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Allowing people to get stoned is going to cut down on crime???

More to the point, not trying to stop them will.

I did'nt know the dope trade comprised most of the reasoning for crime statistics??

Increases in the rates of crime rose as much as 79% in the wake of prohibitions against the vice of...unwinding at the end of a day's work.

I think the reasoning behind maintaining prohibition is that doing so helps maintain the perception that crime is out of control, a perception that Conservatives need to instil fear in the electorate. That people don't care is an extra bonus. It's a gift that keeps on giving.

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More to the point, not trying to stop them will.

Increases in the rates of crime rose as much as 79% in the wake of prohibitions against the vice of...unwinding at the end of a day's work.

I think the reasoning behind maintaining prohibition is that doing so helps maintain the perception that crime is out of control, a perception that Conservatives need to instil fear in the electorate. That people don't care is an extra bonus. It's a gift that keeps on giving.

Perhaps you should run for the Marijuana Party???

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Pretty much...

I don't do it so it does'nt affect me...

I just don't care...

But the great conundrum. It does affect you and me. They cost us tax dollars because of the drain they have on medicare. It's like, do we have the right to legislate helmets for motorcyclists or seatbelts for car drivers/riders. If we have a tax funded medical system then yes. I personally would have preferred to have voluntary private medical insurance and the loser dudes can face their own fate. But since I have to pay for the treatment, I can demand certain behaviour.

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But the great conundrum. It does affect you and me. They cost us tax dollars because of the drain they have on medicare. It's like, do we have the right to legislate helmets for motorcyclists or seatbelts for car drivers/riders. If we have a tax funded medical system then yes. I personally would have preferred to have voluntary private medical insurance and the loser dudes can face their own fate. But since I have to pay for the treatment, I can demand certain behaviour.

My point was...

I simply don't care about dope...

If one is asking me about legalization vs decriminalization I lean towards the latter...

Having said that,it's not important to me....

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But the great conundrum. It does affect you and me. They cost us tax dollars because of the drain they have on medicare. It's like, do we have the right to legislate helmets for motorcyclists or seatbelts for car drivers/riders. If we have a tax funded medical system then yes. I personally would have preferred to have voluntary private medical insurance and the loser dudes can face their own fate. But since I have to pay for the treatment, I can demand certain behaviour.

Is it safe to assume you're demanding the prohibition of alcohol?

Failing that, how about something as fundamental as consistent civil liberties?

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My point was...

I simply don't care about dope...

If one is asking me about legalization vs decriminalization I lean towards the latter...

Having said that,it's not important to me....

What's even more pathetic than the CPC's position on prohibition and crime is the Liberal fear of being seen as soft on whatever it is the CPC is hard on.

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I see little enough justification for the cuts at this time. In fact, I think any kind of tax cut to anybody is ludicrous when we have no idea of the repurcussions that still may be felt from everything from the Japanese earthquake (they're literally shutting down automotive and electronics factories outside of Japan right now due to lack of parts), from the potential for Irish, Greek, Spanish and Portugese defaults (economic experts have in fact suggested that there's a 1 in 7 chance that the Euro might melt down), not to mention a good many unknowns about global oil supply.

It's a stupid idea at a stupid time. Corporations can pay their goddamned taxes like the rest of us to keep our economy in good shape. Ireland's huge tax cuts to corporations which made it into the so-called Celtic Tiger utterly backfired on them.

If promising in four years, budgetary and economic factories taken into account, to help out the voter on income taxes is legitimate, then the corporations can sit on the same damned backburner. The "big picture" as you put it, is that we're holding on our own right now, and doing reasonably well, which suggests that rather than tinkering with things, we should maintain the status quo. That's why I hope for another Tory minority. No ludicrous NDP or Liberal spending programs and no ludicrous tax cuts to corporations.

Oh please!

We have jurisdictions all over the world slashing corporate taxes. England is in worse shape than us and is cutting corporate taxes, obama is wanting to cut corporate taxes. I forget, its either malaysia or indonesia, but one country down there has corporate taxes totalling 20%. With the current tax rates falling, canada's gdp in q1 is expected to grow by 5.1%. We have the economist from the u of c saying that 200 000 jobs are on the line if corporate taxes are raised. Economists have stated that corporate taxes are the worst taxes to have on an economy, even worse than personal income taxes.

If your fine with capital going to other jurisdictions instead of here than have at it.

As for ireland, they were one of the poorest countries in the western world prior to slashing their taxes. It was because of a housing bubble caused by similar policies and sense of entitlement as the usa. What's even funnier is that when ireland accepted the bailout, they we'ree able to keep their tax rate low at the bane of germany and france.

Why do good when you can do better...

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This is very good actually. If this coalition BS harper is trying to sell actually worked I'd have been severely disappointed in this country.

I don't like that part of what they're doing, and I don't think they need to do it. The Harper Conservatives should win based on leadership and management. Ignatieff should go away. I don't want the party that I used to consider my party turning into the NDP, and that's exactly what's happening.

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I don't like that part of what they're doing, and I don't think they need to do it. The Harper Conservatives should win based on leadership and management. Ignatieff should go away. I don't want the party that I used to consider my party turning into the NDP, and that's exactly what's happening.

Smallc you know as well as I do the only time they keep any redbook promise is in the 11th hour when the government is about to fall and they need the NDP to keep them alive. Outside of that it should be good old Conservative government with the Liberals in.

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Oh please!

We have jurisdictions all over the world slashing corporate taxes. England is in worse shape than us and is cutting corporate taxes, obama is wanting to cut corporate taxes. I forget, its either malaysia or indonesia, but one country down there has corporate taxes totalling 20%. With the current tax rates falling, canada's gdp in q1 is expected to grow by 5.1%. We have the economist from the u of c saying that 200 000 jobs are on the line if corporate taxes are raised. Economists have stated that corporate taxes are the worst taxes to have on an economy, even worse than personal income taxes.

That may be, though I suspect you're heavily cherry picking your economists. But my point stands, we're in uncertain times, and only a moron would cut any tax rates right now. If taxpayers have to wait four years for any tax cuts, then corporations can wait as well. Taxpayers vote, corporations don't, and taxpayers are thus infinitely more important in every single way than corporation interests.

This is a democracy, right?

If your fine with capital going to other jurisdictions instead of here than have at it.

There are not a lot of jurisdictions that are on sounder footing right now, and Japan's woes are going to start kicking the living crap out of all those traditional Asian powerhouses really soon.

Status quo, that's what I advocate, and that means another Tory minority. That should stop anyidiotic tax cuts by any stupid, halfwitted politician.

But if the corporations get tax cuts, then taxpayers should demand them now as well. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

Edited by ToadBrother
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That may be, though I suspect you're heavily cherry picking your economists. But my point stands, we're in uncertain times, and only a moron would cut any tax rates right now. If taxpayers have to wait four years for any tax cuts, then corporations can wait as well. Taxpayers vote, corporations don't, and taxpayers are thus infinitely more important in every single way than corporation interests.

This is a democracy, right?

There are not a lot of jurisdictions that are on sounder footing right now, and Japan's woes are going to start kicking the living crap out of all those traditional Asian powerhouses really soon.

Status quo, that's what I advocate, and that means another Tory minority. That should stop anyidiotic tax cuts by any stupid, halfwitted politician.

But if the corporations get tax cuts, then taxpayers should demand them now as well. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

Like I said jurisdictions around the world are slashing corporate tax rates. Why would they be doing that? Maybe because they want jobs and an improved economy perhaps? Its the fact that we are in uncertain times that corporate taxes need to be cut so that its easier for those companies to keep spending and providing jobs.

Taxpayers are also smart enough to know where their jobs come from. They know that having a good economy gives them a far better quality of life than a tax and spend government nonsense. We have had around twenty years of sound fiscal policy, part of which involves slashing corporate taxes, as a result canada is one of the leading economies on the planet. And as a result of that, business friendly govts get to enjoy power. Layton gets to learn that lesson the hard way.

Japans woes are getting blown out of proportion by the media. Yes its a mess, however the economic analysts predict that japan will need commodities and supplies. With the debt needed to pay for that, japan will finally have to enact realistic fiscal policy for the first time in 20 years.

Another tory minority will mean another gong show. If you want to see some experiment in parliamentary procedures by the opposition just for the sake of it being legal and a fun idea, then have at it. However this is very risky for the economy because of the bonehead ideas ignatieff and layton have. I like my economy growing at 5.1% in q1. With the tax cuts it has a chance to grow further.

Taxpayers also demand a good stable economy, and corporate tax cuts allow for that and personal tax cuts down the road.

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Taxpayers are also smart enough to know where their jobs come from. They know that having a good economy gives them a far better quality of life than a tax and spend government nonsense. We have had around twenty years of sound fiscal policy, part of which involves slashing corporate taxes, as a result canada is one of the leading economies on the planet. And as a result of that, business friendly govts get to enjoy power. Layton gets to learn that lesson the hard way.

But you've elsewhere pointed out that Harper cannot speak the truth because of the unenlightened taxpayers who also happen to be voters. You even implied agreement with the need for government deception on other fronts, such as war.

Which is it?

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But you've elsewhere pointed out that Harper cannot speak the truth because of the unenlightened taxpayers who also happen to be voters. You even implied agreement with the need for government deception on other fronts, such as war.

Which is it?

Taxpayers are fickle people. Everybody wants something for nothing. Everybody wants rock bottom taxes and govt programs all over the place. This is going on in the usa. In 93 the liberals got in by promising everything, however the bond market said otherwise and cuts had to be made and spending reduced. As a result the economy drastically improved and people's lives improved and the liberals enjoyed power for 13 years. In 93 the economy was in bad shape. Harper got elected on tax cuts, however the economy was booming. Fast forward to today, its debatable whether the economy is good or bad, and there is a choice between low taxes and high spending.

in times of hardship for the economy, left leaning candidates run on spending their way to prosperity and keeping quiet on how to pay for it. Unfortunately taxpayers buy it. In good times, people like how things are going and want tax reductions. What taxpayers don't get is that a govt can't spend its way to prosperity, and in doing so causes problems down the road. That's why harper has such a difficult time getting his point across.

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I don't like that part of what they're doing, and I don't think they need to do it. The Harper Conservatives should win based on leadership and management. Ignatieff should go away. I don't want the party that I used to consider my party turning into the NDP, and that's exactly what's happening.

This is my fundamental problem with the CPC and Mr. Harper, he's trying to win by playing games. This is not uncommon among politicians, but this was supposed to be the government that was going to change all that. Instead of transparency we receive misinformation such as this on a regular basis. If he'd drop the "we're the only democratic party rhetoric" and give some indication that his party will maintain, at the very least a live and let live stance on moral and other social issues, I'd likely be able to stomach a vote for him. As it stands now, that's not likely to happen in the very near future. The sad fact of the matter is economically I differ very little from the CPC, but I have other personal factors that must be a part of my vote which are equally important to me.

I'm not too worried about the LPC turning into the NDP. Stealing NDP platform planks and under delivering after elected has been a liberal tradition since the post PET era.

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Another tory minority will mean another gong show. If you want to see some experiment in parliamentary procedures by the opposition just for the sake of it being legal and a fun idea, then have at it. However this is very risky for the economy because of the bonehead ideas ignatieff and layton have. I like my economy growing at 5.1% in q1. With the tax cuts it has a chance to grow further.

Taxpayers also demand a good stable economy, and corporate tax cuts allow for that and personal tax cuts down the road.

Another Tory minority means preoccupation with politics and the economy chugs along with ill-thoughtout policies.

I'll repeat, if the big boys get cuts now, then I want mine. The voter is infinitely more important than the corporation.

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Like I said jurisdictions around the world are slashing corporate tax rates. Why would they be doing that? Maybe because they want jobs and an improved economy perhaps? Its the fact that we are in uncertain times that corporate taxes need to be cut so that its easier for those companies to keep spending and providing jobs.

Or maybe because a good many jurisdictions are pretty solidly in corporate hands.

Taxpayers are also smart enough to know where their jobs come from. They know that having a good economy gives them a far better quality of life than a tax and spend government nonsense. We have had around twenty years of sound fiscal policy, part of which involves slashing corporate taxes, as a result canada is one of the leading economies on the planet. And as a result of that, business friendly govts get to enjoy power. Layton gets to learn that lesson the hard way.

Business-friendly doesn't mean taking it up the rear from business. The corporations can pay their bloody taxes like the rest of us.

Japans woes are getting blown out of proportion by the media. Yes its a mess, however the economic analysts predict that japan will need commodities and supplies. With the debt needed to pay for that, japan will finally have to enact realistic fiscal policy for the first time in 20 years.

A nice little story, but doesn't take into account the ongoing woes in Europe. This is no time for tax cuts.

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