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About Melanaszomos

  • Birthday 04/24/1989

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  1. here to u cand find some sources etc http://zeitgeistmovie.com/transcript.htm
  2. most sources are here http://zeitgeistmovie.com/sources.htm i hope this will help u
  3. I thought that it would be cool to make a poll like that.. Personally i would vote for the NDP. I am anti-wa, anti privatization and pro- socialist so its a party that expresses me (even though i dont like the bureaucratic leaders:)
  4. for the full article: http://www.marxist.ca/content/view/303/45/ By Alex Grant
  5. Zeitgeist the movie! a movie that all people interested in politics should watch! http://zeitgeistmovie.com/
  6. The war in Afganistan despite being an enormous burden for us tax payers its a disaster for the local population. Thousands of civilians have died , tens of Canadian soldiers have died and injured and the fight is still going. Canada has stopped a tradition of peace keeping and commences a new era of combat! Canadians are actually fighting every day against the evil Talibans. But if we take another aproach to the issue maybe the Taliban are fighting for the UN charter right of national independence which was violated by the NATO forces. Maybe this is the reason that thousants of youth every year join the ranks of the "evil terrorists". But no, this is another lie by the NDP . The Good NATO forces invaded Afganistan to fight the evil Taliban just as the good NATO forces invaded Iraq not because of the oil but because of the evil terrorist. -Oh my God a terrorist! -Don't worry mom it was just a cat! This is how we are going to end up!
  7. A reply to all of you. First of all the song to the video is called a las baricadas and it is Spanish not Russian. You see a lot of communist phantoms. Relax, the Soviet Union collapsed. You are SAFE! Second of all, the Liberals and Conservatives are purposely underfunding public health care in order to promote private health care. And I ask. How did public health care work all this year and suddenly now it is rendered something impossible to work? So according to you our system has to turn like the american ,where you have to pay 3000$ for a broken leg? Where they let you die if you have no money for the hospital? The public health care system was won by years of stuggling and it is a social achievement. Your parents fought for it for god's sake! And now suddenly it is something evil that costs tax payers money... We ll see how you ll like it when we have private health care and you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for insurance. I have american friends and they are all jealous of our healthcare system which we won with our own blood! Such social achievements will not be lost because of some propagandizing neo-liberal news paper editors who invented these theories of how bad public health care is and how it doesn't work in order to achieve their own selfish interests , throwing to the garbage the interests of the population!
  8. The guy who owns communistwiki is a dear friend of mine so I allowed him to use my essay for the part arguments for Stalin! It is in fact my essay..
  9. Look for all of you who are complaining. Stalin killed millions I know! But we have to look at his motives if we want to make a serious discussion. Look I am not a Stalinist or a communist. But I am someone who doesn't like to eat chewed food. Meaning I don't like buying all the propaganda from either side. I use my logic and I also do research. No one is condemning the French Revolutionaries for wiping the aristocracy out of the map. Why should we condemn Stalin who wiped out the Whites who were fascists and supported the Czar? Why shouldn't he wipe out Nazi collaborators? Do you thin that Hitler did not try to infiltrate the Soviet Union with Nazis before he invaded. Long before he invaded? Those poor millions (who in fact were according to historical facts only 1-2 millions ) were either Nazis, or Czarists who fought against the Bolsheviks in the civil war, or traitors to their motherland or greedy kulaks who once oppressed the Russian peasants . Why does it always have to be bad Soviets against good Americans? I know that the Soviet Union after Stalin's death turned into a state capitalist country because of the reactionary Krutchev and his clique . But as long as Stalin was in power Socialism as the Communists want to call it , existed in The Soviet Union and the people benefited from it. This opinion of mine has nothing to do with policies of the NDP. It is just a personal opinion. Either you like using your heads for once, either you just want to reproduce Capitalist propaganda. It is your choice!
  10. I wrote this a couple of months ago. After hearing a lot about Stalin and after doing some research I came to write the following essay on him. I hope you like it. Stalin is one of the most criticized, but at the same time one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. Many have compared him to Hitler, just as many have compared him to a Messiah that liberated Europe. Many call him a villain, just as many call him a hero. Was Stalin a killer and a fascist as his opponents claim, or was he one of the most prominent leaders of the great Soviet Union? Stalin is accused by his political opponents that he abandoned the idea of a world revolution. After the failure of the revolutions in Germany, Hungary, Austria and other European countries, Stalin , a bureaucrat ,invented the idea of socialism in one country, which was opposed to Lenin’s internationalism. Thus Stalin , according to his opponents condemned the revolution to a failure , bringing the rise of bureaucracy, nationalism and state capitalism. In reality though, the possibility of sustaining socialism in one country is a fundamental principle of Leninism. Lenin argued that socialism can prevail in the beginning in some or even one capitalist country. After it had destroyed the capitalists and organized the socialist production it would uprise against the capitalists of other countries, with the help of the working class of those countries, using even military force if necessary, against the exploiters and their governments. Stalin followed the values and virtues of Leninism by the book in that case. The fact is that Lenin and Stalin believed that at the final victory of the revolution, communism, would only be global because it cannot sustain itself differently. But socialism, which was the case in the USSR, could sustain itself in a union of socialist countries or even in one country. Therefore Stalin, not only organized a socialist economy within the USSR, he aided communist parties all over the world to create revolutions. After the Red Army defeated the Germans in the Second World War and liberated Europe, the revolution was spread throughout Eastern Europe, including East Germany. So Joseph Stalin did not only manage to build socialism in the USSR and protect the revolution from the Capitalists and the Fascists, he managed to spread the revolution all over Eastern Europe. By 1953 , the Communist block covered an immense territory , mainly thanks to Stalin. In the economic sector it is acknowledged by everyone in the political left( Stalinists , Trotskyists and Social Democrats ) and the political center and political right , that during the Stalin era ( 1928 - 1953) the economic improvements were immense. Objective estimates say that the annual economic growth during the rule of Stalin was 14% . Indeed, Stalin’s ingenious 5 year plans achieved rapid industrialization which would give an economic independence much needed to safeguard the revolution. The mostly rural until the revolution Russian Empire, transformed to an industrial superpower. Thanks to the workers determination and Stalin’s great leadership skills, an economic miracle was performed. Stalin fast proceeded into building socialism. He abandoned Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) for the 5 year plans, which would build a socialist economy much faster. He collectivized the land , a move essential to achieve a socialist production and to ensure that there were no economic differences between the farmers. This move would essentially increase the agricultural output combined with the fact that he proceeded to the mechanization of agriculture. To achieve that, he purged those who had previously enslaved the peasants; the kulaks. The kulaks were a class of wealthy farmers that used the peasants’ underpaid work, for their own profit. They were hated amongst the peasants during the Czarist regime. After the revolution Lenin let them have their land as long as there was some redistribution. Lenin’s mercifulness proved devastating for the government after some years. The peasants situation improved only little after the revolution and until 1933. In 1928 Stalin tried to terminate that exploitation. Not only were the peasants devastated by famines during these years, but also the whole state was in danger because of the Kulak’s greediness. A lot of the production output was ending in the Kulak’s pockets and also they determined the market prices. All this was something absurd in a socialist economy. From 1928 to 1933, Stalin started collectivizing the land. The Kulak’s though were not willing to give to the workers and the peasants what was rightfully theirs and they wanted to keep the land. Many Kulak uprisings, where Kulaks and their paid armies of poor people devastated entire regions, came into place. The Kulak’s also undermined production and that resulted into shortages of food which created large scaled famines. This situation was intolerable for the workers government. Eventually the Kulak class was destroyed and they paid for all of their crimes. However, Stalin was merciful and the punishment was not severe. Although Stalin ended a series of famines with their peak being the Holodomor in 1932-33, opponents accuse him of being responsible for these famines. The Holodomor, which is the name given to the Ukrainian famine had a death count of approximately one million lives. It is true that the Holodomor occured during Stalin’s era but the cause of that were the reactionary Kulaks as it was proven above. Therefore Stalin was not the “creator of these famines” but he also ended them once and for all with his collectivization of the land, which ensured prosperity for the workers and the entire nation. The quality of life of the Soviets greatly increased between the years of 1928- 1953. The policies of the peoples’ government during the years when Stalin was general secretary were clear. They gave emphasis to education for all, healthcare for all and a variety of leisure activities for all. Especially after the implementation of the 7 hour work-day and the 35 hour work-week, the workers’ free time greatly increased compared to the Czarist regime. Workers could do more with their time, like educate themselves, engage into sports, music or anything else they desired. The average Soviet had opportunities that no other average citizen of any other country ever imagined. With the exception of the period during the second world war, where the USSR was devastated by the Fascist invasion, the workers enjoyed a life with great opportunities for everyone. Also the life expectancy of the Soviet citizens rose from 35 years old during the Czarist regime, to approximately 70 by the end of the Golden Era of Stalin’s rule. “Stalin’s” purges are the subject where Stalin’s critics emphasize their criticism. No one denies that Stalin did purge some political opponents. Trotskyists, Libertarians and Westerners , describe these purges as decided by one man. They describe Stalin as someone extremely authoritarian who got rid of the opposition against the will of the majority of the people. They were partly right. But those critics do not take into account the nature of “Stalin’s” purges. Firstly the soviet government purged Bukharin and his opposition. Bukharin belonged to the right wing of the Party. He favored so called “market-socialism” and he undermined the governments attempt of collectivization of the land. His methods were provocative, so eventually he got expelled from the government. Later, during the Moscow trials of 1938 he confessed that he worked for the Gestapo and was planning to help make Hitler’s future advance in the Soviet Union easier. That was the nature of one of Stalin’s “victims” and his opposition. Secondly, the other most famous victim of Stalin’s purges was Lev Bronstein, or better know by his revolutionary pseudonym, Leon Trotky. The latter was firstly a Menshevik. He belonged to a group that opposed the Bolshevik ideas and ideals. While he remained faithful to the Menshevics until 1917, when he saw that the Bolsheviks gained power between the masses which surpassed that of the Mensheviks he decided to change sides and join the Bolshevik abandoning his own comrades. That clearly shows an opportunistic attitude. Trotsky always wanted to be with the majority. The fact that the people of the USSR , after Lenin’s death sided with Stalin’s fraction, outraged power hungry Trostky , who was willing to do everything in order to gain power. He could go as far as undermining the revolution as was proved later in the Moscow trials. A revolution which he did not support. Being a Menshevik , Trotsky and his comrades openly disagreed with the revolution for their own reasons. That does not mean that they were counter revolutionaries in general, but they certainly were against that particular revolution. Later as it was pre-mentioned it was proved that Lev Bronstein was planning along with other counter-revolutionaries, to overthrow the peoples government in order to serve their own interests. In order to achieve that, they cooperated with the German Gestapo. If Stalin and the people of Russia had not discovered that, socialism would have been in danger. Opponents of Stalin argue that the soviets( the workers councils ) lost their power, and their place in decision making to bureaucrats who were loyal to Stalin. However, there is no evidence whatsoever that could prove that statement. The Soviets were functioning fine until 1956( until Krutchev’s counter revolution of Taskend). It was evident that during the second world war crisis, Stalin temporarily centralized the decision making in order to safeguard the revolution from Nazi spies. Democracy’s only flaw is that it is vulnerable to enemies of the State. Especially in a major crisis it would be insane to make decisions through the Soviets, because that would risk the socialist order. However Stalin did not only build socialism in the USSR. He managed to defend it. And he did that with great might. The Red Army under Stalin’s command was the first one to defeat the armies of the third Reich. After being able to defend the USSR with the peak of the defensive being the heroic battle of Stalingrad , Stalin led a major offensive, until he reached Berlin, liberating all of Europe from the German Fascists. How can a leader that improved the living conditions of his people, safeguarded the socialist order from invaders and spies and ensured that freedom, democracy and socialism would exist in the USSR, be ever considered a villain? Stalin is a hero in our hearts and minds. He should be a reference point for every revolution that will follow. Long live Stalin’s ideals, values and virtues. Long live Socialism, Democracy and Freedom!
  11. Well I am not aware of that issue since i live in Montreal,Quebec. But still the provincial parties are not the same as the Federal Parties. I do not know if what you are saying is true , but i trust you it is because you have no reason to lie. Well we are people and we make mistakes. That was not an official NDP policy and certainly I am not proud of it. But if the civil servants wanted that (because the unions were NDP controlled) then it must have been something requested by the workers themselves!
  12. POST DELETED by moderator This post was an entire reproduction of the following: NATO in Afghanistan: From Bad to Worse – The wrong role for Canada Jack Layton's speech at the University of Ottawa http://www.ndp.ca/page/6134
  13. This is the kind of democracy you are advocating? Exile for anyone who disagrees with you ? My God you are very democratic. Also Social Democracy does not mean increased taxation ! And it certainly does not mean a welfare state ! It just means control over our country's natural resources , support for local businesses and local initiative, no money on wars (like in Afganistan!), security and prosperity for all!
  14. Well the NDP actually receives 20% of the popular vote so it is not the NDP that has a problem it is the electoral system. The bloq receives 1 000 000 less votes than the NDP but still got more seats! Well I admit the video is kind of vague but no other party says no to the privatization! Remember that in 2004 the NDP withdrew its support to the Liberal government which had a minority government over that very issue! The interests of the private clinics push politicians to degrade maybe even on purpose the public system! And the NDP is different than the other parties over that issue. Also on the drugs now the NDP is the only party capable to pressure the drug companies to lower the drug prices.
  15. Capitalism does not work because it relies on the economic imperialism of the developed nations over the developing nations. For Example 90% of the electronic appliances of Canada are made in other poor countries by using the labor of overworking and underpaid workers, exploited by the corporations, or little kids that work like slaves in order for us to have shoes, clothes etc. Also capitalism does not work because the present financing system requires a perpetual growth of investments and actual exploitation of natural resources in order to survive. That is because all the money is controlled by the banks so in order to repay the loans(national,business,personal) we have to exploit more natural resources and then even more and even more and the function of this increase is an exponential function. Also Capitalism doesn't work because it really doesn't work for half of the world. No one can deny that there is a world economic system presently. For example if there is a recession in the US economy ,then there will be a recession almost all over the world! So if there is a world economy, then there is world capitalism! Then why are there so many poor countries(even though they have plenty of natural resources)? It is ecause of capitalism and economic imperialism. I can go on and on for ever. Basically capitalism needs to change!
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