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Iran Key To Middle East Peace

Big Guy

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Yes remember that when you and he and Big Guy and all the rest of you experts discuss Israel. Lol do you even read what you write?

That's rich coming from you. Lol I read what I write. Do you have eyes and ears to watch the videos? Maybe i am asking for too much....

All the terrorist actvities and assasinations started from zionist like this:

The Irgun (Hebrew: אִרְגּוּן; full title: הָאִרְגּוּן הַצְּבָאִי הַלְּאֻמִּי בְאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל Hā-ʾIrgun Ha-Tzvaʾī Ha-Leūmī b-Ērētz Yiśrāʾ

Edited by kactus
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So tell me when were you in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel? Hmmm? You want to pass yourself off as an expert on the ME because you claim to have been in Iran and now you are in the know about Iran and how it really works? Is that the elitist presumption and base for arroganceyou now want to stand on as your pedestal to claim your opinions in Iran are superior to others? Right then.

Do you ever read the post on guard on thee put up here!?

He is talking about Iran not Israel!!!

He didn't claim his opinion is superior to others...That's your assertion and you are falsifying statements....You are a troll and consistently do this to provoke others and go off topic.....

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So tell me when were you in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel? Hmmm? You want to pass yourself off as an expert on the ME because you claim to have been in Iran and now you are in the know about Iran and how it really works? Is that the elitist presumption and base for arroganceyou now want to stand on as your pedestal to claim your opinions in Iran are superior to others? Right then.

Just relating an experience. Travel can be an education. Have you ever been in Iran?

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Having worked in Iran I can relate to the video. I worked directly with Iranians, both men and women, had very similar experiences. And that was a few years prior to when this video was made.

I know you have experience about Iran after visiting the country.

Here are some achievements of those by those evil camel rider Eyeranian terrorists (sarcasm mode) in US...

Iranian-Americans Have Reached Highest Echelons Of Tech according forbes


This is just in US alone.....


-The top scientists within NASA and female astronaut is Iranian:

Ms. Anoushe Ansari

Her previous business accomplishments include serving as co-founder and CEO of Telecom Technologies, Inc. (TTI). The Ansari family is also the title sponsor of the Ansari X Prize. On September 18, 2006, a few days after her 40th birthday, she became the first Iranian woman in space.[4] Ansari was the fourth overall self-funded space traveler, and the first self-funded woman to fly to the International Space Station.


-Top executives in Google are Iranians:

Mr. Salar Kamangar:

On October 29, 2010, it was announced that Salar "SK" Kamangar, who was in charge of day-to-day activities, would replace Chad Hurley as CEO of YouTube.[5][6] He was replaced as CEO of YouTube on February 5, 2014. His successor at YouTube is Susan Wojcicki.[7]

Prior to that, Kamangar created the company's first business plan and was responsible for its legal and finance functions.[citation needed] From there, he became a founding member of Google's product team,[citation needed] where he worked on consumer projects including the acquisition of DejaNews and the subsequent launch of Google Groups. Before taking over responsibilities of Head of YouTube, he was Vice President of Google's Web Applications.[citation needed]


Mr Omid Kordestani:

Omid R. Kordestani (Persian: امید کردستانی‎‎) is an Iranian-American businessman who has been the Executive Chairman at Twitter since October 2015. He was previously a Senior Vice President, the Chief Business Officer, and a special advisor to the CEO and founders at Google during July 2014 to October 2015[5] and was Non-executive Director at Vodafone from March 2013 to October 2014.[6][7] Kordestani had also previously been at Google from May 1999 to April 2009, reaching the position of Senior Vice President for Worldwide Sales and Field Operations.[8]


Top mathematician in US is Iranian:

Maryam Mirzakhani

In 2014, Mirzakhani became both the first woman and the first Iranian honored with the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics.[8][9][10][11][12][13] The award committee cited her work in understanding the symmetry of curved surfaces.

Her research topics include Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, ergodic theory, and symplectic geometry.[1]


-The Ebay (good friend of Paypal) is invented by an Iranian

-Majid Shariari (top scientist in Iran was assassinated by Israeli terrorists

Time magazine ran an article questioning whether this action was perpetrated by Mossad (Israeli's external intelligence service).[10] According to The Daily Telegraph (UK), Israel allegedly planned to conduct covert operations against Iran,[14] including assassinations.[15]


Ironically, the same people who scream about terrorism and assassinations are the very same people who have committed these acts against another state. Namely Israel that has done it against Iran. The level of hypocrisy here sucks.

This list is endless as there are many Iranian scholars that is beyond the scope of this forum.

Edited by kactus
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Yep, and the list for Israelis/Jews is even longer for the United States. I wonder why the Iranians have not done as well in...Canada...must be the weather.

You are missing the point....

This is not a popularity contest to cherry pick what I wrote to suit your argument and by default make a comparison to Israel.....

The point is about the achievements of Iranians around the globe including the US and indeed Canada and elsewhere instead of prejudices and stigma attached.

As for Iranian/ Canadians there are a couple of good sources I found which gives a bit more context to what I posted earlier....

"Canada has one of the largest and most successful Iranian immigrant communities in the world, with an estimated 85,000 living in the country, according to the nation's 2003 census."


"Canada remains among the most popular destinations for Iranians seeking to emigrate, and Iranian immigrants to Canada are the fifth most numerous of any nationality"


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  • 1 month later...

Looks like Iran is starting to upgrade its military. Iran has received a batch of S-300 long-range, surface-to-air missile systems from Russia, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has said. In a recorded statement broadcast on state television on Monday, Jaber Ansari, spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, told a news conference that the "first phase of this [delayed] contract has been implemented".

"The first batch of Russia's S-300 air defence missile systems has arrived in Iran," he was quoted as saying.


Well, at least Russia is doing it up front. I remember US President Reagan running a scam in partnership with Israel where Israel was selling American missiles to Iran at a great profit and Iran was being bribed to release American hostages. Israel took its cut and the rest of the profit went from America to buy arms for the Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua.


Time for Canada to look at Iran as a partner in the security and peace in the Middle East.

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I wonder if they can ever restore their Empire (Persian Empire) and again take over half the civilized world. Likely not as the time for taking over territories and annexation is long gone but it amazes me how the pre-islamic nation who brought in the very first charter of human rights is now fighting for democracy.

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Kactus you responded too me accusing me of being a troll because I queston your posts.

Here your words in post 451:

"All the terrorist actvities and assasinations started from zionist like this:"

The above is the exact kind and type of comment from you on this board that I challenge-a subjective, one sided, negative slur about all Zionists.

Now before you attack me personally and call me a troll read your own words.

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Some claim to be experts on Jews because they are Jewish. Since I am white, I am an authority on anything white.

Let's deal with your passive aggressive personal remark shall we.

1-Have the balls to speak to me directly and not couch your slights in passive aggressive remarks-I don't know and Big Guy slip into that device interchangeably-coincidence?

2-your selective bias on Iran based on your travelling there is a joke to me, a complete and utter joke-it doesn't provide you credibility, authority or justification for the cheerleading for Iran-it may impress Kactus or "Bugguy" but its crap to me;

3-read back 2, I don't hide my words or opinions in passive aggressive terms;

4-you want to bring up my being a Jew-well let's finish it then-my being a Jew as you call it sure as hell means I rely on a hell of a lot more than Wikepedia to base my biases about Jews and Israel-it means I have no alleged "conflicted German identity" to wrestle with when I discuss Jews-see I know exactly who got gassed and kiilled and when and my people and relatives don't apologize to you or anyone else for having survived the holocaust and emancipating themselves through the state of Israel;

5-I lived and worked in Israel-I was on the West Bank and in Gaza, I witnessed a terrorist attack and I was part of a movement of young people who reached out to Palestinians to try make peace-so don't make passive aggressive remarks about my being a Jew-it sure as hell does not make me an expert on the religion of Judaism or give me the right to speak for Israelis or Palestinians and I never suggested it did unlike you posing as an authority on Iran because you travelled there-what it does give me is a hell of a lot more insight than you do and a hell of a lot more basis to call you out as a bias, subjective, opionated arm chair expert who knows sweet phack all about the West Bank or Israel and for that matter Iran;

6-you want to get into a personal pissing match over who has more insight-not a chance-you shrill for Iran-knock yourself out but I sure as hell will challenge your arm chair biases against Jews and Israel or for Iran when you prop them on this board and you can make all the passive aggressive remarks about me being a Jew just next time have the balls to put uppity in with your reference of me being a Jew-spit it out man.

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Just relating an experience. Travel can be an education. Have you ever been in Iran?

You are asking him for too much. All Rue is interested to talk about is to nullify Iran is whilst washing off the crimes of the apartheid zionist regime that resides in that little country called Israel.

Edited by kactus
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Zip over your head. Her let me try help you. He is passing himself off as an expert on iran because he visited there. Then he tries to take personal passive aggressive remarlks to me because I am Jewish and lived in Israel.

Zippity doo dah day.

As usual too much talking from your back little substance. If you cannot be civil in discussion don't expect much civility from others

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Ah but that is the agenda. See tourism is down in Iran maybe its time to visit. Only iin Canada do we have people who come on this board extolling the virtues of Iran. Next it will be North Korea and hey we can create tours to both model nations and while we are at it throw in Sudan. Yemen, Bahrain, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria just for starters.

The point is the thread was started as a pathetic attempt to cheer lead iran. In reality Iran finances world wide terrorism and until this extremist Mulsim Shiite regime is replaced by a progressive democracy it will continue to spread its pus throughout the world.

Absolute nonesense. It's the same regurgitated statements you will expect from BIBI with little substance...

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Time for Canada to look at Iran as a partner in the security and peace in the Middle East.

Iran executes more people, including children, than anyone on earth other than China. It has an appalling human rights record, funds international terrorism across the globe, as well as extremist guerilla groups in neighbouring countries, destabilizing the middle east. Its government routinely arrests anyone perceived as an opponent to the regime, and its prisons routinely practice torture, according to every independent human rights agency.

Time to wash our hands of this evil, despotic regime. We should have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

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Absolute nonesense. It's the same regurgitated statements you will expect from BIBI with little substance...

Little substance? Iron is routinely condemned, its list of tortures, executions, and human rights abuses documented by every human rights agency in the world. It is a vile country run by ruthless religious fanatics.

Edited by Argus
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Kactus little substance? Really? When a litany of sources were provided to report on Iran's human rights record, and itspersecution of non believers where were you? What you want to claim you never saw those posts we all placed? What you want me to provide them again so you can call them meaningless? Is that the game you now want to engage in? Sur e knock

yourself out only I am not providing a travelogue of Iran or going to pretend to not know its a scrurge state-a state that defiles its people and finances world terrorism-you on the other hand, cheer lead it. Be my guest. You aint the only one on this forum doing that:










Who you kidding Kactus. You won't read any of the above and you won't, let alone are allowed

to criticize Iran on this forum or on this thread.

Kactus Iran is a cess pool of human rights violations, persecution against its people, and finances

murderous terrorists world wide not just in the Middle East-its no key to peace-its the biggest obstacle

next to Muslim extremism and Saudi Arabia to world peace.

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Lol I love it when pro Iranians on this forum try change the subject and piss on Israel rather than even dare

acknowledge the human rights violations going on in Iran.

Ah yes. Israel bad bad bad. Iran, wonderful.

Well it seems like Prime Minister Netanyahu said something some of us agree with:

source: http://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/pm-calls-on-world-to-condemn-iran-financing-of-terrorists-families/

“Our fight against terrorism… does not exist in a vacuum,” Netanyahu says at the start of his meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. “Yesterday Iran announced that it will finance the families of the terrorists and murderers; this shows that Iran, even after the nuclear agreement, is continuing to aid terrorism, including Palestinian terrorism, Hezbollah terrorism and its assistance to Hamas. This is something that the nations of the world must confront and condemn and assist Israel – and other countries, of course – in repelling.”

“Second, the terrorism by those wielding knives, the Palestinian children, also does not exist in a vacuum. It comes from the Palestinian education system, which is controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Yesterday Eliav Gelman lost his life in another terrorist attack, not by the students of terrorism, but by those who teach terrorism, a Palestinian teacher. Therefore, the world needs to stand with Israel against this incitement, which is the number one cause of terrorism.”

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Anyone who thinks Iran is an angel, is either not informed or is in denial.

Iran has continuously violated the rights of its own people by suppressing free speech and sexual freedom.

Whereas Israel has continuously violated the rights of the people it has been occupying for decades.

Looking at the facts on the ground, it's easy to see that the violations committed by Israel against the Palestinians are far worse than anything the Iranian hardliners do to their own people. Israel has killed or injured hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. It has stolen their land and continues to demolish their homes while systematically annexing their land. The Palestinians lack freedom of movement. In some places more than others. Israel's violations are numerous and have been happening for a long time.

There is a shift happening in Iran. The hardliners are losing their power. It's something that they have no control over. In Israel, the BDS movement is the reason Israel will have to change its course which will happen in the near future.

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Anyone who thinks Iran is an angel, is either not informed or is in denial.

The real denial is from people who imagine no one is holding Iran or any other ME dictatorship to criticism too.

Iran has continuously violated the rights of its own people by suppressing free speech and sexual freedom.

Whereas Israel has continuously violated the rights of the people it has been occupying for decades.

Zooming out from this the real issue simply resolves as the same problem humanity has faced throughout our species space and time - an abuse of the power in the hands of the people the power is in.

The only reason criticism bites harder when its directed at abusive self-avowed shining beacons of democracy and freedom is because it should.

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The real denial is from people who imagine no one is holding Iran or any other ME dictatorship to criticism too.

Zooming out from this the real issue simply resolves as the same problem humanity has faced throughout our species space and time - an abuse of the power in the hands of the people the power is in.

The only reason criticism bites harder when its directed at abusive self-avowed shining beacons of democracy and freedom is because it should.

Well said.

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