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Saudi gang-rape Victim is Jailed

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Maybe this is a culture we should prefer, heck can't be any worse than listening to nasty tele-evamgelicalism or whatever.

Saudi gang-rape victim is jailed

Saudi women are subject to strict sex segregation laws

An appeal court in Saudi Arabia has doubled the number of lashes and added a jail sentence as punishment for a woman who was gang-raped.

The victim was initially punished for violating laws on segregation of the sexes - she was in an unrelated man's car at the time of the attack.

When she appealed, the judges said she had been attempting to use the media to influence them.

The attackers' sentences - originally of up to five years - were doubled.

According to the Arab News newspaper, the 19-year-old woman, who is from Saudi Arabia's Shia minority, was gang-raped 14 times in an attack in the eastern province a year-and-a-half ago.

Seven men from the majority Sunni community were found guilty of the rape and sentenced to prison terms ranging from just under a year to five years.

But the victim was also punished for violating Saudi Arabia's laws on segregation that forbid unrelated men and women from associating with each other. She was initially sentenced to 90 lashes for being in the car of a strange man.

On appeal, the Arab News reported that the punishment was not reduced but increased to 200 lashes and a six-month prison sentence.

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Maybe this is a culture we should prefer, heck can't be any worse than listening to nasty tele-evamgelicalism or whatever.

Saudi gang-rape victim is jailed

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People who say the "root causes" of 9-11 was really the fault of the U.S. must love this story: blame the victim!

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Makes you wonder why the U.S. insists that the Saudis are their friends, and why Bush holds hands with them while strolling at his ranch.

Sad isn't it, our leaders in the West stay mute on human rights violation against women and children and gays in Islamic Countries. Why for the privledge of buying their black gold, find an alternative to oil and we could tell these knuckle dragging backward animals what we really think of them.

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It makes one wonder why Sharia law was even given any kind of consideration when it was proposed in Ontario. I know it was ultimately rejected but should have been rejected immediately and forcefully.

Our government spoke up to China (for the domestic audience of course, Steve has to be tough on China's lack of human rights) yet say nary a word to those countries whose laws include stoning women, burning them or lashing and jailing them for being attacked. What a world we live in.

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More piling on happening on this thread, I see.

We've already established elsewhere that the behavior exhibited by this US ally isn't universal to all who share their heritage.

Thank you.

Just as not all germans were nazis - alot of good that did the jews.

What's relevant is how much power the extremists wield within the community.

There must be attention paid to this. If massive muslim communities swell and swell unchecked and the "voice" of those communities becomes a radical, violent voice - as in Europe, then it doesn't really matter if the majority of muslims are silent and aqcuiescent to thei - ahem - more "active" counterparts" now does it?

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Makes you wonder why the U.S. insists that the Saudis are their friends, and why Bush holds hands with them while strolling at his ranch.

Also another question of why did the US invade Iraq? Most of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. There is a double standard and hypocracy abound here. And on that note the Iraqi's were much more free under Saddam's rule than in Saudi Arabia at any time. Women did drive, women did hold important positions.

I also want to ask a serious question about the Saudi laws. If the spouse of the woman told her that she must get in the car, knowing she would be among with him, unrelated men, if she refuses, what then? Seems like she is screwed either way. If she complies, that is against Saudi rule. If she refuses, then it seems to also be against Saudi rules (because she defys her husband) and she gets a so called deserved beating either way.

People who say the "root causes" of 9-11 was really the fault of the U.S. must love this story: blame the victim!

Crappy comparison. Just for the simple fact that Bush did not think about Bin Laden too much. Bush just did not think the warnings were anything to consider. So you are comparing a man who did little to nothing to prevent the attacks given the multiple warnings from multiple sourses in multiple countries...... to a woman who is going to get screwed either way for the simple fact she was born into a crappy intolerant bigoted society.

And as Ron Paul put it, The reason we have been attacked, is because we have been doing the attacking. Again, your comparison is crappy.

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Huh? The comparison is bang on: blaming an act of violence on the behavior of the victim.

Sharia Law is a law based on the treatment of women in the seventh century, it shouldn't be allowed to be practiced in Democratic Countries. Even in the privacy of their homes, we cannot have two laws that govern the people exspecially when one of those laws is barbaric and cruel and violent. Every concession we make to "Reasonably Accomade" Muslims is in fact enforcing Sharia Law, Muslim only swims-Sharia Law. Allowing women to drive in a Burka, Sharia Law. Sadly the far left is obsessed with allowing other cultures to blossom as long as it kills ours along the way.

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Sadly the far left is obsessed with allowing other cultures to blossom as long as it kills ours along the way.

To complain is to be labeled a racist. Meanwhile...how's Jewish immigration to Saudi Arabia going?


I can accept that our culture/civilization deserves to be spanked for bringing civilization to the rest of the planet...but for how long?


Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education, and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them.

---Benjamin Disraeli

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Dog I have no idea what you are trying to articulate? Are you mocking me? If so using the fact that Islamic Countries preach hatred towards Jews isn't exactly proving your point. The hard leftards would gladly allow Hindu honour killings, Sharia Law and Somalian Tribal Laws to be practiced in Canada under their "Multicultural" ethos. Opps sorry, their agenda has been outed, now it's Diversity. Spit flying at keyboard. They don't care who suffers because of their pandering as long as their Herr Leader gets elected. The suffering of innocents isn't an issue with them unless they need that group's vote. Scum may float to the top of a pond, but it's the first to get eaten by predators.

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Dog I have no idea what you are trying to articulate? Are you mocking me? If so using the fact that Islamic Countries preach hatred towards Jews isn't exactly proving your point. The hard leftards would gladly allow Hindu honour killings, Sharia Law and Somalian Tribal Laws to be practiced in Canada under their "Multicultural" ethos. Opps sorry, their agenda has been outed, now it's Diversity. Spit flying at keyboard. They don't care who suffers because of their pandering as long as their Herr Leader gets elected. The suffering of innocents isn't an issue with them unless they need that group's vote. Scum may float to the top of a pond, but it's the first to get eaten by predators.

I agree with you...sorry if it seemed like I wasn't. My point being is that we may be tolerant and allow immigration from anywhere and everywhere...but most of the planet isn't like Canada.

I was being sarcastic in general (not towards you) in regards to the comment re: civilization & spanking.

I hope that clears things up.



I'm a travelin' man, followin' the breeze...

---Tommy Hunter

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I agree with you...sorry if it seemed like I wasn't. My point being is that we may be tolerant and allow immigration from anywhere and everywhere...but most of the planet isn't like Canada.

I was being sarcastic in general (not towards you) in regards to the comment re: civilization & spanking.

I hope that clears things up.



I'm a travelin' man, followin' the breeze...

---Tommy Hunter

No harm no foul, or is that fowl?

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When this woman gets out of jail, someone on TV said she will "disappear" because she brought shame on her family. SAD. As far as the Royal Saudis go, yes SOME of them are friends of the US or Bush family, but there are some that aren'tand even though they too treat their women badly, the west will never invade this country instead, they are WILLING to buy the oil rather than take it over!

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When this woman gets out of jail, someone on TV said she will "disappear" because she brought shame on her family. SAD. As far as the Royal Saudis go, yes SOME of them are friends of the US or Bush family, but there are some that aren'tand even though they too treat their women badly, the west will never invade this country instead, they are WILLING to buy the oil rather than take it over!

If the west wanted to take over this arifically installed "kingdomship" - it would be easy - what are they going to do - run us over with a fleet of desert dusty Mercedes cars? Saudi should have been put under pressure a long time ago - and contained and controled and utilized. It's common knowledge that the spoiled child adverturer Bin Ladin...is probably home in Saudi hiding under the bed some where - and it is also common knowledge that it was Saudi money sent over the boarder that assisted in training "terrorist"..but because the buisness elite are in close association with our buisness guys and the Americans - no one wants to offend their friends - but I suspect it is more sinister than that. Might be some blackmail issues that no one wants to talk about. Just imagine what the Saudis know about the personal asspects and the buisness dealing that were shady practiced by the west? Surely there is something going on and the weight of embarrassment looms over the head of people like - you know...that vice president fellow.

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There are three points about this case that posters in this thread and others seem to have ignored.

The sentence against the 19-year-old Shia woman from Qatif, in the Eastern Province of the country, was passed because she was in the car of a man who was not a relative at the time of the attack, which contravened strict Saudi laws on segregation.

A court had originally sentenced the woman to 90 lashes and the rapists to jail terms of between 10 months and five years but increased the punishment after an appeal, saying the woman had tried to use the media to influence them.

Her offence was in meeting a former boyfriend, whom she had asked to return pictures he had of her because she was about to marry another man.

The couple was sitting in a car when a group of seven Sunni men kidnapped them and raped them both, lawyers in the case told Arab News.

The former boyfriend was also sentenced to 90 lashes for being with her in private.

The victims' lawyer, Abdul-Rahman al-Lahem, was also ordered to face disciplinary action after he spoke to the media about the original sentence.

Daily Telegraph

First of all, both the girl and the ex-boyfriend were raped. (I know this is Saudi Arabia but didn't Ahmadinejad recently say that homosexuality didn't exist in Iran? IME, homosexuality is as prevalent if not more in the ME than it is in North America. OTOH, rape is an act of violence and this case confirms that.)

Second, the woman was found guilty of being with a man (her ex-boyfriend) who was not a family member. Despite Western press reports, her guilt had nothing to do with the rape.

Third, her punishment was compounded - and her lawyer has also been charged - because they went to the media with the case.

I find this last point intriguing. How many similar cases do we never hear of? Why did this young woman go to the media? And what to make of the fact that she is Shia? (My own supposition is that she's not Saudi and she and her family are angry about their treatment. One of the consequences of the Iraq war is that Shia feel less like second-class citizens.)

Also another question of why did the US invade Iraq? Most of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. There is a double standard and hypocracy abound here. And on that note the Iraqi's were much more free under Saddam's rule than in Saudi Arabia at any time. Women did drive, women did hold important positions.
The US invaded Iraq because there was grounds to believe that Saddam had, was developing and would use WMD against the US. NATO invaded Afghanistan because it had provided a place for al-Qaeda to form and organize. Because of these invasions, both threats are now smaller and moreover, other threats elsewhere in the world are also smaller.

The US military is not the world's policeman. It only intervenes if there is a direct threat to American interests or because of treaty obligations. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, however unsavoury its regime, is not a threat to the US. Many atrocities and injustices occur everyday around the world. For the most part, we turn a blind to them.

I also want to ask a serious question about the Saudi laws. If the spouse of the woman told her that she must get in the car, knowing she would be among with him, unrelated men, if she refuses, what then? Seems like she is screwed either way. If she complies, that is against Saudi rule. If she refuses, then it seems to also be against Saudi rules (because she defys her husband) and she gets a so called deserved beating either way.
No Saudi husband would tell his wife to get into a car alone with strange men and no self-respecting Saudi wife would get into such a car.
When this woman gets out of jail, someone on TV said she will "disappear" because she brought shame on her family.
I wonder about that. It is hard to believe that she went to the media without the approval of her parents. She is Shia which means that she is either not Saudi or else she's part of a distinct minority. Edited by August1991
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The US invaded Iraq because there was grounds to believe that Saddam had, was developing and would use WMD against the US. NATO invaded Afghanistan because it had provided a place for al-Qaeda to form and organize. Because of these invasions, both threats are now smaller and moreover, other threats elsewhere in the world are also smaller.

Those are the "Bush" reasons for the wars. And they turned out to be completly false. If you want a place for Al-Queda to flourish, again we can look at Saudi Arabia.

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,313063,00.html Nov 27/2007 These are guys they rounded up in 2003, and since 2003.

All it took was a promise not to wage jihad on the Arabian Peninsula for the Saudi royal family to free 1,500 imprisoned Al Qaeda members, declaring they had been "reformed."

I promise I won't drive out the infidels. Laughable.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2004Dec18.html Dec 18-19/2004

Many people in the kingdom are not only angry over the bloodshed but also fearful of al Qaeda's attempt to turn Saudi Arabia, a deeply conservative tribal society, into an even more conservative Islamic theocracy, several Saudi reformers said in interviews

I wonder why Al-Queda in Saudi Arabia is rarely mentioned

Turmoil in neighboring Iraq is also fueling anger against Americans. A number of Saudis involved with al Qaeda in the kingdom became radicalized after going to Iraq to fight U.S. military forces there, American and other Western counterterrorism officials said.

They came from all over, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and Saudi Arabia.

http://www.cfr.org/publication.html?id=7740 not dated

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4749812.stm Feb 26/2005

The statement said the attack at the oil-processing plant at Abqaiq was part of al-Qaeda's campaign to force "infidels" out of the peninsula.

But they promised not to do it anymore. Damn, only if I promise not to speed anymore, I won't get pulled over by the cops. I PROMISE !!! Trust me, I am Al-Queda, I stand by my words.

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