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Status Updates posted by DogOnPorch

  1. There is only the oppressed and the oppressor says the Left.

  2. There's Gilligan...and Skipper, too.

  3. They're at the door! The hinges are cracking! They're calling for me...trying to find me and kill me! So frightened!!!


    1. Show previous comments  44 more
    2. Infidel Dog
    3. OftenWrong


      Obviously Bubber's mom is not home this weekend.

    4. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      Bubber thinks if he keeps noticing squirrels the rest of us will forget what this thread was about.

      Gotta admire his determination, I guess, but rotsoruck with building your buffer Bubber...


  4. Those evil investors ruined our manipulative hedge-fund!

    1. DogOnPorch


      You have to be rich to play...$1,000,000 net worth with a $200,000 (US) salary...that's the shitty seats.

  5. Those with 'Canadian' in their Member name usually aren't. :D

  6. Tiger Woods injured in a car crash. Jaws of life used to pry him from the wreck. 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Not sure how you would say "it's back" then. But if it helps you people to sleep at night to think so...

    3. Boges


      It exists. It's hosted by a Russian platform now. 

    4. OftenWrong


      Sleep well, ye liberals...   

  7. Tom Brady is white. This is apparently a problem.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DogOnPorch
    3. OftenWrong


      Even their uniforms were white. I mean come on!  :o

    4. DogOnPorch


      Of course, the obvious takeaway is that the Chiefs should have had Dominion Voting Systems handle the score.

  8. Tom Hanks & wife test positive for The Pest.

  9. Too late...now Islam had to use a hammer in Paris. Proud of yourselves, I hope.

  10. Tougher sentences for parole violators, Stan...oh...and world peace!


    1. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      Miss Congeniality. Good one.

    2. DogOnPorch


      "Describe a perfect date..."

    3. OftenWrong


      I like to drink to world peace.


  11. Truck of Peace in Edmonton.

    1. drummindiver
    2. scribblet


      but but but...   Christians doncha know    wonder when they'll release his name..   

    3. scribblet


      This in the city that had to take down ads offering to help Muslim women who were victims of abuse etc.

  12. Trudeau comes down with a case of the Convenient Strain of the Corona virus.

    1. BubberMiley


      Looking for "convenient" conspiracies around every corner is a mental illness. How are the QAnon Anonymous meetings going?

  13. Trudeau decides to make-up for his many failures by giving Hamas and the PLO $10 million dollars. Oh...and go after Canadian gun owners...buncha terrorists.

    1. AngusThermopyle


      I don't currently own any firearms but this is just More Trudeau BS. Create a problem where none exists and then claim to be eliminating it. The whole Hamas situation is enough to make your blood boil. I don't pay taxes so this git can give them to murdering scum bags. If he wants to give them money he can dip into his trust fund or the Trudeau foundation instead.

    2. DogOnPorch


      I think Mr Trudeau has his priorities backwards to Canadian...and Western Civilization's...interests. I can't help but view this guy as an enabler of foreign terrorism. Be it Islamic or Sikh. 

      Gun owners and veterans can just go f--- themselves...or get arrested. That's next.

    3. AngusThermopyle


      When his supporters said Canada is back they really meant back to being terrorist friendly. Such a nice reputation to have.

  14. Trudeau dishes-out $600 million to buy Canadian media: they accept.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. scribblet


      Yup.. actually it's written by Salim Mansur a well respected journalist....

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Well respected by far right wingnuts, for sure

  15. Trudeau Is Deranged Syndrome 

  16. Trudeau is lying as fast as he can at the POEC.

    1. DogOnPorch
    2. sharkman


      Castro’s bastard…

    3. scribblet


      One of his biggest lies:  I didn't call anyone names ...    his nose will grow

  17. Trudeau: Dear Leader For Life

    1. Boges


      With the gaggle the CPC are putting out there...perhaps. 

    2. OftenWrong


      There is no weeping emoticon.

  18. Trump does the pace lap at Daytona with The Beast...his 22,000 lb armored limo. Air Force One does a fly by. Crowd goes wild.

  19. Trump isn't the only modern President to use an aircraft other than Air Force One to get around...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      Sure thing, Abdul...errr...Omni.

    3. Omni


      You're not paying attention.

    4. Smallc


      Seriously - Trump isn't the President.  We have no idea which aircraft he'll use.

  20. Trump nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      So you don't think he deserves one....


    3. DogOnPorch


      Here's the "Far Right Wingnut" member of the Storting....


      In other-words...not an ANTIFA member.

    4. Shady


      It’s nice to have a president that isn’t starting new foreign wars.

  21. Trump starting early with a morning rally...

    Joe...trying to decide if he takes one or two sugar in his coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Boges


      Ad Hominem attacks! 

      No evidence was provided there. Just a dude's opinion. Someone, by doing a cursory Google search is extraordinarily anti-China. 

      I wonder what he thinks of Trump's Chinese bank out. 

    3. DogOnPorch



      Ad Hominem attacks! 

      Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a woman...not a 'dude'.

      Need help telling the difference?

    4. Boges


      Well she never claimed the virus was man made. Just that she was silenced. Not a surprising accusation of China. 

      It was the dude that showed up to talk to Tucker after that made that claim. 

  22. Trust the media. They are your friends.

  23. Two hours until Insight hits the top of the Martian atmosphere. 

  24. US removes all its funding and support from UNRWA.

    1. bush_cheney2004


      ...let Hamas and the PLO pay for their own rockets and suicide bomber vests.

    2. betsy


      ....no more funding for Pakistan, too.

  25. US Truckers now gearing-up for convoy to DC. Lefty fascists desperate to prevent it.

    1. DogOnPorch


      YouTube removing streams as fast as they appear...support the truckers.


    2. Shady


      Get ready for more inflammatory rhetoric from the left.



    3. betsy


      US trucker convoy coming: Joe Biden will ignore protests at his peril

      The drivers protesting the vaccine mandates have already been portrayed by the liberal media as right-wing zealots and science deniers, which is only one notch above climate deniers. A Facebook group organizing the U.S. convoy that had amassed 130,000 members has been tossed off the social media platform amid allegations that the movement was being promoted by right-wing extremists, which the organizers deny.



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