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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. The religion of peace has been quite busy this weekend, in malls, churches, markets and funerals, reaping infidel souls for Allah

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. scribblet


      At least 56 Christians dead in Pakistan church suicide bombing. Does that count as Islamist terrorism.

    3. sharkman


      And this is all the proof I need. Mighty AC, Moonlight, Bonam, etc., who are front and center when it's time to criticize christians and christianity are strangely muted when muslims are involved. This demonstrates their biases far more than any words.

  2. The report concludes that anti-Zionism is the most prominent face of contemporary anti-Semitism on campuses today, and that the best statistical predictors of overall anti-Semitic activity on a campus are the presence of groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and the number of faculty who have endorsed the academic boycott of Israel. Significantly, they found that the level of BDS activity on campus is the best predictor of anti-Jewish hostility.

    1. Argus


      One could also say that 'anti-Zionism' is the most prominent face of anti-Semitism at MLW today.

    2. BubberMiley


      You really feel your prejudices are more virtuous than other people's prejudices?

  3. The stake. An appropriate punishment for a men without legs.

  4. The Stock Market: Where else can so many make so much from doing so little!? God bless Capitalism and my portolio!!

    1. Shady


      Better cash out soon. One quantitative easing stops, the market's gonna tank.

    2. Argus


      Nope. It's the only game in town!

    3. Shady


      Huh? Commodities, bonds, etc.

  5. The study, titled “The Lovers of Death? — Islamist Extremism in Our Mosques, Schools and Libraries”, says what worried them was not the presence of extremist literature in Ottawa school and mosque libraries, but that they found only such writings.

    1. Argus
    2. Argus


      The authors are both experts in this field of Islamist extremism and terrorism. One is a Muslim who has researched and written extensively on the issue of Islamist extremism in the Middle East and Canada. He has had his life threatened on more than one occasion for speaking out. The other has significant experience in the Canadian security and intelligence community. He is also a court qualified expert on the structure and organization of jihadist terrorism in the Ontario Superior Court and t...

  6. The total lack of empathy or concern for anyone not perceived as a qualified victim (ie, minorities, disabled, gays, certain women) is why the Left is still so extraordinarily dangerous to freedom and liberty.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WestCoastRunner


      You forgot children, and do these certain women happen to be women who cry 'rape' or 'domestic violence'?

    3. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Yet the right seems ever so willing to strip away our privacy.

    4. GostHacked


      Left, right, all the same to me. All idiots and jerks.

  7. The United States had constructed 12,000 miles of pipelines in the last five years. Apparently pipelines are only dangerous to the environment when they come from Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      There really isn't a point is there?

    3. overthere


      "Apparently, the point sailed right over your head." it nearly collided with the point on his head. Oh, the humanity.

    4. Argus


      Saw a Dem Senator on MSNBC, said American environment groups weren't really against pipelines, just against the Oil Sands.

  8. The Woodstock generation's new motto is 'never trust anyone under 60'.

  9. There are a lot of very dumb people here, and a lot of others who appear to be clinging to sanity by their fingernails.

    1. Shady


      Some people have gone completely off the deep end. Like Might Hypocrite.

    2. Topaz


      It all depend me how the government cuts and actions have hurt certain people and it looks like the pols show they hurt many people.

  10. There are a million small, tearful tragedies every day. If you're not in the midst of one you're having a pretty good day.

    1. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      A point worth remembering.

  11. There is only one Scrooge

  12. There's something special about a 'family values' Republican Congressman calling for food stamp recipients to be tested for drugs getting himself arrested for buying and using cocaine.

  13. think you probably shouldn't be allowed to update your status until you've made a dozen posts or so...

    1. Greg


      I am working on it!

  14. thinks it would be easier to locate missing girls by aerial surveillance if, uh, you didn't announce to the world you were going to go over there and try to locate the missing girls with aerial surviellance...

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Don't worry about that too much. There could be a drone right over your head, day or night, and you won't know it.

    2. Shady


      What does that have to do with finding the girls?

  15. thinks it's pretty freaking wierd that a country which doesn't even have toilets for half its population is spending money on sending a spaceship to Mars.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boges


      Perhaps that's inevitable when your percentage of the world's population is in double digits.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      At least they didn't piss it away on another missile silo like some others I can think of.

    4. WWWTT


      Could be a national pride thing? But I agree with you. There are more important things than sending a payload out into space!

  16. thinks it's time for both McGuinty boys to exit stage left...

  17. thinks its time to put more money into his TFSA!

  18. thinks its wierd the US has named the newest, most powerful warship on earth after Gerald Ford, a non-elected President of 2 years who was known for his clumsiness.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cybercoma


      Now that the ship is a Ford, it'll probably need to be repaired more frequently than all the other ships.

    3. cybercoma


      Now that the ship is a Ford, are we going to find video of it with a crack in its hull?

    4. cybercoma


      Are they going to name a second smaller ship Ford, whose sole purpose is to come to the bigger Ford's rescue?

  19. Thinks monsieur Bernier should invest in some padded undies for his upcoming trip to the woodshed.

  20. thinks nine is the perfect age to teach little girls how to fire Uzi submachineguns on automatic! Who would think otherwise?!

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Boges


      They're talking about it in the thread Big Guy made about the topic. Was this something the company condoned?

    3. Argus


      Yep. As young as 8 is fine with these guys. Pretty goofy.

    4. Boges


      I've been hearing it would have actually been safer to give her an assault rifle because at least she could stabalize a gun like that against her shoulder.

  21. thinks Robitussin isn't as tasty as he'd like...

    1. cybercoma


      Drink some Neo-Citran instead.

  22. thinks Robtussin isn't as tasty as it could be...

  23. thinks Stephen Harper is like a GOD!

  24. thinks there is a growing number of unbalanced people in dire need of medication posting here.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The_Squid


      Yeah.... Completely lost it. A bunch of crazy nonsense!

    3. Smallc


      I think I agree.

    4. GostHacked


      overthere... over here *puff puff pass*.

  25. thinks there's something wrong when 95% of the gains made from the economic recovery goes to just 1% of the population.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus


      I don't think you know much about the stock market, Shady.

    3. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Agree...we either have to fix this problem or make me part of the 1%.

    4. sharkman


      There's a lot wrong with the US economy/recovery. Sooner or later they will have to stop pumping 85 billion/month into it.

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