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Moonlight Graham

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Status Replies posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. So Marketplace is going after Coffee Cups now? I guess the budget cuts have forced them to fein outrage over useless stuff like that eh.

  2. sour grapes make the best whine!

  3. At last, Canada's long national nightmare is over! #BlueJays #MLBsucks

  4. You, sir, are no Shady!

  5. You, sir, are no Shady!

  6. I was a Harper supporter for much of his time in office. That wasn't one of the decisions that I supported. The house, as public property, needs to be repaired.

  7. The only reason 24 Sussex didn't get fixed up while Harper was there was because he didn't want to move out for the 12-15 months it would take to do the repairs. I'm guessing he felt anything else is beneath him.

  8. The only reason 24 Sussex didn't get fixed up while Harper was there was because he didn't want to move out for the 12-15 months it would take to do the repairs. I'm guessing he felt anything else is beneath him.

  9. Trudeau not moving into 24 Sussex right away, it needs $10m in renos. They could buy 5 sprawling mansions in Ottawa for that price!

  10. Trudeau not moving into 24 Sussex right away, it needs $10m in renos. They could buy 5 sprawling mansions in Ottawa for that price!

  11. Trudeau not moving into 24 Sussex right away, it needs $10m in renos. They could buy 5 sprawling mansions in Ottawa for that price!

  12. Trudeau not moving into 24 Sussex right away, it needs $10m in renos. They could buy 5 sprawling mansions in Ottawa for that price!

  13. sunny ways my friends, sunny ways

  14. ustin Trudeau: Canada Elects Handsome Bernie Sanders

  15. ustin Trudeau: Canada Elects Handsome Bernie Sanders

  16. Retired from the Military after 34 and a bit years of service....not sure what is next...

  17. Harper and the CPC are the greatest things since sliced bread... it's that damn "liberal media" that's the problem. What a shockingly delusional outlook on Canadian politics and media.

  18. So it's Back to the Future Day. The lead up to this has been so much better than the actual day.

  19. Greedy Ontario teachers made secret deal with Liberals for raise. Money taken from fund for special needs children to help them graduate is going to increasing teachers salaries instead

  20. The first thing our birth right prime minister does is decide that he should determine who is in his cabinet based on sex as opposed to merit.

  21. Luckily for Trudeau the country hasn't changed much in 10 years, except of course for the complete and total destruction of our democracy, the environment, and the middle class.

  22. Apparently using the term Wonder Boy is upsetting to several members of this forum. Funny, after all of the insults they hurled at Mr. Harper.

  23. At least there's a Star Wars trailer to cheer me up today.

  24. Head of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) alleges hospital bombing was not a mistake.

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