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Potter: The Conservatives ... the party of the deeply stupid

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We just might be living through the worst government in the history of our nation.

This kind of sentiment(liberals stamping their feet in a momentary hissy fit) is not uncommon and I take comfort in it for it shows a great under-estimation of Harper. Until he is taken seriousy by the braintrust of the left there will be no threat to his administration.

Keep bitchin'.

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The author's assertion that libertarianism is by default "dopey" clearly identifies his cries of stupidity as based solely on projection.

The author's point was that it's stupid to make policy based on rigid ideological generalizations rather than what's logical & supported by facts/stats & on what's best for the country.

And he's right.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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It's not a stupid rule IF...you're a MP with a small business. o, wait, Tony must have gotten AN e-mail asking for changes! Canadians must remember , these MP's don't stay MP's forever, so they are going to try and changes the rules and laws to benefit themselves after they leaveand if helps other Canadians consider it lucky.

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The author's assertion that libertarianism is by default "dopey" clearly identifies his cries of stupidity as based solely on projection.

Libertarianism is dobey. Without government intervention into the markets, smoothing out the bumps, we may have never gotten out of the Depression. It's because the government intervenes in private affairs that things aren't worse than they are. Libertarianism wants the government out of all private affairs, which includes the markets. It won't work and it will be disastrous if it ever happened. Thankfully, nobody in Ottawa is that stupid.

The conflict, by the way, is that the economic sphere has now bled into the political sphere (and frankly the sphere of community and persona life, but we'll save that for another point). When private businesses make decisions that harm hundreds or thousands of people, we expect the government to intervene. They're expected to give tax breaks to businesses and other incentives. However, in an advance capitalist economy, the government is also expected to smooth out the bumps of poor business practices by providing a safety net. Even minimally that safety net requires revenues: taxes. Yet, there's populist resistence to taxation. It's a contradiction endemic to capitalism. Prior to advanced capitalism c. late 1930s-1970, which uses state intervention to smoth the bumps, there were violent clashes with industry. The president sent troops to Flint, MI to stand between GM's private police force and the protestors they were beating. The last thing a capitalist system needs is disruption, uncertainty, and the risk of a violent overthrow. This would be par for the course if a Libertarian were in charge and made the broad sweeping changes they recommend because there is no mechanism for levelling the dips in the economy. When businesses destroy the economy and people have nothing left to lose they will without fail resort to revolutionary violence, unless the government involves itself in the business of private enterprise. All of this is necessary because capitalism is inherent unstable, but politicians can't talk about that. They can't talk about how it creates classes, class warfare, and distrust in society.

Edited by cybercoma
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Libertarianism is stupid...but this government isn't libertarian. It also isn't the worst in history. How you get there is baffling to me.

I never said it was. I said it could be. Bennett's government was probably the worst in history, but this ideology based governing and policy based on complete ignorance of the epirical data is going to set the country back a generation.

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nope, sorry - your attempt to marginalize won't work here... as a relative newb you lack the MLW history that would have clearly presented you exactly what my educational background is. But as I said your shtick is to avoid the actual arguments and focus in on your juvenile bias.

by the by... just how does the ridiculous Harper Conservative "one-for-one" rule determine what regulations are good, and which are bad?

A Friedmanite infantile????

I never woulda thunk it!!!!

(and in the parlance of Uncle Milty's sycophant)


Wait until he tells us that Free Marketeers and corporate slurpers are the "new global humanitarians" and anyone else is a "hippy" and a "Marxist/revolutionary/socialist" loser...

Edited by Jack Weber
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The author's point was that it's stupid to make policy based on rigid ideological generalizations rather than what's logical & supported by facts/stats & on what's best for the country.

And he's right.

If that was the author's point he made a damned poor case for it.

All I took from his rant was that he was furious that clement had said that for every new regulation the bureaucrats had to find an old one and delete it.

And that tories were poo-poo heads, or words to that effect. Apparently PHDs in philosophy don't require an expansive vocabulary.

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I never said it was. I said it could be. Bennett's government was probably the worst in history, but this ideology based governing and policy based on complete ignorance of the epirical data is going to set the country back a generation.

I'm curious. What country do you live in?

Clearly you're not talking about this one, with Mr. Pragmatic himself as PM.

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Well that settles it. Your experience in 2 philosophy courses (at what University again?) is the perfect argument for indicting the entire discipline.

His fallacious arguments would also explain why he sucks at philosophy.

For those of us privileged enough to be part of the ivory tower (smirky smirky), I would highly recommend Joseph Heath's - Filthy Lucre: Economics for People Who Hate Capitalism.

Does a really good job of critical analysis of both the left and right.

Edited by mentalfloss
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It's interesting the column calls Conservatives stupid. It just attacks certain things Tony Clement has done.

It's not a comprehensive damning of what the CPC has done in it's 6 years in power. It's just nitpicking a few things.

Calling people with differing political views stupid says more about the author than the people the author is talking about.

Edited by Boges
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How many times does it have to point out that it's not calling the supporters or people with particular political views stupid? Many of you see the word stupid and jump to all of these conclusions without actually reading the article or understanding what is being called stupid here.

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How many times does it have to point out that it's not calling the supporters or people with particular political views stupid? Many of you see the word stupid and jump to all of these conclusions without actually reading the article or understanding what is being called stupid here.

So if I believe that Abortion is "Evil" and I say that any party that supports Abortion is Evil. What am I saying about the followers of said party?

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I don't know. Do all the followers support abortion? Or do they follow the party for myriad reasons? Besides, I've never met a single person that PRO abortion.

Sort of like how People that are PRO Life are anti-choice. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but attaching the stigma of "Stupid" onto ideals of a political party are pretty divisive.

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Sort of like how People that are PRO Life are anti-choice. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but attaching the stigma of "Stupid" onto ideals of a political party are pretty divisive.

I'm not going to get into a pro-life, pro-choice argument here with you, but suffice it to say that pro-lifers gave themselves that label.

It's obviously the case that the policies are pretty divisive. This one-for-one rule, as a single example, is pretty stupid. I mean, monumentally stupid. Potter explains clearly why.

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