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Why do people hate Harper?


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Someone is bound to post this so I thought I would. Rex Murphy's musing on those who hate and fear Harper so much.

I've encountered much of that hate here, of course, but wherever I encounter it, and whenever I can see the immediate cause, it's generally that he's doing pretty much what most of his predecessors have done. I still don't really understand what drives the loathing of the man as he's behaved pretty moderately since taking office. Yet people compare him to Hitler and impute all kinds of dark motives to almost anything he does.

It’s not just the “hidden-agenda” cliché, though. It’s the man himself. Go on comment boards, Twitter, read the pundits, listen to conversations on the street and you’ll soon see that the pure bile directed at Mr. Harper, the contempt for the man himself, is shocking and remarkable. They mock his build, his clothes, his relationship with his children (the handshake off to school) his hair, his — well, his very being. How wonderful it is that so many believe they are infinitely his superior — after all, they have the best tables at Twitter Café, and he’s only the prime minister.


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Do you think people hated less Mulroney, Chretien, Martin or Trudeau when they were in power?

Yes, I do. I didn't like any of them myself, much, but it was mostly their policies, not themselves. I don't think anyone, much less a sizable group, thought they were akin to Hitler, or were trying to somehow destroy freedom and democracy.

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As Rex says, it says more about his enemies than it does about the man himself. Lord help us if we ever had such leaders that treated Canadians the way they treat Stephen Harper:

With Stephen Harper the emotions he elicits — especially the extreme ones of contempt and near-hatred, have to be a projection of his enemies, far more than an assessment of Harper’s character or policies.

For, step back a little, make a little space, and you will see that in his personal and domestic conduct, Harper is almost stereotypically Canadian. He’s a mild, unobnoxious, hockey-mad fellow. He doesn’t boast.He shuns the spotlight he could be commanding every day. He keeps his privacy and doesn’t insist, like many public figures, in conducting a soap opera around his position or his family. He’d be the ideal neighbour — he wouldn’t just drop in, too reserved for that (which is great), but I’m sure he’d lend a shovel when needed. Probably even help dig out your car if you were stuck, and take your thanks with a self-conscious smile and reassurance that it was no trouble.

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You beat me to it, I was going to post it smile.png

I believe the animosity is far worse than to any other PM. I think one of the comments summed it up :

"I love the frothy mouthed vitriol spewed by the confused"

and yet Canada is doing very well, better than most and the poverty rate under the CPC is down, contrary to liberal spin.


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1) Being the first government in the history of all commonwealth nations to be in contempt of parliament, resulting in the 2011 election.

2) Willfully violating spending limits in the 2006 election, essentially cheating.

3) Turned a $16 Billion Surplus into a $56 Billion deficit, a swing of $72 Billion, yet still cutting social services and dumping the money into asinine pet projects (ie, Gazebos and bathrooms).

4) Taking credit for Canada's financial strength due to the regulated banking system that he inherited, yet was vocally opposed to when he was with the NCC.

5) Proroguing parliament to stop an investigation into Afghan detainees.

6) Proroguing parliament to avoid a non-confidence motion.

7) Shutting down advocacy groups for women and minorities.

8) The absolutely worthless Economic Action Plan that even the Fraser Institute criticized.

9) Surrounding himself with criminals (see: Bruce Carson).

10) Weakening food inspection regulations, which has had dire results as we've seen in the last 12 months.

Shall I continue?

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I will give Harper credit for being pragmatic. He's such a narcissist (see: Harper replacing pictures in Parliament to self-portraits) and megalomaniac that he will do anything to stay in power. At least this in some ways puts him in check because he will do whatever it takes to keep enough people voting for him. So, for instance, he stood up and shot down Woodworth's abortion motion. He really is kept in check by the electorate, contrary to what the more rabid leftists argue.

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1) Being the first government in the history of all commonwealth nations to be in contempt of parliament, resulting in the 2011 election.

A pathetic, trumped-up event orchestrated and exaggerated by a pathetic, frustrated and impotent opposition.

3) Turned a $16 Billion Surplus into a $56 Billion deficit, a swing of $72 Billion, yet still cutting social services and dumping the money into asinine pet projects (ie, Gazebos and bathrooms).

Recessions do that. You don't go through a massive recession without a deficit, unless you're going to completely gutter social spending at the same time, which would be an aweful idea at a time like that.

He really is kept in check by the electorate, contrary to what the more rabid leftists argue.

The only reason I keep voting for him.

Edited by Moonbox
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I will give Harper credit for being pragmatic. He's such a narcissist (see: Harper replacing pictures in Parliament to self-portraits) and megalomaniac that he will do anything to stay in power. At least this in some ways puts him in check because he will do whatever it takes to keep enough people voting for him. So, for instance, he stood up and shot down Woodworth's abortion motion. He really is kept in check by the electorate, contrary to what the more rabid leftists argue.

I really do believe that there was just as much hatred for Trudeau, the difference is in the haters. In the 70's nobody would dare compare to Hitler or the Nazis, they still knew how awful that empire was and I think had some honor and self respect. Today's haters have none of that holding them back. And then there is the web, which removes all restraints from people.

Harper has really done well at walking the tightrope, and his savvy moves are a big reason why he has held sway thus far.

Edited by sharkman
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1) Being the first government in the history of all commonwealth nations to be in contempt of parliament, resulting in the 2011 election.

2) Willfully violating spending limits in the 2006 election, essentially cheating.

3) Turned a $16 Billion Surplus into a $56 Billion deficit, a swing of $72 Billion, yet still cutting social services and dumping the money into asinine pet projects (ie, Gazebos and bathrooms).

4) Taking credit for Canada's financial strength due to the regulated banking system that he inherited, yet was vocally opposed to when he was with the NCC.

5) Proroguing parliament to stop an investigation into Afghan detainees.

6) Proroguing parliament to avoid a non-confidence motion.

7) Shutting down advocacy groups for women and minorities.

8) The absolutely worthless Economic Action Plan that even the Fraser Institute criticized.

9) Surrounding himself with criminals (see: Bruce Carson).

10) Weakening food inspection regulations, which has had dire results as we've seen in the last 12 months.

Shall I continue?

That's exactly the attitude that Rex Murphy was alluding to. It blinds you to the context of your "points" - each one grotesquely inflated so as to lose all semblance of reality......

Edited by Keepitsimple
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I guess I do....

11) Firing Linda Keen for reporting on nuclear safety problems, in other words doing her job.

12) Eliminating the long-form census

13) Turning foreign aid into partisan aid, something no other government in our history has done

14) Refusing to sign the UN declaration on clean water because of the implications it has with the First Nations.

15) Never eliminating, like he promised, the $1.4 Billion subsidies to the oil industry, which could have had a significant impact on child poverty and women's unemployment by establishing a national child care program.

16) Everything he has ever done (read: failed to do) regarding climate change.

17) Cancelling the Kelowna Accord

18) Reducing the number of protected rivers and likes from 2.5 million to 82.

19) Using omnibus budget legislation that he criticized as the opposition in the past, especially coupled with time restrictions.

20) Burying our international reputation as peacekeepers, particularly by issuing threats to Palestine over the recent UN vote.

21) Shutting down rehabilitation centres, while increasing spending on prisons, even though crime is going down.

22) Instituting socially destructive mandatory minimum sentencing for minor offences like having a few pot plants.

23) Renaming 'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Government'

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I think losers hate him.I think any politician can be and should be faulted and in Harper's case I too have done so. However, there are those that hate Conservative value,

Hate any and all governments but the left,

and those that hate other countries (USA-Israel) and if any are their friend they share that hate.

I'm proud of Canada.

I'm proud of our present Government,

And with whatever faults ascribed or attributed to our countries leader Our Prime Minister,

I'm proud of him as well.

Edited by Peeves
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Hate is a strong word, but having a good amount of distaste for your government, especially when they act like ass-hats, is healthy I think. Much better than loving the man.

Harper is an ass but I disliked Chretien at least as much.

i think most people dislike him because he's very controlling, prorogues Parliament for personal political reasons, has made Canada more militaristic, is a dork, doesn't care about climate change and suppresses science, and is generally a social conservative when most the country is to the left of him (though they don't seem to vote LOL).

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There is no longer a Canadian Progressive Conservative party there is a Stephen Harper party. I do not like power to be that centralized. As to policies, I agree with a few, am neutral on a few and disagree with a few. I resent the fact that he (like some other previous PM’s) does not get the majority of the vote (about 60% voted against his party) but he now claims a mandate for changes to policies that were never discussed during the last campaign. That is dishonest. I do not like his management style. I had been a Progressive Conservative party member for much longer than him (most of my life) and I resent how he high jacked the party (and I blame Peter MacKay also) and pulled it way too far to the right.

Some people do not physically appear very affable or inviting but are able to counter that with an outgoing, friendly personality – Harper is unable to do that. He has been burdened with that very irritating default grin which makes some people want to hit him with a rolled up newspaper. I know that is not his fault but I am talking about my “gut reaction”. While the federal Conservative party still BEST represents my current views as compared to the other major parties I have no affinity or trust in the leader. I would much rather have a cold beer and conversation with Mulcair, Rae or May rather than with Stephen Harper. While I generally do not agree with his political philosophy, I have had an opportunity to share a “cold one” with Bob Rae more than once and found the experience delightful.

Political leaders come and go. PM’s come and go with each subsequent PM “correcting” the mistakes of the previous office holder. My biggest concern about Stephen Harper is that he is still a foreign policy neophyte and I fear that there are few around him to give him sensible advice - if he would ever take it. My family has lost members in all recent wars with one wounded in Afghanistan. I believe that Stephen Harper is quite capable of getting us into another killing field in the Middle East or elsewhere with his questionable (and I believe poorly thought out) foreign policy. I just do not trust his judgment in foreign affairs. With the apparent lack of checks and balances on his power within the party, I think it makes Harper a very dangerous man. He has the capacity to get us into things that the next PM might not be able to “correct”.

I do not “hate” Stephen Harper. It may not be fair but I certainly do not “like” Stephen Harper. Objective logic and fact can seldom explain what one likes or dislikes.

Edited by Big Guy
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I have said before, I don't "hate" harper I just hate the crap he and his gang have pulled and gotta away. I agree with Cybercoma 100% for the reasons why and more. I don't care what past PMs have done, I'm more concern with here and now and the future of Canada. As the saying goes. "if you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you won't see what's coming at you!' I just hope for Alberta's sake and the rest of Canada , Harper hasn't made a mistake with China. I've never hear of a contract that says a country (china) has 30 years to sue another country (canada) for whatever, if it wishes too.

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I do not agree with the premise of this thread. I have not seen evidence that the hatred for Harper greatly exceeds that for his predecessors. I was young but I remember the last days of Mulroney (still the most hated PM) when there were e.g. multiple joke books devoted to making fun of him - not just his policies but him personally: his physical appearance (e.g. his chin), his wife, his relationship with Reagan. Frank magazine even targeted his daughter ("Deflower Caroline Mulroney"). The level of disrespect was beyond what I have seen directed at Harper.

Some people on Babble STILL refer to PET as a fascist btw. Bring his name up with conservative Westerners or with sovereigntist/nationalist (edited) Quebecers if you want to see hate and paranoia.

Edited by Evening Star
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I resent the fact that he (like some other previous PM’s) does not get the majority of the vote (about 60% voted against his party) but he now claims a mandate for changes to policies that were never discussed during the last campaign.

You don't vote against any party. Our intellectually bankrupt collection of whiners needs to get that through their collectively thick heads. You vote FOR a candidate. If you voted for a candidate that didn't have a chance of winning, that's on you. If the Liberals and NDP split 60% of the vote, but the Conservatives won 40% and the riding, it's moronic to say, "but...but...60% of us voted AGAINST them!" Shut up. No you didn't. You voted for someone else (who lost), and the point of an election is not to NOT elect someone.

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I guess I do....

11) Firing Linda Keen for reporting on nuclear safety problems, in other words doing her job.

12) Eliminating the long-form census

13) Turning foreign aid into partisan aid, something no other government in our history has done

14) Refusing to sign the UN declaration on clean water because of the implications it has with the First Nations.

15) Never eliminating, like he promised, the $1.4 Billion subsidies to the oil industry, which could have had a significant impact on child poverty and women's unemployment by establishing a national child care program.

16) Everything he has ever done (read: failed to do) regarding climate change.

17) Cancelling the Kelowna Accord

18) Reducing the number of protected rivers and likes from 2.5 million to 82.

19) Using omnibus budget legislation that he criticized as the opposition in the past, especially coupled with time restrictions.

20) Burying our international reputation as peacekeepers, particularly by issuing threats to Palestine over the recent UN vote.

21) Shutting down rehabilitation centres, while increasing spending on prisons, even though crime is going down.

22) Instituting socially destructive mandatory minimum sentencing for minor offences like having a few pot plants.

23) Renaming 'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Government'

You do realize it's all a game right? Liberal, NDP, Conservative...they're all the same. Each one gets into office at some level of government and they do things that drive opinionated people nuts. But here we are, we carry on with the same level of first world luxury we've always had. With the time and means to argue on an internet message board like the spoiled westerners we are.

Harper is not someone I vote for...but he's also not some crazed- despot who's driven Canada off a cliff either.

Looking at your level of anger about the man, if I had told you back in 2005 that this guy was going to wind up being PM for at least the next six years you'd have probably told everyone you know to pack up and head for the hills. Yet, here we are years later...a unified country...whining about the game. And that's all that it is. Maybe someday we'll have some real options as voters...some people or parties that actually are as different as the current ones pretend to be - but for now, that's not reality.

Edited by kward
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I think losers hate him.I think any politician can be and should be faulted and in Harper's case I too have done so. However, there are those that hate Conservative value,

Hate any and all governments but the left,

and those that hate other countries (USA-Israel) and if any are their friend they share that hate.

I'm proud of Canada.

I'm proud of our present Government,

And with whatever faults ascribed or attributed to our countries leader Our Prime Minister,

I'm proud of him as well.

I'm not proud of him...the man is paid, and paid well to do his job - same for every other person in government. You don't get a cookie just for showing up to work.

The whole being proud of Canada thing. Canada is too broad a "thing" to quantify in that way. On the one hand Canada is a country full of beautiful landscapes. It's also a place where competition is eschewed in favour of social engineering. It's a place many people like to think of as being home to many generous people...it's also home to many people who would just as soon spit on you as lend a hand.

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You do realize it's all a game right? Liberal, NDP, Conservative...they're all the same. Each one gets into office at some level of government and they do things that drive opinionated people nuts. But here we are, we carry on with the same level of first world luxury we've always had. With the time and means to argue on an internet message board like the spoiled westerners we are.

Harper is not someone I vote for...but he's also not some crazed- despot who's driven Canada off a cliff either.

Looking at your level of anger about the man, if I had told you back in 2005 that this guy was going to wind up being PM for at least the next six years you'd have probably told everyone you know to pack up and head for the hills. Yet, here we are years later...a unified country...whining about the game. And that's all that it is. Maybe someday we'll have some real options as voters...some people or parties that actually are as different as the current ones pretend to be - but for now, that's not reality.

Or I voted for him then. But whatever.

Of course, I was voting for their platform of accountability and transparency. Now the PBO has to take them to court to get the information to do his job. A job the Conservatives created. Needless to say, they let me down and the mindless cheerleading for the Conservatives from conservatives in this country makes me sick. They should be holding their party accountable. Instead, they're just happy to be "winning." Meanwhile, we're all losing.

Edited by cybercoma
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I definitely have not seen anything resembling the frothing hate that Obama inspires in the US. What I do find unique is the victim/persecution complex among Conservative supporters, at a time when almost every media outlet has openly endorsed the Conservatives in election after election.

I do not agree with the premise of this thread. I have not seen evidence that the hatred for Harper greatly exceeds that for his predecessors. I was young but I remember the last days of Mulroney (still the most hated PM) when there were e.g. multiple joke books devoted to making fun of him - not just his policies but him personally: his physical appearance (e.g. his chin), his wife, his relationship with Reagan. Frank magazine even targeted his daughter ("Deflower Caroline Mulroney"). The level of disrespect was beyond what I have seen directed at Harper.

Some people on Babble STILL refer to PET as a fascist btw. Bring his name up with conservative Westerners or with sovereigntist/nationalist (edited) Quebecers if you want to see hate and paranoia.

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1) Being the first government in the history of all commonwealth nations to be in contempt of parliament, resulting in the 2011 election.

2) Willfully violating spending limits in the 2006 election, essentially cheating.

3) Turned a $16 Billion Surplus into a $56 Billion deficit, a swing of $72 Billion, yet still cutting social services and dumping the money into asinine pet projects (ie, Gazebos and bathrooms).

4) Taking credit for Canada's financial strength due to the regulated banking system that he inherited, yet was vocally opposed to when he was with the NCC.

5) Proroguing parliament to stop an investigation into Afghan detainees.

6) Proroguing parliament to avoid a non-confidence motion.

7) Shutting down advocacy groups for women and minorities.

8) The absolutely worthless Economic Action Plan that even the Fraser Institute criticized.

9) Surrounding himself with criminals (see: Bruce Carson).

10) Weakening food inspection regulations, which has had dire results as we've seen in the last 12 months.

Shall I continue?

All of that is either crap (surrounded with criminals) or policy. None of it actually gets to the deep fear and hatred so many on the Left have of Harper in comparing him to some sort of sinister darth vader type who wants to destroy the country, if not the world.

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