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Another Trudeau Gaffe

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Then again

you're quite prepared to selectively craft your "he (Harper) was ready" tally narrative... and in so doing you trivialize JT's sole working component to "2 years as a high-school teacher". I certainly don't expect you to accept anything of the past participation JT was engaged in (from the early 2000's with various MPs, to 7 years direct involvement as a sitting MP, to leader of a political party)... I don't expect you to accept any of it. What I do expect is your honesty in applying your same "he was/is ready" selective crafting tally rules to both persons. I've given you my partisan assessment of those early Harper years; I certainly don't expect you to accept it... however, if you had any honesty you might revisit those earliest of years and recognize that Harper wasn't some wunderkind... that he was a most fortunate 'victim of circumstance'... circumstance that I spoke to! You may as well say the same of Mulcair... his time in federal politics is only since 2007... unless your crafted tally is willing to include Mulcair's time in provincial politics as a part of the Quebec Liberal party.

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Is it not Duffy's Lawyer job to present deception of fact with inferences of inappropriate actions simply to cast the potential of innocence through burden of proof? The PMO and or Wright were never charged by the RCMP as no crime was committed. Those are the facts. It is Duffy who committed fraud and bribery and is on trail here. It is irrelevant if Novak was aware of the payment. Novak in fact still reported to Wright at the time, are we to assume he did a run around on Wright and informed the PM directly? Once again the payment was never in question as a crime. The PM has been true to his statement and the RCMP ITO's support those facts. Lets remember the only reason the E-mails are in court is because Harper waved Parliamentary privilege, called the audit and the RCMP investigation.
Maybe the question should be to Mr. Trudeau from the press. Mr. Trudeau is it in your best judgement to be campaigning with a Premier of a Liberal Government under 3 criminal investigations?

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you're quite prepared to selectively craft your "he (Harper) was ready" tally narrative... and in so doing you trivialize JT's sole working component to "2 years as a high-school teacher". I certainly don't expect you to accept anything of the past participation JT was engaged in (from the early 2000's with various MPs, to 7 years direct involvement as a sitting MP, to leader of a political party)...

Hey, I said I'd be willing to grant him having been an MP and leader. That still doesn't match anywhere near Harper's 21 years in politics. Trudeau's early 'involvement' was essentially nothing but the occasional expression of support for this or that person. I'm talking about actually working in politics, devoting your life to it, as Harper had for 21 years prior to becoming Prime Minister. Any unbiased comparison between that and Trudeau leaves Trudeau seeming nakedly inexperienced.

And I also take into account he has been basically riding on his father's coattails the entire time. Harper was a nobody and clawed his way up to the top on his own, despite not having any name or family contacts, or money, or the good looks and speaking ability of Trudeau. What am I to give Trudeau credit for? That his name got him elected and made him leader? How is his name going to help run the economy?

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on his own? :lol: There's no point in continuing as you have absolutely zero credibility in writing those words!

You think he made it with the help of his father's friends like boy Trudeau?

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Trudeau barred reporters from mosque visit. So I wonder why they are keeping this under wraps. What did trudeau promise them? Sharia law?

Recently, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau met privately with a group of Islamic leaders inside a Regina mosque, an event from which the media were barred.

The Liberal party is keeping a tight lid on what transpired during the two-hour, closed-door session last Tuesday.

The gathering may well be one of the few election events of 2015 that will go unreported because as one correspondent assigned to cover the story told me: “Unfortunately I wasn’t permitted inside.”

It seems almost every time Trudeau steps inside a mosque, he walks into a minefield of controversy.

In March 2011 he visited a mosque in Montreal that a month later was classified by U.S. intelligence as an al-Qaida recruitment centre.

Trudeau pleaded ignorance, arguing the mosque’s link to al-Qaida came up only after he had visited it.

In fact, as early as 2006, CBC’s Radio Canada had done a lengthy investigative report on that mosque, identifying it as a well-known centre of radical anti-West rhetoric.

In 2013, Trudeau spent an evening at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Islamic centre west of Toronto during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The parent organization of ISNA in the U.S. has been listed by the U.S. Justice Department as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a terror funding trial.

ISNA was never charged with any crime, but prosecutors listed it as one of the “entities who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood


Will the others report this or just the sun?

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Isn't that much worse that reporters getting heckled for asking the same question over and over again?

Well lets see these reporters heckle trudeau over what was said at that meeting. But they wont. I miss sun news.

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Even when JT is attacking Harper, he comes off as an idiot.


Maybe JT can cite a CPC policy where it says that "No Muslim, is too many".

Now who's playing with the politics of fear?

Bill C-51 doesn't address immigration at all. AND JT supports it, so what is he getting at here? Is he just trying to compare Harper with WW2 Era Anti-Semitism. Goodwin's Law might just apply to JT here.

Slow Clap JT, way to completely muddle your message!

Meanwhile, Canada is (mistakenly) bringing in thousands of supposed refugees from Syria. Not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

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So Trudeau attacks Harper for running a deficit, calling it a "mess" but in the same breath says that austerity is not an option and that he will run deficits as well and won't put a timeline on when the budget should be balanced. Perhaps Trudeau should try asking Wynne how her "We'll balance the budget when we feel like it" approach is working out for her.

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Trudeau's strategy was not to release his full platform with costing until the last moment.

It looks like he's getting Canadians ready for the fact that he's going to be short billions of dollars.

ALL parties are going to be short billions thanks to |Harper way of doing things. It is a mess, that why Harper called the Bank of Canada to see what he could find out and THAT should be made public so every knows what's happening, especially the leaders of the parties but HARPER always has to have an edge over his opponents since he can\t call on Pierre Poutine again.

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So Trudeau attacks Harper for running a deficit, calling it a "mess" but in the same breath says that austerity is not an option and that he will run deficits as well and won't put a timeline on when the budget should be balanced. Perhaps Trudeau should try asking Wynne how her "We'll balance the budget when we feel like it" approach is working out for her.

I've been saying for a long while that Trudeau strongly reminds me of Dalton McGuinty. He's not going to care about economics. He has 'good things' he wants to accomplish for the environment and the poor! Don't bother him with details!

The budget will balance itself -- eventually.

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It is a mess, that why Harper called the Bank of Canada to see what he could find out and THAT should be made public so every knows what's happening.

Are you saying the prime minister shouldn't talk to the governor of the Bank of Canada when the stock market is plummeting? Or are you saying that all confidential information with regard to possible rate cuts should be made public at once?

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Meanwhile, Canada is (mistakenly) bringing in thousands of supposed refugees from Syria. Not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

The last I heard they were being criticized for prioritizing Christians (like, who cares about THEM anyway?) but I tend to agree. Unfortunately, you can expect, under either Mulcair or Trudeau, a massive influx of refugees from that region. I don't expect even Mulcair to be as dumb as the Swedes, and promise to accept any Syrian who shows up, but I wouldn't put it past either of them to announce Canada is taking in, say, an additional hundred thousand middle eastern refugees.

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ALL parties are going to be short billions thanks to |Harper way of doing things. It is a mess, that why Harper called the Bank of Canada to see what he could find out and THAT should be made public so every knows what's happening, especially the leaders of the parties but HARPER always has to have an edge over his opponents since he can\t call on Pierre Poutine again.

I would expect any leader no matter who they are to do exactly what harper did. Not doing it shows poor leadership.

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So martin is on the campaign trail, for trudeau and wynne at the time. What does that do to his legacy, since IMO it is a unwritten rule for former PMs to do that.


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So martin is on the campaign trail, for trudeau and wynne at the time. What does that do to his legacy, since IMO it is a unwritten rule for former PMs to do that.


I think this says it all.....

It’s unfortunate to see a leader who is admired across party lines for promoting fiscal sanity go stumping for politicians who stand for anything but.

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I think this says it all.....

It’s unfortunate to see a leader who is admired across party lines for promoting fiscal sanity go stumping for politicians who stand for anything but.

People forget that Martin's string of surpluses were produced largely because Chretien wanted to keep a big war chest for when he might need it. Once the right united and presented a real challenge that surplus largely disappeared amid big promises and big spending, first from Chretien, then from Martin. Martin's election promises, if he'd won, and if kept, would likely have brought Canada back into deficit.

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Meanwhile, Canada is (mistakenly) bringing in thousands of supposed refugees from Syria. Not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

Only thousands? There are nearly 20 million refugees in the world who need somewhere to go and only 200 countries to go to, minus the one's everyone are fleeing from of course. We need to take in a hundred thousand or more just to shoulder our share now never mind keep up with the flow.

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Only thousands? There are nearly 20 million refugees in the world who need somewhere to go and only 200 countries to go to, minus the one's everyone are fleeing from of course. We need to take in a hundred thousand or more just to shoulder our share now never mind keep up with the flow.

Why do we "need" to do this? Do you believe taxes are too low? Not enough need for public housing? Not enough crime? School systems aren't already overloaded with ESL students? Not enough riots in the streets? I'm assuming you pay no income tax, but surely even so you might consider how bringing over masses of third world unemplobles will make things worse for the lower classes already in Canada.

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