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Fixing What Harper Broke: A to-do list


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Agus doesn't have a point since anywhere from 40-60% of the general population have used drugs, including weed in their lifetimes. Source: Health Canada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/drugs-drogues/stat/_2011/tables-tableaux-eng.php#t3

Thank you. That was my point.

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Wow when I started the topic on bill C-36 (and other bills that were promised by liberals to be repealed or amended like C-51 or C-24) I never expected such a great input and posts by so many well informed posters (well the good majority are), but I am glad I did.

Basically to summarize everything, prostitution was legal in Canada ever since its foundation except a few related aspects of it like solicitation in public places or running a bawdy house or being found in one. A few sex workers for reasons of their own challenged the laws back in 2009 (not sure about the year) and unfortunately it happened that the challenge coincided with a very uncaring right wing corrupt selfish conservative regime of Harper. The intentions on the part of those who challenged the laws may or may not have been right but the timing was real bad. First Ontario Superior Court ruled the laws unconstitutional (I think in 2011) and it went up to Supreme Court of Canada and the Supreme Court also unanimously ruled the laws unconstitutional in 2013 on the grounds that the laws put sex workers in danger and gave the ideologically based conservative regime one year to rewrite the laws.

The Harper regime and his injustice minister in order to please their core support of religious right and retain their votes made it clear from the start they they wish to bring laws to make all aspects of prostitution illegal and even criminal and they also made it clear they are not going to listen to public (which poll after poll indicated Canadian public in good majority supports paid sex between consenting adults) or even the sex workers. In spite of all advice by legal and industry experts to the contrary they went ahead and make many aspects of prostitution illegal and even criminal (the Swedish model where feminazism is very strong). Their goal was ideology based (their stupid ideology) and didn't care that they put sex workers in great danger (sex workers call it Pickton's law referring to Robert Pickton who took advantage of illegal aspects of prostitution to pick up in isolated dark places and the bastard murdered many innocent girls and women who were trying to feed their family).


In a manipulative way (by calling their own witnesses and faking surveys claiming most Canadians support prohibition) and ordering all their MPs to vote for the bill) they passed it in December 2014 and the Pickton's bill (C-36) became the law. The injustice minister MacKay even called all of those engaged in sex trade as perverts which shows the state of mind of these people who took over our country for 9 miserable years. Both the liberals and NDP (and Green) all voted against bill C-36 on the ground that it will jeopardize the lives and safety of most vulnerable and marginalized citizens (the sex workers) promised to REPEAL these laws when elected. The liberals were indeed elected with a big majority and as they promised the nation expect them to repeal Pickton's laws as soon as possible as soon as other ideologically based bills imposed during the extreme right take over of our country.



Now I am personalty against legalization of prostitution as I fear more exploitation and human trafficking may be the result and more college students may enter the sex trade but rather decriminalization and I also believe that the industry must be highly regulated so that no one is in any way exploited or no pimping, coercing or underage be allowed and those Johns who take advantage of the exploited or all violent or exploitative pimps (not Guards or drivers) must be severely punished. No bawdy house in residential areas no public solicitation where children are nearby and no unprotected services or unsafe services and those who demand it must be punished. Sex workers must form legally unions and be protected and enjoy work and health insurance and be checked and tested for disease free good health on a regular basis.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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This is appalling. The damn conservative regime put in place laws that made paid sex illegal instead of regulating it (and instead of punishing severely the pimping, coercing, trafficking and exploitation by Johns and pimps and mandatory enforcement of the laws) and more than a year after C-36 becoming law (and by making it illegal and criminal as usually is the case they attracted criminal elements to the business who are thriving at the expense of our innocent children) and the SEX Trafficking has reached crisis point :(. Even though the article is about Ontario but this human suffering issue is not limited to Ontario. Trudeau, Wynne and all good hearted caring people DO SOMETHING NOW. Our children being victimized. Regulate it and bring the most severe punishment for those who exploit women and children.



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And you in minus infinity is that was possible.

Incredible how insensitive partisan some people are that even when it comes to such serious issues as sex trafficking and exploitation of women and children they try to score points or get even playing childish games. Again shame. Shame. Fortunately you guys are in a very tiny minority in this country and I thank God for Thee.

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This is appalling. The damn conservative regime put in place laws that made paid sex illegal instead of regulating it (and instead of punishing severely the pimping, coercing, trafficking and exploitation by Johns and pimps and mandatory enforcement of the laws) and more than a year after C-36 becoming law (and by making it illegal and criminal as usually is the case they attracted criminal elements to the business who are thriving at the expense of our innocent children) and the SEX Trafficking has reached crisis point :(. Even though the article is about Ontario but this human suffering issue is not limited to Ontario. Trudeau, Wynne and all good hearted caring people DO SOMETHING NOW. Our children being victimized. Regulate it and bring the most severe punishment for those who exploit women and children.



Neither of your cites linked this to the federal law, or changes to it. You are simply engaging in overemotional caterwauling again on this subject.

It is interesting to note, however, in the Star story, that of the 15 "Accused" all are non-white except for one white couple. Thanks, immigration!

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Neither of your cites linked this to the federal law, or changes to it. You are simply engaging in overemotional caterwauling again on this subject.

It is interesting to note, however, in the Star story, that of the 15 "Accused" all are non-white except for one white couple. Thanks, immigration!

Again you missed my point. My point was that C-36 became law in December 2014 and the Cons claimed at the time that its goal and intention was to "eradicate" prostitution and the opponents warned them that pushing it underground and making things illegal not only will not eradicate prostitution but would make everything worse based on experiences with past similar issues. But they didn't listen. They rammed the bill through parliament in a most manipulative way and made it law without even bothering to consult those workers most affected all because they wanted to please their core support like yourself and other guy who tried to discredit me even on this sensitive important issues.

The article(s) I attach is a proof that sex trafficking is getting worse every day and has now reached crises point and we need new laws immediately to deal with the situation what the more than one year law has completely failed to achieve. Eradicate prostitution by decriminalizing it and highly regulate it to prevent exploitation and trafficking and throw away the keys for those who break the regulations and exploit.

I would put aside partisanship for this issue. Black, color or white those who commit these horrible kinds of crimes must be punished to the maximum extend of the law.

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in just 100 days! "Its as if the new government stole into that old Conservative neighbourhood armed with a pressure washer and starting cleaning that unsightly graffiti off the walls."

among many other changes:

- overturned the closing of veterans offices

- re-establish lifelong pensions as an option for injured veterans

- pledged to reverse funding cuts to the CBC; reverse $150 million cuts in new annual funding for CBC/Radio-Canada.

- restored mandatory long-form census

- established a free online service for learning and retaining English and French as second languages

- overturned two pieces of legislation considered punitive to labour; repeal Bills C-377 and C-525

- restored funding to First Nations... and also suspended all court action against First Nations which did not comply with the related Harper Conservative legislation

- ended a Harper Conservative court appeal of provisions of Omar Khadrs bail

- ended an appeal of the citizenship niqab ruling

- changed the way Harper Conservatives dealt with sick leave for federal employees

- introduce a Prime Ministers Question Period

- has given permission to federal scientists to speak to the media

- ending an audit of charities by the Canada Revenue Agency

- is changing the way senators are appointed - create a new, non-partisan, merit-based process to advise the Prime Minister on Senate appointments.

- will fully restore health-care coverage for all refugees and asylum claimants to the pre-2012 levels, before Harper Conservative cuts

- revamping the environmental assessment process

- lifted some sanctions against Iran; working to normalize relations with Iran

- warmed relations with Washington

- Trudeau has made himself and his ministers more accessible to the media

- Trudeau has brought first ministers together for meetings, a practice which Harper had ended

- revamped anti-ISIS mission

- doubled investment in Canada Council for the Arts to $360 million per year

- cut the middle income tax bracket to 20.5% (from 22%)

- introduced a new tax bracket of 33% for individuals earning more than $200,000

- accepted ~25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada

... with the best yet to come!

Burning down the Harper legacy serving Trudeau well


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in just 100 days! "Its as if the new government stole into that old Conservative neighbourhood armed with a pressure washer and starting cleaning that unsightly graffiti off the walls."

among many other changes:

- overturned the closing of veterans offices

- re-establish lifelong pensions as an option for injured veterans

- pledged to reverse funding cuts to the CBC; reverse $150 million cuts in new annual funding for CBC/Radio-Canada.

- restored mandatory long-form census

- established a free online service for learning and retaining English and French as second languages

- overturned two pieces of legislation considered punitive to labour; repeal Bills C-377 and C-525

- restored funding to First Nations... and also suspended all court action against First Nations which did not comply with the related Harper Conservative legislation

- ended a Harper Conservative court appeal of provisions of Omar Khadrs bail

- ended an appeal of the citizenship niqab ruling

- changed the way Harper Conservatives dealt with sick leave for federal employees

- introduce a Prime Ministers Question Period

- has given permission to federal scientists to speak to the media

- ending an audit of charities by the Canada Revenue Agency

- is changing the way senators are appointed - create a new, non-partisan, merit-based process to advise the Prime Minister on Senate appointments.

- will fully restore health-care coverage for all refugees and asylum claimants to the pre-2012 levels, before Harper Conservative cuts

- revamping the environmental assessment process

- lifted some sanctions against Iran; working to normalize relations with Iran

- warmed relations with Washington

- Trudeau has made himself and his ministers more accessible to the media

- Trudeau has brought first ministers together for meetings, a practice which Harper had ended

- revamped anti-ISIS mission

- doubled investment in Canada Council for the Arts to $360 million per year

- cut the middle income tax bracket to 20.5% (from 22%)

- introduced a new tax bracket of 33% for individuals earning more than $200,000

- accepted ~25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada

... with the best yet to come!

Burning down the Harper legacy serving Trudeau well


Thank you for the fine list of great accomplishments and all achieved in just 100 days. Just imagine how much more he and his government can do in 1000 more days in his first mandate or even in this many more mandates in the remaining many years to come.

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What Government should have the right to impose law that restricts a human from planting a seed (any seed) and thereby allowing seed to flourish into a plant (any plant), for use by said human to enjoy in any way one chose notwithstanding for profit? This is a right in a so called free society, and any Government that restricts this right is not a Democratic one!

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Pipelines should be on his list,that would be a lot of bang for the buck.But that kind of infrastructure won't be built with Gerald Butts pulling Trudeau's strings.Billions upon billions will be pissed away by this government.

do you have timelines and related job projection numbers?


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Another Harper mess is fixed by democratic Liberal government.

C-24 which created second class citizens for dual citizens (even those born here) was partly repealed today. Well done Liberal government.


Now it is time to do more fixes of the mess Harper and his injustice minister created.



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Another Harper mess is fixed by democratic Liberal government.

C-24 which created second class citizens for dual citizens (even those born here) was partly repealed today. Well done Liberal government.


Now it is time to do more fixes of the mess Harper and his injustice minister created.



You mean a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian?

Sounds good to me.

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I have a question. When someone introduces legislation in the House of Commons first it has to go through the house of commons and pass the house of commons. After that it goes to the Senate and it has to pass a vote in the Senate before it becomes Law. Now if the government wants to repeal a Bill how does that work? I assume it must pass the House of Commons does it have to pass the Senate also?

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I have a question. When someone introduces legislation in the House of Commons first it has to go through the house of commons and pass the house of commons. After that it goes to the Senate and it has to pass a vote in the Senate before it becomes Law. Now if the government wants to repeal a Bill how does that work? I assume it must pass the House of Commons does it have to pass the Senate also?

You'd have to pass a new piece of legislation to do that, following exactly the same steps.

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In 2006, Stephen Harper rode into power promising "open, accountable government". The way he accomplished that was to lose to the Liberals and let them actually implement it.

That process has been criticized when it appeared to reward partisan loyalists with plum, often well paid, positions across the federal government. The new process will see a number of changes to how these appointments are made:

All positions will be advertised on a government website.
Canadians will be able to apply for these positions online.
All appointment decisions will be posted online.
Ministers will have to ensure their appointments meet gender parity and diversity guidelines.
Applicants will undergo a selection process comparing their skills to the requirements of the job.
A roster of people pre-approved to serve on boards of directors will be created and expanded over time.
Reappointment recommendations will be based on merit.

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In 2006, Stephen Harper rode into power promising "open, accountable government". The way he accomplished that was to lose to the Liberals and let them actually implement it.

Well, 9/11 truthers might believe that, but Kevin Page doesn't seem to, and i dont recall him being a Harper fanboy.


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Well, 9/11 truthers might believe that, but Kevin Page doesn't seem to, and i dont recall him being a Harper fanboy.


Someone is grandstanding for attention.

There hasn't even been 1 budget yet.

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