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Omar Khdar


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Why don't you google it yourself as I suggested Jan 20-24, or thereabouts, and find your own "path"!!

I don't appreciate your insults, and I don't really care if you believe me or not, but that's what I read, and I followed it carefully. Didn't you???

Tango, you sound pissed .....it is not my intention to insult you, if you took it that way i apoligize, it is my intention to make the facts clear, as they are still very clouded to some....and with an issue as important as this it needs to be very clear....

It appears you read the earlier media accounts, not the accounts from the pre-trial that I read ... about the soldier seeing the pile of rubble before the grenade went off, then finding that Omar was under that same pile of rubble, injured: He could not have thrown the grenade because the pile of rubble had not moved. He was very clear about that.

Then someone pulled Omar out of the pile of rubble, shot Omar twice, etc etc

Obviously, soldier told the whole truth in court, at his own expense, and kudos to him.

Below is taken from the witness report from the soldier known as OC-1....I think once you read this i think it will become clear that you are confusing some of the facts....as to whom was in the rubble, and where Omar was found....

OC-1 witness report

- took a low position at the southeast corner of the alley. This was the first time - stopped moving since the initiating (sic) the approach to the compound. He saw a man lying underneath some rubble and debris (he presumed resulting from the air strikes) that he believed was clearly dead. He heard moaning coming from the back of the compound. The dust rose up from the ground and began to clear, he then saw a man facing him lying on his right side. - identified this man as the man photographed in Attachment 7). The man had an AK 47 on the ground beside him and the man was moving. - fired one round striking the man in the head and the movement ceased. Dust was again stirred by this rifle shot. When the dust rose, he saw a second man sitting up facing away from him leaning against brush. This man later identified as KHADR, was moving. (- identified this man as the man photographed in Attachment 8.) ] - fired two rounds both of which struck KHADR in the back. - estimated that from the initiation of the approach to the compound to shooting KHADR took no more than 90 seconds, with all of the events inside the compound happening in less than a minute.

- moved into the alley and noted that the man under the rubble was in fact dead and there was a second man dead under the rubble next to him (see Attachment 9 for details of the alley. Attachments 10 and 11 are photos identified as the two bodies under the rubble). A damaged AK 47 (appeared to be damaged by air strikes) was on the ground next to them - said that the nature of the injuries, which included burned, the dust and debris on top of the bodies, and the general state of these two bodies caused him to believe they were dead prior to his entry into the compound. -moved to the back of the compound and checked the first man he shot. The man was decased and in addition to the wound to his head, he had two gunshot wound two his chest. - believed that these chest wounds were inflicted by the 12 rounds he fired down the alley when he crossed the alley's entranceway. - noted this man was armed with a pistol in a holster in addition to the AK 47 by his side. - observed a small weapon (a pistol or grenade, - could not recall which) on the ground near KHADR. - then tapped KHADR's eye to see if he was alive. KHADR reacted and was placed on his back. - then turned him over to be secured by other personnel who had now entered the alley. - noted an additional AK 47 in the alley and several grenades. (The location of the grenades are marked "G", the pistol is marked "P" and AK 47s are marked "AK" by - on Attachment 9).

Then Omar told them he was Canadian and 15 years old, so they did not kill him.

And yes, they knew they were in deep doo doo, glossed the facts for the press, and still they/he stepped up and told the whole truth in court.

This is not true, below was taken from wiki, but is also mentioned in several other statements....Omar was asking soldiers to Kill him, in english which surprised soldiers ....it was spec ops guys that prevented other soldiers from carring out Omar wishes....It was not until later did they find out that he was Canadian, his age, or is relation in the Al Quadia family....

Khadr was given on-site medical attention, during which time he repeatedly asked the medics to kill him, surprising them with his English. An officer present later recorded in his diary that he was about to tell his Private Second Class to kill the wounded Khadr, when Delta Force soldiers ordered them not to harm the prisoner.[48]



Anyone will defend themself when under attack, but

a) he was in no position to do so under that pile of rubble, and

According to his interrogator, all he wants to do is come home and play on his playstation3.

c) I just don't think he has the cajones to be a terrorist, imo.

But that's just my opinion from what I've seen and read. Others may differ.

Lets put some things into context shall we, Most Afghanis know during this period of time that NATO is involved in combat operations ...Combat operations again'st specfic targets or groups....a line in the sand was clearly drawn...

He would not need to defend himself if he was not involved with the Taliban or other terrorist organizations....

When the Afghanis soldiers walked towards the house , to announce thier intentions of searching it...they were gunned down....by omars buddies ....they knew that they did not want NATO to find anything they had hidden, or what the house was being used for....to build bombs...they also did not want to surrender....

The just defending yourself excuse does not wash.....

HE was'nt under any rubble....

And one interrogator out of the dozens that interviewed him state this the rest say he is guilty of something....

Is that one of the charges against him?

Some of the charges he was charged with on his 2 and trail.....

He was charged with Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Attempted Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Conspiracy, Providing Material Support for Terrorism and Spying

That being said if brought back into Canada to face trail what would we charge him with...it has already been decided that most of the evidence could not be used as it was obtained thru torture....so what does that leave us with....

Does that mean we will never know....because our justice system is not set up to handle these type of cases....

While Canadian law does not recognize the war-crimes charges Khadr was facing before the U.S. military commission in Guantanamo Bay, several Criminal Code provisions could apply. They include new anti-terrorism laws as well as older statutes barring Canadians from enlisting in a hostile foreign army, or even high treason.


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I will never understand how the former American administration took a nation from what appeared to be civil and free to one that condoned torture - all in the span of 8 years. I can not understand that since Canadian envolvement within Afghanistan that opium production instead of going down increased! You would assume the opium production and the funds from it is used to by weaponry for the bad guys. I also can not understand the wimpiness of the west in not confronting their so-called allies - such as Pakistan and the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia...who clearly kept the whole terrorism adventure going through their covert support. AND mostly I do understand that the cowardly corporates instead of capturing and convicting Osama Bin Laden ended up capturing and tormenting a mere boy instead.

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Julius Caesar was 15 when he took the helm of the gen Julias. A mere boy...

He had a mum and dad..who are you kidding. Alexander The Great was not a boy god - just a guy ahead of his time who discovered the razor. Khdar is no Julius Caesar...Obama was the bigger fish - but rich kids get better treatment than poor ones...Obama comes from a family of millionares...the rich rule the world - and they take care of their own - Khdar is not part of the club - is he?

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I think this whole thing is stupid! People die in wars as everyone says on here and if people are shooting at you you will protect yourself, right? IF Khadr is going to be punished for something he MAY have done, then we should also hold all the Iraqis and Afghanis that have been killed by friendly fire by the US and NATO?? By all the bombs that were dropped in Iraq? How many children were killed in both countries? Other people have done worst in wars compared what he is accused of.

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He had a mum and dad..who are you kidding. Alexander The Great was not a boy god - just a guy ahead of his time who discovered the razor. Khdar is no Julius Caesar...Obama was the bigger fish - but rich kids get better treatment than poor ones...Obama comes from a family of millionares...the rich rule the world - and they take care of their own - Khdar is not part of the club - is he?

Julius Caesar's father dropped dead when Julius was 15. Sounds familiar.

Alexander certainly didn't invent the razor. A bronze age invention, the razor.

Barak Obama's parents weren't millionaires. An anthropologist and an economist.

Khadr's parents are part of al-Qaeda and were quite wealthy when the father was alive.

Anything else you don't understand? Ohhhh....probably.


Edited by DogOnPorch
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Julius Caesar's father dropped dead when Julius was 15. Sounds familiar.

Alexander certainly didn't invent the razor. A bronze age invention, the razor.

Barak Obama's parents weren't millionaires. An anthropologist and an economist.

Khadr's parents are part of al-Qaeda and were quite wealthy when the father was alive.

Anything else you don't understand? Ohhhh....probably.


Obamas parents "weren't millionaires" - just ANTHROPOLIGISTS AND ECONOMIST... that does not sound like some middle class thing to me..sounds very priviledged. If Khadrs family was so "wealthy" - why did they set up house keeping in some cheeze ball subdivision..and if so wealthy - then why bother coming to Canada? oh - and the point I was making about Alexander - and I never said he invented a razor...was that he was of the few that shaved - givng the impression of being much younger - hense stimulating the idea of a boy god ...which awed the troops.

Arnold Shwarsnigers family were part of the Nazi party..now come no one is on his case - He still carries his fathers aspirations and ideaolgy?

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Obamas parents "weren't millionaires" - just ANTHROPOLIGISTS AND ECONOMIST... that does not sound like some middle class thing to me..sounds very priviledged. If Khadrs family was so "wealthy" - why did they set up house keeping in some cheeze ball subdivision..and if so wealthy - then why bother coming to Canada? oh - and the point I was making about Alexander - and I never said he invented a razor...was that he was of the few that shaved - givng the impression of being much younger - hense stimulating the idea of a boy god ...which awed the troops.

Arnold Shwarsnigers family were part of the Nazi party..now come no one is on his case - He still carries his fathers aspirations and ideaolgy?

Khadr's father was one of the chief fund-raiser for al-Qaeda. Thus the bucks. When he died...the bucks died with him. May he rot.

Obama's parents weren't millionaires. Just professionals...and that's quite middle-class.

Schwarzenegger's father was a military policeman in the regular army. He spent the war sick and was discharged in 1943 for medical reasons. That's probably why nobody's 'on his case'.

Have another drink.

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Khadr's father was one of the chief fund-raiser for al-Qaeda. Thus the bucks. When he died...the bucks died with him. May he rot.

Obama's parents weren't millionaires. Just professionals...and that's quite middle-class.

Schwarzenegger's father was a military policeman in the regular army. He spent the war sick and was discharged in 1943 for medical reasons. That's probably why nobody's 'on his case'.

Have another drink.

Firstly I am not drinking - I don't like Germans - or their tribe in general. You want to be the belated apologist for the Nazi party go ahead. What about a guy that was a Canadian arms dealer and supposedly a cocaine importer - well he was a terrorist - and no one shut him down..? BUT when he died - none of his creepy kids could locate the money - so I guess they had to give up smoking crack in a bathroom with gold taps. By the way - a guy working on the line at General Motors was considered "middle class" AND how would you know if Obamas parents bank account did not exceed the million mark? That reminds me of Catholic indoctrination that states Mary was a virgin...how would they know - did Joesph stick his head out the bedroom window and proclaim -"I did not have sex with that woman?"

How come you don't want to even concieve the idea that Prescott Bush (grandpa) sold weapons to Germany - that killed Americans - took the profits that assisted in installing not one - but two American presidents? Khdar is a hate object of no real consequense - a diversion.

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Have another drink.

Had a few yesterday...not today - a man must have sober days my friend. As you are attacking this little twit Khdar..your eye is off the ball. It is easier to pick a hate object and run with that ball to some goal that serves no purpose. Don't you understand that there are people who want you to hate - and as you hate the mind becomes clouded - and YOU become a controlable force - the Nazis used this method. Did you not learn anything in histroy class? Have another glass of hate...or maybe you should have a sober day once in a while - put the hate wine aside and evaluate your world.

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I'd suggest a month off the booze would do you wonders. You'd appear a lot less like Foster Brooks in print.

You are old if you know who Foster Brooks is - I can barely remember that - neither could he.. :lol: No I don't think you could handle me if I was perfectly healthy. Besides - if I was have wonders done to me through avoidance of posion - what would this wonder boy do with all the power - no one wants what I have to say....and in turn for the insult I send you this.....can you smell that? Seriously - I would rather get laid then take a drink - but that would mean hanging out with my X...or getting up some money and buying a new and younger wife - that sounds like to much work for me.

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You are old if you know who Foster Brooks is - I can barely remember that - neither could he.. :lol: No I don't think you could handle me if I was perfectly healthy. Besides - if I was have wonders done to me through avoidance of posion - what would this wonder boy do with all the power - no one wants what I have to say....and in turn for the insult I send you this.....can you smell that? Seriously - I would rather get laid then take a drink - but that would mean hanging out with my X...or getting up some money and buying a new and younger wife - that sounds like to much work for me.

Too much work.


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Too much work.


I might be forced to take my rightful position in this world..that would mean responding to the likes of you. Being responsible to my lessors might be my calling. All intoxicants make one just a little weaker. Looks like you have some sort of well placed faith in me...that might be good enough reason to do the work - thanks my friend.

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Why not just hang out with Omar when he gets back and blow yourself up for Allah?

This type of suggestion would be considered quite provocative as far as the way CISIS would percieve it. What makes you think he is coming back - and what makes you think I want to hang out with him - and what made you think of some young guy when I am talking about women? Also - why would I blow myself up for Allah pappa? God has no use for these types of foolish and violent actions - seem you have thought of this scenario all on your lonesome....and YOUR idea of blowing up - what do you suggest gets blow up - I believe you might just be some sort of really sleepy sleeper cell...the things you come up with make me wonder about you - Why don't you go to the wrong side of the Cuban experience and take a holiday - that way you can keep Omar company and neither of you need to return.. :lol:

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This type of suggestion would be considered quite provocative as far as the way CISIS would percieve it. What makes you think he is coming back -

His playstation is here.

and what makes you think I want to hang out with him - and what made you think of some young guy when I am talking about women?

Why are you talking about him in that way when I'm talking about 72 stunning virgins?

Also - why would I blow myself up for Allah pappa?

Because the alternative is your ex-wife.

Why don't you go to the wrong side of the Cuban experience and take a holiday - that way you can keep Omar company and neither of you need to return.. :lol:

Oh, we'd return alright... to get married. Then when Osama came to our wedding as he did to his sister's wedding, I'd turn him in and be rich. Then you wouldn't talk to me. Win win. :lol:

Edited by noahbody
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His playstation is here.

Why are you talking about him in that way when I'm talking about 72 stunning virgins?

Because the alternative is your ex-wife.

Oh, we'd return alright... to get married. Then when Osama came to our wedding as he did to his sister's wedding, I'd turn him in and be rich. Then you wouldn't talk to me. Win win. :lol:

That was delightful..so you think the kid was indoctrinate with enough water boarding bring him around to the Canadian way of thinking - like same sex marriage...and maybe not being so stuck on having virgins - possibly settlling for 72 young strippers that are single mothers?

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That was delightful..so you think the kid was indoctrinate with enough water boarding bring him around to the Canadian way of thinking - like same sex marriage...and maybe not being so stuck on having virgins - possibly settlling for 72 young strippers that are single mothers?

I'm just wondering if Omar will relate to the opposite sex in a healthy way? I mean it's not like there is a porno section in the Koran to keep the boy focused. Suddenly I feel like Solomon Rushdi...why is it we fear them if they believe I insult God. It never made sense to me that Muslim - Christian or Jew etc - has a monopoly on the God factor. Do you think after languishing in a cell all this time..that Omar might just figure out that no human has a monopoly on God - not the American guards - and not the prisoners - because both of them are in a state of confinment.

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Guest American Woman

I can understand when people say that Omar is just one person among those who caused so much death and destruction in this war, and in that respect it's difficult to understand why one young 'combatant' is being detained without proof of guilt, but what I can't understand is those who defend him and his actions and would be fine with his return to Canada. Why Canada has allowed his family to stay, and why Canada paid for medical bills after his father returned injured from Afghanistan considering why he was over there, is difficult for me to understand. In that regard, in response to those who say the United States is less tolerant than Canada, I don't see our 'intolerance' as a fault, or Canada's 'tolerance' as a virtue.

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I can understand when people say that Omar is just one person among those who caused so much death and destruction in this war, and in that respect it's difficult to understand why one young 'combatant' is being detained without proof of guilt, but what I can't understand is those who defend him and his actions and would be fine with his return to Canada. Why Canada has allowed his family to stay, and why Canada paid for medical bills after his father returned injured from Afghanistan considering why he was over there, is difficult for me to understand. In that regard, in response to those who say the United States is less tolerant than Canada, I don't see our 'intolerance' as a fault, or Canada's 'tolerance' as a virtue.

I'll tell you why they are holding him..It's because real rich cowardly people who hide in the shadows suggest to the politicals on what to do. There is no reason what so ever to hold this young fellow - Time served is time served - If he were guilty under anyother circumstances, he would be out by now...someone in Canada is pulling some strings to harass and punish the CANADIAN Muslim community - probably the same people that punish the blacks in Canada by ensuring they continue to kill each other - it's racism - When I heard a Canadian buisness man of some renown refere to Muslims and so-called terrorists as "toxic waste" - Then I knew what might be going on - If he were from Afghanistan - they would have sent him home five years ago..this is sheer spite!

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I can understand when people say that Omar is just one person among those who caused so much death and destruction in this war, and in that respect it's difficult to understand why one young 'combatant' is being detained without proof of guilt, but what I can't understand is those who defend him and his actions and would be fine with his return to Canada. Why Canada has allowed his family to stay, and why Canada paid for medical bills after his father returned injured from Afghanistan considering why he was over there, is difficult for me to understand. In that regard, in response to those who say the United States is less tolerant than Canada, I don't see our 'intolerance' as a fault, or Canada's 'tolerance' as a virtue.

You're absolutely right,too much tolerance can be a bad thing.It bothers me a great deal that the Khadr family members live comfortably thanks to Canadian taxpayers.If I could,I would deport those S.O.B.'s so fast they wouldn't know what hit them.

As I have mentioned before on here,if or when Omar Khadr returns to Canada there is a strong likelyhood that he will be released almost immediately given the fact we have a very lenient,Liberal justice system.He would also be reunited with his family,a scary thought...

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I can understand when people say that Omar is just one person among those who caused so much death and destruction in this war, and in that respect it's difficult to understand why one young 'combatant' is being detained without proof of guilt, but what I can't understand is those who defend him and his actions and would be fine with his return to Canada.

The debate on proof of guilt only has to do with the charge of murder. At the end of the day, Omar is the enemy and releasing the enemy in your midst while the war is still going on endangers the public. That said he should stand trial, but the Canadian government should be amending the anti-terrorism act to ensure he is detained indefinitely if warranted.

Why Canada has allowed his family to stay, and why Canada paid for medical bills after his father returned injured from Afghanistan considering why he was over there, is difficult for me to understand.

Not to mention the security costs. Still what I find more mind boggling, is when I hear Bob Rae speak. My interpretation is that he was suggesting Omar should be compensated. :blink: Imagine giving millions to known terrorists, who are allegedly founders and financiers of Al Qaeda? That's beyond belief.

Canada has become a nation of followers who don't want to offend anyone. They see Canada's identity as the nicey nicey of the world. They want to follow the courts when the purpose of the courts is to interpret the laws made by the people. The people need to lead.

If Omar got out tomorrow and blew up a subway killing thousands, many would rationalize it by saying we didn't have a choice. When we do.

I've said this before, but Canada's identity is that of a civilized multicultural society; not an all cultural society. We don't have to accept extremists. Nor should we.

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Tango, you sound pissed .....it is not my intention to insult you, if you took it that way i apoligize, it is my intention to make the facts clear, as they are still very clouded to some....and with an issue as important as this it needs to be very clear....

Below is taken from the witness report from the soldier known as OC-1....I think once you read this i think it will become clear that you are confusing some of the facts....as to whom was in the rubble, and where Omar was found....

OC-1 witness report

- took a low position at the southeast corner of the alley. This was the first time - stopped moving since the initiating (sic) the approach to the compound. He saw a man lying underneath some rubble and debris (he presumed resulting from the air strikes) that he believed was clearly dead. He heard moaning coming from the back of the compound. The dust rose up from the ground and began to clear, he then saw a man facing him lying on his right side. - identified this man as the man photographed in Attachment 7). The man had an AK 47 on the ground beside him and the man was moving. - fired one round striking the man in the head and the movement ceased. Dust was again stirred by this rifle shot. When the dust rose, he saw a second man sitting up facing away from him leaning against brush. This man later identified as KHADR, was moving. (- identified this man as the man photographed in Attachment 8.) ] - fired two rounds both of which struck KHADR in the back. - estimated that from the initiation of the approach to the compound to shooting KHADR took no more than 90 seconds, with all of the events inside the compound happening in less than a minute.

- moved into the alley and noted that the man under the rubble was in fact dead and there was a second man dead under the rubble next to him (see Attachment 9 for details of the alley. Attachments 10 and 11 are photos identified as the two bodies under the rubble). A damaged AK 47 (appeared to be damaged by air strikes) was on the ground next to them - said that the nature of the injuries, which included burned, the dust and debris on top of the bodies, and the general state of these two bodies caused him to believe they were dead prior to his entry into the compound. -moved to the back of the compound and checked the first man he shot. The man was decased and in addition to the wound to his head, he had two gunshot wound two his chest. - believed that these chest wounds were inflicted by the 12 rounds he fired down the alley when he crossed the alley's entranceway. - noted this man was armed with a pistol in a holster in addition to the AK 47 by his side. - observed a small weapon (a pistol or grenade, - could not recall which) on the ground near KHADR. - then tapped KHADR's eye to see if he was alive. KHADR reacted and was placed on his back. - then turned him over to be secured by other personnel who had now entered the alley. - noted an additional AK 47 in the alley and several grenades. (The location of the grenades are marked "G", the pistol is marked "P" and AK 47s are marked "AK" by - on Attachment 9).

This is not true, below was taken from wiki, but is also mentioned in several other statements....Omar was asking soldiers to Kill him, in english which surprised soldiers ....it was spec ops guys that prevented other soldiers from carring out Omar wishes....It was not until later did they find out that he was Canadian, his age, or is relation in the Al Quadia family....


Lets put some things into context shall we, Most Afghanis know during this period of time that NATO is involved in combat operations ...Combat operations again'st specfic targets or groups....a line in the sand was clearly drawn...

He would not need to defend himself if he was not involved with the Taliban or other terrorist organizations....

When the Afghanis soldiers walked towards the house , to announce thier intentions of searching it...they were gunned down....by omars buddies ....they knew that they did not want NATO to find anything they had hidden, or what the house was being used for....to build bombs...they also did not want to surrender....

The just defending yourself excuse does not wash.....

HE was'nt under any rubble....

And one interrogator out of the dozens that interviewed him state this the rest say he is guilty of something....

Some of the charges he was charged with on his 2 and trail.....

He was charged with Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Attempted Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Conspiracy, Providing Material Support for Terrorism and Spying

That being said if brought back into Canada to face trail what would we charge him with...it has already been decided that most of the evidence could not be used as it was obtained thru torture....so what does that leave us with....

Does that mean we will never know....because our justice system is not set up to handle these type of cases....


Neither of those are from the Jan 2009 court reports.

Find out what was said under oath in court.

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