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Tory Majority!


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According to the latest Ekos polls Mr Harper would win a majority and

his popularity is gaining, if the Libs force an election now they will be

finished ......we can only hope!!!. : :D Canada is slowly but steadily heading

in the right direction!!! well done Mr Harper well done!



Edited by wulf42
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According to the latest Ekos polls Mr Harper would win a majority and

his popularity is gaining, if the Libs force an election now they will be

finished ......we can only hope!!!. : :D Canada is slowly but steadily heading

in the right direction!!! well done Mr Harper well done!



If you mean the same direction that our Southern Cousins took nine years ago, then you are correct. And if that is so, god help Canada 'coz we'd be seriously screwed, chewed and tattooed with a Harper majority.

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Just what Canada needs a mulroney and bush loving party to drive Canada to obliteration. The conservatives are incompetent. They don't need a majority they already have the keys to the government as they hold the cabinet positions. What would a conservative government accomplish?? Mulroney moved Canada from 100 Billion to 500 Billion in Debt. The Conservatives that make up Harpers Conservatives were party to selling the 407 in Ontario among other things. If you want a party that will sell Canada out for the benefit of their conservative buddies, vote for them.

If you want a Country with lower National Debt and in turn lower taxes don't.

The conservative are an insult to the word conservative. If anything a conservative is really a "Con" Artist party. Lying, Cheating, and corrupt governance is their governance. The conservative haven't got what it takes to make Canada a prosperous leading Country. The Best the Conservatives Can do is create an economy/environment of Low Wages where the Pure Lain Canadian is competing with the torrent of immigrants being used by predatory employers to drive labour costs down or keep them down. They do this all the while they are making billions every quarter. I know this as fact!! Because I am seeing it and experiencing it first hand. The new order of Canada is to dump your RRSPS and mutual funds and Live the credit wave as the Americans have done. When the shoe drops, throw up your hands and go bankrupt. When you really realize the extent of Corruption by the Conservative and Government budgets they refuse to cut to lower taxes at par with the US your only option will be to resort to Criminal activity as the new Career direction.

Will it be your fault?? Not in the least because Canada is indeed a gutter country run by the Arrogant and souless Conservatives that has made Canada no better than a prostitute. Canada on the world stage puts outsiders interest ahead of the interests of canadians. Any policy is designed to benefit government workers and the political parties at the expense of Canadians. Canada may not be a communist country but it certainly has all the signs of one. Extreme Taxes on the populace and Extreme incomes for the government workers and politicians over the people they extract taxes from.

Canadians pay 30 to 40 percent more for gas at the pumps then the US yet Canada is supplier of Oil and gas. Canada's retail costs are also typically 50 to 300 percent more than the US. Canadians also have to Pay 5% GST. The Americans have no such tax. The US goverment feels income tax is enough taxes for them. The conservatives want to take all your money when you make it and take it when you spend it.

Contrary to what the media says about the US. The fact is the US has much lower taxes and retail costs than Canada. The US also has a well developed transportation infrastructure and institutions in place to maintain governance. I know this, as I have been to the US on several occasions and see it first hand. If the US were to adopt Canada's taxation policies they know it would only choke the countries economy.

Canada needs politicians who are serious about making Canada's living costs and wages competive with the US. The conservatives are not that party.

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Iggy loves Bush why would he be any different?

Don't be dense punked, of course IGGY would be a big improvement over Harper no matter what Iggy's personal views might be, the Liberal party is made up of progressive minded people. The Conservative party is full of bigots, and neanderthals just like their paternalistic leader. The Liberals would put the brakes on the Conservative Police State. I mean, yeah I'd PREFER an NDP government, but to insinuate that the Libs are as bad as the Cons is just silly. The Conservative party is the worst thing to happen to Canada, EVER.

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....Canadians pay 30 to 40 percent more for gas at the pumps then the US yet Canada is supplier of Oil and gas. Canada's retail costs are also typically 50 to 300 percent more than the US. Canadians also have to Pay 5% GST. The Americans have no such tax. The US goverment feels income tax is enough taxes for them. The conservatives want to take all your money when you make it and take it when you spend it.

Contrary to what the media says about the US. The fact is the US has much lower taxes and retail costs than Canada. The US also has a well developed transportation infrastructure and institutions in place to maintain governance. I know this, as I have been to the US on several occasions and see it first hand. If the US were to adopt Canada's taxation policies they know it would only choke the countries economy....

Good grief.....most Canadians who get this worked up have already moved to the USA ! :lol:

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Don't be dense punked, of course IGGY would be a big improvement over Harper no matter what Iggy's personal views might be, the Liberal party is made up of progressive minded people. The Conservative party is full of bigots, and neanderthals just like their paternalistic leader. The Liberals would put the brakes on the Conservative Police State. I mean, yeah I'd PREFER an NDP government, but to insinuate that the Libs are as bad as the Cons is just silly. The Conservative party is the worst thing to happen to Canada, EVER.

Really is it his support for mandatory minimums for drug crimes what gets you? Or is it his hate for pay equity? How about his support for war? I agree the Dion Liberal party would be much better the Iggy Liberal party would be the same accept they wouldn't have the Liberals and NDP dragging them to the left they would have a strong Conservative party dragging them more to the right then the Conservatives now. Seriously look at the political landscape right now, we have one progressive option the NDP. That is it.

Glade too see you are back on the NDP bandwagon though.

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Good grief.....most Canadians who get this worked up have already moved to the USA ! :lol:

Trust me, I wish I could have years ago but that would only mean I would have been an illegal with no long term benefit. To become a citizen in Canada it's as easy as getting off an airplane from whereever they came from. To become a citizen in the US you would have had to have gained a green card (not easy) or worked in the US under a visa for at least 20 years and then you could apply to become a citizen. I see how the US has operated and is operating to know this is par for the course in grand economics. Harper and Flaherty could only dream to understand US economics. Because they don't Canada hasn't got what it takes to continue. It amazes me how the media is trumpeting the collapse of the US dollar and how China now refuses to buy any more US debt.

Harper should look at trying to create an economic union with the US rather than trying to sell Canada out to the Chinese and the East Indians. Overrunning Canada's populace with a disportioned amount of immigrants contrary to Canada's cultural fabric is disdainful. Having media that now champions China sentiment goes to show what the conservatives have done to Canada. Who Cares what China thinks or does. Nothing of china is of their own initiative. They are where they are at because of Foreign influence and Forein Greed. China has been exploited by these Foreign influences and the US in receiving Zero percent interest on the US debt they had and then being paid out with printed money.

Really, I am surpised China can sit down after the azz raping the US did on them. :lol: The fact is, Canada and the US are resource and land rich. The US has been busy developing its Country for 200 years. Canada has been busy keeping Canada an open field and their cities stagnate and choked by Unions and political corruption. China and India are small geographies compared to Canada and the US but their population densities are horrendous.

Canada had it's opportunity to flourish and propel itself and created distinct and sovereign Country. Canada had hundreds of years to build up its highway and city infrastructures but chose to keep Canada a horse and buggy field country. These are opportunities pissed down the drain by the Conservatives with their racking up of the National debt, no investment in infrastructure, and their nazis style populace erradication.

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Don't be dense punked, of course IGGY would be a big improvement over Harper no matter what Iggy's personal views might be, the Liberal party is made up of progressive minded people. The Conservative party is full of bigots, and neanderthals just like their paternalistic leader. The Liberals would put the brakes on the Conservative Police State. I mean, yeah I'd PREFER an NDP government, but to insinuate that the Libs are as bad as the Cons is just silly. The Conservative party is the worst thing to happen to Canada, EVER.

Iggy's Liberals don't yet know who and what they are. With no hope for a more progressive representation any time soon, perhaps Canada should take the bitter pill of Harpers' Conservatives in the majority, to give Libs the chance to ponder and examine their raison d'etre and come up with something more inspiring (and different) than just a new face.

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Well, if being against the government take-over of the private sector, and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, then I guess I'm deranged. rolleyes.gif

Shady, That's science fiction. During the last election, Layton proposed a corporate tax of 22%, which is lower than the full US marginal rate of 35%.

I love to discuss things with realistic and well informed conservatives. Both of them. The rest of you are shadow boxing with socialist bogeymen, I'm afraid to say.

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Shady, That's science fiction. During the last election, Layton proposed a corporate tax of 22%, which is lower than the full US marginal rate of 35%.

I love to discuss things with realistic and well informed conservatives. Both of them. The rest of you are shadow boxing with socialist bogeymen, I'm afraid to say.

I wasn't talking about Layton, I was referring to Obama.

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It no less Star Warsy to refer to Obama as a socialist, communist or what have you.

Public Healthcare has been on the radar since the 1960s, and the fact that it's finally coming to American fifty years later doesn't mean that Stalin has won. Keep in mind that the private sector bailouts we're facing were started by GW Bush and were largely seen as a necessary measure, and had bi-partisan support except for some political grandstanding here and there.

Keep 'em coming, though. Maybe if conservatives continue to argue their points like a Wookie, or worse - Rush Limbaugh - perhaps people will start realize that something is severely wrong with political dialogue today.

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It no less Star Warsy to refer to Obama as a socialist, communist or what have you.

I didn't call Obama a socialist, or communist, or what have you. Not sure where you got that from my post.

Public Healthcare has been on the radar since the 1960s, and the fact that it's finally coming to American fifty years later doesn't mean that Stalin has won

Again, I never said that. I simply stated that I didn't like the massive growth of government, and resulting trillion dollar deficits for the next ten years.

If you have a problem with what I said, take it up with the Congressional Budget Office.

From 2010 to 2019, the cumulative deficit under the President’s proposals would total $9.3 trillion, more than

double the cumulative deficit projected under the current-law assumptions embodied in CBO’s baseline.

Debt held by the public would rise, from 41 percent of GDP in 2008 to 57 percent in 2009 and to 82 percent of GDP by 2019.


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Canadians pay 30 to 40 percent more for gas at the pumps then the US yet Canada is supplier of Oil and gas. Canada's retail costs are also typically 50 to 300 percent more than the US. Canadians also have to Pay 5% GST. The Americans have no such tax. The US goverment feels income tax is enough taxes for them. The conservatives want to take all your money when you make it and take it when you spend it.

Contrary to what the media says about the US. The fact is the US has much lower taxes and retail costs than Canada. The US also has a well developed transportation infrastructure and institutions in place to maintain governance. I know this, as I have been to the US on several occasions and see it first hand. If the US were to adopt Canada's taxation policies they know it would only choke the countries economy.

Canada needs politicians who are serious about making Canada's living costs and wages competive with the US. The conservatives are not that party.

You do realize of course the Americans have a much larger Population than Canada so of course

they have better and more resources than we do....Our whole population could almost fit in NYC!

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I didn't call Obama a socialist, or communist, or what have you. Not sure where you got that from my post.

You're right, and I knew this when I posted but I projected your opinion from the 'takeover of private sector' comment.

Sorry if I offended you, although my assertion isn't that far from what you posted.

Again, I never said that. I simply stated that I didn't like the massive growth of government, and resulting trillion dollar deficits for the next ten years.

If you have a problem with what I said, take it up with the Congressional Budget Office.

Fair enough. I rescind my comment.

From 2010 to 2019, the cumulative deficit under the President’s proposals would total $9.3 trillion, more than

double the cumulative deficit projected under the current-law assumptions embodied in CBO’s baseline.

Debt held by the public would rise, from 41 percent of GDP in 2008 to 57 percent in 2009 and to 82 percent of GDP by 2019.


Point taken. I would note that GW Bush got the deficit ball rolling, and Obama is puffing it up like a giant Jiffy Pop popcorn box.

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Well say what you will but Harper is winning over Canadians...the man

is the only one fit to run this country!!! The Libs may have a chance at a

comeback if they find a way to bring Trudeau back to life......i will say one

thing about Trudeau he may have been a Lib but he had charisma, Canadians

realize Harper is the only real choice.


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It no less Star Warsy to refer to Obama as a socialist, communist or what have you.

Public Healthcare has been on the radar since the 1960s, and the fact that it's finally coming to American fifty years later doesn't mean that Stalin has won. Keep in mind that the private sector bailouts we're facing were started by GW Bush and were largely seen as a necessary measure, and had bi-partisan support except for some political grandstanding here and there.

Keep 'em coming, though. Maybe if conservatives continue to argue their points like a Wookie, or worse - Rush Limbaugh - perhaps people will start realize that something is severely wrong with political dialogue today.

Actually Michael it's fairly common knowledge that Obama's most recent stimulous of about $800 billion was laden with treats for Democrats to help ensure re-election.

Couple that together with Obama contravening bankruptcy law to give ownership in the auto companies to his union buddies (can you say "Halliburton"?).

Then add in a declared communist and 9-11 conspiracy theorist appointed to a senior white house position (Van Jones).

Mix in a child prostition scandal from one of Obama's biggest supporting organizations and a 20 year accosiation with a racist pastor.

Blend that with the President of the US continously "extending a hand" to an illegitimate holocaut-denier who steals elections.

Now sprinkle on the inevitable higher taxes from the $1 trillion he's trying to ram through on "health" reform and a Cap & Trade bill that stifles busines investment at perhaps the worst possible economic timing this century, amid growing skepticism that Al Gore's movie was even a true story.

And you've got a pretty good recipe for a Carter-esque style implosion. All this in less than a year.

Many, even on his own team, have said in the wake of his Nobel Prize that he hasn't done anything yet. But it's worse: he's de-facto raised taxes, ruined American credibility with thug states, taken steps to stifle economic, investment and consumer recovery and burned up virtually all of the political capital with which he came to washington.

SOme are saying Obama, in the wake of his Nobel pize, is actually becomeing a bit of a punchline.

But Hopeychangemas to all!

Edited by JerrySeinfeld
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Actually Michael it's fairly common knowledge that Obama's most recent stimulous of about $800 billion was laden with treats for Democrats to help ensure re-election.

Couple that together with Obama contravening bankruptcy law to give ownership in the auto companies to his union buddies (can you say "Halliburton"?).

Then add in a declared communist and 9-11 conspiracy theorist appointed to a senior white house position (Van Jones).

Mix in a child prostition scandal from one of Obama's biggest supporting organizations and a 20 year accosiation with a racist pastor.

Blend that with the President of the US continously "extending a hand" to an illegitimate holocaut-denier who steals elections.

Now sprinkle on the inevitable higher taxes from the $1 trillion he's trying to ram through on "health" reform and a Cap & Trade bill that stifles busines investment at perhaps the worst possible economic timing this century, amid growing skepticism that Al Gore's movie was even a true story.

And you've got a pretty good recipe for a Carter-esque style implosion.

HAHAHAHA couple that with all the crazy in this post and you have a bunch of made up stuff no one cares about.

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Actually Michael it's fairly common knowledge that Obama's most recent stimulous of about $800 billion was laden with treats for Democrats to help ensure re-election.

Ok. Given that the main course was a giant roast beef for Republican investment firms, I guess the dems will take their treats where they can get them.

Couple that together with Obama contravening bankruptcy law to give ownership in the auto companies to his union buddies (can you say "Halliburton"?).

Then add in a declared communist and 9-11 conspiracy theorist appointed to a senior white house position (Van Jones).

Mix in a child prostition scandal from one of Obama's biggest supporting organizations and a 20 year accosiation with a racist pastor.

Blend that with the President of the US continously "extending a hand" to an illegitimate holocaut-denier who steals elections.

Now sprinkle on the inevitable higher taxes from the $1 trillion he's trying to ram through on "health" reform and a Cap & Trade bill that stifles busines investment at perhaps the worst possible economic timing this century, amid growing skepticism that Al Gore's movie was even a true story.

And you've got a pretty good recipe for a Carter-esque style implosion. All this in less than a year.

Many, even on his own team, have said in the wake of his Nobel Prize that he hasn't done anything yet. But it's worse: he's de-facto raised taxes, ruined American credibility with thug states, taken steps to stifle economic, investment and consumer recovery and burned up virtually all of the political capital with which he came to washington.

SOme are saying Obama, in the wake of his Nobel pize, is actually becomeing a bit of a punchline.

But Hopeychangemas to all!

Ok - so all of this is off to the side from what we were discussing. As such, I'll take all of your post as a concession that it is indeed crazy to call Obama a communist.

With regards to your post, there's a lot there. Some of it makes sense, some doesn't "(ruined American credibility with thug states" ? Is that something that you would want ? ) and lots of it comes from that Right-Wing 3D Viewmaster that the Rushians love to look through all the time and pretend is reality.

Implosion ? Hardly. When you look at the economy, and the degree of change that Obama is pushing for I'm surprised he's still as popular as he is.

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Don't be dense punked, of course IGGY would be a big improvement over Harper no matter what Iggy's personal views might be, the Liberal party is made up of progressive minded people. The Conservative party is full of bigots, and neanderthals just like their paternalistic leader. The Liberals would put the brakes on the Conservative Police State. I mean, yeah I'd PREFER an NDP government, but to insinuate that the Libs are as bad as the Cons is just silly. The Conservative party is the worst thing to happen to Canada, EVER.

Which Conservatives are bigots? Please name them or retract the statement altogether please. I'll be waiting for those names.

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