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Everything posted by Peanutbutter

  1. Hrm, good to know thank you. I wonder what the hell they are taking the fees for then if they're only going to charge more for it later. Seems rather sneaky to me. Actually kind of pisses me off. I'm sure it upset you as well.
  2. Is that true? I had no idea, I only did a cursory search and plugged in some numbers into the online quote thingy. Hrm, if that's true then that's terrible. So if one gets private benefits and goes for a routine dental checkup their premiums will go up is what you're saying? Or would they have to claim something expensive in order to see a rise?
  3. Greg please fix the problem so American Woman can be happy. Ok? I don't want her to be a anymore.
  4. So all the people who don't agree with changing the ysystem don't understand our current system or the proposed system? I doubt that every person who understands the new proposed system would be in favor of it. Maybe they do understand it and are flat out rejecting it.
  5. Why can't people look after their own benefits? It isn't that expensive. Around $100 a month from Blue Cross or Sun Life. Maybe some better deals out there if one is inclined to open their eyes and look. So instead of sitting around whining about it, why not take matters into your own hands and deal with it?
  6. It's called martial arts lessons. Teaches children confidence, self control and how to defend themselves. Plus it's cheap. We don't need thought police and worrying about if little Johnny's or Jane's feelings got stepped on. Bunch of whining babies. What shall they do in the real world when they grow up? Run and cry to their boss every time someone looks at them in a way they don't like? Lol. No wonder they get picked on if these are the values that are instilled at home. Seriously, our kids need to toughen up not become weaker and wimpier.
  7. Religious schools are not secular and never will be. Why is the left obsessed with trying to legislate peoples feelings? This is like thought police.
  8. Why can't fn people get jobs instead of relying on handouts ?
  9. WIP. In your example the union worker is greedy. They are already have good wages yet they want more. Same thing happening here. Too many greedy unions who just want more and more forever. For no good reason other than to be greedy. They need to.learn that being employed at a decent wage is better then unemployment.
  10. It's sad that Canadian kids are getting wimpier and wimpier with every generation it seems. Awwwww, the precious delicate flower cannot take being called a name? Well, that's ok now you can rat out your classmates and be treated like someone special. Teaching kids to rat out their classmates will only serve to make them further outcasts and will not make anything better. Plus even if you get another kid kicked out school, the so called victim will still have to live in the same area as the so called bully and the bully will probably kick the "victims' Ass over it so only further harm will come to the "victim". The victim should either keep their mouths shut and deal with the problem on their own or make a new friend who can and will stand up to the person bothering this special delicate flower. Furthermore religious schools should be free to rule themselves as they see fit and should be exempt from this and all other public school bills. The Catholic school system is protected by the Charter of Rights.
  11. Money will always win out over youthful naive idealism.
  12. How often does this happen? The oil is being pumped out and will be sold nothing u can do to stop it.
  13. U cannot stop them from putting in sidewalks or widening roads onto ur property. Nothing.
  14. Its going to get built so they need to keep quiet or we need to arrest them or something. Its for the good of Canada.
  15. Ur trying to argue against me for some reason. They can tear up ur front lawn. Park heavy machinery on it and nothing u can do. So much for property rights eh?
  16. U can do nothing to stop them from putting in sidewalks or.widening roads. Nothing at all.
  17. We need to wait and see if its going to be a problem before we over react.
  18. This is just more white liberal guilt talking. Nothing to see here.
  19. The FN's want top be instant millionaires. The Canadian government should just pay each FN person a million dollars or two now and at birth forever and be done with it. I'm sick of hearing about them whining. I'm sick of the victim hood. Just pay them each a couple million bucks and let them do as they see fit with it. If they lose it, they lose it no more money is coming. WIP- I don't care if we're extinct in a few centuries or not, I'll be dead so it won't matter much to me. I honestly really don't care about that at all.
  20. it's a truthful statement. They FN were living as savages, as the Europeans saw it, and they wanted to rid them of that. I don't see what's disgusting about a true statement. I am quite educated, thank you.
  21. The purpose of residential schools was to educate the savages(so to speak). Until we came along they were still living as their ancestors did thousands of years ago. The white man was trying to bring them into the current century. In some cases it didn't work out to well but that's life, it doesn't always work out the way you planned.
  22. Sometimes it's important to take a break from politics and realize that life is short. Do we really want to spend it at each others throats all the time? Remember that another human being with feelings is at the other end of that computer.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sharkman


      When I was 7, a big brother tried to force his little brother to fight me. I made 2 fists and took a step toward him. He took a step backwards and so on. I learned an important lesson that day. Big brothers can be idiots.

    3. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      If it happens to adults, we call it abuse and assault. If it happens to kids we call it bullying snd "kids will be kids", "good ol' playground justice" etc.

    4. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      PB i'm going to come steal your lunch, call you fat in front of your peers, and punch you in the ribs...we'll see how you like it.

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