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Sex Education In Ontario

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The Liberal government has rewritten the curriculum on sex education in Ontario. Different topics are introduces in different grades in the elementary panel:


The previous government tried the same thing a few years ago but had to back off after a loud backlash from parents.

Is this new curriculum a good idea or a bed idea?

Edited by Big Guy
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Let kids be kids.

They are.....while giving them a very good education for the immediate future and their sex lives.

Hey , maybe you were the original 40 yr old virgin, but most of the kids today sure as hell arent.

This is nothing but the government saying the parents can not raise their kids without government help.And it is perverted IMO.

Parents suck at sex ed. Somebody better do it.

One only need look at teen pregnancy rates across this continent to see the effects of sex ed and no sex ed.

Hey small towns.....Im looking at you !

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Im not convinced that children need to be sexualized at age 6.

We dont need 9 year olds being taught how to do anal and oral sex Or being taught about homosexuality.

Its the job of the parents to decide when and to teach thier children about sex.

it seems as though the Liberals dont think we're smart enough to raise our own children.

To me it seems like the government wants to brainwash our children into normalizing homosexuality and deviant sexual behaviour.

It was co writen by Levin a convicted pedophile, is this Wynnes legacy?

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I don't really see that much of a problem with it...and I'm a PC member. lol

One mistake I think they made with it is including the Grade 3 same sex marriage explanation as part of a sex ed curriculum. Personally, I would define that as more of a Social Studies issue. Is the definition of traditional marriage taught in Sex Ed classes? Not sure if it is or not.

It's not perfect legislation as far as I'm concerned on a personal level but I think it's prudent and covers issues that are relevant.

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Im not convinced that children need to be sexualized at age 6.

We dont need 9 year olds being taught how to do anal and oral sex Or being taught about homosexuality.

Oh, is there a how to book being handed out to the 9 yr olds? Cool ! <sarcasm>

Its the job of the parents to decide when and to teach thier children about sex.

it seems as though the Liberals dont think we're smart enough to raise our own children.

Yes...however far too many have no idea how and want the schools to do so.

To me it seems like the government wants to brainwash our children into normalizing homosexuality and deviant sexual behaviour.

Youre right.... it is you.

Thats because there is no brainwashing going on, homo's are normal.

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This is a great curriculum. Students will be guaranteed to get proper information from trained professionals. This curriculum will save lives, decrease the rates of diseases, decrease unwanted pregnancies, and will lead to a reduction in abortions.

I believe the government has the responsibility to teach kids, regardless of age, the truth. This curriculum is spot on. I definitely hope the government does not give parents the option their children out of these ever-important classes.

This curriculum will save lives. It's as simple as that.

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This is a great curriculum. Students will be guaranteed to get proper information from trained professionals. This curriculum will save lives, decrease the rates of diseases, decrease unwanted pregnancies, and will lead to a reduction in abortions.

I believe the government has the responsibility to teach kids, regardless of age, the truth. This curriculum is spot on. I definitely hope the government does not give parents the option their children out of these ever-important classes.

This curriculum will save lives. It's as simple as that.

I don't have problem with it at all.

Disagree with not allowing parents to pull their children. Human rights and all.

I did read somewhere that they are teaching anal sex but leaving out the fact that you are like 3000 times more in danger of getting HIV.

If they are not talking about the risks than what are they teaching?

I mean if they are just going to hand out 50 shades of grey and call it a day than that is not a good use of tax dollars. (This is the Ontario Liberals so don't be shocked).

Edited by Ash74
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I don't have problem with it at all.

Disagree with not allowing parents to pull their children. Human rights and all.

I did read somewhere that they are teaching anal sex but leaving out the fact that you are like 3000 times more in danger of getting HIV.

If they are not talking about the risks than what are they teaching?

I mean if they are just going to hand out 50 shades of grey and call it a day than that is not a good use of tax dollars. (This is the Ontario Liberals so don't be shocked).

So your first line states that you don't have a problem with it, but the rest of your rant contradicts the opening line. It's hard to have a debate with you.

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So your first line states that you don't have a problem with it, but the rest of your rant contradicts the opening line. It's hard to have a debate with you.

"I" as me. Feel that my children will benefit from this education and society will as well

"I" as in me also feel parents should have the right to decide in this matter if their children take part in this or if it should be dealt with at home.

I do worry what the whole curriculum is because what I have read seems to be missing some important facts.

I also worry due to the incompetence the Ontario Liberals have shown. Major issues will arise.

That is my point.

Debate away there skipper

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The previous government tried the same thing a few years ago but had to back off after a loud backlash from parents.

It wasn't pulled due to a backlash from parents.....it was Charles McVety and his merry church of the homophobic. Premier Dad turned tail and ran......as we see not Sodom and Gomorrah, but logical curriculum.

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"I" as me. Feel that my children will benefit from this education and society will as well

"I" as in me also feel parents should have the right to decide in this matter if their children take part in this or if it should be dealt with at home.

I do worry what the whole curriculum is because what I have read seems to be missing some important facts.

I also worry due to the incompetence the Ontario Liberals have shown. Major issues will arise.

That is my point.

Debate away there skipper

What issues do you see arising? Nothing like throwing a little chicken little style fear in to the debate.

You also said this: I do worry what the whole curriculum is because what I have read seems to be missing some important facts..

What you've said, which I've highlighted in blue, makes absolutely NO sense. None. It's hard to have a debate with someone who doesn't know the facts. What important fact are missing?

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Im not convinced that children need to be sexualized at age 6.

We dont need 9 year olds being taught how to do anal and oral sex Or being taught about homosexuality.

Its the job of the parents to decide when and to teach thier children about sex.

it seems as though the Liberals dont think we're smart enough to raise our own children.

To me it seems like the government wants to brainwash our children into normalizing homosexuality and deviant sexual behaviour.

It was co writen by Levin a convicted pedophile, is this Wynnes legacy?

The ranting must not distract educators from this very necessary curriculum update.

The 'mom and dad know best what's right for their kids' notion is nonsense. We wouldn't expect them to be experts in math, science, reading or any of the other school subjects, but somehow every RIGHT WING parent believes it's his God-given duty to mess up his child's development with his amateur pedagogy. Might as well ask the average parent to perform brain surgery on his children, because he knows what is best for them.

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The ranting must not distract educators from this very necessary curriculum update. The 'mom and dad know best what's right for their kids' notion is nonsense. We wouldn't expect them to be experts in math, science, reading or any of the other school subjects, but somehow every RIGHT WING parent believes it's his God-given duty to mess up his child's development with his amateur pedagogy. Might as well ask the average parent to perform brain surgery on his children, because he knows what is best for them.

I dont disagree that an update is necessary. Its the age they want to start things that is a problem.

Id like to know what 6 year olds are heing sexualized and who is doing the sexualizing.

It's like this. My child that I brought into this world. My child that I'm rasing and paying for. So ill decide when it would be best to teach them life lessons. Not some overpaid constantly whining teacher or government agent or politician.

Why is it crucial for a 6 or 9 year old to know about oral and anal sex? Or homosexuality?

This new sex ed stinks of political correctness agenda. Parents have every right to pull thier children from class or even school entirely and home school them.

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I dont disagree that an update is necessary. Its the age they want to start things that is a problem.

Id like to know what 6 year olds are heing sexualized and who is doing the sexualizing.

It's like this. My child that I brought into this world. My child that I'm rasing and paying for. So ill decide when it would be best to teach them life lessons. Not some overpaid constantly whining teacher or government agent or politician.

Why is it crucial for a 6 or 9 year old to know about oral and anal sex? Or homosexuality?

This new sex ed stinks of political correctness agenda. Parents have every right to pull thier children from class or even school entirely and home school them.

You obviously have not read the document. You are just parroting talking points you've heard from crazy right wing sites that appeal to the low information crowd. FYI 6 to 9 year olds don't need to know about oral and anal sex. Homosexuality is introduced in grade 3 to let kids know that there are many different types of families in the 21st century. The nuclear family no longer reigns supreme,. Kids can feel comfortable regardless of their situation,

There is no agenda. Again, that is Chicken Little talk. Parents won't pull their kids form schoo over this. You are being hysterical becaue you don't know the facts and you are uninformed.

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I have both documents in front of me. When I get time, ill be providing page numbers and direct quotes. More and more people are choosing to leave the public system. Home schooling is quite easy to do I encourage more people to look into it. Private schools are also an option and are constantly highly ranked.

It will be interesting to see what sort of backlash will occur. Wynne is doing this early in her reign because shes hoping public will forget by the next election.

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I have both documents in front of me. When I get time, ill be providing page numbers and direct quotes. More and more people are choosing to leave the public system. Home schooling is quite easy to do I encourage more people to look into it. Private schools are also an option and are constantly highly ranked.

It will be interesting to see what sort of backlash will occur. Wynne is doing this early in her reign because shes hoping public will forget by the next election.

Newsflash! There will be no backlash. I've read public comments from all major news organizations. Roughly 95% of all comments out of thousands in total are in favour of the curriculum. You and a few others on the radical right fringe are a huge minority.

Please provide page numbers when you can. You won't find the boogie man that you think exists. Also, not too many people are leaving the public system. The public system in Ontario is thriving. You shuld try getting your information from reliable sources.

Private schools are not better. They inflate their marks to give parents the feeling that they are getting their money's worth. The public education system in Ontario is vastly superior to all other forms. Don't even get me started on home schooling. Why would you want your kids to be socially awkward?

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I have both documents in front of me. When I get time, ill be providing page numbers and direct quotes. More and more people are choosing to leave the public system. Home schooling is quite easy to do I encourage more people to look into it. Private schools are also an option and are constantly highly ranked.

It will be interesting to see what sort of backlash will occur. Wynne is doing this early in her reign because shes hoping public will forget by the next election.

Wow, really? You've actually read the curriculum and believe there will be backlash? Why exactly?

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For any others who want to see the new health and phys-ed curriculum document here is the elementary link: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/health1to8.pdf

The sex ed components are part of the Healthy Living Strand, which is part C. Here are the page numbers where the specifics can be found for each grade. I'm interested to see if anyone actually finds this to be out of line.

Grade 1 - p. 93 C1.3
Grade 2 - p. 108 C1.4
Grade 3 - p. 121 C1.3, p. 124 C3.3
Grade 4 - p. 141 C1.5, p. 153 C2.4
Grade 5 - p. 156 C1.3, C1.4, p. 158 C2.4
Grade 6 - p. 172 C1.3, p. 174 C2.5, C2.6, 177 C3.3

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The government is working hard to sexualize children that are 6 years of age.

Young children don't need to thinking about sex, having sex, sex acts, homosexuality, gender identity?, being encouraged to have homosexual relationships, etc.

Children that young need to be concerned with being children not about having sex etc. It's absurd and perverted.

The guy who helped write this stuff is a convicted pedophile. Is that the type of person we want guiding our children? It seems more like grooming than education.

Also, to socialist. Home schooled children needn't be socially awkward at all. We have a lot of home schooling groups that run classes together depending on a parents different university degree and skill set strengths. Also home schooling groups plan, in addition to classes together, field trips, physical education and some even have sports teams that compete with each other. So it's not quite the solitary child being taught alone which is often portrayed by people who are against home schooling.

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The government is working hard to sexualize children that are 6 years of age.

Young children don't need to thinking about sex, having sex, sex acts, homosexuality, gender identity?, being encouraged to have homosexual relationships, etc.

Children that young need to be concerned with being children not about having sex etc. It's absurd and perverted.

What are you talking about? You said you read the curriculum documents.

Here is the Sex Ed point from the new grade 1 health and phys-ed curriculum:

C1.3 Identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology

Teacher prompt: “We talk about all body parts with respect. Why is it important to know about your own body, and use correct names for the parts of your body?”

Student: “All parts of my body are a part of me, and I need to know how to take care of and talk about my own body. If I’m hurt or need help, and I know the right words, other people will know what I’m talking about.”

This is what is being taught to 6 year old students. What is absurd and perverted about learning the proper names for genitalia?

Edited by Mighty AC
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