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Everything posted by HisSelf

  1. Instead of backing up your opinion by hiding behind the countries that agree with you, why not tell us what was right about the decision in your own words?
  2. Might be a good idea. Would give a chance to assess claims that he butchered 1% of the population.
  3. Talk radio in the US is no different than a billboard. You have hosts who hang up on anyone who disagrees with them. The result is that people who disagree with the hosts do not call in. Putting it all together.... Talk radio is essentially a platform for the people who hire talk radio hosts.
  4. My take is this... Russia supports Serbia = Bush supports Kosovo. More of the same old same old. Another major screw-up by the Bush administration.
  5. The same mistake Chamberlain made. Europe never believed that Versailles was right.
  6. Support for Israel is the ultimate test? There sure are a lot of pro-Israel supporters here. Do you realy think the world should be operated on the basis of what is best for Israel? What an amazing post...
  7. What am I missing? How in the hell can someone with the id Bush_Cheney2004 have any credibility here? You blew it long ago, bubba.
  8. I am adding my voice to those who say this should be a federal holiday. I mean, come on. It's February for Chrissakes! Give us a break!
  9. Vietnamese boatpeople come to mind. But then they were the outcome of a US foreign policy gone sour too, weren't they? US foreign policy has assumed an importance beyond it's enforcement reach. Time for a World Court.
  10. Apparently familiarity breads contempt. I just made that up. Hoo ha. Bollocks to the Castro attackers. Apparently we do not have a lot of contributors here who know a single bloody thing about the history of Cuba. What a pity. I'm disappointed that Castro did not take this opportunity to announce democracy for Cuba. I think they are ready. We could really use a social healthcare ally right about now. Hopefully they are waiting in the wings. But they are not waiting for word from George WhatAnIdiot Bush.
  11. I don't know what le Pierre would do, but we are dealing with a very different case here. Yugoslavia broke up after the disintegration of the USSR and what we are seeing here is the battle of various stakeholders to claim the bits. With Quebec, we have yet to see stage one: the breaking up of the federation. If Quebec separates, that is where we will be, but we are not there yet, thank you very much.
  12. I've read Rand's books. When I read the huge rambling monologues, particularly in "Atlas Shrugged", I am reminded of Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury". She was an idiot. Saddam would have loved her.
  13. Heeb is a well established derogatory term for Jews. There is probably a similar site somewhere with the word turban in the title. The site is a crock, like all racist sites.
  14. Do not think of it as your failing. This is an outcome of the economic system. In any free market there has to be an entire range of products, those that have a market and those that do not. If the product is human, we cannot turn our backs and still be humane...
  15. Hegemon. Ha-ha. Hoisted with your own petard... Too good to be true. I've only been here a day and already I have a bishop in my sack.
  16. People saw they had no choice. They did not want to cut and run. Now they see that they were just throwing good money after bad. He was indeed wrong. Another blow to Presidential credibility and the US moral high ground. How many more can the US take? The economy is expanding beyond North America. The US is losing the economic power to call the shots. Time to straighten up and fly right.
  17. I haven't read all of the posts in this thread, and this has probably been said already... A lot of the justifications for an Afro-centric school seem to centre on history... Having been through the Ontario system many years before, I have no doubt that there is not a lot of Afro-history taught. When I was there, the Boer war was sort of avoided LOL. There was some focus on the sins of Germany and Italy. LOL. I agree that there should be a more generalized approach to history in our schools, but I think Afro-centric (or any-centric) schools are a big mistake. Schools are about education, to be sure, but they are also about socialization, and we need to get everybody working togetjher, do we not? How can the electorate reject faith-based schools and end up with this? I am scratching my head.
  18. Sometimes I wonder about the police. We recently had a major child pornography bust in Ontario. The OPP (Fantino) announced that there were 15,000 computers in Ontario distributing child pornography. Maybe there are, but why are we being told this BEFORE the arrests have been made? How would you react if the police told you that there would be 500 murders this year or 1000 stock frauds? Seems a little.... odd.
  19. You can't make crust and you attribute your cooking skills to getting laid? Sounds like you've been hanging out with some cheap tarts
  20. Why not use the Pinochet apporach? A helicopter, a canvas sack, and a little binder twine... Clint Eastwood. I love it. I've seen most of his movies. Psychopath-o-rama. Right up there with Schwartzenpecker. So if Eastwood were to come up against Pinidiochet, which side would Schwartzenpecker be on? Something to mull over while you're contemplating the view from the porch, n'est-ce pas?
  21. We need a solid and well-equipped armed force. We need it to defend our country. Are we really putting our dollars to their best use by putting our military in Afghanistan? We have a weak flank a lot closer to home. And by buying equipment and training people for Afghanistan, we are weakening that flank. When the US was attacked on 9/11, I was all for going into Afghanistan and doing what had to be done. But since then I have seen the US take its focus off of Afghanistan and put it into Iraq, where there was very little threat to the west. At the same time, the US administration has constantly put pressure on its NATO Treaty allies to backstop this idiot adventure by backfilling in Afghanistan. It is time we all took a very close look at what the US has gotten us into and why. We need to think about where our own interests are best served. The Europeans did so long ago and chose a different path. I think they were right.
  22. I am with you. Lawyers are the ones who keep drawing our attantion to this crap. Some of them pay a big price for it. Look at what happened to Rocco Galati! I don't know what happened with this case, but the police are one of the guardians of the justice system (the Ministries, judges and lawyers are the others) and it seems to me that any case involving them should be expedited as a bulwark to the entegrity of the system and that a delay like this should be scrutinized. There are a lot of damned fine lawyers out there and damned fine cops too. But no system should be left to its own devices.
  23. Think of food bank costs as an outcome of economic policy. How's that for economics?
  24. What do you think would be the cost of food riots? Talk about ignorant about economics!
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