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Everything posted by PolyNewbie

  1. 9/11 can be shown to be an inside job without showing what actually caused the buildings to fall. Any explanation about this must be speculation since the evidence was destroyed.
  2. I haven't seen Harper do the lucifarian hand signal and he isn't directly (blood) connected to the same people that funded Hitler.
  3. The content in your responses to my posts indicate your level of intelligence.
  4. Global warming is an excuse for global tax an a reason they can have to arrest you.
  5. Instead of shooting your mouth off why don't you actually say what you dissagree with? I have a copy of Rockefellers authorized autobiography right here. You should buy a book and read it. No wonder your criticisms are always empty and stupid. You have no idea what you are talking about.
  6. That was a good show but not as good as "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon". No more stuff like that with Rupert Murdock.
  7. Is Harper conspiring to win the next election ?
  8. So you believe the Usama confession. Now wasn't that easy ?
  9. Germany already had Western banks in place. I don't know about Japan, but the same banks were funding both sides of the European conflict. The wars since then have been alrgely fought to put the banks in place in other countries . Rockefeller admits to working against the interest of the USA and working to establish a global government in his own authorized autobiography. He is widely quoted from a CFR meeting as stating this global government will be run by international bankers. This is all out in the open. You just have to look through books you can buy at Amazon.
  10. Strange how they waited until the opium trade was practically elliminated by the Taliban before they started putting troops and tanks on the border and carrier in nearby waters. I guess its just another 9/11 coincidence that the heroine trade had been recently cut by 90 % and they already had the war machine there when 9/11 happened. What other terrorist attacks is Afghanistan guilty of ?
  11. Lets look at the obvious: The effort in Iraq is largely privatized, Haliburton and others get billions for work it hasn't done yet and probably will not do. Haliburton private thugs that get paid 3 or 4 times what soldiers get paid can freely drive around Iraq and shoot people at will with no consequences. Haliburton and Bechtel are involved with the international kiddie brothel / sex trade and so is the UN. There is too much info about this for anyone to miss unless they try to ignore it. You would have to try to ignore this if you have investments in these companies because if you don't ignore it then you become an active participant in the gobal sex trade by supporting them with your investment dollars. The troops in Iraq pay up to $28.00 for a hot meal because the food delivery is privatized and they have to pay Haliburton drivers alot of money to truck the food into dangerous areas instead of having the army do it. The guys over there sometimes have to sleep in cold tanks and live in them for days then on inspections they have to have clean pressed uniforms - the only way of doing that is to pay Haliburton to do it. Pay Haliburton or face your commanding officer in a dirty uniform. When they get back a lot of them are coughing up blood and have all kinds of strange illnesses. You won't hear about that on TV because there is a Pentagon moratorium on reporting DU related effects in the war. The government has blatently stolen well over one trillion dollars since sept 11 / 2001 and will not even answer questions about it. When they write the new North American Union constitution everyone will be afraid of the police because people will have no rights and the police will be working for wages low enough to pay immigrants. They will work for companies like Haliburton and Bechtel on the side if not directly and it will likely be illegal for them to report their activities to the public that won't have any power anyways. So they will get bonuses for picking the cute kiddies up off the street and sending them away to these brothels so they can buy a new car or new TV set. Nothing can be done because every body will be watched, good cops won't be able to report bad ones and no one will even have guns to stop any of this. Of course we know that will happen here because it happens everywhere else. Its only a matter of time. Nice that they have a record quarter in earnings. This is the privatization of war that Bush is guilty of and both Bush and Harper want private prisons as well. I hope the guys on here supporting all this don't have cute kiddies that may be worth more in a brothel than in school because if everything goes to privatization that is where they will end up. The Bush presidency is not the same as the others. It is the murder of innocent children and families in incredibly high numbers for the sake of nothing more than greed. It is a private takeover of the country by people that openly are proud of their nihilistic devil worshiping behaviour and beliefs. We have all seen pictures of the hand signal. I'm still waiting for that lesson in economics from Rue. Funny how no one can criticise LaRouche for anything.
  12. This vote didn't have the idiot choice - examples "I choose to go along to get along" "biggest danger is the bears", etc. You need to give idiots a choice in these polls so they can vote and not screw things up. I suspect the idiots choose to have Harper win no matter what. It
  13. If you can't answer the question you must think someone else did 911 besides Usama or Kahlid or the secret government / corporations.
  14. Good for you guys, the two questions are not even logical equivalents. Someone "did" 9/11. so, which confession do you believe ?
  15. I suspect LaRouche is the victim of one of the most carefully designed and implemented character assasinations in modern history. The fact that there is a Bush standing behind the movement says a lot. His views on the economy are to rebuild the infrastructure using government created money, re introduce duties on products entering the country, rebuild industry and nuclear power. He wants to help other countries do the same and for US to stop fighting all these wars for the federal reserve / IMF / World banks. He wants to fix education so that it is no longer a dumbed down STW program (Student To Work). He wants people to learn how to think again. The globalists want to do exactly the opposite of this. Larouche is a nationalist just like Saddam Hussein. Both were demonized by the forces that want to create world government with a small central oligarichal control and put most of humanity into their complete control as explained: "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values." -Zbigniew Brzezinski We can see this world comming into view now where sex tourism is being lobbied for in the White House. Torture and the murder of innocents has become the norm. People think that because they are "educated" they are immune to globalist propoganda and the ones reading what I write think I am crazy, but in reality tyhe operations of the banks, the UN, international drug trading, torture and the UN child sex trade are really out in the open. Due to a "Group Regulated Mind" people ignore the obvious. The Group Regulated Mind works across all socio - economic boundaries. In Europe this is known and is coined "Austrian talk" a phrase that originated around the time of ww2 for obvious reasons.
  16. Bush and Co and not merely liars, they are wreckers. They intend to ruin the country, thats why they are robbing the taxpayers (over 3.5 trillion now), starting illegal wars, sending the troops into a meat grinder, salting the earth with DU, opening the borders, cutting taxes, spending out of control and starting a police state. The idea is to ruin the USA so that it becomes a third world country and it cannot stop world government even if there is a revolution.
  17. Gun Control Lawyer to start carrying gun more often after threats Ha Ha Ha. Gotta love these anti gun neoliberal types.
  18. Larouches message on the economy is to think in terms of production and useful work rather than paper money and speculation money. Tell me where he is wrong. Tell me why you think globalization is good and who you think its good for.
  19. I read Khrems work on economics now. I don't think you will be able to tell me where he is wrong. I don't think you know much about the subject matter at all. If you think a ballooning national debt, declining public services and accessive borrowing on behalf of the government while managing inflation is something that is good and can continue you will have to explain why. Really, educate me. BTW: which confession wrt 9/11 do you believe ? Why do you think Islamic fascists attacked the USA on 9/11 - was it to get the USA to bomb their country ? Or was it to get Iraq to put its banks under the IMF ? Was it because bin Laden family is heavily invested in Haliburton and wanted to see their stocks go through the roof ? Was it to get USA to restore the opiium trade in Afghanistan ? Do you by any chance think that GW Bush is a fool and thats why they are in this mess, or do you think Iraq is going as to plan as in Brzezinski's book ?
  20. This global warming is all crap and its there to divide dissent against the real issues which are The North American Union and the "war on evil terrorism"
  21. see other post on confession - ed pls delete this.
  22. I believe Silversteins because bin Ladens confession has been shown to be fake and Kalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession included confessions to crimes that occured when he was in jail. Silevrsteins admission that wtc7 was "pulled" cannot in reality be misunderstood and it was not forced. See Silversteins quote here on YouTube. Usama confession faked
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