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Status Updates posted by capricorn

  1. The laying of the hand.


    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. capricorn


      I read that column. Good analysis by Coyne.

    3. BubberMiley


      Funny how Betsy decided Trump's many accusers were lying, but if it's a politician she hates, she suddenly believes women. Lol

  2. Either the bomb maker is incompetent or the bombs were never meant to detonate in the first place..

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      The pro-Democrat media??...no doubt.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      The same media that has already forgotten how Trump was praising violence against journalists at a rally last week. Their short attention span has no party affiliation.

    4. Argus


      They were all made at the same time. If the drooling idiot who made them didn't properly understand what he was doing and made some kind of major mistake, then he would have duplicated it in the rest.

  3. Former PM Harper visiting the White House July 2nd, hasn't informed the PMO. Oh my.


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. capricorn


      RE groping incident. Trudeau can remember being at the event but doesn't remember any negative encounter. :rolleyes:

    3. betsy



      Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says women who come forward with complaints of sexual assault and harassment must be supported and believed.




    4. scribblet


      I guess he doesn't think groping a female reporter is a negative...

  4. Premier Ford.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. scribblet


      The first government 'for the people'

    3. BubberMiley


      Action? What action? I don't mind seeing drug dealers make good. It gives me hope.

      But you just can't get over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, can you? You're almost BC2004-like in your sad obsessiveness. And there's reason for it to bug you. Because he is your leader. Lol.

    4. bush_cheney2004


      Somebody is obsessed with "BC2004".

  5. Canadian officials interviewing 800 refugees per day. Just enough time to say "Hi, you look like a good person. Here's some cash and a Canadian travel visa. See you across the pond." http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/12/09/federal-money-starts-to-flow-for-syrian-refugees.html

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. overthere


      "what's with the selfie/Trudeau obsession? " You'd have to ask Trudeau and his handlers that question.

  6. CNN's Wolf Blitzer using spy terminology, refers to "Trump-Russia dossier". :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Omni


      Do you also believe no planes flew into the wtc and than hurricane Irma is just fake news?:lol:

    3. DogOnPorch


      Why would I believe what you believe?

    4. Omni


      planes or no planes? Can you answer a simple question?

  7. Justin spotted jogging bare chested in Toronto following his meeting with Doug Ford. Here's the image for his fans. Isn't he just delicious.


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. scribblet


      Waiting for the cameras

    3. AngusThermopyle


      "Jealousy never looks good on people"

      Why are you jealous of him? As I noted, he's looking slack. If I was that bad at his age I wouldn't feel jealous, I'd be alarmed. Set the bar higher for yourself Bubber, you don't have to be a rapidly aging wreak.

    4. BubberMiley


      Spoken like a 300-pound Trump supporter.

  8. What the hell is Bono and his gang, a foreign group, doing performing at Canada Day party on the Hill. Don't we have enough Canadian artists we have to import them for our national holidays?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. betsy


      ISIS-lovers! You're welcome here!

    3. hot enough

      hot enough

      US terrorists, you too are welcome here. Just leave your genocide, war crimes, thievery, raping, murders, beheadings, dismembering alive, murdering children, ... at home where they belong. 

    4. betsy



      Just leave your genocide, war crimes, thievery, raping, murders, beheadings, dismembering alive, murdering children, ... at home where they belong. 

      At least,  you gave a caveat to your welcome mat. 

      Wish that Trudeau had done the same thing.

  9. Tony Clement should be turfed from caucus a.s.a.p. The Conservatives don't need the "drip..drip..drip.." on this matter coming from the other parties until the next election.

    And another thing, how does one get treatment for having "poor judgment"?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. scribblet


      I didn't say that and you know I didn't, you are quite the piece of work. 

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      If something doesn't cross the line, that means it's not inappropriate. 

  10. :lol:  Trump in a press conference with Theresa May won't take questions from CNN, calls it fake news.

    And he's not afraid of saying I think I'm doing a great job. He cracks me up. :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Uh...because there's an audiotape they made of him speaking that directly contradicts his denial. Look into it. If you have any integrity at all, you'll be embarrassed for criticizing them for telling the truth.

    3. betsy


      How did he contradict himself?   He didn't say anything bad about May!   And he admitted that he talked to May about Brexit - he gave SUGGESTIONS how she should go about it!


      Here's the transcript!




      • “I actually told Theresa May how to do [Brexit], but she didn't agree. She didn't listen to me.”
      • “I would say she actually went the opposite way. . . . But it's too bad what's going on.”
      • “I think the [European Union trade] deal she is striking is not the one people voted on, exactly. It's a much different deal than people voted on. It was not the deal that was in the referendum.”
      • “But it will definitely affect trade with the United States, unfortunately in a negative way.”




    4. BubberMiley


      How is that not being critical? He said she's doing it all wrong and should have followed his good advice and how it will lead to poorer trade relations. That's criticism.

  11. Listening to power and politics on CBC panel calls Trump an entertainer. I guess Trump and Trudeau do in fact have something in common.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. The_Squid


      It's pathetic and sad...

    3. Omni


      So certain Trump supporters are happy to ignore the sexual assault aspects of Trump's history. I find that rather sad. I assume the pending lawsuits will catch up to him after he gets impeached.  

    4. AngusThermopyle


      So certain Trudeau supporters are happy to ignore the dishonest egotistical aspects of Trudeau's behaviour. I find that rather sad. I assume the reality of his personality will catch up to him after Canadians realize what he really is. Oh,,,wait,,,nah they're too deluded. Have a little Trudeau transparency instead,


  12. Poll shows NDP in the lead in Ontario 2 weeks before election. Oh boy. Somebody give Horwath a calculator.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. BubberMiley


      And what did you find?

    3. betsy


      Horwath will be worse than Wynne (spend-wise).  With the way it is right now, Ontario is sinking.

      If Horwath wins.......we must've been cursed.

    4. BubberMiley


      If Ford wants to run as being fiscally prudent, he should cost his plan, and he should refrain from blaming the media if there are crackheads in his cabinet.

  13. Liberals take nuanced approach to sale of light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia. They don't like it, but won't cancel it. Same old.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. overthere


      I hate health care, public education and public roads. I am confident my hatreds will be realized considerably in the next few years. First the country will have to run out of credit, but I am patient.

    3. Smallc


      Canada is about 100 years of moderate deficits away from running out of credit. Wait if you must.

    4. cybercoma


      Were we all okay win selling asbestos too? Because jobs?

  14. Inside grope-gate with Warren Kinsella.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. betsy


      I bet the oppositions will still be on this when they get back!  Weren't all parties concerned about sexual assault/misconduct in Parliament that they were, or have already come up with rules?  

      The last MP to be booted out was from the NDP.     They've committed some great effort trying to achieve that - they wouldn't let this pass, I bet.

    3. scribblet


      True but really, Trudeau wasn't even in politics at the, IMO under normal circumstances it wouldn't be a major issue.  The big problem is the hypocrisy and double standards he applies.

    4. capricorn


      Spot on scribblet. I'm shocked that the CBC has now turned against him.


  15. Tomorrow, Thursday, is Hijab Solidarity day in Ottawa. The City will be hosting an event and all women are encouraged to wear a hijab. http://www.cawi-ivtf.org/ottawa-hijab-day

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The_Squid


      It hasn't been befor the SCC.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      If you wish to amend sec. 2 of the charter you'll end up at the SCC.

  16. I recently wore a buckskin jacket with fringes. Is that cultural appropriation of First Nations apparel? :huh:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. WestCoastRunner


      Like I say 'you are an awesome poster'. 

    3. OftenWrong


      Saw some native clothing for sale at one of their casinos.

    4. capricorn


      @OftenWrong Good to see that First Nations entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. Uh oh. Is it OK to say "spirit" when talking about First Nations? I mean, you know...First Nations spirit...

  17. In another status update, hoping to land an insult, The_Squid said about betsy and I "you two are quite a pair". To which I replied "of course, when you have two it is a pair". That made him look stupid so he deleted my comment. :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. betsy


      I thought it improved.  Maybe it's due to summer.  Summer's gone - so back to the same old board. 

      Meh.  I have lost my appetite, too.

    3. betsy


      I thought it improved.  Maybe it's due to summer.  Summer's gone - so back to the same old board. 

      Meh.  I have lost my appetite, too.

    4. scribblet


      It did for a while but some like to trash threads and get away with it.

  18. Can't help myself. Watching The Godfather..again... on AMC. "Whatsa matter with you"...he asks Fontaine.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. betsy


      You haven't seen it????   It's a must, Angus!

    3. capricorn


      Michael Corleone to his brother Fredo: "Don't ever take sides against the family again."

    4. AngusThermopyle


      Over the years I've meant t watch it, it just never seems to happen though. As I said, I'll have to watch it, being a movie buff and all.

  19. Foreign affairs Minister Freeland fears Russia could try to destabilize our democracy. IMO, we're not that important to matter. So, no it won't happen Ms. Freeland.


  20. Five years ago this month I quit a 30-year pack a day smoking habit cold turkey. Best thing I ever did. Better lungs and more shopping.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      right on....quit last year, still have cravings every now and then.....i feel so much better.....5 years WOW....


    3. capricorn


      Hey Army Guy, one year is fantastic congrats. Yes, the odd time cravings pop up but not enough to go back to the cancer sticks.

  21. Filled out census online, received a confirmation number for doing so. Today, received a reminder notice to fill out the census. What's up with that?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The_Squid


      Put 2 and 2 together... Snail mail.... Interwebs.... The 2 systems aren't integrated... Maybe one day!

    3. Peter F

      Peter F

      I got a reminder too and I had neglected to fill it out on time!

      So it worked.

    4. overthere


      I had some fun with the census.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Smoke


      Please show me where I have ever supported Trump. Besides, even if I did, your use of the word "ironic" is incorrect...thus making your comments quite....ironic.

  22. Yippie!!! Another stat holiday to be announced by the Feds to mark the residential schools :'legacy'.


    What else can we commemorate for a nice paid national holiday. How about National All Religions Day? You know, diversity is our strength.

  23. Looking forward to our PM (little potato) returning home to hear how his trip went. BTW, the media has not reported on his return. Where is he?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The_Squid


      Of course it's a tactic... it's political. Harper failed, both in his handling of the issue and in his ability to get anything done.

      Trudeau is using a different political strategy (tactic).

      It's not rocket science.... it's also not that important to most voters, other than ultra conservatives, which is why he is doing it differently than Harper did.

  24. Liberals backtracking on promise to raise family reunification level from 5,000 to 10,000 "immediately". http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/liberals-scrambling-on-family-immigrant-targets-after-promising-to-double-intake-immediately

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Argus


      Say, wasn't immigration supposed to be to help offset our aging population?

    3. Shady


      It's all a Liberal vote scheme.

    4. capricorn


      Shades of Chretien Red Book.

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