable variety also oppose equal rights for gays, blacks, Hispanics, women, etc. We also know that not all conservatives are extreme even if they oppose government laws, ownership of property, worker protections, health care, etc. However, we don't seem to be able acknowledge the variety of factors involved in any violent incidents involving a Muslim do we? A deadly dispute over a parking space is instantly labelled a Muslim terror attack and the closest mosque is vandalized and we have calls to ban Muslim immigrants.

Just like we do with Christians and righties, it's important not to paint an entire group with the same brush. However, it is just as dangerous to pretend that Islam or religion isn't a factor. That just gives more power and credibility to bigots and fascists while hampering the growth of reform efforts.

I agree with most of this. I'm not sure about the numbers, or the assigning of justification in many cases. Just as the parking lot incident you quote is not Islamic terrorism, much of what you quote before it might not be Christian terrorism. Or it might be. Fully agree that all incidents must be assessed independently.

Islam has a dual problem though. Not only are there Islamic terrorism attacks, there is also Islamic behaviour in many countries around the world that puts the religion in a very bad light, and invites justified criticism. The same can be said of all religions, of course, just not as much. The problem in an argument on the subject occurs when the two (religious behaviour - terrorism) are confused.

Edited by bcsapper
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Since NATO is headquartered in Brussels and since NATO is at war with ISIS, who would u expected to attack them? It's not the first and it probably won't be the last.

Ah, I wondered what the progressives would come up with to blame Belgium and excuse the terrorism there. Clearly, even though Belgium isn't involved in fighting overseas anywhere, they have NATO headquarters there (even thought it wasn't attacked), so it's their own fault!

Damn those filthy white people for always provoking the poor, downtrodden, helpless Muslim world!

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Ah, I wondered what the progressives would come up with to blame Belgium and excuse the terrorism there. Clearly, even though Belgium isn't involved in fighting overseas anywhere, they have NATO headquarters there (even thought it wasn't attacked), so it's their own fault!

Damn those filthy white people for always provoking the poor, downtrodden, helpless Muslim world!

Did you know that Belgium produces more jihadis, relative to its population, than any other country in western Europe.

Poor integration, political instability and growing evidence of extremism mean the Brussels attacks come as little surprise


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Islam has a dual problem though. Not only are there Islamic terrorism attacks, there is also Islamic behaviour in many countries around the world that puts the religion in a very bad light, and invites justified criticism. The same can be said of all religions, of course, just not as much. The problem in an argument on the subject occurs when the two (religious behaviour - terrorism) are confused.

Exactly, there are both religious and cultural issues to contend with. We are often able to separate those for North Americans, yet we tend to bundle them together for Middle Easterners. We wouldn't label all Christians as racist because it is a pervasive part of the Southern US Christian culture. Nor should we equate Christianity with homophobia despite the scriptures and the passage of laws in many red states allowing for discrimination against homosexuals. Problems like racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. have roots in Christianity but are also influenced by the local culture and often shaped by politics. The same goes for Islam.

Islam along with the culture and politics in primarily Islamic states is obviously a bigger problem at present, but the right wing us versus them Christian apologist approach isn't helpful at all. Nor is the liberal relativist, Islamic apologist approach.

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I can't understand why you have such difficulty in grasping what defines terrorism and terrorists - especially in today's world......unless you somehow feel the need to be an apologist for their heinous crimes. One of the many dictionary definitions is :

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

... the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

... Acts of violence committed by groups that view themselves as victimized by some notable historical wrong.

And yet - you still deny this simple fact: only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims. Put another way - it is not one's religion, politics or beliefs that determine whether they are a terrorist - it is their actions.

Only a microscopic number of humans have cancer - but an an overwhelming number of cancer cases are in humans.

Only a small number of Jews are rabbis - but an overwhelming number of rabbis are Jewish.


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This guy gets it:

Fellow Muslims, it appears incredibly insensitive to wider Europe if your first concern is to worry about Islam being blamed for the ‪#‎BrusselsAttacks‬

Islam today needs reform. Islamism must be intellectually terminated. Empty & vague slogans such as ‪#‎StopIslam‬ offer no practical solutions.


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