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2014 U.S. Mid-term Elections

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Yeah, they've been in gridlock for quite a while already, and Obama's been hacking up the course like he's got a part time job. Anyway, sweet to see the guy get what he deserves.

Not so sweet to see the American people get what they probably don't deserve. Or, maybe they do. Maybe they deserve T party morons with Sarah Pallin keeping her eye on Russia.

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Looks like the US may be headed down the road of complete and utter gridlock.

Actually it's the complete opposite. Instead of the senate being the place where legislation goes to die. It will now be debated on, amended, and a senate version of house bills passed. The legislation will be reconciled and sent on to the president to be either signed into law, or vetoed. The way things are suppose to work. Instead of the perverted way the senate was being run the last few years. No votes on bills. No amendments. No nothing.

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He's been wanting a majority in the Senate like a fat kid wants candy. Try to pay attention, what he got was a rejection of his performance/policies and he was so toxic he couldn't publicly campaign for anyone, only squeeze rich fat cat Dems in private. And it was all wasted money, even though the Dems outspent and got a cheerleading press. He's a lame duck walking.

Edited by sharkman
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Actually it's the complete opposite, there will be no meaningful debate and bills that support either right wing religious fanatics or supportive corporations with their hands in the cookie jar will be rubber stamped. Thank God Obama has that veto. They can forward them to the golf club Obama uses. Is it the same one Bush used I wonder?

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Actually it's the complete opposite. Instead of the senate being the place where legislation goes to die. It will now be debated on, amended, and a senate version of house bills passed. The legislation will be reconciled and sent on to the president to be either signed into law, or vetoed. The way things are suppose to work. Instead of the perverted way the senate was being run the last few years. No votes on bills. No amendments. No nothing.

I suspect that Obama is going to be a bitter clinger to his dream that he won, so everybody should pass his bills. Maybe he should phone up Bush and ask for adivce, since he did so much better when in the same situation.

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Looks like the US may be headed down the road of complete and utter gridlock. I guess Obama may have to do what Bushy boy always did and polish up his golf clubs.

Making up stuff again are you? As of 2013, Obama had golfed over 150 rounds in his 5 years as President. As for "Bushy boy" as you called him......

However, Mr. Bush stopped playing golf in Aug. 2003 out of respect for the families of servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Obama has shown no such feeling of inappropriateness.

Even if you compare number of rounds up to that point in the first term, Mr. Obama had played three times the number of times as Mr. Bush — 76 to 29 rounds.

Link: http://golf.tdprofiti.com/miller-obama-plays-150-rounds-of-golf-as-president.html

Edited by Keepitsimple
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