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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. Was that Iran’s retaliation?

  2. Trump strikes at Iran - Dems are shitting in their pants! 

    "Oh no!   They might retaliate!" :lol:

  3. Trump strikes at Iran - Dems are shitting in their pants! 

    "Oh no!   They might retaliate!" :lol:

  4. You got to hand it to Texans. Sometimes having a gun in church comes in handy.

  5. Article 2 of the Democrats impeachment has been made moot by the Supreme Court.  The validity of subpoenas, and claims of executive privilege are determined by the judicial branch of government, not the legislative branch.  Hence, no obstruction of congress until ruled so by a court.  Nice try Dems! :lol:

  6. Trump will 'no longer' be reading Christianity Today! That'll show em!

  7. Trump will 'no longer' be reading Christianity Today! That'll show em!

  8. Trump will 'no longer' be reading Christianity Today! That'll show em!

  9. Merry Christmas, I hope you and yours have a great holiday period, yes even liberals lets not forget the NDP....what the heck it's x-mas....I'm still working on the greens, nobody is perfect OK...

  10. Lol.  Isn't Boris Johnson a friend of Trump?  Wasn't Trump quite vocal about his support for Boris?




    Johnson won a commanding majority! 

    What do you see in the tea leaves?



  11. Lol.  Isn't Boris Johnson a friend of Trump?  Wasn't Trump quite vocal about his support for Boris?




    Johnson won a commanding majority! 

    What do you see in the tea leaves?



  12. Lol.  Isn't Boris Johnson a friend of Trump?  Wasn't Trump quite vocal about his support for Boris?




    Johnson won a commanding majority! 

    What do you see in the tea leaves?



  13. Lol.  Isn't Boris Johnson a friend of Trump?  Wasn't Trump quite vocal about his support for Boris?




    Johnson won a commanding majority! 

    What do you see in the tea leaves?



  14. Melania sleeps on a different floor from Trump. A different bed wasn't good enough. A different ROOM wasn't good enough!

  15. Melania sleeps on a different floor from Trump. A different bed wasn't good enough. A different ROOM wasn't good enough!

  16. Melania sleeps on a different floor from Trump. A different bed wasn't good enough. A different ROOM wasn't good enough!

  17. Melania sleeps on a different floor from Trump. A different bed wasn't good enough. A different ROOM wasn't good enough!

  18. Black Friday must be a very confusing time for Justin Trudeau

  19. Bloody 'ell.  Another Liberal party in the making.....posing as conservative!

    They're killing off Conservatism!    I say, stick to true Conservative values even if we lose! 


    Liberalism is not sustainable.  Sooner or later, the folly of Liberalism will swing the majority to Conservatives!

  20. Off-topic debate > locking threads for thread drift.

  21. The truth is in the eyes. Schiff's eyeballs prove he is a liar.

  22. Elizabeth Warren promises amnesty for all illegal immigrants as well as a new $20 trillion dollar health care plan.  Yes, $20 trillion dollars.

  23. Quebec values test:  Trudeau Liberals went nutso when Kellie Leitch proposed this for the feds during the Conservative leadership race.  Can't wait for Trudeau  et al to call Islamophobic.

  24. So happy to see Canada resoundingly reject populism and the far right, with the PPC failing to get even one seat.  Maybe their supporters will return to hiding in the woodwork, where they belong.


  25. So happy to see Canada resoundingly reject populism and the far right, with the PPC failing to get even one seat.  Maybe their supporters will return to hiding in the woodwork, where they belong.


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