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Encouraging Developments Against Zionist Apartheid Regime!


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Jacee let's spell out the tactic used on this thread for you. Don't accuse me of flinging anything let alone accusing people simply because they disagree with Israeli policies as being Jew haters.

Both you and JBG have said multiple times that any criticism of Israel IS jew-hating and anti-semetic. You won't get off that easy.

I've taken a good portion of those accusations where my criticisms are equated to jew-hating and anti-semetic. Are you going to deny this?

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Rue, if you want discussion with me, quote my post and address it and only it.

I am not responsible for what you may want to imagine I think, (and your imaginings may be slanderous).

I am only responsible for what I say.

I am not responsible for what other posters say ... or what you may imagine they think.

I won't respond to such long rambling unedited and incoherent posts, except with this.

Quote posts, and respond to what they say.


ps ... Marcus is using irony in his comment about 'a lot of self-hatred Jews'.


Edited by jacee
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As for your baiting me, or Hacee, neither of us have accused any Jew of being self hating. You do. You and Jacee and others who try play the good Jew bad Jew card falsely throw that back as what we claim. We do not. You do. This device you now use of falsely attributing to us your stereotypes is called out as just that.

Show one word where Jacee or I accused anyone of being self hating. Go on. Just once back up your statement. Its one misrepresentation after the other.

When you're angry and in one of your rages, you don't think well and end up not understanding what is said.

jbg accused those who back the BDS movement as anti-semites. I showed him one of the Jewish groups who support the BDS movement. So that's why I called them "self-hating Jews". Because, as according to jbg, they must hate Jews if they back the BDS movement.

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Both you and JBG have said multiple times that any criticism of Israel IS jew-hating and anti-semetic. You won't get off that easy.

I've taken a good portion of those accusations where my criticisms are equated to jew-hating and anti-semetic. Are you going to deny this?

I call you out. Provide the words from me where I said multiple times that ANY criticism of Israel is Jew hating and anti-semitic. In fact I have had to come on this board multiple times and provide with the very words misquoted that I never said such a thing,

Now back up what you said about me and provide the quotes. Since there are multiple ones, provide them.

I am saying now for all to read you will not find one word from me where I stated that and like Marcus or HJ you will not come back on this board and have the credibility to rettract your false statement. Its getting stale. If you can't discuss the issues of the thread and need to try attack me personally to derail the thread topic take it off line because your repeated false attributions of what I have said is stale.

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When you're angry and in one of your rages, you don't think well and end up not understanding what is said.

The above statement which name calls shows once again you won't back up your false positions stated with proof and instead try to distract and engage me in personal baiting.

Don't drag me into your false slurs, false accusations, personal attacks, and false statements. In fact don't respond to me. Your idea of a response to me about a topic is to state false positions of Hamas, then when confronted on them, refuse to respond and try this stunt.

it aint working. As for your explanation about what the other poster said, he can represent himself but from what I read, you have admitted you made a slur by inferring something he never said. Yep that's an interesting way to defend your slur.

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This thread with the exclamation mark shows with that exclamation mark it was designed to incite emotion. Its interesting though because the responses to it have been to try b ait me and others personally when we repudiate the piss on Israel comments and I of course am described as in a rage or angry for doing so. Yes sir I should start using !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! marks I suppose.

The point remains, using this forum to present one sided hateful diatribes against Israel does not achieve a damn thing. Its not discussion. From the very first thread its angry screaming.

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Rue makes a great point! <- exclamation mark

We need to "balance" talk about the BDS movement with something else... because every situation is 50/50!

I wonder when the boycott movement during the Apartheid South Africa era was starting, there were cries from the Apartheid government for more balanced discussions...

Victims: "We request that the world boycott this Apartheid government for their racist policies against the blacks."

Apartheid government: "We think that we should think about that for a moment and see if these racist policies and human rights violations are warranted. Oh and there are militant groups in South Africa, so yeah, our policies are warranted."

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HJ the pathetic stale attempt to equate Zionism with apartheid from you on this forum is past laughable and your latest response is exactly as expected.

Israel is a multi-racial and multi-colored society, and the Arab minority actively

participates in the political process.

It provides all the legal, political and social rights Jews do not have in sharia law Muslim nations.

You are well aware of that and its precisely why you will not discuss or acknowledge dhimmitude in the Arab world. You won't acknowledge the open practice of apartheid, i.e., dhimmitude enshrined in Muslim law countries.

You also won't acknowledge the racism against Africans, Sri Lankans, Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Pakistanis, used as slave labour in Muslim countries. You won't discuss the trade of African labour as slaves or the genocide of blacks in Sudan.

You won't because your script, your agenda will only allow you to raise a false narrative about Israel.

Your script handler won't let you acknowledge that in Israel there are Arab parliamentarians, Arab judges

including on the Supreme Court, Arab cabinet ministers, Arab heads of hospital

departments, Arab university professors, Arab diplomats in the Foreign Service, and

very senior Arab police and army officers.

You can't acknowledge that in fact incitement to racism in Israel is a criminal offence and no such law exists in any Muslim nation.

Your script won't allow acknowledgment of libethise states that have Christian crosses incorporated

in their flags and political institutions nor against the Muslim states with the half crescent symbol of Islam.

You think you can come on this board, and respond to your lack of balance by simply engaging in more one sided false diatribe.

Your agenda is blatant in its false statements and dishonesty and in your inability to admit who you are and what you stand for.

Save the sarcasm. You don't have the decency to state your agenda without couching it, which is the denial of the legitimacy of the State of Israel as a Jewish state. You don't have the civility, decency or integrity to just once stop hiding behind your facade and not couch your bigoted belief that Muslims can have states but Jews can not.

You Sir have no idea where South Africa is so to try exploit its history to piss on Israel speaks for itself.

Isn't it interesting that Benjamin Pogrund, a former deputy editor of the Rand Daily Mail in Johannesburg, and an anti-

Apartheid activist, responded to a 2006 report in The Guardian charging Israel with practicing Apartheid after he went through surgery in an Israeli hospital in Jerusalem, that: the doctors, nurses, and patients around him were

both Arabs and Jews and he stated:

“What I saw in the Hadassah Mt Scopus hospital was inconceivable in the South Africa where I spent most of my life, growing up and then working as a journalist who specialized in Apartheid.”

source: Benjamin Pogrund, “Why They Depict Israel as a Chamber of Horrors Like No Other in the World?”

The Guardian, February 8, 2006.

You HJ have nothing to say on this forum you haven't recycled over and over again. Me, I have more:

Rhoda Kadalie, a South African anti-Apartheid activist, concluded in an analysis, co-authored with Julia Bertelsmann, that:

"No objective observer could claim that there is

Apartheid in Israel. There are Arab parliamentarians,

Arab judges including on the Supreme Court, Arab

cabinet ministers, Arab diplomats in the Foreign

Service, and very senior Arab police and army officers.


Israel is not an Apartheid state....Arab citizens of Israel can vote and serve in the

Knesset; black South Africans could not vote until 1994....Whereas Apartheid was

established through a series of oppressive laws that governed which park benches we

could sit on, where we could go to school, which areas we were allowed to live in, and

even whom we could marry, Israel was founded upon a liberal and inclusive Declaration

of Independence....Israeli schools, universities and hospitals make no distinction

between Jews and Arabs. An Arab citizen who brings a case before an Israeli court will

have that case decided on the basis of merit, not ethnicity. That was never the case for

blacks under Apartheid."

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HJ has shown his true agenda and the actual agenda of the BDS movement, its about denying the right of Jews the right to have their own state, period.

This is why he could not contain himself with his apartheid baiting comment as desperate as he was in previous posts to try couch his position that BDS did not question the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Now his agenda flaps about for all to see and it exposes his bigotry against Jews who dare define themselves as they want to be identified as and not in a way he determines.

This is about one thing, HJ having the right to put Jews in their place and proclaim we are bad, we have cancerous thoughts that need to be wiped out if we insist on having a country.

He is a bigot who dares tell me and other Jews what our place is and this Jew tells him loud and clear, listeen Bwana my place is where I say it is, not where you tell me it is.

His pathetic stale attempt to tell me I am a racist because I call my Jewishness a national collective identity is as pile of crap.

We the Jewish People have the strongest claim to be indigenous/aboriginal to the Holy Land, where Judaism, the Hebrew language, and the Jewish People were born around 5,000 years ago.

We need not get HJ's permission or approval.

In the past the Holy Land was home, inter alia, to the immediate ancestors of the Jewish People, including the Phoenicians, Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, and Philistines. T

Those other peoples have long since vanished from the world and while HJ wishes we were no longer on the planet, we are and in Israel many of us will live and others like me side by side gentiles will support.

HJ comes on this board and deliberately refuses to acknowledge the indginepus Jewish people. He can't. His script handlers won't let him acknowledge the historic documentation regarding the re-establishment of the Jewish Home in the Israel, including the 1917 Balfour Declaration and statements by Winston Churchill and others during the 1920's, all recall the historic connection of the Jewish People with Israel.

His handlers won't let him acknowledge that Judaism, the Hebrew language and the Jewish People were already established in the Holy Land before the 6th-7th century CE emergence of Islam and Classical Arabic and the initial Muslim conquest of the Holy Land in the first half of the 7th century CE.

His script handlers will only allow him to refer to the Muslem presence in and rights to the Middle East, no one else.

His script handlers won't allow him to state that Arabs are not just Muslims but Christians, Jews, Druze, Beduins, and many others from the Arabian peninsula area, only Muslims. In HJ's world you can't be Palestinian unless you are a Muslim. A Muslim from outside Palestine who comes there and displaces Palestinians is Palestinian. If a Jew from outside Palestine comes there, he is not a Palestinian. Its bigotry, pure and simple. Bigotry against Jews. Blatant, anti Jewish bigotry, one standard for Muslims and another for Jews. No more, no less.

In HJ's bigoted anti Jewish world, Jews are not an indigenous people with a national collective right-in his world we can only exist as second class dhimmi in the Middle East or as non national Jews in non Muslim countries.

He supports and condones the apartheid dhimmitude system, the belief of Jews as inferiors not allowed to be citizens in Muslim countries let alone own land, vote and be treated as equals in Muslim countries and yet he has the audacity to come on this forum and accuse Jews of practicing apartheid because we fled the holocaust and dhimmitude, because we chose never again to be second class inferiors to him or anyone.

Yes because we said, never again will we be forced into second class apartheid existence this makes us practitioners of apartheid. Because we liberated ourselves from HJ's blatant anti-semitism and bigotry, his hateful subjective humiliating hatred, we practice apartheid-because we liberated ourselves from his extremist hatred and slavery, we practice apartheid. Right.

We are and will always be an indigenous people with a right to return and to live in our historic lands. We do not and will never again have the HJ's of the world, the couched anti-semites who won't admit their true agendas ever tell us our place. Never again.

We Jews like any other human have every right to re-establishour residential rights and presence in due deference to existing legally-acquired property rights.

HJ will not and is not allowed to come on this forum to acknowledge the right of Jews to a state. His handlers forbid it. He can demand Muslim states, but never a Jew as an equal in a Jewish state.

Therein lies our difference. I acknowledge the right of Muslims to Muslim states and a second Palestinian state on the West bank. He won't recognize Israel as a Jewish state or an indigenous people. He demands for Palestinians the very thing he calls a cancerous thought for a Jew.

Therein lies his bigotry, his anti-semitic stance, his double standard and his pathetic stale attempt at the apartheid name calling. Its a deliberate attempt to refocus away from his own hatred and bigotry of Jews by trying to accuse Jews of the very thing he practices and propagates against Jews.

HJ sits and stews in the realization he can't wipe out Israel and the very United Nations he selectively quotes when he thinks they have issued something anti Israeli are obliged by their very charterto take into consideration the rights of all indigenous people in the region and that does not mean simply Muslims but Jews.

You heard me HJ- J E W S.

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HJ the pathetic stale attempt to equate Zionism with apartheid from you on this forum is past laughable and your latest response is exactly as expected.

Israel's actions in the Occupied Territories has similarities with Apartheid South Africa. A lot of similarities.

The Palestinians live in 12 noncontinguous cantons, while the major roads are controlled by Israel. There are walls that cut communities from each other. There are "No Go Zones", where the illegal Jewish settlements are in the Occupied Territories. The checkpoints are also another way Israel controls the movement of the Palestinians.

These are all very similar to how the Apartheid South African government controlled the blacks.

There are a lot more similarities that I'm not going to write about, including: Ethnic cleansing, Control of movement, Land expropriation, Criminalization, Torture, Labor, Demographic, politics, Mixed families, Citizenship, Apartheid roads, Economic and political siege, Military operations

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Israel's actions in the Occupied Territories has similarities with Apartheid South Africa. A lot of similarities.

The Palestinians live in 12 noncontinguous cantons, while the major roads are controlled by Israel. There are walls that cut communities from each other. There are "No Go Zones", where the illegal Jewish settlements are in the Occupied Territories. The checkpoints are also another way Israel controls the movement of the Palestinians.

These are all very similar to how the Apartheid South African government controlled the blacks.

Indeed...the South Africans learned how to implement Bantustans from Canada's commonwealth approved reserve system. Israel has not been able to achieve such segregation levels because of labour needs.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Indeed...the South Africans learned how to implement Bantustans from Canada's commonwealth approved reserve system. Israel has not been able to achieve such segregation levels because of labour needs.

Now there's a joke if I ever heard one. Israel is doing a much more "effective" job than Canada ever did, and I would say neck and neck with what SA did.

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The above statement which name calls shows once again you won't back up your false positions stated with proof and instead try to distract and engage me in personal baiting.

Don't drag me into your

You still don't understand my comment and are going into uncontrollable tangents. I am assuming that you're angry and unable to fully process what is being said.

1) jbg called bds activists "Jew haters"

2) I reminded him that many Jews, like Jewish Voice for Peace, fully back the BDS movement. Thus, as according to him, Jews hate themselves because they back the BDS movement.

3) You dragged yourself in and: A) Tried to make the comment about you, and B ) Didn't catch the irony in the comment

I encourage you to read the comments carefully before posting a reply. Otherwise we can have these kinds of misunderstandings.

Edited by marcus
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