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bush_cheney2004 last won the day on September 30 2022

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    USA! USA! USA!

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  1. David DePape...another Canadian born terrorist in the U.S. ?   Can't make this stuff up!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      No, he is asking you, how loud do you scream? and can you please gather up 10 of your liberal friends in one place when they come to pick you up. He gets a huge discount at the duty-free shop.  

    3. TreeBeard


      Any American or Canadian can enter each other’s country and commit crimes pretty much at will.  It’s a long, undefended border that is mostly open simply to walk across or go in as a tourist.  

      If that’s an issue for Americans, build a wall.  Canada would probably pay for most of it.  

    4. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Canada does not invest in any security apparatus seriously, and if it takes away from social programs well that is not happening, build a wall is so funny we can't even build a pipeline... FFS 

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