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How low can Israeli supporters sink


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Oh, please...they were caught red handed several times.

Remember Lebanon? Green Helmet...Beirut in flames. Same deal as al-Durrah and 155mm howitzer strikes on families sitting at the beach. You can not trust Hamas and Hezbollah news sources...not because I say so...but because they were proved false on prior occasions.


It's a Daisy.

The media will spin left or right depending on who owns it. News is not really news anymore, its political journalism.

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Oh now i see!!! Its okay for someone to say something about Nuclear weapons as long as they are used against Israel?? Where is our great heros now Dancer and guyser

to the rescue now...oh thats right it is Israel we are talking about, i guess if someone wishes a Nuclear holocaust on Israel that is acceptable, well i will tell you the day some terrorist group or more likely nation launches an attack on Israel it will be the last thing that country will ever do

considering Israel is the ONLY middle East Nation with Nuclear weapons 400+ to be more accurate. I can t believe the anti semitic sediment on here!

Wah wah wah.

Go cry Emo Kid :lol:

A freedom fighter (you call them "terrorists") will get one, sneak into Isreal and detonate it.


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Somebody call for a super hero? Sorry, I have been out fighting crime and injustice on the East Coast.

Its drea dude , I dont bother much anymore.

Like the sun rising in the east, everyday, drea's posts can be counted on being stupid or ignorant, everyday.

Oh but you've been in agreement with me on ALL threads but this one.

You are too funny -- but I love you anyway *hug*

Have a great day guyser -- we can't ALWAYS agree -- t'would be boring. ;)

I hope someone puts Isreal in it's place -- they are assholes plain and simple.

And you do know that China could come and take ALL of North America? Why? Because they were here first! They crossed the Bering Land Bridge thousands of years ago!

Shall the Chinese come and put everyone in "Gaza type" camps? Would we fight back? Of course we would -- we would do no different than the Palestinians of today.

Isreal so sucks!

Edited by Drea
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lol..........well good we need it here in Halifax, this is the first i have read from Drea and your right they are kinda extreme!

Yes, you really ought to look up all of my posts. Surely you are a wise newbie and don't want to base your opinion on ONE thread? :rolleyes:

Never mind, keep your head up your hiney and whistling dixie while children die. It's perfectly normal for someone of your ilk to want children to die. They are not yours, so why should you care? As long as you can fill yer Hummer, yer happier'n a pig in poo! :lol:

Isreal so sucks! :o

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Apologies wulf , I should have said stupid and ignorant, not or.

See for yourself. She wallows in her ignorance like a pig in shit .

Oh but you've been in agreement with me on ALL threads but this one.

You are too funny -- but I love you anyway *hug*

Have a great day guyser -- we can't ALWAYS agree -- t'would be boring. ;)

I hope someone puts Isreal in it's place -- they are assholes plain and simple.

And you do know that China could come and take ALL of North America? Why? Because they were here first! They crossed the Bering Land Bridge thousands of years ago!

Shall the Chinese come and put everyone in "Gaza type" camps? Would we fight back? Of course we would -- we would do no different than the Palestinians of today.

Isreal so sucks!

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Apologies wulf , I should have said stupid and ignorant, not or.

See for yourself. She wallows in her ignorance like a pig in shit .

Yes that we are in total agreement! And i thought my views were a bit too harsh, Drea has me beat!

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Do you remember an Israeli citizen by the name of Mordechai Vanunu?

He told the world that Israel had been lying about nuclear weapons, and had developed them.

Israel kidnapped him in Italy and made him serve 18 years in prison for his free speech.

Even today, he is not allowed to speak to foreign press, and not allowed to leave Israel.

I'm not watching a 25 minute film so that I can respond to your post. I get it. They dig tunnels to smuggle stuff in - mainly because of the sanctions against them that make it impossible to get the most basic goods. I saw the first few minutes, so what?

Hey, if Israel wants to admit that they killed her because they didn't like her meddling and didn't care if she was killed.fine.

But they don't. They stick to the story that they couldn't see the 23 year old woman in an orange fluorescent jacket with a megaphone.

Just one of many examples of Israel's deplorable lies.

Everyone has heard of Vanunu. To some he's a hero...to others a traitor. Let's ask BC-2004 what would have happened to him if he started spilling nuclear secrets to the press. In my opinon, Vanunu is lucky he didn't end up like Gerald Bull.

That's too bad, re: the documentary. I guess you missed the part about who wants the tunnels and who doesn't.

Rachel Corrie died (or was killed if you prefer) because she got in the way of a moving bulldozer. That much stupidity we can be sure of.


I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.

I sleep all night and I work all day...

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Everyone has heard of Vanunu. To some he's a hero...to others a traitor. Let's ask BC-2004 what would have happened to him if he started spilling nuclear secrets to the press. In my opinon, Vanunu is lucky he didn't end up like Gerald Bull.

I agree....it's surprising that Israel showed such "restraint" in Vanunu's case. Only part of his long detention could be explained away for interrogation to determine the extent of compromise. Today, the nuts and bolts of the nuclear genie are well known, with the limitations being weapons grade materials and a few other tricky components.

That's too bad, re: the documentary. I guess you missed the part about who wants the tunnels and who doesn't.

Yep....the tunnels exist for several reasons, the most common of which is plain old commerce, same as in San Diego or Washington State.

Rachel Corrie died (or was killed if you prefer) because she got in the way of a moving bulldozer. That much stupidity we can be sure of.

Ms. Corrie played a game of chicken with an IDF Caterpillar D9R.....and lost.

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Wah wah wah.

Go cry Emo Kid :lol:

A freedom fighter (you call them "terrorists") will get one, sneak into Isreal and detonate it.


I am surprised at how hateful a post that is.

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Never mind, keep your head up your hiney and whistling dixie while children die. It's perfectly normal for someone of your ilk to want children to die. They are not yours, so why should you care? As long as you can fill yer Hummer, yer happier'n a pig in poo! :lol:

Isreal so sucks! :o

I am trying to absorb the intellectual content of that post.

Are you saying that children in Sderot should have their school and play punctuated by senseless, barbaric rocket attacks?

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So you support white nationalism, then?

Your point is a good one when taken to the extreme. There is no danger of there being no predominantly white country. If there were the issue may be perhaps be worthy of discussion.

I would disagree, actually. I think the trend is towards "white" countries becoming non-white. No one questions the fundamental right of countries like Japan and Korea to maintain a distinct culture based on a seperate racial identity, but the same argument doesn't seem to work for Britain, Canada, or Austria, for example.

Let's just say that except for the U.S., Canada and a smattering of other countries Diaspora life hasn't worked out too well for the Jews. Why are the Khazakstanis, Kashmiris and Palestinians entitled to (non-economically viable) self-determination but the Jews are not?

Why should it? It doesn't/didn't work for other stateless peoples either. Nobody likes it when a bunch of people suddenly show up and start disrupting the local social/political order. Of course for Jews, having persecuted Christians, and then showing up landless and dispossesed in Christian lands, well... paybacks a bitch, as they say.

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Of course for Jews, having persecuted Christians, and then showing up landless and dispossesed in Christian lands, well... paybacks a bitch, as they say.

No, the payback is that the same lands that expelled the cerebral, productive Jews now have hordes of Muslims to contend with.

G-d works in strange ways, but his own ways.

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Wouldn't it have been great if we could've saved all those Jews in WW2 by nuking Hitler's Nazi's?

Well, in fact, Germany was theoretically "nuked" on a number of occasions; fire-bombing essentially did equal or more damaged that a nuclear bomb could, it just took a lot more resources and incurred more losses for the Allies.

Also, the systemic liquidation of the Jews also began about 1942 when expulsion, etc. was no longer an option and the war was beginning to tilt in favour of the Allies. Fire bombing cities only served to motivate, and I'm sure a nuke would have done so even more...

Edited by Ontario Loyalist
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Where does God come into all of this; my reading of the NT suggests that God doesn't care for those who don't recognize the Messiah...

Jesus didn't know he was the Messiah and I doubt that Jesus would have cared for anti-Judaic people like yourself.

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Well, you are right. There are a lot of people that hate Israel in Palestine. Why do you think that is?

Most of the top parties that run in Israel have killed Palestinian children or Lebanese children like war criminal Ariel Sharon.

The attempt to twist won't work. Hamas is dedicated to destroy Israel - and is supported by a majority of Palestinians in Gaza.

Weapons and gunfire are not that uncommon in certain regions. They celebrate by shooting their guns in the air. My guess is that they were making sure that the voters did not feel intimidated to vote for one side or the other.
During an allegedly election? Ever see any similar armed crowds in the middle east outside of Gaza and the West Bank? Please provide some links.
Well Israel which controls most of the flow of information from the region stood back and cheered them on, hoping to see a high death toll.
LOL - when did al Jasera go out of business?
Meanwhile, the rest of the world tried to help Fatah, given that they were trying to prevent Hamas from launching rockets and demanding that Hamas disarm. Glad to see that you appreciate their efforts.
The game was over power and control, not over disarmament.
Really, No one said a word? Perhaps you can explain to me why Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization then.
You are more than a little confuled. Hamas was delared a terrorist organization in Canada in November 2002. The Hamas - Fettah conflict did not occur until five years later.
Why not use Google and do a search for 'UN condemns Hamas'. It only returns 752,00 matches. I guess that's a free pass?
Next time actually read the results of the Google search. Surprise!!
'KeyStone' date='Jan 9 2009, 10:39 PM' post='381283'] So you are saying Israel was being untreated unfairly, and that this latest military action was their last resort. Hmm, that's kind of how the Palestinians justify launching rockets at Israel since they don't seem to pay attention to anything else.

Or perhaps they are scared. Fatah stood up to Hamas. Not all Palestinians want to see Israel destroyed but many do. I'll give you three guesses why.

My explanation was adequate.
You seem to have Palestinians confused with the Borg. They do not have a collective mind. Even if 99.9% of them agree with the peace proposal, there will always be a few fathers who have lost sons, or a few sons who have lost mothers, who will want revenge. That is the only thing that drives them.
You are denying the results of the election are you?
When they attack, and they will, it can not be an excuse for Israel to just abandon the peace process. I am sure that there are many Israelis who have no interest in peace for similar reasons such as the ones who killed Rabhin.
Hamas has been attacking for years. They are now paying the price.
Have you ever noticed the pattern with terrorists? They are all people involved in an armed struggle against a superior military foe. The world has changed. You can not fight fighter planes and drones with pistols and pitchforks. You need to engage in subterfuge.
Hamas is not engaged in any form of freedom fight.
Every government who wants to justify hunting down their opponents who don't wear uniforms calls them terrorists and that seems to give them a blank cheque to do so. For instance Saudi Arabia routinely kills dissidents in the name of fighting terrorism. Who are these terrorists - people tired of living under a Saudi dictatorship, and wanting to bring about change. Gathering together to talk about democracy is considered terrorism in Saudi Arabia.
Hamas is controlled by Iran., so why are they fighting Israel?
My point is that the IDF is really just as much of a terrorist organization as Hamas. The only difference is that the IDF is far more effective at killing children and civilians. Since the people of Israel harbour the IDF, and even vote for governments that do these things to the Palestnians, does that make Israeli civilians fair game in the same way that you seem to think Palestinian civilians and children are fair game? {/quote] No, Israel is a sovereign nation. Hamas is a stateless band of terrorists. Hamas is stateless because no nation will officially claim them for fear of retaliation.
What do you expect? The world is supposed to cheer the IDF terrorists on while they slaughter children?
The IDF are not terrorists, depite your allegations.

They feel that they are under attack and they are trying to rouse up support to defend Palestine.

In the same way that Jews around the world support the killing of children by Israel, Arabs around the world support the killing of Israelis by Arabs.

I'm not going to address much of that paragraph, because you were relatively coherent up until that point.

Opposing the death of innocent children is not treason and give it up with the anti-semitism already.

LOL - You are a sad. pathetic clown.
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Of course for Jews, having persecuted Christians, ....

I owuld have thought the drubing you got the first time would have kept you away from posting such stupid revisionist ahistorialc racosts drivel.

The last time you were unable to provide any credible citations for this drek, I cannot assume your talent for baseless libel has improved.

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Well, in fact, Germany was theoretically "nuked" on a number of occasions; fire-bombing essentially did equal or more damaged that a nuclear bomb could, it just took a lot more resources and incurred more losses for the Allies.

Also, the systemic liquidation of the Jews also began about 1942 when expulsion, etc. was no longer an option and the war was beginning to tilt in favour of the Allies. Fire bombing cities only served to motivate, and I'm sure a nuke would have done so even more...

Gotta agree.

Some mention should be made (re: total war) that practically the only German males left in Germany post Stalingrad (+ the other bad events of 1942 for the Axis) were the rather old or the rather young (and high ranking party members :huh: ). By the time D-Day occured in June of 1944, the Soviets were already advancing into Poland. It was already over except for the actual fighting.

After Stalingrad (in particular)...it was just a long slide to the grave for the Axis. Hamas's last round of rocket attacks seems to have been their version of that battle. They seem to have thought that they could play the rocket/media game one more time...but, much like that final blitzkrieg...it just plain didn't work out as planned (see the Battle of Kursk and/or the Bulge).


Fifteen men on a dead man's chest

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.

Drink and the Devil had done for the rest

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.

---Robert Louis Stevenson

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That would be a disproportionate escalation of violence, much like how the Israelis have had a disproportionate escalation of violence.

Both actions are wrong, although a nuke, would be even more wrong.

What is this so-called "disproportionate violence" term being used in war-time? Hamas rockets killed 5 Israeli, therefore Israeli bombings should also limit their kill to 5 Palestinians!

Perhaps human-shields-wannabes would like to volunteer to do the tally now instead of playing chicken games with bulldozers?

This violence had been going on for years - how many deaths on both sides do you figure had been racked up throughout the years? In my view it's more "humane" this way to pull the problem by its root once and for all. But at least after this, both sides could have some semblance of peace and move on - and hopefully Palestinians will be more wiser not choose a radical loonie fundamentalist like Hamas to lead them in the future.

Sure the body count is mounting - what do you expect??? What idiotic leaders would sit back and tell their people to ignore the rockets and just learn to live with them? You're seeing a country whose tolerance and patience had finally reached its end.

And I say - well, it's about time! Israel should do everyone the favor and finish it this time.

Edited by betsy
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How low can Israeli supporters sink?

Actually last night on the Michael Coren Show, the difference between the Israeli and Palestinian supporters was mentioned.

Some Palestinian supporters around the world demonstrated acts of violence - from vandalism, to aggressive hostile stance against Israeli supporters, to robbing and terrorizing a Starbucks employees all in the name of the palestine people - and stupidity (a gay group waving the rainbow flag in support of Palestine and Hamas).

In contrast, the Israeli supporters who marched were peaceful.

And on this board, just check out the hate-filled and idiotic comments of some Palestinian supporters.

Reasons for their support to Hamas (let's not quibble and just say it for what it is) are so flimsy and irrational.

And one or two of them quite seem to mirror the stupidity and crazy mind-set of those described above and are as radical as Hamas.

Go figure.

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Well, of course Rachel is responsible for her own death.

After all, she risked her life to try and stop Israelis from bulldozing homes.

So she is responsible for her own death, in the same way that Canadian soldiers are responsible for their own deaths by signing up to the military, and police officers are responsible for their own deaths for signing up to protect people.

Oh puhleeeez....

The cops and soldiers all know the nature of their jobs and the risk that comes with it. That's their job!

Is it legit or legal for Corrie to be there at all? Where did she sign up?

I imagine Rachel Corrie knew the risk of what she's doing, considering the very volatile situation in that region. Perhaps she mis-calculated the response. Perhaps she's just too naive. Romanticising the situation like you seem to do. Distortioned and clouded sense of judgement.

She's young.....Prehaps a troubled person....who knows.

I keep visualizing the foolish game of "chicken."

You don't stand in front of a bulldozer. Period.

Human error can be a factor....or machine mal-function. Anything can happen.

Same way as you don't play with guns. Especially loaded guns.

Or you don't drive while you're drunk!

Or skidoo in the back mountains of BC when you're warned not to.

By the way, by comparing Corrie with our soldiers....are you suggesting our soldiers are irrational?

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The fact is Rachel Corrie, an Amiercan citizen had a bright orange jacket and a megaphone, and the driver claims he couldn't see or hear her.

If his vision and hearing are that obscured, perhaps he should not be driving into a civilian area then?

What's being an American citizen got to do with it?? Are you suggesting had she been a Palestine who had a bright orange jacket and mega-phone, it would've been alright??

Being an American does not mean your life is more valuable....not in my view. :lol:

See? You're heaping all the blame on the driver when the simple fact of the matter was that Rachel should not have placed herself before that bulldozer.

Are you saying nothing wrong with drunk drivers driving as long as they got their vehicles painted bright orange and that the other vehicles and pedestrians can see him coming? :lol:

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I am surprised at how hateful a post that is.

well isn't THAT rich?

It's not "hateful"... remember JBG, for war to be "humane" it must be "total".

Your words, not mine.

Isreal has no claim on that land. Just like the Chinese have no claim on North America simply because their anscestors crossed the Bering strait.

I am not anit-jew, just anti-Isreal. They do not belong there and should just leave. I am sure the US would gladly let Isreal relocate there.

But Isrealis would much rather kill children for the next 1,000 years than make concessions to the people they invaded so few decades ago.

Again, tough poo ... you don't want to face reality. The reality is that "your people" are killing children.

Look at the goddamn pictures, see for yourself ... of course looking at Palestinian babies buried in rubble means about as much to you as a dead fly in your kitchen.


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