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The Race Question Mark

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It seems that as the US election day draws nearer the issue of race hatred or racial voting is coming more and more to the forefront. Some news articles are implying that "white" democrats who say they will vote for Barak Obama, are only doing this publicly so not to embarass themselves. Here is one example-


Charles is a registered Democrat in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.

"If it wasn't for Obama I would vote Democrat. Blacks just cause trouble, that's the taste I've got in my mouth."

Race is the question mark hanging over this election.

Barack Obama is ahead in the polls. There's a widespread feeling now that the election is his to lose.

But there is something that is worrying Democrats. How accurate are the polls? How many voters are saying they will vote for Mr Obama because they do not want to be perceived as racist?

Once they enter the polling booth will it be an entirely different story?

Simply put, how many people out there think like Charles but are not admitting it?

Charles said the vast majority of his friends felt the same way as him.

At a local restaurant a friendly waitress started chatting to us. The conversation turned to politics.

She shrugged, she was not even sure when the election was to be held, she could not pronounce Mr Obama's name.

"I like McCain because I can say his name, so I'll probably vote for McCain."

She was not well informed, but her views were clear.

"He's from Africa or something. I don't even know where he's from. I know he grew up here, but he's not from here. I think American presidents should be from America."

These are not isolated opinions - just not often voiced publicly.



She will vote for McCain simply because she can pronounce his name... now theres democracy for ya! Invalidated. Maybe people should have to write a test or something before they can vote, to prove they know what they are voting for. Just kidding about that, but the notion that someone would vote against a person, not because of their ideas, policy or skills but because they have dark skin just doesn't sit well with me. Personally I don't really care much who wins, since the US agenda will continue to pursue whats good for its own interests, regardless. Only with the Dems it seems veiled with more smiles and handshakes. Vote for McCain or Obama, because you believe in their plans for the future. But to me it would be a sad thing, if a person was not elected even though they might be the best one for the job, who would have the most beneficial impact on the most peoples lives, because of the narrow views of those who have money to influence and manipulate the uninformed public, for their selfish interests. If people voted freely but they voted to harm themselves, because of a lie, I guess you could say I oppose the stupidity that democracy has become. If it ever was anything else.

I welcome input from any Americans or those who have been to the US, about the race question. I realize it depends on who you know and where you live, but there must be a general sense of how bad it is. I know there's places in Canada with the same problem, mostly in the small towns, areas that are not considered "modern", where there's not a lot of cultural diversity. Is the average Joe Democrat really that much racist, and too chicken-shit to admit it?

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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....I welcome input from any Americans or those who have been to the US, about the race question. I realize it depends on who you know and where you live, but there must be a general sense of how bad it is. I know there's places in Canada with the same problem, mostly in the small towns, areas that are not considered "modern", where there's not a lot of cultural diversity. Is the average Joe Democrat really that much racist, and too chicken-shit to admit it?

More patronizing nonsense? "Racism" and a bunch of other "isms" are alive and well in Canada's "big cities" too. Is the average Joe Canadian too chicken-shit to admit it? How many "visible minority" (a laughable term itself) PMs to date? There is actually more cultural diversity in America compared to the Great White North.

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More patronizing nonsense? "Racism" and a bunch of other "isms" are alive and well in Canada's "big cities" too. Is the average Joe Canadian too chicken-shit to admit it? How many "visible minority" (a laughable term itself) PMs to date? There is actually more cultural diversity in America compared to the Great White North.

Who gives a flying ****?

Fact is these idiots are scared shitless of people who are "different" than they are -- on both sides of the border.

Obama is a man. Just like any other, he is not "scary" because he is black.

The boogie man is only scary to the one who believes in it.

So in actual fact, you are "scared"... Obama is not "scary".

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Who gives a flying ****?

At least one person in Canada..it seems.

Fact is these idiots are scared shitless of people who are "different" than they are -- on both sides of the border.

Sorry, even the scared shitless people can't vote for Obama on the other side.

Obama is a man. Just like any other, he is not "scary" because he is black.

Obama is not "black"....he is bi-racial according to the false social construct

The boogie man is only scary to the one who believes in it.

So in actual fact, you are "scared"... Obama is not "scary".

Actually, I am "blacker" than Obama...with real "slave blood". Obama should be scared of me.

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Black Americans could vote in record numbers for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, potentially giving him an edge in some states that are tightly contested with Republican rival John McCain.

Blacks make up around 12 percent of the voting population and are the Democratic Party's most reliable ethnic constituency, although historically they have voted in lower numbers than other groups.

This year, opinion polls show that more than 90 percent of blacks who vote could cast a ballot for Obama, in part because of racial solidarity with a candidate who would be the first black president in U.S. history.

"There is every indication that black turnout in 2008 will surpass all existing records both nationally and in individual states," said a report this week by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

That impact likely will be felt in states where there is a significant black minority such as Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Indiana, though analysts say it is unclear whether the black vote alone will tip the balance in any one state.


90%? It seems to me that Black Americans will largely vote for Obama. In a group of 20 black Americans, what is the chance of finding even a single Republican voter this election? So if race is a question in this election, the question should be addressed differently: It seems that Black Americans are the racists. I can understand this. They have never had the opportunity to choose a black president.


When Wilfrid Laurier or even Pierre Trudeau ran for federal PM, neither achieved anything near 90% among French-Canadians. Many French-Canadians voted against them.

I would prefer that many, even a majority of Black Americans choose to vote against Obama. I would prefer if Obama relied on White Americans for his presidency. That was the case of Jean Chretien, for example, when he won among English-Canadians but lost among French-Canadians.

In my mind, it makes for a more civilized and mature society.

Edited by August1991
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Guest American Woman
I would prefer that many, even a majority of Black Americans choose to vote against Obama. I would prefer if Obama relied on White Americans for his presidency.

Trust me. With Blacks comprising only 13.4% of the population, Obama is relying on "White Americans" for his presidency.

But by the same token, do you "prefer that many, even a majority of [White Americans], choose to vote against [McCain]?" :rolleyes:

FYI-- Democrats have traditionally counted on more than 90 percent of the black vote. link

Edited by American Woman
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Problems with Hussein Obama as President.

1. His name Barrack Hussein Obama - Three Muslim names.

2. Next to nothing known about his past.

3. Born to a Muslim from Kenya.

4. Attended a Muslim school in Jakarta.

5. Over 100 times in the house Hussein Obama has not voted yes or no just present.

6. Large Cuban flag with a portrait of mass murderer Che Guevara hangs in his office.

7. Refuses to wear American flag pin on his lapel.

8. Refuses to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.

9. Anti-American statements from his wife during campaign.

10. Stated Rev. Jeremiah Wright is his mentor for over 20 years.

11. Condemns a white man for making off colour remarks but doesn't do the same for his Mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

12. Hussein Obama's Mentor for over 20 years preaches Black Liberation Theology and Liberation Theology which are based on Marxist ideals and originated Fidel Castro's Cuba.

13.Hussein Obama's Mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright also holds James Cone's books in high regard. Dr. Cone teaches that Gods that are not for black people but for white people they'd better kill them. Also Black power which states that Blacks should kill their white oppressors by any means necessary.

14. Black Liberation theology teaches that all white people are racists.

15. Husein Obamas Mentor Rev Jeremiah Wright also teaches that Israel is a dirty word and Jews are like whites and opressors of black people. Supports and has travelled with Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam hate monger. He has been tought this doctrine for over 20 years.

16. Hussein Obama has stated that he will lift the ban on terrorist leaders and will sit down with them face to face.

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Problems with Hussein Obama as President.

1. His name Barrack Hussein Obama - Three Muslim names.

2. Next to nothing known about his past.

3. Born to a Muslim from Kenya.

4. Attended a Muslim school in Jakarta.

5. Over 100 times in the house Hussein Obama has not voted yes or no just present.

6. Large Cuban flag with a portrait of mass murderer Che Guevara hangs in his office.

7. Refuses to wear American flag pin on his lapel.

8. Refuses to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.

9. Anti-American statements from his wife during campaign.

10. Stated Rev. Jeremiah Wright is his mentor for over 20 years.

11. Condemns a white man for making off colour remarks but doesn't do the same for his Mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

12. Hussein Obama's Mentor for over 20 years preaches Black Liberation Theology and Liberation Theology which are based on Marxist ideals and originated Fidel Castro's Cuba.

13.Hussein Obama's Mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright also holds James Cone's books in high regard. Dr. Cone teaches that Gods that are not for black people but for white people they'd better kill them. Also Black power which states that Blacks should kill their white oppressors by any means necessary.

14. Black Liberation theology teaches that all white people are racists.

15. Husein Obamas Mentor Rev Jeremiah Wright also teaches that Israel is a dirty word and Jews are like whites and opressors of black people. Supports and has travelled with Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam hate monger. He has been tought this doctrine for over 20 years.

16. Hussein Obama has stated that he will lift the ban on terrorist leaders and will sit down with them face to face.

So are you trying to say foreign culture has no place in domestic politics?

If you are then I agree with you 100%.

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Actually I think race works for him more than against him. You cannot attack him politically without it being spun into racism. The lastest concoction is that socialist is really a racist "code word" for black. :rolleyes:

Anyways, if Obama wins the election, it will be interesting to see if we're allowed to use his middle name. Historically, American President's middle names are used quite often. George Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Richard Milhouse Nixon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frankline Delano Roosevelt, and the list goes on. I'm not sure what the answer is going to be, however, I suspect not.

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Actually I think race works for him more than against him. You cannot attack him politically without it being spun into racism. The lastest concoction is that socialist is really a racist "code word" for black. :rolleyes:

Anyways, if Obama wins the election, it will be interesting to see if we're allowed to use his middle name. Historically, American President's middle names are used quite often. George Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Richard Milhouse Nixon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frankline Delano Roosevelt, and the list goes on. I'm not sure what the answer is going to be, however, I suspect not.

I call him Husein Obama only.

That is his name.

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You cannot attack him politically without it being spun into racism.

I call BS on that one... anyone can and should challenge Obama on his policy ideas. So bring on your criticism of his ideas and what you think he might do as the President, not his daddys name. The notion that he cannot be attacked because you will only be called a racist, is counter-spin. Anyone who does it is doing the republican party a dis-service, because they only look foolish in the eyes of reasonable, thinking voters.

Ie. the more you try to play the race card the more ridiculous you are and the more marginalized you will be.

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Well the USA will have presidents of colour from now on. Not doing so will label them racist. Not siding with President Hussein Obama will result in them being labeled a racist as well. I hope I'm wrong but the fall of free world is upon us.

You are wrong, quite simply you are wrong. I have confidence that the vast majority of Americans would vote on the issues and for the person/ party that they believe is best for their country. If a person of colour, or female gender is not the one who has the best to offer, the majority should not and will not vote for them.

Unless they think like you, it seems. Then the wrong choice would be made, because its for the wrong reason. Then everyone will have big problems.

To call it racist NOT to vote for a black man, is equally unfair, and childish I might add. Just trying to educate ya some more

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You are wrong, quite simply you are wrong. I have confidence that the vast majority of Americans would vote on the issues and for the person/ party that they believe is best for their country. If a person of colour, or female gender is not the one who has the best to offer, the majority should not and will not vote for them.

Unless they think like you, it seems. Then the wrong choice would be made, because its for the wrong reason. Then everyone will have big problems.

To call it racist NOT to vote for a black man, is equally unfair, and childish I might add. Just trying to educate ya some more

We'll see. You have won the argument, I'm not going to comment anymore. The left wing have once again silenced someone with common sense. Feel better.

If they want to elect a Muslim sympathizer what should I care right? They're only at war with them.

A Muslim sympathizer with the launch codes to the biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet.

Sleep well.

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You have simpleton Canadian blacks cheering on Obama...what does that say? These non-American citizens are no different than a group of whites cheering on McCain simply on the colour of his outer coating. Race - race race seems to be the driving force. The average person is in all probablity moved by the colour of his skin and not the contents of that package - this is a shallow and sad reality.

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You have simpleton Canadian blacks cheering on Obama...what does that say? These non-American citizens are no different than a group of whites cheering on McCain simply on the colour of his outer coating. Race - race race seems to be the driving force. The average person is in all probablity moved by the colour of his skin and not the contents of that package - this is a shallow and sad reality.

Humans are a tribal people. 100 years of civilized living cannot erase thousands of savagery.

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We'll see. You have won the argument, I'm not going to comment anymore. The left wing have once again silenced someone with common sense. Feel better.

Starting to... but I'm old enough to generally know better.

"If they want to elect a Muslim sympathizer what should I care right? They're only at war with them.

A Muslim sympathizer with the launch codes to the biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet."

We are not at war with Muslims per se. Many muslim nations are friends of Canada. I think this is where your main confusion seems to come from. The vast majority of muslim people you meet in the street just want the same things you do, to raise their family in safety, to worship their god in privacy, and to mind their own business. Anyone who cannot mind their own business, who feels the need to force their views on others, be they white, black, christian or otherwise, will get vocal opposition from me. Thats what this country is all about, people living the way they want to under the rule of Canadian law, and minding their own frikkin business.

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I am getting tired of people blaming all the violence in the world on relgion. Do you really think that some Jewsish - Muslim or Christian clearic really is doing God's work...give me a break. The Mulahs and high priests and rabbis are interested in material gain - and use the brain washed religious mass to do their bidding.

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I am getting tired of people blaming all the violence in the world on relgion. Do you really think that some Jewsish - Muslim or Christian clearic really is doing God's work...give me a break. The Mulahs and high priests and rabbis are interested in material gain - and use the brain washed religious mass to do their bidding.

Don't worry. Soon they will ban religion just like they did in the USSR. We will all be the same soon.

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