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Huge Military Aircraft and three tiny coffins.

Oleg Bach

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It was heart breaking to see six young adults barely out of childhood carrying a flag draped coffins...It was heartbreaking to see the 100 pictures of our best youth - fresh faced and bright and kind eyed wasted. It was stupid and sickenly romantic to see fools standing on bridges saluting the passing motorcade traveling along that panderoursly named road "Highway Of Heros" - Heros that are but road kill and who did not die in some galant face to face duel with more wasted Afghani youth. Realistically speaking - the average Afghani is not going to hop on the back of his goat and make it to Toronto to blow him self up at Young and Dundas.

Almost every young face of the wasted was of old white Chirstain anglo stock..few of these men have children - and the dead ones will never replenish this great breed of human..we will continue to kill our best and continue to immigrate in the worst from other nations. The genetic loss is stupifying when you think about it...what a damned waste and what self endulgent delluded people we have who spend a million dollars on bringing home corpses - that are now worthless - yet they attempt to make valuable what is in the first stage of decay . This is obscene.

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It was heart breaking to see six young adults barely out of childhood carrying a flag draped coffins...It was heartbreaking to see the 100 pictures of our best youth - fresh faced and bright and kind eyed wasted.
Of course it was heartbreaking.

But one of our fellow NATO allies was horrifically attacked in September 2001, changing dramatically the skyline of Manhattan.

What do you propose? That we do nothing and simply sit and twiddle our thumbs?

The past century is rife with examples where sitting and hoping for the best leads only to far worse. Oleg, have you travelled in Europe? Have you ever heard of Nanking?


These young men and women deserve our full our support. They are performing a critical task for western societies.

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They are hero's Oleg, far far more so than the majority of people in this country. Its one thing to say "well this person volunteers their time for the needy so they are a hero" and entirely another to volunteer their life for the cause of others. Please do not attempt to denigrate or belittle their sacrifice, it merely shows insensitivity and lack of empathy at best, at worst it indicates a bitter petty mindset.

As for the cause they died for. Well, as was mentioned, what should we do? Just twiddle our thumbs and loudly and proudly shout out "I'm turning the other cheek". All that turning the other cheek ever got anyone is two black eyes.

Although I suppose one could be proud on the basis of doing nothing while being kicked silly. Thats what you like then go for it, the concept doesn't suit me though.

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Oleg you stated:

"Almost every young face of the wasted was of old white Chirstain anglo stock..few of these men have children - and the dead ones will never replenish this great breed of human..we will continue to kill our best and continue to immigrate in the worst from other nations. "

You use the death of soldiers as an opportunity to advance your own racist political agenda. That makes you in my opinion a hate mongerer of the worst sort.

Where do you get off using the sacrifice of men who die to uphold democracy and freedom and a way of life where we respect respect each others differences for your own self-serving racist agenda?

These soldiers died trying to prevent the very same primate tribal behaviour you engage in.

You Oleg look at brave young men and see only what you want to see and that is your own reflection-the reflection of a frightened weak man who feels overwhelmed by anything and anyone that does not look and sound just like Oleg.

You just don't get it Oleg. The soldiers who died and will die all bled and will bleed the same colour.

Edited by Rue
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They are hero's Oleg, far far more so than the majority of people in this country. Its one thing to say "well this person volunteers their time for the needy so they are a hero" and entirely another to volunteer their life for the cause of others. Please do not attempt to denigrate or belittle their sacrifice, it merely shows insensitivity and lack of empathy at best, at worst it indicates a bitter petty mindset.

I don't think it is lack of sensitivity, or empathy. Even a bitter mindset would not give this result. My question is why do we have to send them there in the first place? It really is not Canada's problem when the US is attacked by terrorists. If the war on terror was a legit one, why is Canada not in Iraq like we are in Afghanistan? Why is this all under the umbrella of NATO, when NATO only really officialy supported the Afghanistan invasion?

Why one and not the other? Resources? Time? Manpower?

As for the cause they died for. Well, as was mentioned, what should we do? Just twiddle our thumbs and loudly and proudly shout out "I'm turning the other cheek". All that turning the other cheek ever got anyone is two black eyes.

Bring them home. That is how you resolve that problem.

Although I suppose one could be proud on the basis of doing nothing while being kicked silly. Thats what you like then go for it, the concept doesn't suit me though.

This was never a problem that can be resolved by invading countries. Terrorism cannot be won by this method. Not alone anyways.


The past century is rife with examples where sitting and hoping for the best leads only to far worse. Oleg, have you travelled in Europe? Have you ever heard of Nanking?

Nanking was the Japanese killing the Chinese. I am not great a geography, but I sure know Nanking is not in Europe. But Dresden, Germany IS in Europe. And as I recall, WWI and WWII took a great deal out of Europe, axis and allies alike.

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I don't think it is lack of sensitivity, or empathy. Even a bitter mindset would not give this result. My question is why do we have to send them there in the first place? It really is not Canada's problem when the US is attacked by terrorists. If the war on terror was a legit one, why is Canada not in Iraq like we are in Afghanistan? Why is this all under the umbrella of NATO, when NATO only really officialy supported the Afghanistan invasion?

Why one and not the other? Resources? Time? Manpower?

Bring them home. That is how you resolve that problem.

This was never a problem that can be resolved by invading countries. Terrorism cannot be won by this method. Not alone anyways.


Nanking was the Japanese killing the Chinese. I am not great a geography, but I sure know Nanking is not in Europe. But Dresden, Germany IS in Europe. And as I recall, WWI and WWII took a great deal out of Europe, axis and allies alike.

We are there because we are part of Nato. Same reason we are not in Iraq. Also add the UN.

Nato never endorsed or participated in the Iraq invasion.... You do know this, do you not?

Iraq is in the ME, Afghanistan is a different country, not a province in Iraq.

That is why one and not the other. 'Bringing them home that is the answer'? Yeah, that's the answer all right... Terrorism can be won by killing the Taliban and AlQuada and winning the hearts and minds of the majority of the populace. It can be done and has been done before.

August knows Nanking is in China, he was speaking to his point about atrocities are not prevented by turning the other cheek. WW2 was not only fought in Europe you know.

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The Bush secretary of defence pander in a begging manner - that we should continue - but continue what? It appears that all that is left are unfulfilled military and connecting contracts - what this guy was telling Canada is that there is a global recession and they need the money - well let them do without.

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The Bush secretary of defence pander in a begging manner - that we should continue - but continue what? It appears that all that is left are unfulfilled military and connecting contracts - what this guy was telling Canada is that there is a global recession and they need the money - well let them do without.

But then you won't be able to hitch a ride to the next war that protects human rights. :lol:

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But then you won't be able to hitch a ride to the next war that protects human rights. :lol:

There are not human rights in Canada. People don't understand the word human. Last night there was a fire at one of the local dog pounds - rats - cats a and a few mutts perished...on the front page of the local paper where they usually like to stick the faces of dead service personal - There is a big shot of a dog looking cute into the lens - People here can not tell the difference between dog rights and human rights - I would say that Canadians are becoming a write off - I never in 5 years plodding through the courts saw one sign of justice - let alone human rights. The place has literally gone to the dogs. War does not protect human rights...killing bad guys to protect good guys never works...everyone ends up dead - Does the UN come to the aid of the poor and suffering and genocided? Never - because they love to sit back and have another study that is a cover for more internal displacement and depopulation - There are not human rights on this mud ball - people eat people. It's not a dog eat dog world - Its human sacrafice and cannibalizm of sorts - we are a disgrace - and liars.

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There are not human rights in Canada. People don't understand the word human. Last night there was a fire at one of the local dog pounds - rats - cats a and a few mutts perished...on the front page of the local paper where they usually like to stick the faces of dead service personal - There is a big shot of a dog looking cute into the lens - People here can not tell the difference between dog rights and human rights - I would say that Canadians are becoming a write off - I never in 5 years plodding through the courts saw one sign of justice - let alone human rights. The place has literally gone to the dogs. War does not protect human rights...killing bad guys to protect good guys never works...everyone ends up dead - Does the UN come to the aid of the poor and suffering and genocided? Never - because they love to sit back and have another study that is a cover for more internal displacement and depopulation - There are not human rights on this mud ball - people eat people. It's not a dog eat dog world - Its human sacrafice and cannibalizm of sorts - we are a disgrace - and liars.

It is true. We have stooped so low to reach for such noble things as human rights and peace.

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It was heart breaking to see six young adults barely out of childhood carrying a flag draped coffins...It was heartbreaking to see the 100 pictures of our best youth - fresh faced and bright and kind eyed wasted. It was stupid and sickenly romantic to see fools standing on bridges saluting the passing motorcade traveling along that panderoursly named road "Highway Of Heros" - Heros that are but road kill and who did not die in some galant face to face duel with more wasted Afghani youth. Realistically speaking - the average Afghani is not going to hop on the back of his goat and make it to Toronto to blow him self up at Young and Dundas.

Almost every young face of the wasted was of old white Chirstain anglo stock..few of these men have children - and the dead ones will never replenish this great breed of human..we will continue to kill our best and continue to immigrate in the worst from other nations. The genetic loss is stupifying when you think about it...what a damned waste and what self endulgent delluded people we have who spend a million dollars on bringing home corpses - that are now worthless - yet they attempt to make valuable what is in the first stage of decay . This is obscene.

Oleg most of the time I find you humorous but not in this post. I'll forgive your ignorance, since you obviously never been in the military. The only thing I will say to you is that EVERY dead soldier is a hero to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oleg this is not the first time you've posted this, what ever you want to call it... . I took offense to it the first time and i still find it very offensive.

Not because you call into question Why our nation is in Afgan, but rather you find it impossiable to believe that our soldiers have very different morals and values than yours. And have willingly stood up for them by volunteering for this mission and what it stands for. You can not wrap your mind around the fact that these beliefs are so strong they are willing to sacrifice everything including life itself....

For our Soldiers thier lives have not been wasted, but instead given to another nation struggling for small pieces of what we enjoy and take for granted everyday here in Canada. you know the little things like peace, humanity, education, basic rights....Our nation called upon them, and they answered with a mighty hooaah, they have taken this mission and made it thier own long before our own people turned thier backs on them....We see it as a way our nation "the land of plenty", can give back something, we see it as an honourable mission, we see it as a humanitarian mission, we see it as having everything Canada has stood up for and fought for in the past. NO SIR our lives are not wasted...

It was stupid and sickenly romantic to see fools standing on bridges saluting the passing motorcade traveling along that panderoursly named road "Highway Of Heros"

Once again because they do not share your morals and values you climb upon your box and declare them stupid fools, your disgusted at the thought of a simple act of respect, such as lining of the highways and offering thier thanks and respect in the form of a salute, as you've decided to single them out in this post. But those simple acts, are cherished by those soldiers whom have been tasked with accompaning thier dead comrads home. to them it means everything, it's a show of support, of thanks, of respect...that they are not alone in this tragic event, that they will not be forgotten...

- Heros that are but road kill and who did not die in some galant face to face duel with more wasted Afghani youth. Realistically speaking - the average Afghani is not going to hop on the back of his goat and make it to Toronto to blow him self up at Young and Dundas.

To you it is nothing more than road kill, to us and the avg Afgan, we maintain a vital presence one that deters the scumbags like the taliban from returning and terrorizing them....traveling those roads day and night shows our enemies that we are determined not to allow them back into power that we regardless of our losses we will bring the fight to them, that we will not let the people of afgan down in thier fight for basic freedom...

Realistically speaking the taliban might not reach downtown toronto, but thier ideals and way of life have already been to toronto, and across Canada, by it thru the internet or TV or other media . Radical islam and terrorist ideals are already in our country....but i guess until it knocks on your door oleg you'll refuse to see it...

Almost every young face of the wasted was of old white Chirstain anglo stock..few of these men have children - and the dead ones will never replenish this great breed of human..we will continue to kill our best and continue to immigrate in the worst from other nations. The genetic loss is stupifying when you think about it...

Perhaps you should have another look at all those pictures of the dead, take a look at thier names....this is not a white anglo christian fight....this is a Canadian fight, faught by Canadians of all races, colors and creeds, from across the globe....I'm not sure what your motive here is but once again you throw dirt in the faces of those that have given our country everything they had...

what a damned waste and what self endulgent delluded people we have who spend a million dollars on bringing home corpses - that are now worthless - yet they attempt to make valuable what is in the first stage of decay . This is obscene.

I was'nt sure on how to respond to this, but you've not shown any respect in this post yet, why start now i guess. The Canadian military does not leave a man behind, men will risk thier lives to retrieve a body of a comrad. I know it must sound stupid for you...but these men have honored this unwritten code since the end of WWII and we live by it, a code that prepares us for death...knowing that my body will be returned to Canada, is comforting in a strange sort of way. The flying back of these bodies furthers this tradition, it allows a conor to find out the exact cause of death this info is used to see if it was preventable either by improving kit, or equipment...it also gives the nation, a chance to say it's final goodbyes, in thier own sort of way....it allows the nation to know who they are and what they did, and it gives the familys some closure knowing that thier son, husband, are now safe in Canada...

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