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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. The pro-Trudeau fake journalists are all saying "there is not much more added that we don't know anything about," and "remember, she has the advantage because she knows she's recording it, but he doesn't." DUH.

    You fake journalist airheads - you don't know the real significance of this recording? 


    Remember what she said before the Justice Committee?  Remember the various spin of Trudeau, and Butts, and Weckner?  Remember all the attempt to smear her, to cast doubt to her integrity, and to her allegations?


    It....... PROVES....... SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH.......

    ................and TRUDEAU, etc, are all..... LIARS!



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Owly


      She does seem to like those big colorful fonts, as do her followers. And that's about as far as it goes.

    3. OftenWrong


      Those dazzling fonts are intended to put the whammy on yous guys, so you won't be able to defend your flailing leader with any actual talking points. Works quite well I see.


    4. Owly


      FAILS miserably I see, but I know you enjoy 'em.

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