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Harper gave $8 Million in tax dollars to GOP

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Here's the government of Canada site on it.


Does anyone know if this is legit and why on earth they would do this?

While the IRI isn't the GOP, its board of directors reads like a whose who of old guard Republicans. Still, its states aim is to promote democracy, so I'm not automatically assuming the worst.

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What's the international republican institute?

What's the international republican institute?

From their website it sounds like a Washington-based non profit that works to promote and improve democracy. That's all well and good, but its board of directors seems made up entirely of Republican politicians and former members of the past three Republican administrations. That is a bit suspicious but I'd really have to study the kind of work they're doing to figure out if they're a GOP think tank or a legitimate international development group.

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That's what I mean. It sounds nuts, but there's barely any info on it. Perhaps it's for an important project. But there should really be more info on it. This is tax dollars after all.

Who needs mainstream media for this?

Why did the Harper group give $8 million to the International Republican Institute?

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According to Wiki:

Founded in 1983, the International Republican Institute (IRI) "is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide by helping political parties to become more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process – including women and youth.

International Republican Institute - Wikipedia, the free ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Republican_Institute

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According to Wiki:

Founded in 1983, the International Republican Institute (IRI) "is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide by helping political parties to become more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process – including women and youth.

International Republican Institute - Wikipedia, the free ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Republican_Institute

A non partisan agency with a board filled with Republicans and John McCain at numero uno. That is what makes me suspicious. But even if it is just a Republican think tank, it could be that applied for Federal funding for some project, so again I think we need a lot more information before we can say if there was anything inappropriate Bout the funding. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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A non partisan agency with a board filled with Republicans and John McCain at numero uno. That is what makes me suspicious. But even if it is just a Republican think tank, it could be that applied for Federal funding for some project, so again I think we need a lot more information before we can say if there was anything inappropriate Bout the funding. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

No kidding. This stinks. Why would Canada give an American Republican organization $8 million? This is outrageous.

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It also says they act as consultants for parties and candidates, and that does make me suspicious. Even where they mention specific countries like Kenya and Bulgariaz there's little detail as to who they working with.

This project is 100% focused on Ukraine.

This project aims to support civil society, elected officials, and political parties to strengthen multi-party democracy in Ukraine. It supports political and civil society representatives to fulfill their roles in political processes in a collaborative manner. Through seminars, roundtables and study tours, the project assists political party members to develop and implement issue-based election campaigns. It also enhances the knowledge and ability of young local elected officials from different regions, including Eastern and Southern Ukraine, to effectively play their roles in the political processes. The project also seeks to strengthen linkages and relationships among mayors across the country to increase awareness of best practices in local governance. The project also improves the ability of citizens and political parties to use exit polling data and the voter list to increase transparency and oversight of the State Voter Registry. Some project activities include: (1) conducting a series of 120 election campaign training sessions nation-wide; (2) conducting 36 training sessions for local political party branches on how to effectively cooperate with civil society organizations; (3) conducting 15 joint leadership trainings for young local elected officials from Eastern and Western Ukraine, with a focus on civic engagement; and (4) conducting 12 training sessions for Ukrainian city councils on issues of transparency and communication.
Edited by Bryan
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And bribery is our official policy? Where are the opposition parties on this?

While i have questions about IRI, in particular the very tight relationship its chairman, John Mccain, i fail to see how you call this evidence of bribery. There's nothing secret about the Government's support of Ukraine, and it seems probable to me that IRI probably sought out the grant.

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While i have questions about IRI, in particular the very tight relationship its chairman, John Mccain, i fail to see how you call this evidence of bribery. There's nothing secret about the Government's support of Ukraine, and it seems probable to me that IRI probably sought out the grant.

I'm responding to suggestions that the government gave $8 million to try to get the pipeline approved. That sounds like bribery to me if that's what happened.

If we wanted to help the Ukraine, Canada must have ways of doing so that don't involve giving millions to Washington Republicans.

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A non partisan agency with a board filled with Republicans and John McCain at numero uno. That is what makes me suspicious. But even if it is just a Republican think tank, it could be that applied for Federal funding for some project, so again I think we need a lot more information before we can say if there was anything inappropriate Bout the funding. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

What's wrong with John McCain?

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The IRI has been on leftist Canadian radar for some time...they seem to get it. This is what Canada means by the term "soft power".

The Third Halifax International Security Forum highlights the participation of leading liberal representatives of such agencies of the U.S. state as the National Endowment for Democracy and two of its core agencies, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute, together with Freedom House and Human Rights Watch. Its agenda is synchronized with the program of subversion of these agencies known to specialize in the "soft power" techniques of intervention, political destabilization and regime change under the pretext of "people power," "democracy," "open society," "non-violence" and "human rights."


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What's wrong with John McCain?

Nothing in and of itself, but to call yourself non partisan when your chairman is a senior Republican senator and, so far as I can tell, every member of your board are Republicans seems a little odd.

But I see nothing in the grant that suggests anything untoward. It reads like the prospectus of just about every international funding grant I've ever seen.

For the moment I'm categorising this in the "nothing unusual" department and if someone has some actual evidence, and not just innuendo, I'll gladly consider it.

Edited by ToadBrother
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