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Islamophobia in Canada

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1 minute ago, Omni said:

Actually it's close to 300 fighters plus around 60 attack helicopters, and a number of support and transport military aircraft and tone of vehicles. Try to keep up eh.


The US gave Israel 50 F-16As designated 'O' in the USAF. Not 300.

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8 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


The US gave Israel 50 F-16As designated 'O' in the USAF. Not 300.

50 F-16A/B's, 60 C/D's, 102 I's, 50 F15's, and recently 5 F 35's. Then there are the attack helicopters etc. You add 'em up. 

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Just now, Omni said:

50 F-16A/B's, 60 C/D's, 102 I's, 50 F15's, and recently 5 F 35's. Then there are the attack helicopters etc. You add 'em up. 


Are you referring to total numbers or those F-16s actually given to Israel? Only fifty were given to Israel during the first Gulf War for not dropping an egg on Baghdad. 



The Israel Defense Force/Air Force ordered a total of 362 F-16s, from early F-16A/Bs to the latest F-16I. Fifty of these aircraft were surplus USAF aircraft, given to Israel by the US as payment for restraint during the 1991 Gulf War despite Scud attacks. All Israeli F-16s are fitted with custom Israeli electronics.

You add 'em up...

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And back to Islamophobia: it's Ramadan. That poorly kept-track-of month that Muslims celebrate as the time Big Mo was in his first Mafia sit-down/face-to-face with the head Capo and angel about town...heh...Gabriel. 


Ramadan for the Unbeliever is also the equivalent to Easter for the Jews in the good old days when the Blood Libel was still preached...a good time for the pious to settle scores and what not with yea olde Infidel. Terrorism as a trend goes-up during Ramadan.

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9 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

That poorly kept-track-of month that Muslims celebrate

Not hard to keep track of at all. All to do with the first sighting of the moon after it's full. They are not the only people who keep track of the moon. Look at your calendar I bet it has the moon phases marked on it too.

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1 minute ago, Omni said:

Not hard to keep track of at all. All to do with the first sighting of the moon after it's full. They are not the only people who keep track of the moon. Look at your calendar I bet it has the moon phases marked on it too.


You're free to believe the Islamic calendar is accurate.

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5 minutes ago, Omni said:

You're free to think the moon is Islamic.


According to the Quran, Muslims think it is. Big Mo split it in two and put it back together again proving it was under his control. There's an entire Surah about it...54.

A quick glance at the average Islamic flag also shows this attachment. 

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5 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


According to the Quran, Muslims think it is. Big Mo split it in two and put it back together again proving it was under his control. There's an entire Surah about it...54.

A quick glance at the average Islamic flag also shows this attachment. 

And my christian calendar tells me the next full moon will be June 9 @ 6:09 am.

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On ‎2017‎-‎05‎-‎30 at 1:12 PM, marcus said:

I'm a passionate defender of human rights, justice and the truth. I have no time to sit here and respond to people who try to brush aside my thoughts and comments with their paranoid accusations of 'agent of Tehran'. One more comment like that and I will have no other option but to put you on ignore.

We have countries being pushed back by generations. We have many of the academics and business people escaping these countries because of the chaos and instability that has been created by the West's repeated wars. Of course you will not see progress. You see regression. You see Saudi backed groups such as ISIS coming in.  You will see other outside groups, like Iranians coming in, trying to shift the powers towards themselves. You will see infighting. And you will see the ugliness spill over into our lands.

The barbaric practices by ISIS and Al Qaeda used to be confined in pockets in Saudi Arabia. They had no power. They had no control. However, West's actions has created an environment where they can grow.

Scores of civilians that included children were killed by US bombing in Mayadeen in Syria just a few days ago. This will make it easier for groups like ISIS to recruit impressionable, marginalized kids to blow themselves in our lands. These types of responses have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with our policies.

You have made numerous comments about me being an agent of Israel and Zionists so lighten up. With due respect don't fling out pro Israel Zionist references and not expect me to come back and call your responses pro Iran. They are. If the shoe fits wear it. Given the comments we have both sent each other I am surprised only now you sem to let being pro Iranian bother you. Lol. Come on lighten up.

You dish out a lot of Zionist stuff. I take it tongue in cheek. Don't get high almighty. That said, you have a right to challenge my point because its a sensitive topic and I am not trying to insult all Muslims or Orthodox Jews or anyone else. I am being blunt though. There are internal issues in the ME that range far beyond blaming Jews or the Euro colonialists who in fact Arab nations had no problem working with to try wipe out Israel. When it suited Arab Regimes they were and are only too hapy to get in bed with Euro colonialists. Excuse me but if you point the finger at Euros, its absurd. There were thousands of years of internal ME society turmoil long before some white guy from Frane or Germany or Britain got involved. As for your analysis, you always avoid referring to the roles of China and Russia in the ME but are quick to slam the US? Why is that?

Let's get real. Muslims in the ME are and have always been there own worst enemy. The sheer volume of internal strife evidences that. It was that way 4,000 years ago with Jews. They actually created a religious script to avoid internal fighting. The whole concept of a "chosen" people had nothing to do with defining them as  better in the eyes of God, but entering into a collective agreement with God. If Hebrews agreed to worship God collectively, it was said God would do the same in reverse. This was an allegory designed to redefine Hebrews with a collective identity.

Muhammed did the same with what would then turn into Muslim followers. In his religion the concept of a Jew being part of a collective nation and for that matter Christians becoming a collective has been problematic from the get go. Miuhammed defines non Muslims as not equal to Muslims and not capable of enjoying the same eights as Muslims.

In the Koran creating a Muslim state where the religion is enforced through Sharia law through its government is an essential ingredient. Christianity though the Catholic Church not directly being government influenced state politics. As states evolved democratically, the power and connection between the state and the church ha sgrown much more distant although it prevails in certain countries. For Jews, being dispersed into the diaspora and always being defined by Christians in Christian states or Muslims in sharia law states as inferiors not able to have the same legal rights. this religious based concept remains.

At the pith and substance of the Muslim world's battle with Jews is that the Koran is interpreted to state Jews are infidel, and not capable of having a collective let alone state structure because that would make them equal to Muslims. They are defined as going to hell unless they convert.  They are defined as dhimmi and khafir. Being anti Zionist is just old recycled Muslim religious doctrine stating Jews can't have the same legal rights as Muslims.

In the Christian world Jews as in the Muslim world, could not own land. Christianity has evolved and continues to evolve past its animosity towards the Jewish collective as having inherited the consequence of Jewish forefathers not recognizing Christ as THE messiagh. For the most part mainstream Christianity has denounced the blood libel and the disagreement as to whether Jesus was THE Messiah, one of many Messiahs, or referred to himself and all of us as Messiahs, remains a hot topic of debate within the Christian world not just with other religions. Islam has progressive Muslims who refuse to follow the Koran as do fundamentalists. They do not read in the Koran that it said Jews can not have the same legal rights. It reads the Koran passages as not saying women are inferior, gays are evil, etc.

Fundamentalist Islam is most always the fuel in Middle East terrorism. Part if its beliefs also define gthe West as an imperfect society for pursuing material values and our sexual and moral practices. Let's be blunt.  The depictions of Muslim terrorists as martyrs who will be awarded virgins in heaven for blowing themselves up mixes sexual and political references. Most religions do. Religion defines and tries to control primal instincts such as sexual drive or sexual assault and incest. Its not an accident in Somalia and Libya and other failed Muslim states, rape, incest, has increased.

Its part of the complex puzzle of addressing numerous social and other behavioural issues. The clash between West and East is not just about Zionism or Euro colonialists, its about attitudes towards sexual behaviour, materialism, what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Its not an accident Muslim fudnamentalists whether they be in Iran or in ISIS controlled areas, have young Muslim men enforcing sexual laws.

There is no way someone coming from a society that views gays as evil and women as inferior and sex out of wedlock as evil and the right of women to control their own bodies, etc. is not going to clash when they come to the West. Sometimes they clash the same fundamentalist Amish, Jews or Christians clash. Fundamenta; sects of Christianity and Judaism reject mainstream moral views. The difference is they don't engage in terrorism. Ultra orthodox Jews and Amish or very conservative Catholics or Protestants are not running around in the name of God blowing things up.

I find it interesting the two faced hippocrate Trudeau who sits in Mosques in Canada embracing Islamic  mullahs who define gays as evil, women who choose the right to control their bodies as evil, and Jews as cursed people, now calls out the new Conservative leader as being too religiously conservative.

Andrew Scheer does not impose his personal Catholic views on everyone-Trudeau imposes his religious views on everyone. Trudeau in one breath embraces the very fundamentalist theology he then rejects Scheer for having-the difference-Scheer is a Catholic, so its o.k. to ridicule his beliefs, Trudeau's Muslim fundamentalist friends with the same beliefs however, are his "friends" not to be ridiculed for having the same beliefs.

Excuse me some of us are fed up with the double standard. It is fueling are frustration in debates about Islam, religion in general, and what social values this nation should have.

Scheer is a classic conservative who believes religion is a private matter. Trudeau believes its a public matter and will use it to portray Trudeau's views on it as the only acceptable ones. Excuse me but Trudeau and trendy leftist Liberals who are getting into bed with fascist Muslim fundamentalists are full of sheeyat.

Its why Trudeau will spit morality if he thinks he hears anti Muslim comments but remain silent when he hears anti semitic or anti Christian comments from the very people he stands and giggles with in photo ops.

I respect progressive and gentle Muslims. Its why I embrace Amidyah Islam or Islmaili Islam. Its why I reject the Sunni and Muslim approaches across the ME as we speak.

I oppose them and the terrorism they fail to control because they have failed to engage in critical analysis of their own intolerance.

I have no problem with social conservatives. If they believe abortion is wrong, homosexuality is wrong-that is their private religious view. If they keep it out of politics I am o.j. with that. Howwever certain fundamentalists including certain Jews, Muslims, Siekhs and Muslims want to use politics to impose their religious beliefs. If they do I challenge them for that. That is not Islamophobia. Fundalentalist Muslims don't get to use the anti Muslim card if they have views I disagree with.

If I call all Muslims evil then yes you do. I never have. I don't come on this board and lambast Muslims for having Muslim states. You do with Jews for having one state.

You blast the entire West in your comments and then in the next breath pose as a victim Muslim defending all Muslims because some of us challenge  certain Muslim views. No thanks. I aint buying it. You want to call certain people bigots for painting all Muslims as evil, I support you. Call me that which you do repeatedly, I call you out on it for what you are, someone trying to censor me for challenging certain Muslim views-you are hiding behind an anti Muslim card to avoid debating certain issues. You've used that tactic over and over again.

Have a nice day.


The wise  guy got upset when I asked him if he was going to eat the whole box of twinkies.  Lol I didn't want yone I just wanted to know whether he was going to  stand up or downwind from me.

Rue 1342






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On ‎2017‎-‎05‎-‎30 at 2:34 PM, DogOnPorch said:


The US gave Israel 50 F-16As designated 'O' in the USAF. Not 300.

Lol pretty sure they charged Israel for them as well. No give away. But hey the Zionists control Washington with a spell.


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On ‎2017‎-‎05‎-‎30 at 2:46 PM, Omni said:

50 F-16A/B's, 60 C/D's, 102 I's, 50 F15's, and recently 5 F 35's. Then there are the attack helicopters etc. You add 'em up. 

Actually they don't give them away. and your no's are still off. Go back and check your sources. There have not been full deliveries as you suggest. But hey you knew that.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

Actually they don't give them away. and your no's are still off. Go back and check your sources. There have not been full deliveries as you suggest. But hey you knew that.

Of course they don't GIVE them away, but they do give away around $3 billion each year so it's a bit of a shell game.

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11 minutes ago, Omni said:

Of course they don't GIVE them away, but they do give away around $3 billion each year so it's a bit of a shell game.


So ultimately, you feel the Camp David Accords are a waste of time. At least as far as Israel...the defender in these affairs.


You're not upset by the money others get though...Egypt, Palestinian Authority, etc. The aggressors.

Also interesting.

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22 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


So ultimately, you feel the Camp David Accords are a waste of time. At least as far as Israel...the defender in these affairs.


You're not upset by the money others get though...Egypt, Palestinian Authority, etc. The aggressors.

Also interesting.

Not upset at all, also not a Palestinian.

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1 hour ago, Omni said:

Not upset at all, also not a Palestinian.


Then stop yer bitchin' re: Camp David's results. Israel just finished a war the Arabs started. Sadat...a good man post Yom Kippur. The rest...less so.

Unless you're hankering for another "do-over" where the Arabs lose EVEN WORSE than they did in the previous wars they started.

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6 hours ago, Rue said:

Lol pretty sure they charged Israel for them as well. No give away. But hey the Zionists control Washington with a spell.



50 old F-16s the Israelis could upgrade in their own factories were handed over during Gulf War I in exchange for Israel not going nuclear on Saddam's rear-end.

A small price.

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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Then stop yer bitchin' re: Camp David's results. Israel just finished a war the Arabs started. Sadat...a good man post Yom Kippur. The rest...less so.

Unless you're hankering for another "do-over" where the Arabs lose EVEN WORSE than they did in the previous wars they started.

How could they do anything but lose with all that fancy/deadly hardware the US provides Israel?

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So getting back to Islamophobia, and the question of what is 'unreasonable' fear of Islam... I keep waiting for people to give me a list of all the world nations where Muslims form a sizable minority yet there is no religious violence.

Noting this with reference to the Philippines, where large scale fighting is now taking place between government forces and Islamic extremists causing hundreds of thousands to flee.

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1 hour ago, Omni said:

How could they do anything but lose with all that fancy/deadly hardware the US provides Israel?


As opposed to the fancy/deadly weapons the Soviets supplied your Arab chums?

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