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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. It's interesting that any attempt to question our immigration system incites Lefties into shreking, drooling, howling anger. Yet not one of them is capable of discussing the merits of the program with any knowledge or intelligence.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Argus


      I'm actually much better equipped to common on the ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy of those who can't discuss an issue without throwing out insults, since I run into such people here every day.

    3. On Guard for Thee
    4. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      I honestly think your immigration views and links are quite thought-provoking: I've started using some of them IRL. Keep it up.

  2. Just back from the home and garden show. Think I've found a successful immigrant tradesman to build my water feature.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WestCoastRunner
    3. rotary


      Right. So Europeans are the only potential immigrants who understand bathrooms?

  3. just bought a treadmill so he can work hard while accomplishing nothing and getting nowhere. Gee, it'll be like working for the government again!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Argus


      And of course you can't have a treadmill in the basement without a TV and DVD player so you can be entertained, and some tables and chairs...

    3. WWWTT


      What are you talking about? I just came back from a 30 minute jog this morning. This week so far I worked out (includes jogs) 4.5hrs! After breakfast I will do another 30 minutes of stomach crunches and stretches. Try and top that buddy!

  4. Just finished putting up the tree and decorating the house! Welcome to December!

  5. Just had a root canal. Ugh.

    1. Ash74


      Poor soul. I feel for ya. Hope it goes away quick

  6. just killed a fly in his house and is confused about where it could have come from given its been minus freaking whatever for as long as he can remember.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus


      This house has been completely empty until 2 weeks ago when I moved in. Nothing to eat! How do they survive without food?

    3. BubberMiley


      Obviously a dead body buried in the basement

  7. Just noticed monty16 was banned. Wooohoo! Cleanup on aisle four!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cybercoma


      I don't remember who that is.

    3. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      So he/she creates another avatar and returns. What's the big deal?

    4. The_Squid


      Good riddance.

  8. Just paid $300 to the lousy government so I could keep driving my own damn car.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BubberMiley


      I thought people in Fort McMurray had it bad but that's just horrible.

    3. waldo


      you should create a thread Argus... really express your pain!

    4. scribblet


      Now that Toronto is increasing bike lanes on Bloor St. (Toronto) it's time cyclists started paying road taxes.

  9. Just spent 2 hours turning his desk 180 degrees and moving it two feet and thinks someone needs to come up with wireless power.

    1. The_Squid


      They have these things called extension cords.......

    2. Sleipnir


      2 hours to turn a desk around?

    3. Argus


      VERY heavy executive desk with power cords going into and under the pedestals hooked to computer etc.

  10. Justin Bieber given $2 million Bugatti Veyron as surprise gift. Suffer, you haters!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kimmy


      If I had $2 million, I think I could find better ways to spend it.

    3. Argus


      I wish I had $2 million dollars so I could buy him a present!

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      He may need it for his court costs.

  11. Justin Trudeau promises all new Supreme Court judges will be French.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. scribblet


      To 'ell with qualifications and merit, French beats out both.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Harper tried that...didn't work.

    4. overthere


      Harper was a transvestite for a week? Definitely going to need a link for that claim.

  12. Kansas repudiates Wyatt Earp, passes law to allow all drunks to openly carry six-guns in the streets. Yee Hawww!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Argus


      Think of barroom fights where everyone's got a six gun on their hips. That's the way the old west was when Earp decided to clean it up.

    3. The_Squid


      six guns?? Hardly... try 15 round clips...


    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      That's right. If you're gonna do a proper NRA style mass shooting you need at least an AR15.

  13. Kathleen Wynne to campaign for Trudeau in Ontario. "Vote for Justin and he'll do to Canada what we've done to Ontario". Boy ,Harper is sure to win now!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Well it seems we are back in the right country now.

    3. The_Squid


      Mulcair never led the polls in the last election! LOL

    4. poochy


      I wonder how many here are complaining about federal debt while have been voting for Ontario liberals. No doubt some.

  14. Kerry: We have uh, administrative procedures to go through before making a pipeline decision, you know. Yes, er, adminstrative procedures. No, I can't say what those are. No, I don't know how long they will take. Afraid to make a decision? Obama? Phsawww! Don't be silly!

  15. Known Canadian terrorist supporter stopped in the nick of time. Thanks FBI. CSIS and CSEC explained that they might have noticed what he was doing but all their agents were in French language class since their first priority is ensuring a high degree of bilingualism among their employees.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Smoke


      Poor Ralph Goodale had a hard time keeping up the spin on power and politics this evening.

    3. Smoke


      Haha that all you got Squid....but Harper, but Harper....lol

    4. ?Impact


      Must have been one hellofa big French class, or do we only have 3 agents in the country?

  16. Liberal fiscal plan just for show and has little infrastructure spending. Reason for going into deficit is so they can promise more goodies to special interests. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/andrew-coyne-a-liberal-fiscal-plan-thats-all-for-show

    1. Boges


      What about the Middle Class!!!????

    2. overthere


      tax and spend.

      quelle surprise.

  17. Liberal government decides that bilingualism is more important than legal knowledge in judges. No more supreme court judges will be appointed from Anglo Canada. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/newfoundland-to-remain-without-judge-on-supreme-court/article30998701/

    1. Smoke


      There are many good french people that make Canada great. It's the FROGS that ruin it.

    2. msj


      Should make Newfie an official language and then the qualification can be to know 2/3 official languages. Maybe that will help get a Newfie on the SCOC.

  18. Liberal party crawls before Chinese government, agrees to triple number of Chinese foreign workers in Canada if only China will pat Trudeau on his head and let him take a selfie.

  19. Liberal Party memberships are now free! Well... you get what you pay for, I guess.

    1. The_Squid


      I didn't pay anything for your opinion either....

    2. The_Squid


      But I still feel ripped off! lol

  20. Liberals carbon tax to cost the average Canadian family about $2600 per year and do absolutely nothing to prevent global warming.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smallc


      yes everyone thought that global GHG emissions would fall because British Columbia - give your head a shake. Better yet, use it to think.

    3. Ash74


      The BC carbon tax is almost revenue neutral

      Something that is actually working. Not just a cash grab

  21. Liberals moving to make marriage fraud easier again. No reason you should need to live with spouse 2 years says McCallum. Instant citizenship will allow you to divorce them immediately and still retain that prized Canadian passport!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. msj


      Either way, better ways need to be sought to deal with fraud...

    3. msj


      Husbands now have less incentive to pay big bucks for a mail order bride since she will not be captive as long (hopefully).

    4. msj


      Of course, this assumes the bride is aware of the law in Canada, a big if.

  22. Liberals think too many immigrants are working so have decided to bring over more 'family class', ie, those without job skills or education in order to provide work for welfare workers.

  23. Liberals working to remove visas for Mexicans travelling to Canada even though 1 in 4 applied for refugee status before the visa was imposed. Almost all were rejected but it was costing $400 million a year to process them. Sunny ways, says Trudeau! What care I!? It's only money!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      Couldn't you simply remove the visa requirement and make a list of countries whose citizens cannot apply for refugee status?

    3. Argus


      The Supreme Court would not allow it.

    4. -1=e^ipi


      Can't we change the law?

  24. likes frozen yogurt

  25. Looking for purple squirrels. A profitable business.

    1. ?Impact


      Cool, I hadn't heard that term before.

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