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  1. I only suggested the International Court because it was set up by left wing idiots, and it would be priceless to see them have to try one of their own darling Socialist/Marxist butcher's. As to the comments about Bush et al. At least Bush was elected twice and democratically at that. The mission in Iraq was UN supported just like the Afghanistan mission. Castro has held power and seized power with the gun and by brutal murder of all who disagree with his Socialist Tyranny.
  2. Today they harvest human organ's to get rid of their dissidents, they are still a brutal Communist regime. www.ninecommentaries.com
  3. I thought it was just the evil Israeli's that didn't want the Palestinian Homocide Bomber's. Amazing how the leftwing MSM have kept quiet about the Moslem wall's keeping the Palestinian, killers out of their Moslem land's.
  4. Why should Butcher Castro not stand trial, Allende, was hounded, the Serb's paid the price. The Nazi butchers at Nuremberg. Why not the darling of the Trudeauites. The Trudeau ass lickers favourite hero Fidel and his gutless buddy Che.
  5. The useful idiot Trudeau sniffing Fidels A-s. http://www.therealcuba.com/The%20Useful%20Idiots.htm
  6. The coward Che getting his, in Bolivia. Death pictures. http://www.therealcuba.com/MurderedbyChe.htm
  7. The Castro Butcher Squads. http://www.therealcuba.com/page5.htm
  8. Castro charged with crimes against humanity Judicial Watch brings case against dictator in Belgium -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: October 08, 2001 1:00 am Eastern © 2008 WorldNetDaily.com RE-COPIED ARTICLE DELETED by moderator
  9. Now that Fidel Castro has stepped down. Is it not time for him to face the International Court for crimes against humanity. Over 100,000 Cubans were murdered by this man for not supporting his Socialist/Marxist ideals. Let him rot in jail.
  10. I suppose Bayman, you also subscribe to the idea that Alberta's resources belong to Canada as well. You really shouldn't be too darn proud to crow about an illegitimate document like Trudeau and Chretien's Charter and Canada Act. A document that was never ratified by Canadian Voter's. It really does show how ignorant you are of History and the facts. The sooner Alberta quits supporting the failed Sociliast Dreams of Trudeau the Commie Ass Kisser the better.
  11. Entitlement programs starting with the Trudeau era, and ending in $4,000,000,000,000.00 in total public debt with an actual base of about 15M actual taxpayers. Pretty well seals our fate. The Canadian Taxpayer suffers under a burden of rules and laws and regulations that is in excess of 550,000 PAGES, you need an extension ladder to reach the top page. All this paper is shuffled by union scale Public servants. About 40% of every taxdollar extorted from the rightful owners the people goes into supporting a bloated, Gubmint. The average Public Servant earns 48% more in real wages and benefits than the same worker in private industry. We are overtaxed and over governed and over regulated. We need to end about 60% of all Gubmint programs, and fire 60% of Gubmint workers. Get back to the basics. Let people take care of themselves more and leave them enough of their own property to do that.
  12. According to some experts the claim to the biggest enviromental disaster in the world goes to Quebec and the massive James Bay Hydro project, build with tax dollars from all Canadians and one of the biggest CO2 emmitters in the world. It needs to be shutdown.
  13. No publishing pictures of the prophet is not a crime, in fact does anyone know where to buy toilet paper depicting the prophet. I would like large quanities. I think I could turn a good dollar selling it over the internet.
  14. Canadians are more likely to die at the hands of the local Gestapo, than they are Terrorists. Bring home all Canadians from Afghanistan and let them go at each other full throttle. Just sell them guns and dynamite.
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