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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Finally.....she fesses up.



    "Angela Merkel admits that 'no-go zones' exist in Germany

    Conservatives and populists have long warned of the existence of such zones as the partial consequence of mass Muslim migration from the Middle East and Africa, particularly after Merkel opened Germany’s borders in 2015 as a response to the Syrian refugee crisis. Such areas are said to be dogged by high-levels of crime and are described as "no-go zones" because outsiders, including police and other authorities, are unable to enter.


    “Today, it seems this taboo has been broken. Guess who is talking about ‘no-go zones’?” a blog post on the Hungarian government’s official website said. "

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ?Impact


      I don't know what she means, only what she said. She did not say what those areas were, how many, how large, how they were created, who to blame, etc. Her focus seems to be from the federal level there needs to be some direction and standardization. In Germany, law enforcement is a state level responsibility. They do have a national police force, but the Bundespolizei have limited domain somewhat like the RCMP in Canada. They may patrol airports like Canada, and in Germany the railways are federal so they are policed by the federal force, but roads and the rest of the public space is the responsibility of the state level forces.

    3. betsy


      The fact that even Germany's government officials  have been "left speechless" by her admission - means, that's what it means  - a referral to what others have been saying regarding Muslims, to be specific.



      What else is a "no-go zone" when we talk about places like Germany?  


    4. scribblet


      And the truth is there isn't it, I know people in the U.K. who say the same thing but it's not admitted, they just call them 'problematic areas'.  

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