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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. So happy to see Canada resoundingly reject populism and the far right, with the PPC failing to get even one seat.  Maybe their supporters will return to hiding in the woodwork, where they belong.


  2. So happy to see Canada resoundingly reject populism and the far right, with the PPC failing to get even one seat.  Maybe their supporters will return to hiding in the woodwork, where they belong.


  3. I'm terribly disappointed.

  4. I'm terribly disappointed.

  5. I'm terribly disappointed.

  6. It wasn't long ago that I asked, how come they're not banning private jet travels?

    Hahahaha....and it comes out, Trudeau's travelling with 2 planes in this campaign!

    Change of  behaviour is only for the little people, folks!

  7. Let's see our PM now try to seriously lecture the Chinese, or the Saudis on human rights. He cannot govern. He is a laughing stock.

  8. If you're a 17 year old girl willingly hanging around with rich guys and having sex for money you're not a victim of abuse, you're a prostitute.

  9. The apology means squat!

    Third video comes out!    How many more?   There are hints that there may be more.....


    Why didn't you bring this up last night?

    Which part of transparency is so hard to get, Justin?

    Anyway, why this obsession on blacks?

  10. Third instance of Trudeau in blackface, looks like it was a hobby.

  11. Conservatives lie that JT is under investigation by RCMP; forced to walk it back.

  12. Muslim immigrant operates a Mexican restaurant with menu items like "The Wall", "Bad Hombre", "Lock'er up" etc.  Link.

  13. Muslim immigrant operates a Mexican restaurant with menu items like "The Wall", "Bad Hombre", "Lock'er up" etc.  Link.

  14. https://torontosun.com/news/crime/woman-killed-in-horrific-scarborough-machete-attack

    What is up with all the machete attacks in Toronto?  Seriously....machetes?  When did this become a thing in Canada?

  15. Still no sign of a hurricane in Alabama. I thought NOAA said they would be feeling significant effects? That's what I read here, anyway.

  16. Liberal MPs now making fun of Andrew Scheer’s less than modest upbringing.  Stay classy!

  17. The "tolerance" of the right displayed by calling people they disagree with "fascists", "communists", with online harassment and death threats, and by offline harassment and threats.


  18. The "tolerance" of the right displayed by calling people they disagree with "fascists", "communists", with online harassment and death threats, and by offline harassment and threats.


  19. The "tolerance" of the right displayed by calling people they disagree with "fascists", "communists", with online harassment and death threats, and by offline harassment and threats.


  20. CNN’s shreds Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC for airing thinly-sourced Trump story: ‘How did it get on the air?’

  21. Hurricane Kim Campbell slams into Bahamas...hope she's happy !

  22. "I stress 'if true,' because this is a single source," O'Donnell said on the program. The claim has not been proven wrong, and O'Donnell has only said he should have had more sources before reporting on it.

    So anyone saying they lied is a liar.

  23. Joe Biden is so senile, old and stupid he forgot Barack Obama's name.


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