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Moonlight Graham

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Status Replies posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. Trump is sounding very Hitlerish.

  2. JT always sounds like he's on the verge of crying his eyes out.

  3. “Hitler’s speech: a kind of Islamism is being created at the center of Europe . . . ” Paul Claudel in 1935, could see the similarities between Nazis and Islam

  4. Anonymous have declared war on ISIS. The prophecy is coming true. They are going to get f*#^%d by 72 virgins.

  5. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria...who's next?

  6. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria...who's next?

  7. Texas Governor announces his state won't take any refugees from Syria due to its status as a violent backwater populated by armed religious nuts (Texas, that is).

  8. Aboriginal men are killed at over twice the rate of aboriginal women, yet society only cares about murdered aboriginal women. Where are the inquires for murdered and missing aboriginal men? Sexist double standard.

  9. 95% of Canadian newspapers endorse Harper in last two elections. Can we get a little more whining about the Media Party? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/11/10/newspaper-endorsements-harper-study_n_8523676.html

  10. I am changed. I am embarrassed about the way I used to think. But it is never to late. True MG, I was an idiotic social justice warrior not too long ago.

  11. The students of our universities, with no concept of civilization due to their indoctrination into collectivism, are trying to form themselves into the largest meanest animal in the jungle of collectivism.

  12. The students of our universities, with no concept of civilization due to their indoctrination into collectivism, are trying to form themselves into the largest meanest animal in the jungle of collectivism.

  13. Isn't it incredible how so many high earning people all somehow ended up on this website...lmao.

  14. Ben Carson tried to stab close relative? I guess he's a shoo-in as the GOP nominee now.

  15. Ben Carson tried to stab close relative? I guess he's a shoo-in as the GOP nominee now.

  16. Gender parity in cabinet, except 5 of the women are paid less than all of the men and the cabinet committees are far from balanced.

  17. And in the National Post today, Heinz announces they are closing their plant in Southwestern Ontario and 6 others in the US to relocate to friendlier tac countries. The train already started to leave, as they said they would, if there was a change in Government. I believe Southwestern Ontario voted for change, well these workers are getting it, with thousands more to follow, lol. Looking good folks.

  18. Isn't it incredible how so many high earning people all somehow ended up on this website...lmao.

  19. Only Venezuela and Saudi Arabia have more oil than us. Clearly, we should be fearing an imminent US attack.

  20. Did Harper make a public statement or talk to reporters since he's lost? Any interviews?

  21. Only Venezuela and Saudi Arabia have more oil than us. Clearly, we should be fearing an imminent US attack.

  22. Canada under Conservatives was the freest and most tolerant nation in the world, study finds

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