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Iran Key To Middle East Peace

Big Guy

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Iran is not run by a mad mullah. By virtual all accounts the Iranian leader is a rational actor, who is very careful, and pre-occupied with preserving his rule. I know you and other chicken hawks in the west would like to THINK that Iran is this incredibly dangerous enemy on the verge of firing off nukes at its neighbors but reality is not kind to your retarded bullshit.

Rouhani is not running Iran. Mullahs are.

Yes of course. The last time they got close to having a nuclear bomb.

No, they attacked Iraq's Osirik reactor.
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Latest reports are that a deal is "imminent" and to be announced in a couple of days. This has been the line for a while.

I do wonder why they keep putting deadlines on these talks. As the talks continue, the sanctions continue and Iran continues towards a bomb. It is just a matter of time until Iran has the bomb and the talks are redundant. Just which side gains by continually postponing the deadlines?

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Iran already has bombs. This is about building more. It has the capacity and obtained weapons from ex Soviet states. Big Guy you live in a fantasy world.

The actual nuclear bomb issue is the cover story.You and I have no clue as to the real story behind the cover story.

Use common sense. Iran has the capacity right now, if it wanted to, to send into Israel missiles with warheads full of anthrax and other chemicals that could do as much lethal damage without blowing up the Mosque in Jerusalem.

It also has the capacity to send in fro Hezbollah or Hamas a lunatic strapped with a nuclear dirty bomb or chemical weapons.

The brinksmanship going on is far more complex.

China is Iran's no.1 supporter and yet allied itself militarily with Israel when Barak Hussein Obama turned on Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Go find out why that happened and why as long as China has a military alliance with Israel but at the same time imports 90% of Iran's oil and natural gas this is all bull. Its all p.r. at this point.

What is going on you and I will not know in our lifetime.

I can tell you this. The key right now to the Middle East having not blown up is China not Iran.

I can also tell you if a Republican is elected the current attempt to pretend Iran is a vital ally to smokescreen the disasterous failed policies of Hussein Obama will be torn to shreds.

The key to this entire planet let alone the ME is whether the Americans and Chinese can get along or must fight through proxy constellations of client states. Both are just figure heads for a network of large multi-nationals in conflict for world resources.

Russia and Europe are bankrupt.

Edited by Rue
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policies of Hussein Obama will be torn to shreds.

It's like watching a FOX channel commentator, blaming everything on Obama with the usual racist undertone.

The key to this entire planet let alone the ME is whether the Americans and Chinese can get along or must fight through proxy constellations of client states. Both are just figure heads for a network of large multi-nationals in conflict for world resources.

Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Including Israel. There is no moral standard. Israel will sell its weapons and technology to anyone that will buy from them. Some of those countries or groups are in secret because U.S. doesn't want the shared technology with Israel to get into the hands of everyone.

The 3 Gaza slaughter fests were not necessary as far as self-defense, which was the official reason. The biggest reason was to test Israeli weapons so that they could be sold as tested and approved. (http://goo.gl/N8AOhp)

"Yeah man! That one missile killed 4 families in one shot. Precision baby! How many do you want?"

The governments around the world prefer the same system as usual. This is why the BDS movement, which has no government backing, is such an important and powerful movement. It will eventually end at least one of the vicious cycles.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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There is no moral standard HJ? This coming from someone who has made it clear you select only certain parties for your moral judgement?

This playing moral judge in your responses, its hilarious. This notion you have you are in any position to morally judge anyone is delusional.

Now you suggested I engage in racism. Put up or shut up.

State the words I used that are racist and why. The allegations that are designed to attack my personal character through suggesting my words establish racist intent and motive are clear.

Put up or shut up. Your need to engage me personally and not respond to the actual debate speaks for itself.

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There is no moral standard HJ? This coming from someone who has made it clear you select only certain parties for your moral judgement?

This playing moral judge in your responses, its hilarious. This notion you have you are in any position to morally judge anyone is delusional.

Now you suggested I engage in racism. Put up or shut up.

State the words I used that are racist and why. The allegations that are designed to attack my personal character through suggesting my words establish racist intent and motive are clear.

Put up or shut up. Your need to engage me personally and not respond to the actual debate speaks for itself.

Continuously saying "Hussein" Obama is what the racists do. It's race-baiting. Be dense and pretend to not know why.

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Right. Avoid his actual name or its racist. You walked into that, Now explain why if you were to use your actual real name instead of an Anglo sounding one it would be racist. Go on finish it. Finish it once just once. Explain how calling someone who they are is racist.

You just projected a fear of using one's real full name. Brilliant.

Would it be better if I simply called him Barry? Is that Anglo sounding enough to not be racist.

What tripe. What absolute tripe for you to assign me a personal motive because I use his actual name,.

Lol. Man you just never miss an opportunity to serve yourself up on a platter as someone who sees the world out t get him because his name aint Anglo.

Hudson Jones. Using your logic that is race baiting against Wasps using such a name.


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Rue: It's obvious. Obama is rarely called Hussein Obama or Barack Hussein Obama. He is known as Barack Obama. The only time his middle name is used is when a racist or a bigot tries to paint him as an enemy by associating him with Arabic and Muslim extremists. This identification with a negative Arab connotation is achieved by emphasizing Obama's middle name, Hussein.

Go ahead. Deny the obvious again.

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Deny what that his middle name is Hussein-that his father, and half brother are Muslim Brotherhood supporters? That his step father sent him to a Muslim school? That his step father is a member of an extremist Muslim religious following? That none of this influenced him growing up?

How is hiding such facts avoiding racism? This coming from you whose sole platform on this forum is to deny the right of a Jew to express their identity? Lol.

Now you want to deny Obama associated with Arab and Muslim extremists and saying that is racist?


He openly supports Erdogan, supported Morsi, stated Hamas is a viable peace partner when its on the terrorist list, and relishes entering into relations not just associations with Iran.

What do you call his financing and organizing ISILto overthrow Ghaddafi or his placing a Shiite in Iraq as head of state who believed he should wipe out Sunnis? What do you call his ridiculous charade of negotiating with Iran and allying with it and Hezbollah over Isis?

Talk about denying the obvious.

Right, if I point out Obama's biases and decision to associate and form relationships with Muslim extremists its racist. Right.

Because someone uses his actual name they are racist.

Lol this coming from someone who supports sharia law Muslim states but calls a Jewish state a concept of cancer and Jews full of cancerous thoughts for having the audacity to think what's acceptable for Muslims is not acceptable for Jews.

Yah you sure are credible.

Speaking of denying the obvious, I get the distinct impression you project why you would use an Anglo name and not a Muslim name if you had one....because you fear I it has " Arab connotations" that would expose you to racis.

This attempt to turn Obama or you into race victims is a crock. It doesn't make a damn difference who you are its your words. Trying to deflect from the words because you have no idea how to defend them and trying to sucker me into name calling, i.e., I am a racist is an epic failure.

You Sir project your own racist stereotypes on Jews, Zionists, who-ever and then have the audacity to project that on me.. and you raise it to avoid having to debatethe words you throw out.

You are no victim. Neither is Obaa.

Unlike you I know what an Arab is. I also know there is no such thing as an "Arab" name and unlike most Arab names were translated into Arabic from another language and many are in fact translated Armaic and Jewish names.

Don't you put me in your bigoted thought processing world. I do not exploit Muslims and Arabs in a script to degrade Jews.

You confuse me with someone who hides their identity and couches his agenda.

You have not one shred of proof I have expressed hatred for Arabs on any post on t his forum or Muslims for that matter. Never have I insulted or put down Obama by disparaging his real name. You have zero proof of that Zero.

Inversely however, your bigoted statements about Jews having cancerous thoughts if they identify their identity as a concept of universal sufferage speaks for itself.

Your mission on this foru to deny Jews the very right you demand for Palestinians and Muslims is there for all to see. You display your bigotry and discrimination against Jews on each and every post each and every day.

Then you accuse me of hating Obama because I think he's an Arab and I hate Arabs?


Obama is not a victim of hatred for being Muslim, an Arab or black because one chooses to use his middle name or point out his foreign policy failures show pronounced biases against Christians and Jews.

This pathetic tactic you use of trying to impose on anyone who criticizes Obama or uses his actual name as being racist is not working. Trying to avoid what he stands for and what he has done using the race card is transparent.

Its as transparent as your script and agenda.

Move on and accuse someone else of being a bigot because you refuse to debate what they have done or even acknowledge what they have done.

Don't Use His Name

by Arab Connotation, a.k.a. Bertrand Hodgkins Watsonborough Smith Hopkins, a.k.a.Hyman Shapiro Jr.

better not use my real name

I could be attacked for using the same

or let's read that back and say it like this

its o.k.to say yer a cancerous Jewish Zionist

hide one's identity and show one's shame

for not having the integrity to state their game

hide one's face behind an Anglo mask

then a Zionist take to task

peekaboo I see you

Tehran, the script desk and of course Abou

now I say the obvious so get it clear

showing your true face is your true fear

got nothing to do with Ba Bam Hussein

or you wanting to call yourself Lois Lane

won't change the smell that comes from you

its of course a tell take clue

now run to Michelle and complain to her

because some say she's a he and not a her

don't make much difference to me

whether she wears a plus size thirty three

your attempt to deflect with political correctness

even for you is pathetic and reckless

cuz its so damn obvious from your prose

yer ashamed of having that big nose

Edited by Rue
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Rue: It's obvious. Obama is rarely called Hussein Obama or Barack Hussein Obama. He is known as Barack Obama.

Obama and his supporters could be also doing this to make him look less Islamic.

Either way, it's a waste of time to label anyone whom uses a middle name or not.

One warning point for thread drift!


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Right. Avoid his actual name or its racist. You walked into that, Now explain why if you were to use your actual real name instead of an Anglo sounding one it would be racist. Go on finish it. Finish it once just once. Explain how calling someone who they are is racist.

You just projected a fear of using one's real full name. Brilliant.

Would it be better if I simply called him Barry? Is that Anglo sounding enough to not be racist.

What tripe. What absolute tripe for you to assign me a personal motive because I use his actual name,.

Lol. Man you just never miss an opportunity to serve yourself up on a platter as someone who sees the world out t get him because his name aint Anglo.

Hudson Jones. Using your logic that is race baiting against Wasps using such a name.


Maybe use his FULL name then. Because we know the notion one will make when only saying 'Hussein Obama'.

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The nuclear talks appear to be close to a deal. There are still a number of hurdles but each day the participants seem more enthusiastic. There has been much speculation about the possible wording of the deal with some interesting side comments.

Apparently there are more reasons for Western reluctance than the nuclear threat. With fracking, the USA is now self sufficient and dropping world prices are taking their toll. In Canada, Harper has been blaming the oil market for the slowing of the economy and Canada on the edge of a recession. An Iranian nuclear deal and the removal of sanction would allow Iran to again export oil without conditions. It is anticipated that Iran is prepared to put half a million barrels daily into the market. How will that effect the economies of USA, Russia and Canada?

When Iran first started on its nuclear program, some other nations basically "stole" Iranian assets (frozen assets) in their countries. A nuclear deal would then release these $billions for Iran to spend.

With the deal imminent, I would hope that Canada is on the front lines to re-establishing positive, peaceful and profitable relations with Iran and leave Israel to reap the results of its recent actions.

Edited by Big Guy
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With the deal imminent, I would hope that Canada is on the front lines to re-establishing positive, peaceful and profitable relations with Iran and leave Israel to reap the results of its recent actions.

Nope, Canadian chicken hawks will take the same position as chicken hawks in the US. No deal is better than a deal that cuts Irans centrifuges in half and improves IAEA access to Irans nuclear sites (including military sites). They want war and hate diplomacy in all forms.

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...With the deal imminent, I would hope that Canada is on the front lines to re-establishing positive, peaceful and profitable relations with Iran and leave Israel to reap the results of its recent actions.

Yes....the world desperately needs Canadian leadership and soft power to save the day.

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So an agreement has finally been reached. I hope that President Obama vetoes any attempt by Congress to derail it. I do not know the exact details but if Netanyahu gives a special press conference to denounce it then it must be good for the rest of the world.

I think that this must be a done deal. Remember, that even if the US congress balks, this is also a deal with France, Germany, the EU, the United Kingdom, Russia and China. If it is OK with them, then they can (and probably will) unilaterally lift sanctions and begin closer ties with Iran notwithstanding what the USA does. This would further isolate Israel and the USA from the rest of the world.

Iran is the key to dealing with ISIS. The only troops on the ground who are holding their own against ISIL are Iranian militias taking orders from Tehran.

I hope the next government of Canada will take advantage of closer ties with Iran and sever responsibility for past and future Israeli actions.

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So an agreement has finally been reached. I hope that President Obama vetoes any attempt by Congress to derail it. I do not know the exact details but if Netanyahu gives a special press conference to denounce it then it must be good for the rest of the world.

I think that this must be a done deal. Remember, that even if the US congress balks, this is also a deal with France, Germany, the EU, the United Kingdom, Russia and China. If it is OK with them, then they can (and probably will) unilaterally lift sanctions and begin closer ties with Iran notwithstanding what the USA does. This would further isolate Israel and the USA from the rest of the world.

Iran is the key to dealing with ISIS. The only troops on the ground who are holding their own against ISIL are Iranian militias taking orders from Tehran.

I hope the next government of Canada will take advantage of closer ties with Iran and sever responsibility for past and future Israeli actions.

Pictures being posted in western media conveniently crop out the Chinese diplomats involved in this deal.

China and Russia are probably the key to this deal.

I don't think Israel is the most against this deal.

That title would have to be India whom gets whatever they want from Iran at dirt cheap bargain prices. This deal would hurt India the most now that the market is opened up a little more for Iran.


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The agreement is defective precisely because it contains no mechanism for verification of Iranian compliance and here is why;

1-Iran has up to 14 days to weigh the requests of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors. If it decides to object, its objections then are relayed to an arbitration committee that would have 7 days to rule. If it rules against Iran, Tehran would have another 3 days to arrange an inspection. This gives Iran up to 24 days to move, hide or destroy materials sought by inspectors. Iran has a total of 24 days to delay any set of inspections. While it may take more than 24 days to scrub clean a massive underground enrichment facility, you need to get real and understand just how much a illicit nuclear activity Iran could hide within 24 days before you act like a nuclear inspection expert.

2-Now look at the alleged consequences for Iranian from any violations.... there is a weak reference to the same penalty for any infraction, big or small - wait for it- taking Iran to the UN Security Council for the "snapback" of international sanctions. Snapback. Talk about meaningless words. Kery and Obama have described Snapback as the UN Security Council being able to "order" a reimposition of sanctions if Iran is caught violating the agreement.

However there is no snapback. Read it. Both Kerry and Obama deliberately lied about it. What it means is if the Iranian sanctions are but back up all the funds that flowed up to that point are are still flowing are in fact grandfathered and immune from sanctions. So its not a snapback at all. They lied.

Read the agreement.

As of today as we speak a stampede of state-to-state and private sector contracts are now being drafted and will be written in a manner to shield these businesses when dealing with Iran from the impact of possible reimposition of sanctions, which renders the snapback exercise meaningless, absolutely meaningless and both Obama and Kerry are well aware of this.

Snapback my ass. The agreement actually includes a statement that states Iran has declared that a reimposition of sanctions will free it from all commitments and restrictions under the deal.

This means in practice Iran has a free pass on violations. The UN will never snap back anything and risk alienating Russia, China and all the business deals that will now be made with Iran. Get real.

This agreement in fact rollbacks all "nuclear-related" sanctions -- whether imposed by the United Nations, the European Union or the United States and so this will include all energy, financial, transportation and trade sanctions. This means ove $150 billion in money will now be sent to Iran and does anyone think this will not be used to finance Hezbollah, Assad, the wars in Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain and further terrorist attacks on Israel and within the UAE and Kuwait and possibly against India not to mention the US and Europe?

Read the agreement and explain to me why the countries who signed it are now prohibited from "re-introducing or re-imposing the sanctions" whatever the hell that means and it states further.... are also banned from "imposing discriminatory regulatory and procedural requirements in lieu of the sanctions and restrictive measures covered by the [agreement]."

What kind of bullcrap wording is that? Read it. It means the U.S. neen committed by Obama to not being ale to apply sanctions against Iran because of its terrorist activities and human rights violations not just nuclear behaviour.

Obama has told out Iranians in favour of their tyranical government and the world to Iranian sponsored terrorism.

This is precisely why the Iranian government and its extremist supporters are cheering. Listen to their media. They are cheering because they now believe they are the only country in the world against whom a long list of penalties can never be applied for any crime it may do. It is written that way and its a travesty Obama has given Iran the green light to continue funding terrorism and human rights violations.

Its even worse then that. On top of refraining from penalizing Iran for terrorism and human rights crimes, the U.S. now is committed to assist Iran to develop itd energy, finance, technology and trade.

That message? Well it is that the US will help Iran grow stronger. What message does that send to the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain and Israel? Well it can't be any clearer-Obama is giving them all the finger.

The message could not be clearer-Obama is on his way out seeking revenge and giving the finger not just to Israel but the entire Sunni Muslim world for refusing to do his bidding.

This agreement enables and empowers Iran and for what? What benefit does the US get? Just what corporations are going to benefit? You better ask that question because Obama is trying to commit the US long term to an alliance with Iran and trying to tie the hands of future Presidents.

As expected Clinton is singing her praises of this agreement. It's her swan song.

Obama can veto congress but the American people will not stand for this agreement and reject it through their rejection of Clinton whose hitched her sail to Obama's failed foreign policies she helped build and was too late in trying to distance herself from.

The Democrats are going to lose many votes from disgruntled unemployed Americans and loyal Americans fed up with his selling the world out let alone the US.

Obama is a bloody disgrace. He has turned the taps back on to over $150 billlion to the world's largest supporter of terrorism and in so doing has ignited and inflammed the Middle East into a Sunni-Shiite civil war no one can win.

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Iran is not part of the NPT, therefore it does not have to adhere to requests by the IAEA. Iran will get the tech either way. It is how the west deals with it now in order to keep them in check. Bombing them has not solved the issue, Cyber warfare (stuxnet) did not solve the issue. Sanctions wont solve the issue.

Hey can we take a peak at Israel's nuclear capabilities? No? Why not?

Edited by GostHacked
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Ghost you have just proven why the agreement is a farse thanks.

As for Israel's nuke capacity lol you really think it is a secret? Really? You think the Soviets did not leak it to their Arab League allies years ago. Come on get real.

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Hey can we take a peak at Israel's nuclear capabilities? No? Why not?

Ghost you have just proven why the agreement is a farse thanks.

As for Israel's nuke capacity lol you really think it is a secret? Really? You think the Soviets did not leak it to their Arab League allies years ago. Come on get real.

GH made a good point!

Can inspectors check the Israel facilities?

Why aren't embargo's placed on Israel?

Double standard!


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It is how the west deals with it now in order to keep them in check. Bombing them has not solved the issue, Cyber warfare (stuxnet) did not solve the issue. Sanctions wont solve the issue.

BRICS has already announced that they recognize the Iranian RIGHT for nuclear energy/programs!

Not sure if you're up on who BRICS is, but they are in a better geopolitical economic position to Iran's benefit as opposed to the west.

Western sanctions being lifted are more symbolic than practical and probably hurt India the most.


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