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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. If you're homeless, Democrats want doctors to be able to write prescriptions for a home, the way they do for medication.  /facepalm

  2. Take it from the beaver's mouth:

    "Scheer disqualified himself from getting invited to the meeting because of his speech in the House!"



      Because you guys don't agree with him - is that reason to exclude the main opposition from these critical meeting? 

    Who are you guys?  Castro and Associates?

  3. Hope Hicks returning to Team Trump; time to kick some election butt.

  4. Hope Hicks returning to Team Trump; time to kick some election butt.

  5. International Energy Agency: "The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis...US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country"  The Green President!

  6. Trudeau moves forward with plan to licence ALL media that distributes content in Canada. They'll decide what's fit to print.

    Ministry of Truth stuff.... 

  7. Will Sanders get cheated again?

  8. Democrats can't even run a caucus right, and they wanna run the country.

  9. That giant farting sound is the impeachment balloon deflating today.

  10. That giant farting sound is the impeachment balloon deflating today.

  11. Brexit...done.


  12. Democrats succeed today in insulting the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  Heckuva job Dems!  Heckuva job Elizabeth Warren!  Schiff follows up with damage control.


  13. Democrats have made a mockery of the impeachment process.

    "If we were following the Clinton precedent, there would have been all of this discovery done at the House level, and that's not what's happening at all." - Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono

  14. Democrats have made a mockery of the impeachment process.

    "If we were following the Clinton precedent, there would have been all of this discovery done at the House level, and that's not what's happening at all." - Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono

  15. CNN moron panelist remarked  on Trump's defense team:  "they're ignoring what's in the papers!"

    DUH? :lol:  No kidding.  


  16. CNN moron panelist remarked  on Trump's defense team:  "they're ignoring what's in the papers!"

    DUH? :lol:  No kidding.  


  17. CNN moron panelist remarked  on Trump's defense team:  "they're ignoring what's in the papers!"

    DUH? :lol:  No kidding.  


  18. Hahaha a CNN legal analyst had admitted, Trump is winning!

    Is it just my imagination, or do I really see longer faces on CNN? :lol:

  19. Democrats rejected results of 2016 and  already laying the groundwork to to reject a Trump win in 2020.

  20. So now we have to rid the earth of half it's population, is the author volunteering to go first?


  21. Iran admits shooting down Ukrainian airliner....DUH !

  22. Lefties run with Iranian State TV propaganda during missile strike, claiming 20 dead U.S. soldiers.  MSNBC broadcasts claims, lefties spread it online.

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