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The Truth About Obamacare

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It's hard to even know where to begin when it comes to the trainwreck known as Obamacare, aka The Unaffordable Care Act. In recent weeks and months, the true economic costs have begun to be revealed and it looks like it's even worse than imagined. Some recent examples include...

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People


Citing Obamacare, 40,000 Longshoremen Quit the AFL-CIO


Why labor unions are down on ObamaCare


UPS drops 15,000 of spouses from coverage because of increased cost


Ohio Small Businesses Face 20% Increase in Health Insurance Costs


Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women


Those are some of the micro economic effects. Now most importantly, the macro effect...

Analysis: Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours


It's Fact, Not Anecdote, That ObamaCare Is Turning Us Into A Part-Time Nation


I haven't even touched on the implementation problems that the government is having just implementing this trainwreck. Several mandates have already been delayed, and several technical problems and malfunctions still exist regarding the online registartion and calculation of insurance premiums in the new Obamacare health insurance exchanges. But don't worry folks! Obama says it's all good, and so does some governor, so don't worry about the reality of the situation. Nothing to see here, move along.

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your truthiness is noted! By the by, why did you lock your status update? Can't your ODS stand up to member comments?

since you're so preoccupied with this topic, why not take the opportunity to advise what your preferred solution for the U.S. would have been/would be?

The lock was by accident, it's unlocked now.

The first thing that should have been done, was to take away the anti-trust exemption that health insurance currently enjoy. I'm not sure why Democrats insist on supporting such an anti-competitive policy. It leads to vitual monopolies in most states by one or two insurance companies, which drives up costs. The second thing that needs to be done is tort reform, so that a doctors can finally forgo the current litany of tests, many unecessary, in fear of lawsuits. That would also significantly lower medical malpractice insurance that doctors and hospitals continue to see skyrocket, which is something in Canada we don't have to worry as much about. Two simple things that would lower health costs, in which Obamacare doesn't touch at all. But my opinion, and my solutions still don't take away from the utter disaster the unaffordable care act is. That's a seperate issue altogether.

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It's hard to even know where to begin when it comes to the trainwreck known as Obamacare, aka The Unaffordable Care Act. In recent weeks and months, the true economic costs have begun to be revealed and it looks like it's even worse than imagined. Some recent examples include...

Odd how Republican governors are talking about how great it's going to be, and signing on, eh?

Kimmy posted one just the other day you might read.

The fact is that the Affordable Care Act was passed by congress and the senate and signed into law by the President. You can't choose to simply not fund it. That's stupid. If they somehow suceeded there'd be about ten thousand lawsuits the next day, and the judges would look at the law, and order it be funded. If congress doesn't like that then they need to repeal the law and get that signed off by the president.

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The lock was by accident, it's unlocked now.

The first thing that should have been done, was to take away the anti-trust exemption that health insurance currently enjoy.

No, the first thing which should have been done was to expand medicair to cover everyone and put the health insurance companies out of business. That would save the US economy a fortune in wasted spending, red tape and duplication.

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you didn't state what your preferred (alternate) solution would have been/would be. Without regard to the temerity of your claims on tort-reform or anti-trust exemption, neither speak to a solution, one that would deal with the uninsured, pre-existing coverage, insurance price/fee schedule gouging, etc.

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Its worth mentioning that those retards in congress are the REASON that the new healthcare law isnt very good. Obama campaigned on an optional UHC type public provider, and against an individual mandate. Despite the "obamacare" label, the plan that ended up getting passed was not his plan at all. It was the result of a series of concessions made to appease private insurers. Obama only signed it because its marginally better than the current "HOPE LIKE HELL YOU DONT GET SICK" system thats currently in place.

This bill was written by democrats and republicans in congress and their refusal to fund it is roughly as stupid as their refusal to fund the border fence they signed into law.

And thats why congress has a lower approval rating than Alqeada. The very idea that such people would have real power in a real country absolutely boggles the mind. They should be rounded up and shot.

Thats not a defense of Obama, whos cowardice and spinlessness related to healthcare reform, and his caving to private insurers, and giving up on key parts of his origional plan is truly something to behold. But congress sent this bill to HIS desk... not the other way around. Obama is a spineless little maggot, but his uselessness - which surely is remarkable in and of itself - pales in comparison to that of the most idiotic legislative branch in the history of human governance.

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Its worth mentioning that those retards in congress are the REASON that the new healthcare law isnt very good. Obama campaigned on an optional UHC type public provider, and against an individual mandate. Despite the "obamacare" label, the plan that ended up getting passed was not his plan at all. It was the result of a series of concessions made to appease private insurers. Obama only signed it because its marginally better than the current "HOPE LIKE HELL YOU DONT GET SICK" system thats currently in place.

This bill was written by democrats and republicans in congress and their refusal to fund it is roughly as stupid as their refusal to fund the border fence they signed into law.

And thats why congress has a lower approval rating than Alqeada. The very idea that such people would have real power in a real country absolutely boggles the mind. They should be rounded up and shot.

Thats not a defense of Obama, whos cowardice and spinlessness related to healthcare reform, and his caving to private insurers, and giving up on key parts of his origional plan is truly something to behold. But congress sent this bill to HIS desk... not the other way around. Obama is a spineless little maggot, but his uselessness - which surely is remarkable in and of itself - pales in comparison to that of the most idiotic legislative branch in the history of human governance.

Tell us what you really think dre. :) I think you have the gist of it though.

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Guest American Woman

Just got an email:

House GOP: Delay Obamacare Or We Shut Down The Government

It’s official: Speaker Boehner just announced that the House will attach a one-year Obamacare delay to their bill funding the government. The vote is set for TONIGHT.

It's ridiculous that the employers get a one year delay on having to provide insurance while employees don't get a one year delay on having to have it.

Edited by American Woman
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Just got an email:

House GOP: Delay Obamacare Or We Shut Down The Government

It’s official: Speaker Boehner just announced that the House will attach a one-year Obamacare delay to their bill funding the government. The vote is set for TONIGHT.

It's ridiculous that the employers get a one year delay on having to provide insurance while employees don't get a one year delay on having to have it.

There was doubt about who they represent?

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Guest American Woman

There was doubt about who they represent?

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. There's already a one year delay for businesses - the GOP wants to extend the delay to everyone.

Edited by American Woman
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I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. There's already a one year delay for businesses - the GOP wants to extend the delay to everyone.

The delay for business is due to the complexity of setting up a health care system for all their employees. What purpose would the delay be for individuals? That it's too complicated for them?

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Guest American Woman

The delay for business is due to the complexity of setting up a health care system for all their employees. What purpose would the delay be for individuals? That it's too complicated for them?

Since they're going to be getting it through their employer in a year, they shouldn't have to pay for it on their own for a year - or be penalized. They should be able to wait the year to get it from their employer. So, no. Not because it's too complicated for them. :)

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Since they're going to be getting it through their employer in a year, they shouldn't have to pay for it on their own for a year - or be penalized. They should be able to wait the year to get it from their employer. So, no. Not because it's too complicated for them. :)

You can't get health care for less than a year? Besides, most of them already know if their employer is going to or is tossing them onto the health care exchanges pile.

Personally, I wouldn't have given the employers extra time. They've had plenty. Obama is just being wishy washy.

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It's hard to even know where to begin when it comes to the trainwreck known as Obamacare, aka The Unaffordable Care Act. In recent weeks and months, the true economic costs have begun to be revealed and it looks like it's even worse than imagined. Some recent examples include...

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People


Citing Obamacare, 40,000 Longshoremen Quit the AFL-CIO


Why labor unions are down on ObamaCare


UPS drops 15,000 of spouses from coverage because of increased cost


Ohio Small Businesses Face 20% Increase in Health Insurance Costs


Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women


Those are some of the micro economic effects. Now most importantly, the macro effect...

Analysis: Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring


Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours


It's Fact, Not Anecdote, That ObamaCare Is Turning Us Into A Part-Time Nation


I haven't even touched on the implementation problems that the government is having just implementing this trainwreck. Several mandates have already been delayed, and several technical problems and malfunctions still exist regarding the online registartion and calculation of insurance premiums in the new Obamacare health insurance exchanges. But don't worry folks! Obama says it's all good, and so does some governor, so don't worry about the reality of the situation. Nothing to see here, move along.

Maybe begin here. I was asked one time while waiting for a plane at Seatac where my accent was from. When I said Canada the next thing was asking about our health care system, which we have enjoyed for over fifty years by the way and our economy is doing quite well. After a brief description of the benefits we all cherish she announced that that was fine but she didn't want to fund a system that benefitted anyone else but her. My departing notion was "thank God we have that border".

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Anyway, the US government is now shut down, Obamacare goes ahead, and I bet the Tea Party has no idea what is about to hit them. The Republicans are about to implode. YES!

Holding the government hostage and shutting down much of it because of something that has no chance of passing through the Senate or the POTUS's desk is really irresponsible and childish IMO.

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What the GOP is doing is most certainly childish.

A Law was passed by the proper routes, SCOTUS says it's Constitutional, and The GOP have tried and failed to repeal the law 41 times.

The GOP presidential candidate lost the election with repealing the law as a major plank of his platform. There's most certainly a mandate for ObamaCare.

I don't see how anyone can justify what they're doing right now.

Edited by Boges
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They're nothing more than a bunch of entitled and selfish political hacks, who care nothing but the money they're getting from their supporters. American politics is a damn joke. The US government is for sale to the highest bidder and that's it. Hardly anyone there gives a crap about the average American or how their decisions affect them.

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Guest American Woman

Maybe begin here. I was asked one time while waiting for a plane at Seatac where my accent was from. When I said Canada the next thing was asking about our health care system, which we have enjoyed for over fifty years by the way and our economy is doing quite well. After a brief description of the benefits we all cherish she announced that that was fine but she didn't want to fund a system that benefitted anyone else but her. My departing notion was "thank God we have that border".

Thank God, indeed - because of course all 312+ million Americans think just like that one woman while all 33+ million Canadians as oh-so-happy with your healthcare system and more than happy to fund systems that benefit everyone but them. :)

Fyi, my sister was just telling me of a coworker who had Brits and Canadians in her tour group last week - and they were telling her how their healthcare systems don't work. So there's another travel anecdote for you.

What the GOP is doing is most certainly childish.

A Law was passed by the proper routes, SCOTUS says it's Constitutional, and The GOP have tried and failed to repeal the law 41 times.

The GOP presidential candidate lost the election with repealing the law as a major plank of his platform. There's most certainly a mandate for ObamaCare.

I don't see how anyone can justify what they're doing right now.

I do. I most definitely can see it. They are standing up for what they believe in and what their constituents, who they represent, believe in. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if businesses are granted a one year delay in providing insurance, then workers certainly should have the same one year delay regarding the requirement to have insurance, or be fined. Perhaps it's the Democrats, by not agreeing to that, who are being childish?

You think it's ok to delay just one aspect of it? Why?

There are a lot of reasons to oppose Obamacare. Not everyone sees it as a solution to the healthcare issues we face.

They're nothing more than a bunch of entitled and selfish political hacks, who care nothing but the money they're getting from their supporters. American politics is a damn joke. The US government is for sale to the highest bidder and that's it. Hardly anyone there gives a crap about the average American or how their decisions affect them.

As opposed to Canadian politicians, who all have every Canadians' interest at heart, eh?

In case you've missed it, both the Democrats and Republicans have Americans' interests at heart - because Americans aren't all of one mind regarding this issue; not by a long shot. Furthermore, this is our system at work. It's not bringing the country to its knees, people aren't out rioting, life goes on.

Good entertainment though.

Works both ways. :)
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