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Israel's 10 year racist law anniversary

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Guest American Woman

Canada and U.S. do not support those racist government/groups .....

Is one racism okay and the other not?

But you apparently do, so I'd be interested in your answer, since you're the one starting thread after thread condemning only one side....

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Canada and the US wiped out 95%-99% of the populations of people whose land they wanted and shoved the rest onto tiny barren patches of land. Seems kinda hypocritical to criticize Israel, which, by comparison, is living in perfect harmony with its neighbors.

As for racist laws... nope. Immigration to a country is a privilege, not a right. If Israel does not grant some people the privilege of immigrating to it, it is not violating anyone's rights.

In regards to welfare states vs mutual trade benefits, "Hudson" (CJPME propaganda drone #2340124387) might want to look up Israel's economic and scientific interactions with the rest of the world. It is one of the world's foremost innovators in a wide range of important technologies and has extensive mutually beneficial trade with the US, Canada, and many other nations.

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But you apparently do, so I'd be interested in your answer, since you're the one starting thread after thread condemning only one side....

There is no need for me to condemn someone that myself and my government already condemn. My problem is the racist Israeli government not being condemned by our governments, who are heavily influenced by the Israeli and zionist lobbies. Our governments are useless in this matter and the only way to make a change is by acknowledging the truth and making sure our government knows that Israel is a racist state.

Canada and the US wiped out 95%-99% of the populations of people whose land they wanted and shoved the rest onto tiny barren patches of land. Seems kinda hypocritical to criticize Israel, which, by comparison, is living in perfect harmony with its neighbors.

Welcome back to the forum Bonam. No offense, but what a pathetic argument.

How is it hypocritical? That happened hundreds of years ago and I was not born yet. What Canada did in the past would not be accepted now, under our moral and legal obligations.

Why is it that whenever Israel's treatment of Palestinians is questioned, the zionist apologists either use some backwards country to compare Israel to or go back and compare it to the actions of a country from hundreds of years ago.

"But sir! Having sex with boys is okay since the Greeks did this hundreds of years ago and I don't see you condemning THEM! Please do not be a hypocrite! But sir!"

Touché Bonam. Touché.

As for racist laws... nope. Immigration to a country is a privilege, not a right. If Israel does not grant some people the privilege of immigrating to it, it is not violating anyone's rights.

In your haste to jump in here to apologize for Israel, you didn't bother to think that Israel's racist law prevents Arab Israelis from bringing their spouses into the country. This makes the law racially discriminatory.

In regards to welfare states vs mutual trade benefits, "Hudson" (CJPME propaganda drone #2340124387) might want to look up Israel's economic and scientific interactions with the rest of the world. It is one of the world's foremost innovators in a wide range of important technologies and has extensive mutually beneficial trade with the US, Canada, and many other nations.

No one is questioning Israel's advances in technology. I'm not sure you had a need to mention that. Their advances do not take away from the fact that U.S. gives more than $3 billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer's money to Israel every year. Why can't Israel stand on its own two feet if they're so advanced and economically sound? Why the need to receive welfare from the U.S.?

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Opponents of this law are just frustrated that their capability for terrorism has been diminished. They couldn't care less about anything else. One just has to look at the racist and sexist nature of the groups they're defending, and the fact that they also receive billions in aid every year.

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Guest American Woman

There is no need for me to condemn someone that myself and my government already condemn. My problem is the racist Israeli government not being condemned by our governments, who are heavily influenced by the Israeli and zionist lobbies. Our governments are useless in this matter and the only way to make a change is by acknowledging the truth and making sure our government knows that Israel is a racist state.

Welcome back to the forum Bonam. No offense, but what a pathetic argument. [...]

Speaking of pathetic, that's the worst excuse I've ever heard for a biased mindset/agenda. Some may buy it, but I would wager a it's whole lot fewer than you would like and basically involves "preaching to the choir."

Do you know what "dialog" is, and what it consists of? And do you think dialog just might be necessary to end this conflict?

A one-sided bashing mindset/agenda does more to harm the peace process and the outlook for Palestinians than anything Israel could do/be accused of doing. Seriously. If your concern for Palestinians is not just the faux concern that it appears to be, you might want to learn how to engage in dialog. While you're at it, you, as an individual, might want to condemn some of Palestine's laws personally and vocally and openly. You can start with Palestine's treatment of women and gays, as I suggested.

That you feel there is "no need" for you to speak out about such abuses is quite telling, and it ain't pretty. In fact, it's downright ugly, as you spam the board starting threads criticizing Israel.

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There is no need for me to condemn someone that myself and my government already condemn. My problem is the racist Israeli government not being condemned by our governments, who are heavily influenced by the Israeli and zionist lobbies. Our governments are useless in this matter and the only way to make a change is by acknowledging the truth and making sure our government knows that Israel is a racist state.

...How is it hypocritical? That happened hundreds of years ago and I was not born yet. What Canada did in the past would not be accepted now, under our moral and legal obligations.

Why is it that whenever Israel's treatment of Palestinians is questioned, the zionist apologists either use some backwards country to compare Israel to or go back and compare it to the actions of a country from hundreds of years ago.

How is it hypocritical ? Just ask backward racist Canada's First Nations (i.e. PalestIndians). You will have zero credibility until you spend as much time criticizing your own nation as much as you obsess on Israel.

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Speaking of pathetic, that's the worst excuse I've ever heard for a biased mindset/agenda. Some may buy it, but I would wager a it's whole lot fewer than you would like and basically involves "preaching to the choir."

Do you know what "dialog" is, and what it consists of? And do you think dialog just might be necessary to end this conflict?

A one-sided bashing mindset/agenda does more to harm the peace process and the outlook for Palestinians than anything Israel could do/be accused of doing. Seriously. If your concern for Palestinians is not just the faux concern that it appears to be, you might want to learn how to engage in dialog. While you're at it, you, as an individual, might want to condemn some of Palestine's laws personally and vocally and openly. You can start with Palestine's treatment of women and gays, as I suggested.

That you feel there is "no need" for you to speak out about such abuses is quite telling, and it ain't pretty. In fact, it's downright ugly, as you spam the board starting threads criticizing Israel.

Enough time has passed for people to know that the Zionist government, just like the Apartheid South African government is not interested in coming into a fair and just solution. It's time for international pressure on Israel and pressure on our Western governments to stop supporting the racist state. Once they lose the unconditional support, then perhaps Israel will finally admit that it has to stop the land theft, the humiliation of Palestinians and a real Palestinian state will be realized. It's only then will Israel will finally engage in real dialogue.

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Guest American Woman

Enough time has passed for people to know that the Zionist government, just like the Apartheid South African government is not interested in coming into a fair and just solution.

People also know that too many in the Palestinian/Arab world want to wipe Jews out and don't want Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Sadly, you and your camp can't see past your one-sided agenda to acknowledge that, so until that happens, "people" will continue to point out your inability to condemn but one side. Your inability to engage in dialog.

It's only then will Israel will finally engage in real dialogue.

How about if you and your camp start engaging in dialog? As I said, your one-sided, faux concern does nothing to help the Palestinian cause. Given your selective outrage, I'm thinking it's not about improving the lot for Palestinians at all, but rather all about going after Israel. Edited by American Woman
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Guest American Woman

Asking Israel to engage in 'real dialogue' with its Arab enemies is akin to asking Sharon Tate engage in 'real dialogue' with Susan Atkins.

I had to roll my eyes at Hudson's comment. With each post, with each countless thread he starts, it becomes more and more apparent that there's an agenda behind it all - and concern about Palestinians seems to be the least of it.

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Israel continues to try to market itself as morally, ethically and lawfully superior, however, one look at its actions and policies, the dark and ugly side of Israel is evident.

Today is the 10th anniversary of a racist law restricting Palestinians living in Israel to be with their spouses from the occupied Palestinian territories.


Alas, the racist laws of Israel, relate not only to the Arabs, Israelis, even if they are not Jewish according to Halacha, are forced to marry abroad.

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How is it hypocritical ? Just ask backward racist Canada's First Nations (i.e. PalestIndians). You will have zero credibility until you spend as much time criticizing your own nation as much as you obsess on Israel.

"His" nation? Hah. Good luck having him even admit what nation that is. I doubt its Canada (or the US).

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Canada is not a U.S. welfare state like Israel is. It doesn't receive billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money every year.

By the way, make sure that you tell everyone not to boycott Israel, as the good prostitutes in your congress and senate made it illegal to do so.

Israel pays back all money it receives from the US with interest. Anyone can find that out. Its public domain. Secondly the US-Israel technology agreements enable the US to develop all kinds of systems and use Israel as a tester and modifier of those systems. This relationship is mutually beneficial. The developers in the US get tax free development treatment and are able to hire millions of Americans in their enterprises.

So to describe it as Israel welfare is pure horse sheeyit. Israel's tie in to military and technology development with American firms comes at a price. Its not free. Its mutually beneficial. The US has never simply handed out the money. It has a financial benefit in doing so.

In your word of wild statements with no basis, you also selectively ignore t that the US gives as much military aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE. Jordan, Turkey as it does Israel. You forget the Arab countries that benefit equally from the US alliances.

If you want to be taken credibly you are going to have to do something better than use a 1960's script. You also need to explain how you are silent with the Chinese and Soviet military alliances propping Sudan, Syria, the Hezbollah and Iran.

If you had any credibility you would point out that all the nations on the UN Security council as founding members, France, Britain, China, the Russians and China as well as the US all are the world's top military technology producers.

You would also point out that the no.1 source of employment not just in the West but in Russia, China and Brazil, is the military industrial complex.

That you won't do because in your world when Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria use weapons to kill and get them from China an Russia you have zero problems. It is only the US and Israel you selectively criticize.

As a Zionist I was brought up to believe Israel would be a collective state. The dream was of collective farms. We did not envision a military state. We did not envision a state at war continuously since 1948 turning it by necessity into a military state where all economic activity is subordinate to survival activity of the military and its ensuing security requirements.

No one wants a nation which must constantly be at war and depend on mutually beneficial alliances with the US to assure its survival. However with people like you and your beliefs, there is no choice. As long as there are people like you whose agenda is to advocate terrorism and the destruction of people you don't think have a right to exist. countries like Israel will do what they have to do to assure their survival and that people like you do not destroy them. So will the US/

Let me also say this. Israelis could have become a Soviet puppet state. They chose the US because of loyalty to Elanor Roosevelt who single handedly stood up to the US State Department and the UN who abandon the Jews of the world after WW2.

That woman took on the world to assure Jews would have their own nation and to this day she is remembered and that is where the loyalty to the US comes in. It does not come from welfare. It comes from a very real ideological bond formed by Roosevelt handed to Truman. It comes from a reluctant Eisenhower and so many other Presidents having to balance an energy need and therefore strong alliance with the Saudis and UAE with a genuine alliance with Israel that served it well against the Soviets in the cold war and now is essential in a complex checks and balances situation in the

Middle East.

What you can not stand is the fact that the Muslim world of the Middle East is engaged in a Sunni-Shiite war. What you can not stand is the fact that

as much as you want to revert to your 60's anti Israel script its no longer relevant and the uprisings in the Middle East are about Muslim religious factions engaged in mutual destruction and you can no longer use Israel as the scapegoat to keep everyone focused on Israel and off each other.

Using Israel as the scapegoat for corruption, fascism, Muslim extremism in these nations no longer works.

The true enemy was never Israel but fellow Muslims. A handful of Jews in a world of Muslims was simply a tool to use to prevent Muslim peoples from turning on one another and now it no longer works. The genocide on the streets of Syria an the uprisings across the Muslim world's nations of the Middle East can't be blamed on Israel or the US for that matter.

Your information desk and recycled scripts are spent. The only ones who still run these scripts are white supremacist web sites or Hamas and Hezbollah sites.

You want to talk about alliances. Tell them. Tell them how the white supremacists got into bed with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran and how you think what you spew is not Nazism and recycled anti-semitic KGB scripts. Go on.

Still waiting by the way for you to explain the organization you work for and how you intend to remove Israel. You seem awful silent on that.

Edited by Rue
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People also know that too many in the Palestinian/Arab world want to wipe Jews out and don't want Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Sadly, you and your camp can't see past your one-sided agenda to acknowledge that, so until that happens, "people" will continue to point out your inability to condemn but one side. Your inability to engage in dialog.

Guess what? Too bad for them, Israel exists and there is no turning back the clock. It's nice of you to worry about the existence of a country that already exists, and also quite telling of you to always avoid saying that the Palestinians need their own real and just state. This is how the sneaky Zionists work.

I have condemned any illegal attacks made by any group on the Palestinian side. I just don't see the point of repeating my condemnation since the majority, including my government agrees that those illegal acts, are illegal and should be condemned. The problem is that, for some reason, the biggest culprits of this conflict, the Zionist colonialists are not being condemned by my government and there are people like you who try to apologize for them. Don't expect me to play the stupid game of pretending that the reason that this conflict continues on is because of 'both sides' not engaging. Israel is the aggressor. They're the colonialists who continue to steal land as we speak and prevent a Palestinian state from being created.

The truth is that it's Israel who counts on the ongoing conflict in order to steal more land. They want the status quo to continue so a Palestinian State becomes out of reach.

The Arab League proposal is a fair and a just proposal. Israel wants nothing to do with it. You can't pretend and say you want dialogue when you dismiss these proposals, continue to break international law and steal land and treat the Palestinians the way they're being treated.

Any intelligent person who has looked at what Israel has done knows that the time to try to engage the sneaky, lying, racist Zionist ideology will not go anywhere. Just like it hasn't in the past 45+ years.

Time to give the Zionist regime the Apartheid South Africa treatment.

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Israel pays back all money it receives from the US with interest. Anyone can find that out. Its public domain.

First you say Benny Morris is not a historian and then you say Israel pays back the welfare cheque it receives every year.

You are unable to post anything without lying and spreading misinformation.

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Here are some sites on US foreign aid to Israel if anyone is interested.

http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf (congressional report, Israel only)

http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL32260.pdf (congressional report, other Middle East nations)


Oh wait how about this which can be found at : http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/31/aid-to-israel-and-the-bang-for-those-buck

author: Dave Schechter CNN Senior National Editor

"....U.S. military aid to Israel totaled $2.4 billion for fiscal year 2008, increased to $2.55 billion for fiscal year 2009 and is expected to reach $3.1 billion by fiscal year 2018.*

The asterisk is at the end of that sentence because those numbers are from the "foreign military financing" portion of U.S. aid and do not include the value of other programs providing material or financial support that benefits Israel's military and research-and-development program.

A unique provision in their aid agreement allows Israel to spend a significant portion of U.S. aid in Israel; roughly 26 percent of the money (making up an estimated 20 percent of Israel's defense budget).

The other 74 percent – about $2 billion a year – stays in the United States to finance Israeli purchases of U.S.-made products, ranging from fighter jets and helicopters to bullets and missiles, spare tank parts and fuel to bulldozers and more.

Israel spends those taxpayer dollars on contracts with companies that have facilities and employees in a lot of states that elect a lot of members of Congress.

How many jobs?

Spokesmen for two defense industry trade groups could not site an equation that "x" number of dollars in defense spending supports "x" number of jobs.

But a 2007 report by economists at the University of Massachusetts equated 8,555 jobs for each $1 billion invested in the military – with average wages and benefits of nearly $66,000.

By this formula, U.S. military aid to Israel supports roughly 20,000 jobs directly (in line with an estimate by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the leading pro-Israel lobby) and untold thousands more at suppliers and businesses in related fields."

The above illustrates the mutual benefit in aid to Israel and how it shows the attempt by the "Hudson Jones" propaganda source to misrepresent US foreign aid to Israel as welfare is a crock of sheeyit.

The actual numbers in foreign aid can be found in the congressional report I listed.

Edited by Rue
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Here is a site providing the foreign aid to the Middle East. You will see its easy to say Israel receives the HIGHEST amount of foreign aid. That is misleading. When you add up the other Middle East countries, you will see they in total receive more than Israel but when we spin the propaganda we keep the aid to Egypt, Saudi, Arabia, etc. separate.


in the above stats it only provides Jordan, Egypt and Pakistan. We haven't even added the UAE or Saudi Arabia yet or what the US spends in

Afghanistan or Iraq or with Turkey.

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Israel continues to try to market itself as morally, ethically and lawfully superior, however, one look at its actions and policies, the dark and ugly side of Israel is evident.

Today is the 10th anniversary of a racist law restricting Palestinians living in Israel to be with their spouses from the occupied Palestinian territories.


May I ask is there any other subject that interests you than Middle-East? Tbh, you seem a bit obsessed with the issue.

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Lol misinformation? That's it. You will not debate me you can not. The best you can do is throw out a number that by itself is

necessarily misleading and then when debated you name call. Lol.

Go on finish what you start just once. What's the matter they didn't give you a script to answer?

Go on call the Congress liars now.

Go on finish what you start. Between the tears 2007 and 2012 anyone can go and find out that the US provided the following aid to these countries:

Egypt-$9/5 billion

Jordan-$4.5 billion

Lebanon-$1.4 billion

Turkey-$74 million

Algeria-$60 million

Oman-$74 million

Palestinian territories -$3 billion

What's the matter, started something again you don\t have the integrity to respond to? Go on. Finish what you started. Prove me wrong. You called what I said misrepresentation. Put up or shut up.

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The above illustrates the mutual benefit in aid to Israel and how it shows the attempt by the "Hudson Jones" propaganda source to misrepresent US foreign aid to Israel as welfare is a crock of sheeyit.

Buddy. You can't stop lying and you keep digging holes for yourself with your make belief world.

The American taxpayer gives $3 billion to Israel to buy weapons. Contrary to what you said, Israel does NOT "pay this back with interest."

It's like claiming that a welfare recipient is actually paying back the money given to him by buying burgers from a fast food restaurant.

Your unconditional support for Zionism has turned you into a liar.

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May I ask is there any other subject that interests you than Middle-East? Tbh, you seem a bit obsessed with the issue.

I have a lot of interests. It just happens on this board, I like to dedicate the little time I have to fight for justice in the Middle East, as there seems to be a lot of Zionist propaganda trying to skew the truth. I find the Zionist/Colonialist agenda in the middle east to be one of the biggest injustices in the world and it's directly fans the flames of extremism. The worst part of it is that our governments support this big injustice that has been going on for over 65 years. Our governments should not be supporting any state that is engaging in such a behaviour.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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The American taxpayer gives $3 billion to Israel to buy weapons. Contrary to what you said, Israel does NOT "pay this back with interest."

The American taxpayer "gives" about $15 billion per year to other nations in the form of military, economic, and humanitarian aid, including aid to Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. Israel is an ally of the U.S. (just like Canada), with mutually beneficial arrangements.

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