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Status Updates posted by DogOnPorch

  1. Islam is about sticking it to the unbeliever. Mohammad...the guy on the beach getting sand kicked on him...

    1. ?Impact


      Are you saying the 72 virgins are unbelievers?

    2. DogOnPorch


      The Jews of Arabia (imagine that) rejected Mohammad as the next Moses: thus the whole Jews are cursed...filthy...etc found in Islamic prayers. Big Mo beheaded them all personally if tales are true...

  2. Islam Is Peace except for the violent parts.

    1. AngusThermopyle


      It's very peacefull violence though.

  3. Islam is to peace like Ivy Mike is to marshmallow roasts. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dougie93


      Castle Bravo is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

    3. DogOnPorch


      If you recall, it was a misunderstanding of the nature of lithium that resulted in a 15 megaton yield when 3-5 was expected. That takes...real effort. Not something we learned on paper... 

    4. Dougie93


      Indeed, IIRC they wrongly assumed that the Lithium-7 was inert, but this is what made it so great, and in the end it was a necessary step in perfecting the  lithium-deuteride capsule, bleeding edge is uncharted waters.

  4. Islam: a shining example of "No True Scotsman" in action.

  5. Islam's supporters in the West remind me of pit bull owners. "Jaws is usually so good with the children...I don't understand why he attacked your kid. Perhaps little Sally provoked him...."

    1. DogOnPorch


      Islam is so peaceful...why it barely kills at all!

    2. scribblet
    3. Dougie93
  6. Israel launches a ground offensive into Gaza to destroy Hamas positions.

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Somebody has to do it....

      Hamas Rocket Ranges | Israel Defense Forces

    2. DogOnPorch


      Some rockets are making it as far as Tel Aviv...so there's likely a few new ones that have yet to be identified.

    3. Argus


      No they actually haven't. They just pretended they had to lure Hamas into their tunnels so they could bomb them.

  7. It is important to defend Islam by lying...

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Lying to infidels is blessed by Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    2. DogOnPorch


      Roger that. Yes it is.

  8. It is important to lie in support of Islam because the truth is abhorrent. 

  9. It is important to lie to the Infidel in order to protect Islam.

    1. dialamah


      Announcing your surrender over here are you.  I accept. 

    2. DogOnPorch


      So can you point to the verses of the Quran that show it to be a peaceful religion re: the infidel? If not...I DO accept you're lying for Islam.

      You've already surrendered as a woman supporting Islam. But, some women like yourself enjoy having a man's firm hand guiding their every move.

  10. It isn't Xmas until Hans Grubber falls-off the Nakatomi Plaza Tower.

    1. Ash74


      The best Christmas movie of them all. 

      I will except lampoons christmas vacation as well


  11. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      I have this exact copy...old...never thought it would count.


    3. AngusThermopyle


      Nice! What did it cost when you bought it?


    4. DogOnPorch


      It was my parent's copy...35 cents.

  12. It's a Brave New World...and you imagine yourself an Alpha??


    1. OftenWrong


      From now on all dogs must be muzzled.  :ph34r:

  13. It's all true I tells yah because the New York Times said so.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      My mistake...deleting one of your double "Trump seems to believe it" posts deleted both. Sorry.

    3. scribblet


      Maybe it isn't from inside the administration  maybe it's Hillary   LOL  heck, we don't know who it is

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      You sound like Trump denying Russia hacked her emails.




  14. It's getting bigger and it's not going away.


    1. bush_cheney2004


      I love October surprises !

    2. OftenWrong


      Is this a porno video?

  15. It's like pulling teeth...defending Islam.

    1. DogOnPorch


      Well, ANTIFA has declared George Orwell their poster-boy.

      I think we've arrived, my dear Winston Smith.

  16. It's official: Islam is a skin colour. Which skin colour is debatable...just not 'white'. This even though Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all from the same flea infested desert.

    1. ?Impact


      I`m not `white` either, even after a long winter.

    2. Omni


      I'm dreaming of a white Xmas.

    3. DogOnPorch


      Allahu Akbar to you.

  17. It's time to apologize for Islam...again.

    1. DogOnPorch


      But the real question is:

      Should I be dating Muslim singles as per the ads on MLW...?


    2. Peter F

      Peter F

      Yes. Obviously. It's an ad. Do what it says.


  18. Jewish Trump supporters and their children attacked in NYC by Leftist mobs. Rocks thrown...eggs...fighting. But you, as a Biden supporter, remain silent...it's what you do in these situations.


  19. Jews attacked on the streets in the USA by mobs...one might think that's a bit of a canary in a coal mine. 

  20. Joe apparently had an accident while meeting the Pope.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shady


      Ah, the old resting my eyes excuse!  I’ve used that one before.  Usually during a boring lecture back in university.  Uh no sir, I’m not sleeping, I’m resting my eyes! ?

    3. BubberMiley


      QAnon blogs said nothing about how long, did they?

    4. DogOnPorch


      I can see how one wouldn't want folks taking notice of Joe's bathroom habits. In the back of people's minds they're either alarmed or bemused that this has a high probability of being true...you just know it's something Biden could conceivably do.

      Either way, it's trending around the world.

  21. Joe Biden blurts out the N word at a presser...nobody bothers noticing. Ah, it's just his dementia...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BubberMiley


      You're stupid enough to fall for that fake story or you're just pretending you are?


    3. DogOnPorch


      Oh dear...the pro-Joe media 'fact checked' it....oh what are we to do?

    4. BubberMiley


      Make up an alternate reality that suits our butthurt feelings?

  22. Joe Biden's Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, announces he'll be purging the military of "racists and extremists". He says he can not do his job until these "enemies" (his words) are removed from the ranks.


    1. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      They want an army that is loyal to the party first, y'know like Germany had.

    2. DogOnPorch
    3. OftenWrong


      Looking forward to the all-Drag-Queen division they are putting together.  The new “Tranny Force”.

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