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22 hours ago, Boges said:

I used to enjoy the discourse on this board about this show. Shame. 

Shame on me.  (ding-ding-ding!)   I haven't been around much...



Arya and Ed Sheeran? Would have been so much better if she killed him. However that the nicest group of Lannister soldiers in the history of Westeros. 

I wondered the whole scene if she'd execute them.... the scene let us know that she still has a bit of humanity left in her.  Finding that the soldiers were ordinary guys who wanted to be home with their families rather than marching around enforcing Cersei's will is a reminder of something Jorah told Dany in early seasons. She told him that Viserys told her that the commoners of Westeros long for the return of the true king. Jorah told her that was bullshit; the commoners of Westeros don't care who sits on the Iron Throne as long as they have food and safety. Dany referenced it when she had her confrontation with Varys regarding his ever-shifting loyalties.
Nymeria is back!


Sansa was wrong there. Don't kill the Ombre and Carstark kin, they're just kids. And is it practice in the North to name your kids after Starks? Ned Ombre? Lyanna Mormont?

She wasn't advocating to kill them, but to take away their lordships and install loyal families in their castles.  Intentional or not, her arguing for the Umbers and Karstarks to be deposed highlighted what a good guy Jon is, which might help inspire loyalty. One recalls that Robb Stark lost the Umbers and Karstarks as allies by beheading their leaders for killing a prisoner.


Euron really made those 1,000 ships fast. 

It seems as if they built the greatest fleet that Westeros has ever seen in just a few weeks. The Iron Isles apparently have an industrial capacity that rivals China. His flagship is pretty bad-ass.


I suspect that silver that Hound stole from that father and daughter wouldn't have saved them. Nice scene having him and Thoros burying them though. 

The Hound's journey of conscience has been one of my favorite parts of the show.


Damnit Theon! 

Is it just me, or do the Dornish seem like the red shirt Star Trek crewmen on this show?  Their most significant part in the back-story is that a Dornish princess was murdered by the Mountain as the Targaryens were overthrown.  The Red Viper shows up looking for revenge, and he too gets murdered.  Then the King of Dorne gets murdered. Then the prince gets murdered.  Now the Sand sisters are dead, and mamma is going to be the big prize Euron brings to Cersei.

This will certainly throw a wrench into Tyrion's plan.  It was interesting to see how quickly Olenna and mamma Sand changed their mind about his plan when he told them that the Unsullied army would be taking Casterly Rock.


I guess Faceless men technology is 100% portable. No only can you bring faces with you, but you can turn new dead people into identities you can take. Arya is basically a shape-shifter now. 


I wonder if she's going to be wearing the face of Petyr Baelish before she's done. Is he on her infamous list?  He should be... if he's not she'd probably kill him anyway if he's trying to strongarm Sansa. I was pondering that and wondering what would happen with all those soldiers from the Vale if he got killed, and the idea of Arya leading them home disguised as Baelish seemed like a natural...


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Lady Olenna was the most interesting character on the show. How did Dany not send troops to defend Highgarden!?!?!?!??!

Tyrion is interesting but he's playing the Game of Thrones awfully. Who cares about Casterly Rock? The Reach is the only place that's funding the Crown, with both Gold and Food. I guess they also have the combined power of the Reach now, so they can pay off that Line of Credit with the Iron Bank. 

Based on the Trailers, we'll have a Dothroki/Dragons v Jamie/Bronn/Randall Lannister army battle. 

Dany's only chance is to align with the North/Vale/Riverlands. Don't force them to take the knee, you need willing allies.  

Sam wishes Westeros has a Gutenberg Printing Press. I bet Jorah is going to take his teleportation device to Dragonstone when Jon is still there and be like, Dude, you got my sword!?!?! (LongClaw is the Mormont sword)

Way to be creepy Bran!!!! Tell your sister you watched her getting defiled within the first hour you've been together. 

Edited by Boges
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On 6/27/2016 at 7:22 AM, kimmy said:

House Baratheon -- extinct (Gendry, and whatever other bastards Robert might have sired, would be "Storm", not Baratheon.)

House Martell -- extinct?

House Tyrell -- dies when Olenna does.

House Targaryen -- no male heirs, and I recall somebody saying Dany is being left infertile by the events of season 1.

House Tully -- Edmure is still alive, if he ever gets out of jail...

House Stark -- only surviving male heir is a paraplegic who lives in a tree. Is he physically capable of fathering children?

House Lannister -- Jaime could still father children, but he wouldn't marry someone who isn't Cersei, would he? Tyrion could marry and his children would probably become the legal heirs to Casterly Rock.


I just started to watch The Game of Thrones and I am enjoying it very much for free watching it on TV. I wonder if Stark will get his revenge? There are so many episodes to catch up on to find out what will happen to him. 

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

I just started to watch The Game of Thrones and I am enjoying it very much for free watching it on TV. I wonder if Stark will get his revenge? There are so many episodes to catch up on to find out what will happen to him. 

Who's Stark? Tony Stark? 

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10 minutes ago, Boges said:

Who's Stark? Tony Stark? 

I can't remember his first name right now but isn't Stark the name of the actor who ended up in jail after the king died in one of the first ten episodes? The guy with the scruffy beard who was a close friend of the king. 

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57 minutes ago, taxme said:

I can't remember his first name right now but isn't Stark the name of the actor who ended up in jail after the king died in one of the first ten episodes? The guy with the scruffy beard who was a close friend of the king. 

Don't get too attached to adult male Starks 

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Yeah.  Bumping of Olenna was harsh.  I like that she told him she was the poisoner of Joffrey though.   I keep thinking Jamie is going to have some kind of epiphany and turn on Cersei, but he seems as stunned as ever about her.

I didn't see any trailers, but its about time those dragons started earning their keep.  I think Jon should try riding one, proving his Targaryen blood, and he and Danearys can decimate Euron's fleet.

How are the Unsullied to get back to Dragonstone?  Where is Arya?  


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On 7/31/2017 at 3:03 PM, Boges said:

Don't get too attached to adult male Starks 

I can't anymore. Stark got his head chopped off when I was watching episode #9 last night. I was hoping that Stark would come back and kill that little piece of chit blonde haired king. Aw well. 

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On 7/31/2017 at 6:18 AM, Boges said:

Lady Olenna was the most interesting character on the show. How did Dany not send troops to defend Highgarden!?!?!?!??!

Good night Olenna. She was always a joy to watch.  At least she had a peaceful end... unlike Elaria Sand.  And we still don't know what's going to happen to Yara, but whatever it is it can't be good.  It only took an episode and a half for Danaerys to lose all her allies. Aside from her dragons, freed slaves, and barbarian horde, of course.

On 7/31/2017 at 6:18 AM, Boges said:

Tyrion is interesting but he's playing the Game of Thrones awfully. Who cares about Casterly Rock? The Reach is the only place that's funding the Crown, with both Gold and Food. I guess they also have the combined power of the Reach now, so they can pay off that Line of Credit with the Iron Bank.

Yeah, Tyrion sucks at this. He should stick to witty jibes and diplomacy. Getting outsmarted by his siblings has to burn. The only thing I can think of is that Cersei and Jamie never mentioned to Tyrion that the mines at Casterly Rock have run dry.  That would have changed the calculus considerably. They might have the gold from the treasury at Highgarden-- we saw it in the Ep 4 teaser--  but they still have to get it to King's Landing.  That gold caravan would be a tempting target. On the other hand, based on her early successes the Iron Bank might decide that Cersei is the "enterprise" they wish to "invest in" regardless of whether she produces the gold on schedule. 

On 7/31/2017 at 6:18 AM, Boges said:

Way to be creepy Bran!!!! Tell your sister you watched her getting defiled within the first hour you've been together. 

Yeah that was pretty awful. Maybe becoming the 3-eyed raven has disconnected him from human emotions.



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13 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Where is Gendry? I still think Baelish has Gendry.

I've heard that Gendry will be part of the season. 

Gendry is useless to Littlefinger, her fate is tied to Sansa and it looks like SPOILER!!! he may be implicated in the assassination of Bran in Season 1 with the Catspaw dagger in Season 1. He implicated Tyrion of trying to get Bran killed but perhaps Maester Lywan's records indicate it was him.  

Gendry may be useful to Danerys however, because it appears that her name doesn't mean a whole lot anymore, but then again neither does the Baratheon name.  

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8 hours ago, Boges said:

I've heard that Gendry will be part of the season. 

Gendry is useless to Littlefinger, her fate is tied to Sansa and it looks like SPOILER!!! he may be implicated in the assassination of Bran in Season 1 with the Catspaw dagger in Season 1. He implicated Tyrion of trying to get Bran killed but perhaps Maester Lywan's records indicate it was him.  

Gendry may be useful to Danerys however, because it appears that her name doesn't mean a whole lot anymore, but then again neither does the Baratheon name.  

Sansa has a better claim to the throne if she is married to Gendry, son of Robert.


I'll also point out the stuff in season 1 where Littlefinger knew about Gendry and kept bastards of Robert around. Plus Littlefinger was on a boat around the same time when Gendry started rowing.


Also, if Littlefinger has Gendry, it would allow for a reuinion of Gendry and Arya.

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So was that the complete annihilation of Jaime's land army?  Whatever it was, it was satisfying to watch. Partly satisfying, partly horrifying, but mostly satisfying. The look on Jaime's face as he finally understood the reality of the situation was particularly good. 

Moments before the attack Lord Tarley mentioned that all of the gold had reached King's Landing, so that's unfortunate timing for Dany. Nonetheless, from the number of wagons that got roasted, the loss of foodstuffs and supplies looks to be enormous, and all of those reluctant farmers in the Reach are unlikely to contribute to Cersei's granaries, what with there being nobody left to collect from them.

Kind of a cliff-hanger ending.  When Jaime gets back on dry ground next episode, I wonder if he'll be staring Tyrion in the face?  He could find himself a "guest" at Dragonstone.  Losing all those soldiers is a big blow to Cersei... losing all the food and supplies from the Reach is a big blow to Cersei... but losing Jaime might be the one that puts her over the edge. If he's captured, she won't take that well.  Perhaps they could do a prisoner swap?  Maybe Jaime for Ellaria and Yara?  Getting Ellaria back might get Dany her Dornish allies back. Getting Yara back would... uh, I dunno, serve no strategic purpose at this point, but Dany seems like the kind to stick up for her friends.

Despite his self-declared mercenary ways, Bronn is a way better friend than these people deserve.

Anyway, the big massacre was pretty sweet-- it was nice to see Dany get on the scoreboard, and in spectacular fashion.


Meanwhile up North... Sansa and Arya and Bran have all grown so much since they last saw each other in Season 1. Not just physically. Sansa was a star-struck innocent with dreams of being the Queen.  Now she's scarred and hardened and savvy and calculating. Arya was a girl who liked to play with swords, and now she's a ninja warrior assassin who has killed more people than small-pox. Bran was a little boy who liked to climb, and now he's an LSD-tripping kook.

Littlefinger was talking a lot to Bran, without realizing that Bran's not really Bran anymore, and that Bran knows a lot of stuff that Littlefinger doesn't think he knows.   I'm not sure if Arya knows the role Littlefinger had in betraying Ned in season one-- she wasn't in the great hall when Janos Slynt and the city guards attacked the Stark men and Littlefinger held the dagger to Ned's throat. And she probably didn't hear about it afterward, what with being whisked out of town in a hurry. Anyway, the kids all have good reason to hate Littlefinger, and I'm not sure they know it yet. Bran might know it, but he might just not care much anymore. If Bran starts talking, his sisters will make sure Littlefinger doesn't leave Winterfell alive.

Valyrian Steel checklist:
 -Arya *NEW*
I'm sure there's more. Are there more? I feel like I've missed some.


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That was a fun battle to watch. I like how the soldiers were just turned to man-shaped piles of ash instantly by the dragonfire, and then blew away in the wind. 

Of course, we're once again left to wonder how a bunch of horsemen crossed the sea from Dragonstone, got around King's Landing and out to the reach, especially since all of Dany's fleets are destroyed I think. Maybe she ferried all those Dothraki across on her dragons in her free time? And where were the other 2 dragons? I'm surprised she didn't invite Jon Snow to come along and be a 2nd dragon rider so they could bbq Lanisters together. Who wants to bet those two end up getting married?

Are people above really still talking about Gendry? No one cares about Gendry lol.

Bran knows a lot of stuff but he seems stunned and unable to use his knowledge for any purpose in the real world. Will be interesting to see if he snaps out of it and is able to use his powers to help direct the war against the Night King... 




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4 hours ago, Bonam said:

Of course, we're once again left to wonder how a bunch of horsemen crossed the sea from Dragonstone, got around King's Landing and out to the reach, especially since all of Dany's fleets are destroyed

Earlier in the show, Tyrion (I think) mentioned she still had enough ships to take soldiers somewhere.

Did Jon bend the knee?  The camera angle as they walked out of the cave suggested something other than knee bending ocurred.

Will Cersei think Jaime is worth giving up her revenge against Ellaria? 

Tyrion didn't seem too comfortable with the decimating of the Lannister Army and Jaime's potential death.

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4 hours ago, Bonam said:

That was a fun battle to watch. I like how the soldiers were just turned to man-shaped piles of ash instantly by the dragonfire, and then blew away in the wind.


Did anybody else think of Terminator 2: Judgment Day when they saw that?


4 hours ago, Bonam said:

Of course, we're once again left to wonder how a bunch of horsemen crossed the sea from Dragonstone, got around King's Landing and out to the reach, especially since all of Dany's fleets are destroyed I think.

Tyrion mentioned that she still had enough ships to get her Dothraki to the mainland, just before she went off on how sick she was of his "clever plans". He had suggested she commit her troops to a blockade of King's Landing, which is essentially what she ended up doing after Jon helped talk her out of using dragons to incinerate the Red Keep. 

I'm not exactly sure where the battle was. Some people think it was right outside King's Landing, others think it was off in the Reach somewhere. From the conversation between Jaime and Samwell's dad, I get the impression that the head of the army was near King's Landing while the tail of it was stretched out far behind... Lord Tarley was quite concerned about how vulnerable they were.  As well, given Lord Tarley confirming that the gold shipment was safely inside the Red Keep, and given Tyrion's earlier plan to blockade King's Landing, and given the geography, I think we can assume that they were pretty close to King's Landing.


4 hours ago, Bonam said:

I'm surprised she didn't invite Jon Snow to come along and be a 2nd dragon rider so they could bbq Lanisters together. Who wants to bet those two end up getting married?

She seems to trust him an awful lot-- letting him hang out while they talk war, asking his advice about attacking the Red Keep... but I don't think she's ready to let him ride one of her babies. And if she did, I doubt he'd be receptive.  "We in the North do not ride dragons, your grace. Horses, bears and wolves on occasion, walruses and narwhals if opportunity presents... but not dragons, your grace. It's simply not done."   As for marriage... If R&L is true, doesn't that mean Danaerys is Jon's ... aunt?

4 hours ago, Bonam said:

Are people above really still talking about Gendry? No one cares about Gendry lol.

I feel the same way. If we see Gendry again at all, I think it will be with the Bros Without Banners alongside Thoros, Ser Beric, and the Hound.  I still haven't pieced together what their role is going to be going forward, but if Gendry returns it'll be with that bunch, not with anything to do with his bloodline. Maybe he will get to Winterfell and have a brief reunion with Arya. "Oh hi! We met in jail!"

The idea of Danaerys marrying Gendry to legitimize her claim to the throne is silly. First off she holds the Baratheons responsible for the murder of her family. She's not going to marry Robert's bastard. She doesn't believe the Baratheons ever had a legitimate claim to the throne.

Secondly nobody in Westeros thinks Gendry has a legitimate claim to the throne either.  I don't think Gendry himself even realizes his bloodline. Melissandre knows, and perhaps she's on her way north as well.

The idea that Gendry would show up this in the game and say "Hark! Lend me your ears! For I am Gendry, the 27th bastard son of Robert Baratheon!" and everybody will just say "wow! He's the real king! Let us end all this fighting and rally behind the 27th bastard of Robert Baratheon!" is just absurd.  If they come up with a cornball, ridiculous, deus-ex-machina ending this late in the show, I will be astounded and deeply disappointed.


4 hours ago, Bonam said:

Bran knows a lot of stuff but he seems stunned and unable to use his knowledge for any purpose in the real world. Will be interesting to see if he snaps out of it and is able to use his powers to help direct the war against the Night King...

The previous Three-Eyed Raven seemed to be cognizant of the danger of the white walkers. It might be the one mission that still matters to Bran.

I didn't recall it at the time, but the part where Bran said "Chaos is a ladder" and Littlefinger scowls at him is a reference to this speech by Littlefinger.  No wonder Littlefinger was so taken aback when Bran said that.


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On 8/8/2017 at 4:32 AM, Bonam said:

Of course, we're once again left to wonder how a bunch of horsemen crossed the sea from Dragonstone, got around King's Landing and out to the reach


On 8/8/2017 at 10:04 AM, kimmy said:

I'm not exactly sure where the battle was. Some people think it was right outside King's Landing, others think it was off in the Reach somewhere.


On 8/7/2017 at 10:22 PM, kimmy said:

Kind of a cliff-hanger ending.  When Jaime gets back on dry ground next episode, I wonder if he'll be staring Tyrion in the face?  He could find himself a "guest" at Dragonstone. 


They weren't in the Reach. They were in the Crownlands. There were on the Roseroad traveling from HighGarden to King's Landing and part of the army was already in King's Landing because they got the gold inside. It was also mentioned that they were next to the Blackwater Rush. That was the river they were next to, that they fought in, and that Jaime and (Bronn?) fell into at the end. Here is a map, they were clearly just south of King's Landing.


I don't think that Jaime got captured. He fell into the river, and Bronn (of the Blackwater) probably swims Jaime into Blackwater Bay. I think we will see Jaime and Bronn in King's Landing next episode. Cersei will probably reward Bronn with Storm's End (he does want a castle, and Storm's End is vacant). Also, Cersei and Qyburn need information on the success of the balista to proceed with mass production of the balista so they can kill a dragon later this season with ~30 balistas.

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On 8/7/2017 at 10:22 PM, kimmy said:

Anyway, the big massacre was pretty sweet-- it was nice to see Dany get on the scoreboard, and in spectacular fashion.

Wasn't really that big of a victory. The gold was given to the iron bank (so gold cloaks from Essos will be recruited soon) and the balista was a success. Expect mass production of balista, with the help of the iron bank, to kill a dragon this season.


Also, now the Dothraki are overconfident (so will make mistakes) and Daenarys is probably hated from bringing Dothraki and Dragons.


I think Cersei is going to beat Daenarys (maybe forcing Daenarys to flee north).

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On 8/10/2017 at 10:55 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

I don't think that Jaime got captured. He fell into the river, and Bronn (of the Blackwater) probably swims Jaime into Blackwater Bay. I think we will see Jaime and Bronn in King's Landing next episode. Cersei will probably reward Bronn with Storm's End (he does want a castle, and Storm's End is vacant). Also, Cersei and Qyburn need information on the success of the balista to proceed with mass production of the balista so they can kill a dragon later this season with ~30 balistas.

I guess we'll find out tonight.

To me it doesn't make any sense that he'd make it back to King's Landing. Jaime fell into the river wearing a full suit of plate armor, and his right hand is just a useless chunk of metal. I can't picture him swimming any Olympics under the circumstances. Also, it seems likely that Tyrion saw him go into the river.  I think it's most likely that Bronn is able to get Jaime as far as the shore, and they're both captured immediately.

The only thing that argues against Jaime being captured is that we still need to have at least one more big scene with Cersei and Jaime together.

On 8/10/2017 at 11:00 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

Wasn't really that big of a victory. The gold was given to the iron bank (so gold cloaks from Essos will be recruited soon) and the balista was a success. Expect mass production of balista, with the help of the iron bank, to kill a dragon this season.

Also, now the Dothraki are overconfident (so will make mistakes) and Daenarys is probably hated from bringing Dothraki and Dragons.

I think Cersei is going to beat Daenarys (maybe forcing Daenarys to flee north).

Cersei has lost the Westlands and the Reach and is now pretty much confined to King's Landing. All she has left going for her is Euron Greyjoy's fleet, and Euron knows it. I would expect Euron to start pressing Cersei to start delivering some quid-pro-quo before he invests a lot of effort in helping her more. 


I don't expect Cersei to win.  

Ultimately, there's two ways this series ends. Either Dany wins and teams up with Jon to battle the white walkers, or Cersei wins and the white walkers decimate everything, because Cersei doesn't know or care about fighting white walkers.

We're not far from the end of this series. There are 9 episodes to go-- 3 more this season, including tonight's. And 6 episodes of season 8, and nothing more after that. I expect that the remainder of this season will wrap up the war between Cersei and Dany, and season 8 will focus on the war against the white walkers.

On 8/10/2017 at 11:01 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

Maybe Littlefinger gives Gendry as a gift to Arya to gain favour with her.

I think a reunion of Arya and Gendry seems likely-- I suspect that Gendry is traveling with the Bros without Banners, and that he along with the Hound and Thoros of Myr and Ser Berrick will show up at Winterfell sooner or later.

I still don't get the idea that Littlefinger has Gendry in his back pocket as some kind of an ace card to play.  That was part of your long-dead theory that Gendry was the gift that Littlefinger gave Lady Olenna, but he wasn't. I can't think of any reason to think Littlefinger has Gendry. And Gendry isn't an ace card anyway. At this point his only strategic value is that Arya cared for him... but Littlefinger doesn't know that.


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