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Everything posted by godzilla

  1. no. look, ballot harvesting is just a delivery method. there are voter rolls. and those rolls are managed by the state. you can't vote unless you are on the role. you can't just stuff boxes! when people vote they need to identify themselves and they are confirmed on the role. etc etc. in the end, if there is an audit, then these people get contacted and they confirm that they voted and who they voted for. this was done in Arizona. it was done in numerous states that Republicans leaned on. it was done in states with Republican majorities that had Republican officials running the voting process. not one of them was willing to stand in front of a judge and provide evidence of mass voter fraud!
  2. back to the OP... Trump has further been arguing that he is immune to indictments and persecution for life! if i were Biden i would let people know that i was watching this carefully! because there is no reason to even have elections anymore. Biden rules for life!
  3. very little knowledge about how voting works and is secured here. and Trump feeds on that ignorance. there are checks and balances that prevent and identify fraud. that fraud has been identified and it was no where near sufficient to make any difference in the last election. what has always been suggested... is a huge crime involving thousands of individuals at all levels of state government all winking at each other! god, Arizona audited the election how many times?! couldn't find a shred of organized conspiracy! more than 50 court appearances and not one shred of evidence provided to a judge. and yet on the internet and tv hundreds of people saw things and had evidence. yet they refused repeat that in front of a judge because lying in front of a judge is a felony.
  4. i actually know about this as i've worked for a provincial crown land leasing program. i'm afraid it doesn't work like this at all. governments rarely sell crown land. period. if they do, its at market rates and there has to be a benefit to the community. if governments sold at below market rate then they would be providing a benefit to select buyers. they don't do that for obvious reasons. market values are supported by both provincial and federal governments because of the public's desire to support keynesian economics. the people of this democracy could vote anytime to break out more crown lands and provide it at lower costs or free to its citizens. there is no cabal that is preventing this from happening. but citizens do not want this because most of the population has invested in property and a sudden influx of cheap property would gut existing property values. at the extreme, if government decided simply to divvy all crown land to all citizens the property would become instantly worthless in the capital market.
  5. woketards (whatever that means) and... the law. should be a walk in the park if he's innocent. but since he's trying hard to have his previous title render him immune then i suspect that its NOT going to be a walk in the park. as the old saying goes in legal defence... you attack the facts, if you can't attack the facts you attack the law, if you can't attack the facts or the law then you attack the people who are prosecuting you. lots of attacking prosecutors and very little attacking of the facts or the law going on so far!
  6. just identifying that your position is that a president should be held accountable after his presidency and that Trump is now in that position to justify his actions in criminal court. we're in agreement really.
  7. and its after the Trump presidency. but to your point... if Biden were to dissolve congress and the senate and put his cabinet in direct control of the country, then that doesn't threaten national security in any way. i don't think most people would agree that thats cool. in fact, he could just say that "he believes" there is an outside government controlling congress and that his intent is in the interest of national security!
  8. its really sad the complete lack of empathy for each other that the modern communications fabric has evolved. in any case, i'm betting that SCOTUS doesn't take this up. its a bridge too far. Biden would be allowed to assume autocratic control.
  9. please back that claim up that land values are at the governments discretion. its completely out of touch. one thing that people with such visions seem to suffer from is focus on very small things. like trans people who make up some tiny number of the population. when you talk about taxation and how that money is spent its like 95% is for these ideological suspect issues... have a look at actual federal and provincial budgets please. its the exact opposite. your provincial budget will probably show 40% goes to health care. i think BC traditionally spends less that half of a percent on welfare payments. micro managing is probably the way that our democracy is able to ensure everyone is happy. democracy is a socialist construct. we need to be continually working to empower democracy and improve its reach and power. but there will always be a small number of people who feel that they are being micro managed even though they get up every morning and do whatever they want in a safe environment with everything that they need and find time to go on the internet and complain about how horrible their lives are becoming.
  10. this is kind of hilarious... doesn't Trump's request for SCOTUS to declare him immune from prosecution kinda admit that he broke crimes? more importantly, if SCOTUS determines that the president is above prosecution for crimes then doesn't that allow Biden to take full autocratic control of the US? and provide mass pardons for those who assist him? Special counsel Jack Smith asks Supreme Court to rule quickly on whether Trump can be prosecuted
  11. here's the thing you leave out. people don't make money by themselves in the forest. they use public infrastructure... electricity, roads, sewage etc. they rely on the stability provided by law and national defence. they make money from natural resources that they do not own. they employ labour that they did not educate. this is all on the public dollar. so think of taxation as paying a dividend to the publics investment. our economy is by definition a mixed economy. of course, politics is all about the money and who pays for that infrastructure that all businesses need to operate. if working stiffs who are taxed at source feel stiffed then they should! my income has come from a corporation that i own for 25 years now and taxation is a joke. taxing individuals at source is a criminal enterprise. ps. only old guys are still afraid of communists
  12. Haberman: Trump pressing conservative media to write election was 'stolen' "Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August" just no end to the fun.
  13. ah, Trumps affairs and his attempts to keep them out of the media... National Enquirer owner pays $187,500 for aiding Trump campaign in hush money deal
  14. Second Capitol riot defendant strikes plea deal thats 2 guilty pleas now for these "tourists". one plead guilty to having a "dangerous weapon" during his "tour" of the capital building. and i object to an earlier thread being locked down by moderators on the same subject when numerous people had posted responses and a dialogue was going just because they didn't like the facts being discussed.
  15. GOP downplays Jan. 6 violence: Like a 'normal tourist visit' no words can describe how ridiculous this is! looks like a great "tourist" visit! hahahaha!
  16. well, appears demotion is not going to shut her up! Cheney on Trump: 'I will do everything I can' to keep him away from the White House
  17. from the mouths of the GOP leader of the senate and now the GOP leader of the house. McCarthy claims no one 'questioning the legitimacy' of the 2020 election
  18. i will note that i just heard Rudy say that "Trump will not throw me under the bus because i have insurance".
  19. i'm calling it! Rudy is going to feel the heat for his trans continental antics and he's going to be under a lot of pressure to give up the boss. They will try to delay, delay, delay... and Trump will be under so much pressure to run in 2024 just to pardon the people who can hang his crimes out to dry. or he'll only support someone who promises to for him. but of course, the shine will have worn off the Don, and he will be even less electable than he was in 2020. ‘It’s, like, so unfair’: Trump defends Giuliani after FBI raid Michael Cohen on raid of Giuliani apartment: 'Here we go folks!!!' seriously funny how the Trump admin kept talking about "locking up" Democrats and even with Barr at the helm, all he could promise is to try and protect some of the mass of Trump people going to jail.
  20. banging a beautiful communist spy while not providing any classified information is what James Bond types do. agreed the known facts with Gaetz are insufficient. only time will tell. but i'm calling it... not even Fox is rushing to help Gaetz. Trump is AWOL. Gaetz is hanging in the wind.
  21. "Unlike ActBlue, which is a nonprofit, WinRed is a for-profit company. It makes its money by taking 30 cents of every donation, plus 3.8 percent of the amount given." holly fuck. buyer beware i guess with the old Trump donations. i here he can't wait to get that super PAC in gear! luxury real estate is for losers!
  22. yeah, its not about what was in her court documents that immediately got thrown out. it was what she was saying at media announcement after media announcement and regurgitating on fox news and having fox news people say over and over again that she said. in those statements she never ever says that the claims are "wild accusations", "impossible" or any of the rest of it.thats what Dominion is going to lean on... i'm calling it that she's toast.
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