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Obama's Katrina

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Poll: BP Oil Spill Response Rated Worse than (Obama's) Katrina

By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans support the pursuit of criminal charges in the nation's worst oil spill , with increasing numbers calling it a major environmental disaster. Eight in 10 criticize the way BP's handled it – and more people give the federal government's response a negative rating than did the response to Hurricane Katrina.


Terrible article. At no time did the ask the question "is this worse then Katrina". All they did was ask what do you think the federal response is not great HOWEVER less people rate the response as poor compared to Katrina. So what we got here is a push poll and a poor interpretation of said push poll. How about we get a poll asking the question is this worse then Katrina? Then we can see.

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Terrible article. At no time did the ask the question "is this worse then Katrina". All they did was ask what do you think the federal response is not great HOWEVER less people rate the response as poor compared to Katrina. So what we got here is a push poll and a poor interpretation of said push poll. How about we get a poll asking the question is this worse then Katrina? Then we can see.

I knew you would like it. What do you mean by "we".

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Get with it. Obama is not responsive to this crisis anymore than Bush was responsive to Katrina - this stuff is not within their job description. As we see big oil and big business call the shots, it is becoming clear who is in charge and who cares about what.I have heard that Big Oil and I will not mention any names..has seen fit to tell American citizens NOT to go on beaches without their permission - in other words..a foreign power - dominates the AMERICAN public and most of the administration.

- worse than that these are un-elected persons who are in control of what is supposed to be a democracy. It does not take a great stretch of the imagination to see that AMERICAN presidents really have no power...so to say that the gulf gusher is Obama's Katrina is silly. This topic is a non-starter. Big business...big oil etc..look upon their customers as commodity - property - chatel.

Obama and Bush are front men..groomed to be decoys.

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Gotcha....polls are only meaningful when they're about Bush! ;)

No this is a meaningful poll it shows people want the federal government to be more involved and I agree. What it does not show is that people think this is worse then Katrina when compared. Which is what I am saying.

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No this is a meaningful poll it shows people want the federal government to be more involved and I agree. What it does not show is that people think this is worse then Katrina when compared. Which is what I am saying.

When compared for what? More negative response than during Katrina. More is greater than less.

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When compared for what? More negative response than during Katrina. More is greater than less.

But that does not mean when you compare the two the American people will say the oil spill is worse and that is the misleading part of the argument.

You see you could ask people about their response to new coke and 80% could say they hate it.

If you ask them what they think of something like Iraq war well 45% might say they hate it.

It would be unfair to say when comparing new coke to the Iraq war that more people in America care about new coke. That is silly if you want to compare the two then do a poll comparing them. That is the mistake you are making here.

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But that does not mean when you compare the two the American people will say the oil spill is worse and that is the misleading part of the argument.

The poll response is concurrent with the event....Katrina vs Oil Spill...Oil Spill has more negative opinion concerning federal response. Has nothing to do with Coke.

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The poll response is concurrent with the event....Katrina vs Oil Spill...Oil Spill has more negative opinion concerning federal response. Has nothing to do with Coke.

© 2010 The Coca-Cola Company, all rights reserved. Coca-Cola®, "Open Happiness", and the Contour Bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company.

No it isn't. One poll has nothing to do with another. Unless you do a poll comparing you wont actually know. 90% of the country could have a favorable view of McCain, and only a 60% might have one of Obama but if that 60% like Obama that much more he can win the election against him head to head.

One poll means nothing compared to another poll. That is not how polls work.

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I've ignored this thread up till now because the concept is just too stupid to take seriously. The first irony is that if rightwingers want to frame the Gulf blowout as Obama's Katrina, they are acknowledging that Hurricane Katrina was Bush's Katrina! Up til now, they have tried to shift blame elsewhere.

Also, this disaster is man-made, and should not have occurred if a proper regulatory environment had been in place to evaluate the risks of deepwater drilling. And thanks to the pro-oil Bush/Cheney Administration, the BP Disaster should be called Cheney’s Katrina The timeline of Bush/Cheney Administration energy policies shows how the pro-oil policies and permissive regulatory environment created during the Bush administration set the stage for Cheney’s Katrina—the BP oil catastrophe.

Certainly as time goes by, President Obama is in a good position to inherit Cheney's Katrina. I'm not sure what was expected during the first weeks after the Blowout....maybe he was supposed to turn into Aquaman and dive down 5000 feet and twist that broken riser pipe into a pretzel, and stop the leak....unfortunately that didn't happen! But now, the Obama Administration loses points as the days go by, by refraining from getting Navy submersibles in there to do an accurate assessment of how much oil is leaking -- the amount of oil leaking will determine to the size of the fines that the EPA can levy against BP. They also need to get independent analysis of what's happening to all the oil that's being hit with dispersing chemicals. They don't have any clear idea where most of the oil is going, and what effects the dispersing agents will have on fish.

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More problems for Obama.

U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise

Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.

It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.

The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,'” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.



The Spill, The Scandal and the President

Instead of cracking down on MMS, as he had vowed to do even before taking office, Obama left in place many of the top officials who oversaw the agency's culture of corruption. He permitted it to rubber-stamp dangerous drilling operations by BP – a firm with the worst safety record of any oil company


And Jon Stewart skewers him once again...Ass Quest 2010! :lol:


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They did not drop the ball but simply kicked it aside and when to listen to SIR Paul McCartney sing a love song to the first lady - Ironic how the Brits spill oil and go to the white house to whisper sweat nothings in the ear of Obamas wife...kind of let them eat cake - don't yah think?

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Poll: BP Oil Spill Response Rated Worse than (Obama's) Katrina

By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans support the pursuit of criminal charges in the nation's worst oil spill , with increasing numbers calling it a major environmental disaster. Eight in 10 criticize the way BP's handled it – and more people give the federal government's response a negative rating than did the response to Hurricane Katrina.


from the article:

A month and a half after the spill began, 69 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll rate the federal response negatively. That compares with a 62 negative rating for the response to Katrina two weeks after the August 2005 hurricane.

Maybe they should find a poll about Katrina around a month and half after the event, rather than 2 weeks. That would be a much more fair and accurate comparison. I'm sure the poll numbers for the oil spill would be different if conducted a month ago.

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This story won't go away! And after tonight's national address, the US President's numbers will only get worse on this issue:

Our new Louisiana poll has a lot of data points to show how unhappy voters in the state are with Barack Obama's handling of the oil spill but one perhaps sums it up better than anything else- a majority of voters there think George W. Bush did a better job with Katrina than Obama's done dealing with the spill.

50% of voters in the state, even including 31% of Democrats, give Bush higher marks on that question compared to 35% who pick Obama.

Overall only 32% of Louisianans approve of how Obama has handled the spill to 62% who disapprove. 34% of those polled say they approved of how Bush dealt with Katrina to 58% who disapproved.


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Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

Eight days ago, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ordered barges to begin vacuuming crude oil out of his state's oil-soaked waters. Today, against the governor's wishes, those barges sat idle, even as more oil flowed toward the Louisiana shore.

"The Coast Guard came and shut them down," Jindal said. "You got men on the barges in the oil, and they have been told by the Coast Guard, 'Cease and desist. Stop sucking up that oil.'"

ABC News

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OMG Shady you are the most frustrating person ever. The Coast shut down the barges to make sure their were life jackets for those on board, to make sure their were fire extinguisher and so on. I know Bobby thinks the Feds should only be involved when everything goes to hell but you ever stop to think they might actually be on to something here? You know like "hey lets make sure these things are sea worthy before we send men out on them.

The next thing that happens is these unregulated barges catches on fire, lights the oil spill on fire and we got a bigger problem because republicans refuse to see their noise infront of their face. Right after the coast check over the barges they were let back out to continue pumping oil. Seriously breath it is this type of thinking that got us into this mess "lets do it as fast, as cheep, and with little concern for human life as possible". I am tired of it.

The article did point out one thing. After years of these people like Bobby J. and Bob Riley whining about the federal government the chickens have come home to roost. They spent years preaching decentralization and more power to the states and now expect the federal government they helped gut be the most ship shape thing ever. Yeah the Federal government is a mess maybe if you know the Republicans let Obama appoint people to the heads of Federal bodies we wouldn't be in this mess. You can't destroy the Federal government then get mad when they can't help you. Sorry Shady.

Edited by punked
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  • 2 weeks later...

Congressman having "Katrina flashbacks!" Yikes!

Rep. Gene Taylor: Response to Gulf of Mexico oil spill incompetent

"I'm having a Katrina flashback," said the Bay St. Louis Democrat after an aerial survey of the Mississippi Sound and barrier islands Saturday morning. "I haven't seen this much incompetence since Michael Brown was running FEMA."

"Vessels of Opportunity do not identify themselves," said Taylor. "There is no way to communicate with them.

All those boats are running around like headless chickens. None of them are skimming for oil. It is criminal. Between the amount of money, the amount of wasted effort, there shouldn't be a drop of oil in the Mississippi Sound, but because of this incompetence, it is there."


Not to mention Dutch skimmers still aren't being utilized, and the massive A-Whale still hasn't been properly registered for use in the gulf. After 70 freaking days!

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....Not to mention Dutch skimmers still aren't being utilized, and the massive A-Whale still hasn't been properly registered for use in the gulf. After 70 freaking days!

Yep...this is now a chronic condition of incompetence...still fighting over spill flow rates. At least with Katrina we had a solid body count by now! ;)

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Yep...this is now a chronic condition of incompetence

Exactly. Which makes this Obama quote from the 2008 campaign all the more hilarious!

In response to a question of executive experience:

My understanding is, is that Governor Sarah Palin's town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We have got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So, I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I think, has been made clear over the last couple of years.

And, certainly, in terms of the legislation that I passed just dealing with this issue post-Katrina of how we handle emergency management, the fact that many of my recommendations were adopted and are being put in place as we speak, I think, indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and good service that the American people expect."

That my friends is delicious irony at its best! (On a side note, I like how he compares his campaign to Wasilla, instead of the state of Alaska. Which has tens of thousands of more employees, and a budget in the billions. How convenient of him. :rolleyes: )

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Dems now blocking spill damage.


Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) wanted to fly 10 lawmakers down to the Gulf of Mexico to see the damage caused by BP’s gigantic oil spill first hand.

House Democrats said no


But on a more serious note...

US accepts international assistance for Gulf spill

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States is accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The State Department said in a statement Tuesday that the U.S. is working out the particulars of the help that's been accepted.

The identities of all 12 countries and international organizations were not immediately announced. One country was cited in the State Department statement -- Japan, which is providing two high-speed skimmers and fire containment boom.

More than 30 countries and international organizations have offered to help with the spill. The State Department hasn't indicated why some offers have been accepted and others have not.


Day 70 of the leak, and finally this gets done. Heckuva job Obamie! :angry:

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