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"No kids allowed!" -- Children in Restaurants


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Parents today are raising their children without any structure or discipline at all and then wondering why they have whinging brats for children who cannot cope with rejection. It's because the parents give them everything and the kid has never been told NO before.

I was hit with the belt growing up when I was bad as were many kids from my age group and I turned out fine and well balanced. Spare the rod...

I don't believe structure or discipline comes from the end of a belt. Matter of fact I think that kind of violence is more likely to cause fear and loathing in a child which could result in further retaliation and arrested development. I was certainly not given everything when I was a kid, I doubt many are these days either, and when I was bad, I was sat down and we had a serious chat about what is the problem here. I found from those talks I developed a respect and understanding that made me see how silly I may have been and not want to do it again, but not out of fear.

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I don't believe structure or discipline comes from the end of a belt. Matter of fact I think that kind of violence is more likely to cause fear and loathing in a child which could result in further retaliation and arrested development. I was certainly not given everything when I was a kid, I doubt many are these days either, and when I was bad, I was sat down and we had a serious chat about what is the problem here. I found from those talks I developed a respect and understanding that made me see how silly I may have been and not want to do it again, but not out of fear.

Fear and violence works like nothing else ever will. You can talk until you're blue in the face and no one cares but if you smack some guy around he listens much more quickly in my experience. I'm not talking children just adults in general. Most adults are wimps who cant even take a proper punch in the face and are so scared of being hit that they'll cower to anyone with power over them. It works, plain and simple. So while you're "reasoning" and getting nowhere while you're waiting for results I'll be the guy getting things done. LoL.

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Fear and violence works like nothing else ever will. You can talk until you're blue in the face and no one cares but if you smack some guy around he listens much more quickly in my experience. I'm not talking children just adults in general. Most adults are wimps who cant even take a proper punch in the face and are so scared of being hit that they'll cower to anyone with power over them. It works, plain and simple. So while you're "reasoning" and getting nowhere while you're waiting for results I'll be the guy getting things done. LoL.

OMG. I'm just glad I'm not your kid. I am feeling ever more grateful I wasn't raised with fear and violence and had the intelligent parenting I had.

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OMG. I'm just glad I'm not your kid. I am feeling ever more grateful I wasn't raised with fear and violence and had the intelligent parenting I had.

People who are raised by women, so they think like a woman and not a man. The more people who are raised by single women the more wussie the society will become. Men are strong, fearless, leaders not sniveling wimps who are afraid of their own shadow. Like I said real men should know how to fight and use that power daily to enstill fear into those of lesser value to them. I'm an old man now but I still train at the gym 4 times a week and have done my whole life. That's what a man does and is. Physically fit, strong, fearless and apologetically decisive. I bet you guys let your women pick out the movie...lol.

Edited by Canada_First
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People who are raised by women, so they think like a woman and not a man. The more people who are raised by single women the more wussie the society will become. Men are strong, fearless, leaders not sniveling wimps who are afraid of their own shadow. Like I said real men should know how to fight and use that power daily to enstill fear into those of lesser value to them. I'm an old man now but I still train at the gym 4 times a week and have done my whole life. That's what a man does and is. Physically fit, strong, fearless and apologetically decisive. I bet you guys let your women pick out the movie...lol.

I'd say you were likely a very old man long before now with that kind of thinking. The only fear you likely instill in people is that which causes them to stear clear of you. But keep on fighting those wussies if that's what blows your hair back.

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I'd say you were likely a very old man long before now with that kind of thinking. The only fear you likely instill in people is that which causes them to stear clear of you. But keep on fighting those wussies if that's what blows your hair back.

I am not from such a sheltered country like Canada. People who grew up in Canada are soft wimps for the most part. I come from a very violent part of the world where reasoning gets a person nowhere It's much more violent now then it was when I lived there. It's just a matter of where and when you grow up a lot of the time. Growing up in a fairly violent African country will produce a person who is much more warlike then say a person who grew up in a non violent affluent suburb in Canada. It's just how it is. No brag, just fact. where I'm from men are men and women are women. Any alternative lifestyle people keep it quiet or get beaten of even killed. It's a very lovely place but it's also a very violent place.

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I am not from such a sheltered country like Canada. People who grew up in Canada are soft wimps for the most part. I come from a very violent part of the world where reasoning gets a person nowhere It's much more violent now then it was when I lived there. It's just a matter of where and when you grow up a lot of the time. Growing up in a fairly violent African country will produce a person who is much more warlike then say a person who grew up in a non violent affluent suburb in Canada. It's just how it is. No brag, just fact. where I'm from men are men and women are women. Any alternative lifestyle people keep it quiet or get beaten of even killed. It's a very lovely place but it's also a very violent place.

I grew up in Canada, and I'm not a soft wimp. I have probably been in more countries in africa than you can name. I avoided areas where I knew I felt I would't be welcome, but I ever wanted to beat anybody up.

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I was hit with the belt growing up when I was bad as were many kids from my age group and I turned out fine and well balanced. Spare the rod...

You steal from restaurants because they have patrons with loud kids.

That's NOT turning out alright.

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Maybe the restaurant will learn to educate their patrons on how to dine in public. So may people don't know how to dine in public properly.

That's not the restaurant's responsibility, thief.

Parents today are raising their children without any structure or discipline at all and then wondering why they have whinging brats for children who cannot cope with rejection. It's because the parents give them everything and the kid has never been told NO before.

I was hit with the belt growing up when I was bad as were many kids from my age group and I turned out fine and well balanced. Spare the rod...

But you're a thief.

Fear and violence works like nothing else ever will. You can talk until you're blue in the face and no one cares but if you smack some guy around he listens much more quickly in my experience. I'm not talking children just adults in general. Most adults are wimps who cant even take a proper punch in the face and are so scared of being hit that they'll cower to anyone with power over them. It works, plain and simple. So while you're "reasoning" and getting nowhere while you're waiting for results I'll be the guy getting things done. LoL.

I bet you're 95 pounds soaking wet and have never hit someone in your life.

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Yes! It's obvious as day when people are annoyed with your kid and as this mother said, if that was the case she would've taken her kid out.

And sure, their first hunch was the thrown containers but I wouldn't take it seriously either because a 'reasonable person' doesn't assume that business owners are raging lunatics. Especially if there is no signs of annoyance from others around.

Several posters on this thread defended the owner's actions because they said the parents didn't leave when asked. Now it turns out that they sat there for forty minutes waiting for their food and nobody asked them to leave during that time.

The first sign of being asked to leave was having containers thrown at them after they were paying customers in the middle of their meal.

At first I thought the parents were irresponsible but now that I've read their side of the story I actually think they were more justified than I realized.

And even IF they weren't, it still brings us back to what I've been arguing the whole time - take it up with the parents, your paying customers with the developed brain capable of understanding verbal communication.

Better yet, ask them to take their kid out to calm down instead of throwing containers at them.

I think BC Chick has a valid piont , the owner, who is in the service industry, and depends on customer satisfaction for a living, failed big time......Failed to maintain a suitable enviroment for all customers....if the child was a problem addressing that in a professional and civil matter would be key, perhaps bring the toddler something to do such as crayons, small toy, something to eat.....if that failed perhaps asking them to leave in a professional matter.........

Now this is just me , but seeing the owner wig out and screaming at a child , well i would not be coming back,infact I think I would just pay for my meal, and leave and let the owner know why...we expect any service industry to have certain qualities being professional is one of them.

Edited by Army Guy
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I am not from such a sheltered country like Canada. People who grew up in Canada are soft wimps for the most part. I come from a very violent part of the world where reasoning gets a person nowhere It's much more violent now then it was when I lived there. It's just a matter of where and when you grow up a lot of the time. Growing up in a fairly violent African country will produce a person who is much more warlike then say a person who grew up in a non violent affluent suburb in Canada. It's just how it is. No brag, just fact. where I'm from men are men and women are women. Any alternative lifestyle people keep it quiet or get beaten of even killed. It's a very lovely place but it's also a very violent place.

Your comparing apples to oranges, why would Canadians need to be violent , we live in a country rich in resources, and the standard of living is good. and have developed our moral values accordingly . I don't think our nations enemies would call us soft wimps.

Funney you would discribe Canadians as soft wimps , the same country who took you in to share the same things we take advantage everyday. Which begs the question why did you pick a nation of soft wimps to spend your life with.

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I am not from such a sheltered country like Canada. People who grew up in Canada are soft wimps for the most part. I come from a very violent part of the world where reasoning gets a person nowhere It's much more violent now then it was when I lived there. It's just a matter of where and when you grow up a lot of the time. Growing up in a fairly violent African country will produce a person who is much more warlike then say a person who grew up in a non violent affluent suburb in Canada. It's just how it is. No brag, just fact. where I'm from men are men and women are women. Any alternative lifestyle people keep it quiet or get beaten of even killed. It's a very lovely place but it's also a very violent place.

Don't waist your time , They have no idea how pathetically wimpy they have become.

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Yes! It's obvious as day when people are annoyed with your kid and as this mother said, if that was the case she would've taken her kid out.

How do you know when people are annoyed? Because they're glaring daggers at you, sighing loudly, or muttering "fuuuuuuuuu" just loud enough for you to hear?

Unless you're a mind reader, I think you'd be quite presumptuous in assuming that the only people who are annoyed are the ones who are making a visible display of it.


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How do you know when people are annoyed? Because they're glaring daggers at you, sighing loudly, or muttering "fuuuuuuuuu" just loud enough for you to hear?

Unless you're a mind reader, I think you'd be quite presumptuous in assuming that the only people who are annoyed are the ones who are making a visible display of it.


Indeed. In fact, I'd think it would be obvious that if you are in a restaurant (unless it's one specifically meant for families with young children), and your kid is having a tantrum, that just about everyone else there is annoyed with you.

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There are restaurants which cater to families and which provide crayons, picture outlines for colouring and other distractions for parents who did not bring any themselves. Sometimes these are already at the table or are available on request. It is to everyone's benefit that a child has something to occupy them while the parents are busy talking to each other.

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It's never acceptable to discipline a random person's kid, ever. Address the culprit.

Seriously, you better stand back far if you ever yell at my kid for something I do.

One would be yelling at the kid for something the kid is doing. In this case the culprit was the kid, but I would be complaining to you for your kid's actions. And if you can't shut your kid up, I will have you removed from the premiss to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for my other paying customers.

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How do you know when people are annoyed? Because they're glaring daggers at you, sighing loudly, or muttering "fuuuuuuuuu" just loud enough for you to hear?

Unless you're a mind reader, I think you'd be quite presumptuous in assuming that the only people who are annoyed are the ones who are making a visible display of it.


Actually, so many are conditioned to be passive aggressive these days that most won't say anything.

Try your own social experiment. Do something annoying in a restaurant. See how many complain. Very few. I will say. And in this case, only a few will make the complaint known and will be looked at as a jerk (like this waitress) for not putting up with this kid's disruptive behaviour.

How often in a day are you annoyed? How often do you make that known?

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Actually, so many are conditioned to be passive aggressive these days that most won't say anything.

Try your own social experiment. Do something annoying in a restaurant. See how many complain. Very few. I will say. And in this case, only a few will make the complaint known and will be looked at as a jerk (like this waitress) for not putting up with this kid's disruptive behaviour.

How often in a day are you annoyed? How often do you make that known?

You raise a good point.

I've seldom had my dining experience disrupted by parents who let their children carry on for more than a few moments. But last time I did, you know what I did about it? Nothing.

Perhaps next time I will speak my mind. And next time I end up seated near a bunch of dumb-ass old-people spitting ignorant crap out of their stupid word-holes I think I will likewise speak up.


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How do you know when people are annoyed? Because they're glaring daggers at you, sighing loudly, or muttering "fuuuuuuuuu" just loud enough for you to hear?

Unless you're a mind reader, I think you'd be quite presumptuous in assuming that the only people who are annoyed are the ones who are making a visible display of it.


Assessing social situations relies on a person's mental capacity. In a case as this neither you nor I were there to see for ourselves whether the parents crossed the line into bad restaurant etiquette or if they were victims of a lunatic with a short-fuse so we have to rely on other factors.

One side of the story remained calm even after someone told their kid to shut-up (definitely better people than me) and the other side of the story comes from someone who, even after calming down, would not hesitate to fight customers.

Not a tough call for me, really.

Edited by BC_chick
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One would be yelling at the kid for something the kid is doing. In this case the culprit was the kid, but I would be complaining to you for your kid's actions. And if you can't shut your kid up, I will have you removed from the premiss to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for my other paying customers.

Good on you for addressing the issue to me instead of yelling at my kid.

As for removing me from the premises, it's not so clear-cut unless my kid is throwing a tantrum. I come across all types of customers who interfere with my dining experience - jerks who talk loudly, teenagers who don't stop laughing, idiots who yell on their cells.

Sure, I don't like it when people don't behave exactly as I'd like when I'm in malls, on the road, in restaurants, but hey, it's not my world and I share it with idiots.

I don't go around yelling at others whenever they annoy me.

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You steal from restaurants because they have patrons with loud kids.

That's NOT turning out alright.

They are entering a contract to provide a service to me. If they do not provide said service what am I paying for?

I don't pay for bad service, nor do I pay for a bad experience. Only a sucker would do that. I tell the management that I am leaving and why. I don't just walk out. They've never told me to pay and I always give the waitress or waiter a tip on the way out as it's not their fault. It's always happened sometime between apps and mains so at most it would include the apps and a drink or two. Management has always apologized and sometimes given me an alternative reservation to come back and try them again.

Kids do not belong in fine dining restaurants, yet idiots bring them. Note to parents, take your kids to Denny's or some other crappy chain restaurant and leave the good restaurants to us adults or adolescents who can behave in a reasonable manner. people seriously need to learn proper manners and dining etiquette.

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