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Honestly, I think Elizabeth May did a great job at the english debate: she looked confident, she sounded informed and she clearly presented her party's positions. Sure, she took a lot of cheap shots at Harper, but that's what she needed to do to show she belongs there.

Hasn't Dion been whining about how Harper isn't nice to him and respectful of the opposition? What you're saying is the opposition leaders are all obnoxious, rude, confrontational jerks - and so May fit right in.

I can't imagine myself ever voting for a person who behaves like she did; not for PM, not for Mayor, not for dog catcher.

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She actually brought some facts to the table while the other leaders mostly repeated memorized campaign script fragments.

Define "fact". She stated several things which she alleged were facts but which didn't sound much like the facts I'm familiar with.

I think that for a first-timer she delivered an outstanding performance and brought more quality and value than some of the established leaders.

She was a shrill, obnoxious, ignorant harpy with no manners or class.

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I think she's absolutely right. The other things you mention have to be dealt with, but proportional representation won't come up among politicians unless someone brings it up.

We definitely need electoral reform. They are just to cozy with their targetted ridings, polling, etc. Time to shake them up!

Were you a committed Green supporter prior to the debates though? Or perhaps NDP? Because those are really the only two groups that's going to hit home with. The point was to grow her base, not satiate her existing one.

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Elizabeth May didn't behave like a serious leader in that debate. She was rude, obnoxious, loud and all I heard from her was, "The OECD said.....!" She kept repeating it over, and over and over.

The problem, however, is that the OECD is a European-based (France I think) group whose authority and expertise is far far FAR from absolute.

Economists in Canada have NOT thrown their support behind her and you'd be hard pressed to find even one doing so regardless of what recommendations foreign economists in the OECD make.

Nobody was arguing her or really even acknowledging that she was there. Her response to this was just to get louder and even more obnoxious. I didn't know a lot about her before the debates and I have almost been cheering for her because she'll split the left even further, but I tuned her out halfway through because she was so unbelievably irritating.

I doubt very strongly that the personality she showed there (ie rude, crude and loud) will have helped at all.

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Ipso poll which I will post more fully in the political polls section.

It says:


In the fast and furious campaigning to Oct. 14, the Liberals will now be “holding on for dear life” to whatever they can manage, Dr. Bricker said.

It was a complete and utter failure and it will be interesting to see how many seats will fall now. Could a fourth place finish be possible?

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So does Harper = Bush, CONServative, and mandaTORY sentancing. Tit for Tat.

All of those things are attacks on your parties policy, not attacks on YOU personally. A better comparison would be if I posted this link to your facebook page every time you posted something.


You see, me talking about your parties bad policies like mandaTORY minimums is not the same as calling you a douchebag everytime you post something. One is an attack on your parties bad policy of imitating the failed policies of the BUSH administration, and the other is a personal attack, like your stupid tinfoil PERSONAL ATTACKS.

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All of those things are attacks on your parties policy, not attacks on YOU personally. A better comparison would be if I posted this link to your facebook page every time you posted something.


You see, me talking about your parties bad policies like mandaTORY minimums is not the same as calling you a douchebag everytime you post something. One is an attack on your parties bad policy of imitating the failed policies of the BUSH administration, and the other is a personal attack, like your stupid tinfoil PERSONAL ATTACKS.

It's not him, it's the herbicides and pesticides talking. Being exposed to those things year after year are sure to kill a few brain cells. Wait until he starts huffing that biodiesel... things are bound to get more interesting for sure!

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I did not like the moderator he seems left slanted to me and when Harper was attacked, which was often, he would let him respond only 1 in 4 times, but anyone else was allowed to respond immediately. JOKE! Also, he asked the question " do you think the Conservatives despise the arts?" or some sh*t like that. WTF was that. He would ask pointed questions that made Harper sounds like the devil!

I think Harper did pretty well holding back from lighting the rest up, although I wish he would set Layton in his place. I guess he knew that Layton is not a real threat and the Liberal party is the only threat. Elizabeth May proved to be the freak she truly is, she spouts off about some foreign report about Canada, WTF do the foreigners know about Canada? She talks about Sweden and Germany and they are both aging countries slipping into pure socialism with huge debt and no youth to pay for it. Bad examples that only win the "sypathetic" vote. She talks about the environment like she lives in the forest and recycles her own sh*t for food. She should have been excluded from the debate and sent to a PETA meeting wrapped in mink pelts.

Layton is a man about nothing. He plans on spending the EXXON tax cuts on artsy fartsy feel good parties to puff himself up. He has no fiscal common sense and avoids the real truths about the economy. Tommy Douglas would be embarrassed to have his name associated with Layton. Layton needs to go back to selling some cars.

Gilles Duceppe is only about Quebec and I would never vote for him, but I like him in the debates. His command of English is better than Dion's and he is good on TV. He has a sharp wit and I enjoy watching his expressions. No point in talking about Dion, he is just a simple joke and the type of guy who would get beat up in high school..LOL.

Harper won the debates, but I don't think it will have any affect on the votes. Harper needs Quebec and women for a majority, otherwise, we'll be doing this again in another year with Ignatief vs Harper!!

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I did not like the moderator he seems left slanted to me and when Harper was attacked, which was often, he would let him respond only 1 in 4 times, but anyone else was allowed to respond immediately. JOKE! Also, he asked the question " do you think the Conservatives despise the arts?" or some sh*t like that. WTF was that. He would ask pointed questions that made Harper sounds like the devil!

Really? I thought Steve Paikin did a really good job. Better than any other moderator I've seen for these things. He's one of the Canadian broadcast industry's best untapped gems, IMO.

You ever watch/listen to The Agenda? We don't get TVO in Manitoba, so I listen to the podcast. He's always really fair to give everyone a chance to talk, and really good at stopping people from talking over each other. I've never seen him present a bias no matter the topic.

The format just didn't allow for enough time for Harper to respond fully. That's not Paikin's fault. There were just too many people at the table.

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All of those things are attacks on your parties policy, not attacks on YOU personally. A better comparison would be if I posted this link to your facebook page every time you posted something.


You see, me talking about your parties bad policies like mandaTORY minimums is not the same as calling you a douchebag everytime you post something. One is an attack on your parties bad policy of imitating the failed policies of the BUSH administration, and the other is a personal attack, like your stupid tinfoil PERSONAL ATTACKS.

You made a tinfoil comment and you know it. I called bullshit and CTV proved me right. Curse that allergy to metal on his skin.

To say you are above personal attacks smacks of hypocrisy.

It's not him, it's the herbicides and pesticides talking. Being exposed to those things year after year are sure to kill a few brain cells. Wait until he starts huffing that biodiesel... things are bound to get more interesting for sure!

Here's another tinfoil comment. Why should I post something intelligent when I have to deal with that???

If the left is reduced to spouting off conspiracy theories and "tinfoil and toaster" comments and advertising, I'd say Harper's chances for a majority are getting better and better.

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Really? I thought Steve Paikin did a really good job. Better than any other moderator I've seen for these things. He's one of the Canadian broadcast industry's best untapped gems, IMO.

I also thought he did an excellent job. He asked the right questions and he let people hear what needed to be heard.

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You made a tinfoil comment and you know it. I called bullshit and CTV proved me right. Curse that allergy to metal on his skin.

To say you are above personal attacks smacks of hypocrisy.

Here's another tinfoil comment. Why should I post something intelligent when I have to deal with that???

If the left is reduced to spouting off conspiracy theories and "tinfoil and toaster" comments and advertising, I'd say Harper's chances for a majority are getting better and better.

You are just getting a taste of your own medicine, so stop sulking. You could have easily made the point that Harper has a metal allergy, without the tinfoil links, which are a personal attack on the poster. This is common among the conservative posters in here. Constant personal attacks against anyone who proposes a view contrary to their own belief. Attack the ideas, not the person presenting them.

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You should try and confine your inane comments to the specific threads dealing with the topics you are confused by.

Unfortunately this is standard fare for you when embarrased. We are used to it now.

People will still snicker at your posts but at least they'll be able to understand - sometimes - what you are trying to reference.

Pretty sure that snicker was directed at your juvenile denigrations of all the non jobs the leaders have had.

You should re-read the post outlining the jobs May has had. I could walk you through it and point them out if you need some help.

You are funny when angry.

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I liked the debate. I thought Harper held his own, a few gaffes. I thought Dion 's english was better than I remember, but still needs work.His talking to the camera worked. But he will be hard pressed to gain any seats overall except in Toronto as I can see him gaining a couple here.

Jack seemed to go for the sound bite and nothing more.

But the funniest line has to be Duceppes when he said he will never be PM when asked whats the first thing he would do as PM.

May showed she can hang in there , whether she is valid or not is another question. I think Peter Mackay has a fight on his hands.

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Just to interject - I spoke to an Egyptian gay single father the other day (I did not know they made hetro-gay Egyptians) :lol: This guy has lived all over the world and is fluent in many languages - He stated that Dion is forceful and dynamic when he speaks French - that his persona is powerful when he is in his own medium...perhaps he should be prime minister of Quebec and shut up. Frankly I believe what you see is what you get. Maybe the Egyptian likes Dion because he is girly :lol: NOW Ms. May is just a little to buck toothed and anglo for my liking...green shmeean.

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You are just getting a taste of your own medicine, so stop sulking. You could have easily made the point that Harper has a metal allergy, without the tinfoil links, which are a personal attack on the poster. This is common among the conservative posters in here. Constant personal attacks against anyone who proposes a view contrary to their own belief. Attack the ideas, not the person presenting them.

I am glad you brought this up. It seems you are not above personal attacks

QUOTE(geoffrey @ Sep 22 2008, 05:27 AM)

If you look at all of the world today and your biggest issue is the legalisation of something you'll never realistically be prosecuted for having... you obviously lack a level of intelligence needed to find your polling station anyways.

Sad pathetic people. Any one issue voter on this topic should really just stay home.

You are the one who is ignorant, or if not ignorant, then a bold faced liar. Thousands of Canadians, mostly young people and minorities are indeed prosecuted for having Cannabis every year. There has in fact been a 30% increase in cannabis possession charges since Harper has been prime minister. I work as a supervisor for people doing community service and fine options, and the vast majority of people I have been asked to supervise are there for cannabis related charges. Saying that people will never be realistically prosecuted for having Cannabis is an outright lie, the statistics on the thousands of canadians saddled with criminal records over cannabis every year are well documented and easy to find.

QUOTE(capricorn @ Sep 21 2008, 05:13 PM)

I agree with the approach taken by the Conservatives on illegal drug issues.

Doesnt say much for your intelligence, or ability to reason.

funny I have seen all you con supporters just blindly repeat the mantra, "i support the conservative policy" bs without being able to give any reason why, or even aknowledging that you know what that policy includes.

It is typical conservative ideology, and is based on some abstract faith that if you just believe strongly enough it will work. Goes back to the christian fundamentalist roots of the reform party. Heard any other mantras anywhere, care to recite the apostles' creed next maybe or the lord's prayer?

Science not "faith " should shape our drug policies. The government has no right to harm people with their drug laws. All substances should be regulated according to their potential for harm, not by someone's perception's of certain inanimate plants as being capable of good or evil. Conservative drug policy is misguided, harmful, and just plain stupid. Its not like the conservatives to let pesky things like facts, or science deter them from their faith so it doesn't surprise me that their drug policies are misguided and irresponsible.

QUOTE(M.Dancer @ Sep 25 2008, 09:12 AM)

So there was no smuggling when it sold at $150?

When I was in high school it sold for $10.00 an ounce.....i believe it was smuggled back then too..

psst....look up supply and demand.

YOU go look up supply and demand because you are the one who obviously can't grasp the concept.

So when you were in high school in the 30's where exactly was the legal depot to buy UNSMUGGLED cannabis?

Its so easy defeating your strawman arguments its getting boring, can't you raise the level of your arguments to keep it interesting?

This is like playing a videogame with only one setting, preschool.

QUOTE(Wild Bill @ Sep 26 2008, 03:39 AM)

As if they aren't selling the hard drugs already! What gated community do you live in?

I'm finding it hard to understand which side you're on. Your arguments since you showed up slamming Ontario voters as a solid group have been extreme and over the top. Some might say they look like a caricature of "conservative" thought. They do more to make conservative look like a bad voting choice than a good one.

If persuading people to "conservative" views is your true goal then you have very strange tactics. Perhaps there's a simpler explanation.

Posters like him show the true nature of Harper's base, blinded by their ideology and determined to force their moral judgements on the rest of us. It would be funny if Harper wasn't willing to pander to people like that with laws like C-26. I hope TCCK keeps posting because it is very telling of the kind of people that make up Harper's base and what kind of Christian Taliban state they aspire to turn Canada into.

If there were more people like wild bill and old sox helping to form the policies of the Conservatives, and less like TCCK, I wouldn't be so scared of a Conservative government. Unfortunately the party has fallen victim to people like TCCK, blueblood, and M Dancer, and has lost touch with any libertarian principles. Nothing is more important to me than civil liberties, I don't want my country to become some kind or religious/police state. Harper is worse than Ned Flanders, he's more like Adolf Flanders.

And so on and so forth. You sir are a hypocrite.

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I was waiting for Austin Powers to tear a wig off of Elizabeth May and say "That's no woman, that's a man, baby!"

I was waiting for Harper's pinocchio nose to start growing as he was lying through his clenched teeth and thin crooked smile...

That didn't happen, but his eyes got red from all the spite and anger he had to hold back...

Edited by PoliticalCitizen
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NOW Ms. May is just a little to buck toothed and anglo for my liking...green shmeean.

Well, she wasn't there to look pretty and wink at the audience like Palin :P

She has proven a formidable opponent to any and all other party leader(s).

She was fast, concise, stayed on the topic, used more facts than accusations and overall was one of the best examples of women in politics.

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I am glad you brought this up. It seems you are not above personal attacks

And so on and so forth. You sir are a hypocrite.

Even in most of your examples, my comments are in response to a personal attack from one of the conservative posters in here, who are either calling me a stoner, pothead, or tinfoil hat wearing looneytoon instead of giving any reasons why their position is the right one. Its pretty obvious to anyone who reads these threads on a regular basis knows that the left presents arguments, the right presents insults. Your cutting and pasting of selected past quotes from this forum proves nothing except that you have a lot of time on your hands. What are you some kind of lazy welfare bum? lol

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Even in most of your examples, my comments are in response to a personal attack from one of the conservative posters in here, who are either calling me a stoner, pothead, or tinfoil hat wearing looneytoon instead of giving any reasons why their position is the right one. Its pretty obvious to anyone who reads these threads on a regular basis knows that the left presents arguments, the right presents insults. Your cutting and pasting of selected past quotes from this forum proves nothing except that you have a lot of time on your hands. What are you some kind of lazy welfare bum? lol

I do have some time now, I've been finished for a week.

Read the quotes, nobody was cutting you down personally. Apparently it's alright for you to make personal attacks, but when others make them towards you, you have a bird.

Those quotes proved that you have no credibility when you are playing victim regarding personal attacks.

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I read her book; it's quite good, and very inspirational.

I AM an author, and it's not a real job. Sorry, but it's not. Lawyer, eh? What firms did she work for? The only thing I've been able to find is that she's been a gadfly protestor and activist since university. The only legal experience I've seen mentioned is sueing various groups on behalf of this or that activist groups - much like those clowns trying to get the election declared illegal.

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