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The culture of dishonesty


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From what I know, exploration and drilling costs the oil companies a lot of money. It's not like the oil companies are taking your money and stuffing it in a mattress. The vast amounts of shareholders would have a fit. A lot would go into exploration because the tax that would have to be paid would be outrageous. I say it goes to shareholders and investing on assets.

As for the grocery chain/telephone old boys club. Out in the prairies we have the good old co-op grocery chain that gives me a hundred bucks back at the end of the fiscal year. As for bell/rogers controling everything, Sasktel/MTS anyone??

Let me give my head a shake. Oil companies see great prospects for futher enrichment with the melting of the ice caps..the oil that made them melt created an opportunity to create more melting and more profit but eventually no livable planet to spend the cash on? What about his scenario do I not understand? It's like setting fire to your own home in order to heat it! That is more than a culture of dishonesty - It's a selfish and profound culture of insantiy..but of course the rich know better - so carry on destroying yourself - to bad we have to go down into hell with you...-personally - I am not going and you are on your own to continue drilling to Hades.

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Let me give my head a shake. Oil companies see great prospects for futher enrichment with the melting of the ice caps..the oil that made them melt created an opportunity to create more melting and more profit but eventually no livable planet to spend the cash on? What about his scenario do I not understand? It's like setting fire to your own home in order to heat it! That is more than a culture of dishonesty - It's a selfish and profound culture of insantiy..but of course the rich know better - so carry on destroying yourself - to bad we have to go down into hell with you...-personally - I am not going and you are on your own to continue drilling to Hades.

Drill Baby Drill!!!

According to you Oil companies shouldn't be allowed to invest in themselves, and have no responsibilities to their investors...

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Drill Baby Drill!!!

According to you Oil companies shouldn't be allowed to invest in themselves, and have no responsibilities to their investors...

Fu*k em! I see these old executives who are habitualists..they are like crack heads that are in the buisness of keeping the habit going hell or high water. As for "investors" - They are people who want maximum return for minimum effort - Let them get real jobs like digging a ditch and planting some food or trees...We simply can not continue with this 1950s style privateerism. There was a time when industry thought that Lake Ontario and the oceans were so vast they could absorb all the waste industry could produce - now they find that we are in a closed environ with dire consequences to continued lazyness and greed. I find it absurd that people have investments and do not life a physical finger to actually create real sustainable material wealth...These jerks are dependent on stupid trusting poor people to do the dirty work...OIL SANDS - what the hell is that filth pit about - It should be shut down and let Alberta get back to producing protein through beef and some grow some damned wheat also.

No one owes investors anything - That's why I defended poor Conrad Black - even he knew that investors were parasites who WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING! When you have a billion slaves in China and else where breaking their backs and spirts allowing the stock market to show a gain - it's plain morally wrong to expect a billion people to wipe the asses of western investers and sustain them in luxury. No I am not a socialist - but I do agree with the Lord Black factor in the fact...that he did not steal because what he supposedly stole was never earned by the "investors" _If you have the money to invest - then you really don't NEED to invest. My kids do not drive Porches...nor do yours really need to.

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FURTHERMORE. "Behind every great fortune is a great crime." Stop being so effected and distrubed about the fact that our most powerful buisness leaders are crooks...why would they stop being crooks? It's worked just fine up to know so may as well carry on...The way the system works is that they have upper and middle management to take the fall - hence the disownership of offenders..."it's not my dog." syndrome... Perfect and I say PERFECT example of the great deferal technique is the jailing of Conrad the not so lordly Black...He's a fall guy - and the public actually believe that a big dog has been taken down - Conrad was an adventuring pup....who finally had to pay the piper for having all the fun. The super big dogs wish they could have some fun - but if they did..they would be exposed - The best personal and finacial security is to not exist..Conrad exists..so he was touchable - the others do not exist - Just like Mafia --- There is no Mafia...

The super big dogs? Who are they?

I agree Conrad Black was taking a fall. He rubbed the super big dogs the wrong way. Care to name names as to who the super big dogs are? I have some ideas. It seems anyone who writes about them in a bad light is financially destroyed. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant seem to be the latest victims.

"The best personal and financial security is to not exist." Good advice If you have any finances or influence to speak of.

Edited by Pliny
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The super big dogs? Who are they?

I agree Conrad Black was taking a fall. He rubbed the super big dogs the wrong way. Care to name names as to who the super big dogs are? I have some ideas. It seems anyone who writes about them in a bad light is financially destroyed. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant seem to be the latest victims.

Well, while I wholeheartedly agree with Mark Steyn on his free speech issues, and agree that he has been unjustly targeted by Canadian officialdom (though he won his case, which is slightly, if not completely, heartening), I wouldn't go too far i painting the poor, sanctimonious, effete little elitist as a great victim. I mean,he's a moral degenerate who thinks RAPE is funny...so long as it's American soldiers doing it to Iraqi detainees.

So all his opinions must be viewed through tyhe lens of his moral relativism.

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"Earth bag" update:

On Saturday I bought beer at one of the bigger chains here, and was provided with a free "earth bag" to carry my beer home in. This brings my complement of "earth bags" to four, yes FOUR "earth bags", for which I have paid a grand total of $1.

(But I still occassionally buy the 5 cent plastic bags to use in my garbage can.)


{feel free to share your own "earth bag" stories!}

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It's because we live in a society where money is the driving factor.

When money is the driving factor, it will always be profit over people. Remember the Ford Pinto?

The real problem behind the economy is (private)Central Banks. For some reason we think it is a genius idea to let money, something that has so much influence in society, be in the hands of a few men.

These men have way to much power, they can make or break economies simply through inflation or deflation.

Thomas Jefferson

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Woodrow Wilson

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.", after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

We really need some civil unrest, restore the power back to the people.

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It's because we live in a society where money is the driving factor.

When money is the driving factor, it will always be profit over people. Remember the Ford Pinto?

The real problem behind the economy is (private)Central Banks. For some reason we think it is a genius idea to let money, something that has so much influence in society, be in the hands of a few men.

Money is a human invention, and it was always in the hands of the few in control. It was designed that way.

We really need some civil unrest, restore the power back to the people.

The unrest is in your youthful loins. It's pretty hard to motivate the masses to revolt when they are fat and have video games.

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The super big dogs? Who are they?

I agree Conrad Black was taking a fall. He rubbed the super big dogs the wrong way. Care to name names as to who the super big dogs are? I have some ideas. It seems anyone who writes about them in a bad light is financially destroyed. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant seem to be the latest victims.

"The best personal and financial security is to not exist." Good advice If you have any finances or influence to speak of.

I met a reporter at an art exibit..we smoked and talked. He was in the begining of some sort of law suit - seems he stated that a certain company was bankrupt...They got very pissed off at him for effecting the bottom line, so they seemed to think. The retort to his column from the wood be plantiff was " The company is not bankrupt - it is just one of it's smaller corporations that was about to collapse" - to para phrase.

In other words I would suggest that if an arm of a corporation is insolvant then it would make sense that the whole corporate body was actually broke. You can not have a rotten arm dangling from a body and not infect and destroy that body. So now they are going to harrass this poor journalist for saying that the king has no clothes. Finance is a religion - It is a belief system...as we have witnessed the collapse that we now suffer was due to the fact that the great big dogs have been faking it for a number of years and the banks and corporations have no more money than you or I in reality.

BUT they insist that we believe in them and that they are entitled to eternal privledge..much like a lying lawyer who breaches public trust constantly and abuses the judical system with impunity because he is part of some strange club. A club of quasi un-elected officals..He who controls the pay cheque runs the nation - He that controls the courts through his appointment of judges controls the nation - This is common stuff - as for naming the "big dogs" - even if I knew I would not mention who I believe they are or who he or she is - I like my life and have been punished enough for embarrassing them...besides the big dogs have a saying in regards to personal reponisiblity...when it comes to those that know to much or who are sacraficed like Conrad..."It is not my dog" - they refere to lawyers as dogs.

The big dogs are more then lawyers..more than judges..more than prime ministers...They are the boss - and nothing will change in these regards until they age a bit more and die out. As for sacrafice be it military or financial or political..They only sacrafice what does not really belong to them..In other words the age old tradtion of human sacrfice still exists - even if it does not gleen a profit - to destroy indirectly brings the big dogs a gleeful and fleeting thrill. So live with it...and remember one thing - Economies have never been controlled by government. They have always been controled privately.. You might ask why I am not a big dog - it's because I am not willing to harm or destroy my fellows for glory profit and the madness of total power.

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I agree completely.

Look what is happening at Copenhagen. The U.S. just pledged 100 billion dollars annually till 2012 for a climate change treaty.

You really think they are in a position to pledge 100 billion dollars annually? Not a chance, the U.S. needs to stop spending and start saving. The people at the top of the control pyramid are purposely making the U.S. dollar collapse, bringing the world economy down with it. This will probably lead to the Amero or a one world currency. Which they will still control.

Not to mention this treaty is another step towards a one world government.

Why don't we get to vote for this treaty, this is a major deal that will effect all the economies of the world, you think something this big would be voted on by the citizens of the nation.

No, we don't really have a say on what goes down on the big stage.

Google the Council on Foreign Relations.

Don't you realize they have us constantly living in a state of fear, Global Warming, H1N1, War on Terrorism, Recession, this is how the control populations. People of the world are crying for a treaty at Copenhagen, not realizing that this is a first step into a world government. They created the problem of global warning, sorry, climate change... they scare the citizens with propaganda, the citizens look to the government to protect them. They use fear to push there agenda forward. When you live your lives in fear, you are not living your life through love, If we were really were living through love, we wouldn't be doing the things we are doing.

All major problems of society they create. Poverty, War, Pollution and health.

Do you guys really not think 9/11 was an inside job? I beg you to investigate it, there are too many unanswered questions, so much does not add up.

It's kinda of like a board game to them.

Think of them as Uncle Pennybags in the game of monopoly, he really never loses at the end of the game.

We do need some civil unrest to take back the power. All it is, is a choice, and the choice is ours. We can choose to continue living with all these problems in society, or we can choose to fix them by going to the root of the problems.

Reread this post with an open mind.

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...how did the steel support columns give in? Fire from debris would not be able to weaken them enough.

Na, you guys are just ignorant. What, you think after Hitler all corruption in government disappeared? Who funded WW2? You live in a dream world and your mentality is it could never happen to me.

You really don't think the Federal Reserve knows what it is doing by printing all this money, you think they're clueless?

There is a dumbing down of society going on and you people don't even notice.

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Debunking NIST

Incredible. Your slow-talking golden boy is even more of a waste of time than I suspected.

Let me explain - I usually give 5 minutes max to these videos if they're true. I gave you almost ten precious minutes of my life because this was your first time giving me a video link. Here's how that time went.

It took three minutes for the host to introduce the speaker David Ray Griffin. Three minutes !

For the next six and a half minutes, Griffin emphasizes the importance of empirical evidence, then tells us that there are two theories: the government theory, and the theory he espouses.

He then defines what a conspiracy is and discusses the meaning of conspiracy theory with respect to 9/11. Griffin next explains the way to use the term 'conspiracy theory' properly.

Then the video ends.

No debunking of the NIST report... nothing to say about that...

Not that he could really speak to the science, for his background has nothing to do with structural engineering anyway:

David Ray Griffin (born 1939) is a retired professor of philosophy of religion and theology. Along with John B. Cobb, Jr., he founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973, a research center of Claremont School of Theology which seeks to promote the common good by means of the relational approach found in process thought.[1]

No - just another kindly doddering old eccentric, who connects with young people who are already predisposed to thinking that an evil cabal runs the world anyway.

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...Na, you guys are just ignorant. What, you think after Hitler all corruption in government disappeared? Who funded WW2? You live in a dream world and your mentality is it could never happen to me.

Look, not only are you recycling old news, but you are very late doing it. This forum has seen your kind come and go for many years. At least try to add something original instead of spewing the same old crap from InfoWars and other American TrOOther sites.

You really don't think the Federal Reserve knows what it is doing by printing all this money, you think they're clueless?

The US Federal Reserve may know more about such things than you...just a guess. Try to concentrate on winning the Cup first.

There is a dumbing down of society going on and you people don't even notice.

Don't confuse dumbing down with not even giving a shit. Society is smart enough to ignore your very late to the game rants.

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I don't use infowars.

Why do people discredit everyone if they aren't and structural engineer?

Does that make them retarded if they are not? It may not be there specialty, but that doesn't mean they don't have a firm grasp on the subject.

Try watching the whole video...

How can you form an unbias opinion when you won't even listen to the other side of the story.

I've listened to both sides of the case, the so called "conspiracy theory" sounds a lot more logical and practical then the "Official story".

Trust me, I would love to be proven wrong.

Heres another video.

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I don't use infowars.

Correct...Infowars uses you.

Why do people discredit everyone if they aren't and structural engineer?

Because if you don't know the difference between static and dynamic loading, you are not qualified to offer an educated opinion...just a biased guess.

Does that make them retarded if they are not? It may not be there specialty, but that doesn't mean they don't have a firm grasp on the subject.

Not retarded...just unlicensed and unqualified.

Try watching the whole video...

How can you form an unbias opinion when you won't even listen to the other side of the story.

How did we ever survive before YouTube?

I've listened to both sides of the case, the so called "conspiracy theory" sounds a lot more logical and practical then the "Official story".

If you have credible evidence (not regurgitated videos), please inform the FBI at once (1-800-CALL-FBI).

Trust me, I would love to be proven wrong.

Why? It's not important whether you are right or wrong. Frankly, I wonder why people like you get so caught up in such things, in another nation at that. How do you get through the day while seeing conspiracies and spooks around every corner?

Who shot JFK? ...who cares....he's frickin' dead already.

Heres another video.

At least in the old days, the conspiracy nuts would take time to write a book. Now any idiot can become an expert on YouTube.

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