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British Petroleum....had better cough up the cash!

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Doing with less is not the same as doing without. Even if we dismiss the added consumption by "developing" countries, there is a standard of living below which you will not go. This includes transportation, manufacturing, man-made materials, HVAC, lighting, food preparation, services, media production, etc. Even so called "green technologies" only mitigate the impact of the hydrocarbon economy, and in some cases introduce their own negative trade-offs.

Who knows how much we have to do without. Which is more important: survival, or trying to maintain wealth? There is a lot that can be done if the majority of people take the problem seriously and are willing to make some changes. Shifting taxation away from income to carbon would go a long way to reducing oil consumption and increasing the incentives for nuclear and alternative energy sources. It was already tried up here once, but Canadians either didn't want to change the status quo, or couldn't understand what Stephan Dion was saying! I hope a carbon tax is put on the table again in the near future, rather than this BS cap and trade scam -- that has too many options for cheating and fraudulent claims of carbon offsets.

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GREEED and domination is a mental issue as far as the executives in the oil buisness are concerned. It is remarkable how socially docile there are when it comes to the lives of others...so these are the guys running the daily buisness of the planet? The plunder and destroy and sit there with twenty lawyers who are going to tell us what is "legitimate" or not....For God sake nature and all that provides life is legitimate..these bastards are not legitimate.

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Some amazing pictures of the whole ordeal in the gulf.

I can barely look at what is taking place..It is possible that the whole gulf may be destroyed. This is very intense and for all intent and purpose is boardering on a disaster of biblical proportion. THIS problem could be solved if all the power of all three companies was brought to bear..even as I mentioned in the begining of this thread - If it cause bankrupcy for all players invovled...It would be better if all these old established oil merchants disappeared and the old guard desolved into obscurity..better for BP to declare insovency throught the act of spending every last penny they have THAN to watch a priceless resourse that will cost trillions of dollars in loses all over the world not to mention - the destruction of a large chunk of God's green ocean..It is a shame and a blight on humanity that we actually respect these executives and owners..When they do not respect us!

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I can barely look at what is taking place..It is possible that the whole gulf may be destroyed. This is very intense and for all intent and purpose is boardering on a disaster of biblical proportion.....

LOL! Relax....it's just another oil spill....happens all the time all around the world. Just because you can watch it on American television doesn't make it "biblical". The biggest spill in history is not even in your memory (Gulf War I).

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LOL! Relax....it's just another oil spill....happens all the time all around the world. Just because you can watch it on American television doesn't make it "biblical". The biggest spill in history is not even in your memory (Gulf War I).

silly - it's bad - real bad..it might not be stopped and all measures will be for not..why don't you go down there and eat the stuff - you will be eventually - may as well start gobbbling the googly gook now.

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silly - it's bad - real bad..it might not be stopped and all measures will be for not..why don't you go down there and eat the stuff - you will be eventually - may as well start gobbbling the googly gook now.

Dude....crude oil is a natural substance! It comes from the earth. It is a gift from your "God". When I was a kid, they would give away dinnerware and glassware for a fill up! LOL!

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LOL! Relax....it's just another oil spill....happens all the time all around the world. Just because you can watch it on American television doesn't make it "biblical". The biggest spill in history is not even in your memory (Gulf War I).


According to a study sponsored by UNESCO, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States, the spill did little long-term damage. About half the oil evaporated, a million barrels were recovered and 2 million to 3 million barrels washed ashore, mainly in Saudi Arabia.[2]

How does oil evaporate?

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LOL! Relax....it's just another oil spill....happens all the time all around the world. Just because you can watch it on American television doesn't make it "biblical". The biggest spill in history is not even in your memory (Gulf War I).

I hope you're not just repeating the sage advice of Lush Bimbo:

Rush Limbaugh: Don't Touch the Oil Spill 'Ocean will take care of this on its own'

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I hope you're not just repeating the sage advice of Lush Bimbo:

Rush Limbaugh: Don't Touch the Oil Spill 'Ocean will take care of this on its own'

Look, the frinkin' tree huggers can try to spin this all they want, but in the end, it's just another oil spill among many, many in the past. There will be damages, lawsuits, finger pointing, and cleanup, but we're gonna keep right on tapping this mutha sucka for crude oil until there ain't no 'mo! LOL! ;)

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Look, the frinkin' tree huggers can try to spin this all they want, but in the end, it's just another oil spill among many, many in the past. There will be damages, lawsuits, finger pointing, and cleanup, but we're gonna keep right on tapping this mutha sucka for crude oil until there ain't no 'mo! LOL! ;)

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children." unattributed Native American Indian quote...sage advice whoever said it.

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Dude....crude oil is a natural substance! It comes from the earth. It is a gift from your "God". When I was a kid, they would give away dinnerware and glassware for a fill up! LOL!

Heroine is a natural substance also. Gift from God hugh..sent from above like manna from heaven hugh? - You have that wrong..did you see the video of the stuff coming out of the bottom of the sea? Sure looks like PB poked a hole in the skin of hell and what is coming up is no gift my friend..It is a curse..but of course AMERICA and most of the world thrive on curses...evil people will benefit..and good people who are of nature and of the earth..will not benefit...I could swear that oil executives are possessed by some sort of alien spirt of destruction...Let it be known that I and all good people own this planet and the BP boys and the likes are interlopers..This will collapse their company and rightfully so...also Bush Cheney..What is with this American thing of worshipping and respecting rich people that do not respect you or your property? Kind of like clinging to an abuser, wouldn't you say?

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...Let it be known that I and all good people own this planet and the BP boys and the likes are interlopers..This will collapse their company and rightfully so...also Bush Cheney..What is with this American thing of worshipping and respecting rich people that do not respect you or your property? Kind of like clinging to an abuser, wouldn't you say?

Jesus....stop your whining....there are Africans and Asians dying every day because of far more basic needs and here you are crying the blues about another oil spill. Drama queens like you cry the most while having to give up the least. If you must be a bleeding heart, at least get your priorities straight.

As for rich people....we are all rich compared to them.

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No word yet on whether the "Top Hat," the smaller containment box will work to control the leak; BP engineers are supposed to try it some time today. Right now, even though at least 5000 barrels a day of oil are gushing from the damaged wellhead, news coverage has dwindled because the oil isn't finding its way to major coastal areas yet. Some oceanologists are warning that most of the oil hasn't reached the surface yet because the well is one mile under the surface, and the water is much colder down there than at the surface.

Here's another reason why they better get this thing fixed sooner than later:

Hurricane could worsen huge US oil spill

MIAMI (AFP) – The Gulf of Mexico oil spill could grow even more disastrous if the looming hurricane season churns up towering black waves and blasts beaches and crowded cities with oil-soaked gusts, experts warned.

With just three weeks before the Atlantic hurricane season lurches into action, odds are more than 40 percent that a big storm could cross the giant spill gushing from beneath a ruptured well on the seabed.

An April 20 blast sank the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform, killing 11 workers and leaving its uncontrolled well to gush millions of gallons of oil into the gulf waters.

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......Right now, even though at least 5000 barrels a day of oil are gushing from the damaged wellhead, news coverage has dwindled because the oil isn't finding its way to major coastal areas yet. Some oceanologists are warning that most of the oil hasn't reached the surface yet because the well is one mile under the surface, and the water is much colder down there than at the surface.

Aw shucks....pretty hard to keep America's attention span if there isn't more DISASTER to report...we're already bored with it. The Exxon Valdez had better "action" than this. But I like your idea of adding a hurricane.....that should get those "Obama's Katrina" juices flowing! ;)

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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America bailed out it's own tycoons..WHY should America bail out some British oil company by footing part of the bill for a clean up that will never work because the supply of pollution is on going?

As Ted Turner said " Oil and coal have served America well - time to move on ...............in the mean time Her Majesty and other tacit owners of this company expect Americans to keep the palace going - I suggest that America if it had balls to rebel one more time against the mother frinking land - would file a massive class action suit and drive BP out of existance - besides the Brits still owe you big time for all that taxation without representation - and NOW they want to try it again?

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Aw shucks....pretty hard to keep America's attention span if there isn't more DISASTER to report...we're already bored with it. The Exxon Valdez had better "action" than this. But I like your idea of adding a hurricane.....that should get those "Obama's Katrina" juices flowing! ;)

I don't know if the problem is collective ADHD or news channels that are more concerned with entertaining an audience than informing the public, but something is wrong with this 'story of the hour' approach that gives 30 sec. sound bites for most stories and can't give in depth coverage of more than one issue at any given time. No doubt this is the reason why politicians release damaging information on Friday afternoons...by Monday, the story is out of the news cycle.

The most important under-reported story of this disaster are the chemical dispersants that are being used to dissolve oil -- these chemicals could have toxic longterm effects on the environment themselves, and yet the manufacturer refuses to release information about their ingredients for patent reasons.

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I don't know if the problem is collective ADHD or news channels that are more concerned with entertaining an audience than informing the public, but something is wrong with this 'story of the hour' approach that gives 30 sec. sound bites for most stories and can't give in depth coverage of more than one issue at any given time. No doubt this is the reason why politicians release damaging information on Friday afternoons...by Monday, the story is out of the news cycle.

Quick...do you even remember how many Haitians died in the the eathquake? Prolly not....that story was milked for all it was worth but America and its media moves on to fresher meat. Informing the public is as much fun as a cold enema.

The most important under-reported story of this disaster are the chemical dispersants that are being used to dissolve oil -- these chemicals could have toxic longterm effects on the environment themselves, and yet the manufacturer refuses to release information about their ingredients for patent reasons.

It's been reported....no big deal. In the middle of a shit storm, no sense in arguing over the size of the turds.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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To much money and status worship going on here..."they wait like dogs for a crumb to fall from the masters table" - the trickle down effect that people like Bush Cheney is not going to come this time..the trickle will be globs of poison that will rob the average person of money and natural resourses.

British Petroleum had better realize that the days of big oil ruling the world are over. IT is almost satanic in scope the way these guys think..It reminds me of Paradise Lost..where the mythical satan figure finally owns the planet and screams from the top of a pile of garbage and ash that he is KING!

What is the point of material wealth when you eventually have no place to spend it?

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No...in most cases is was a gradual decline and transition to something else imposed by the environment or conquerors. It's not like we haven't done this many times before.

There certainly were catastrophic collapses. Meso-America had at least a couple, there's some evidence that the pre-Indo-Aryan Indus Valley Civilization collapsed fairly quickly.

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Look, the frinkin' tree huggers can try to spin this all they want, but in the end, it's just another oil spill among many, many in the past. There will be damages, lawsuits, finger pointing, and cleanup, but we're gonna keep right on tapping this mutha sucka for crude oil until there ain't no 'mo! LOL! ;)

I wonder how much you'd be laughing if you lived on the Gulf Coast. And heck, the Feds ain't even talking about removing the cap on liability, just increasing it.

As to the cleanup, the Valdez spill still has residual effects. This idea that the oil gets eaten up is pretty much a fantasy of right-wing morons like Limbaugh. In fact, the real crime here is asserting that there will ever be an effective cleanup. It's probably impossible, though you'll see lots of cranks claiming otherwise.

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I wonder how much you'd be laughing if you lived on the Gulf Coast. And heck, the Feds ain't even talking about removing the cap on liability, just increasing it.

Why would they? The Feds have their own liability capped as well for all kinds of actual and punitive damages. Hell, in some cases, a citizen needs permission to sue the federal government.

As to the cleanup, the Valdez spill still has residual effects. This idea that the oil gets eaten up is pretty much a fantasy of right-wing morons like Limbaugh. In fact, the real crime here is asserting that there will ever be an effective cleanup. It's probably impossible, though you'll see lots of cranks claiming otherwise.

Nonsense...we already know that the sweet crude from this spill is far more volatile and subject to different, more advantageous conditions than the black goo coming from the North Slope in Alaska. Hotter weather, warmer water, larger volume and surface area, hungrier microbes, etc. all lead to a varied outcome.

This is not your Daddy's oil spill.

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